To love or not to love.....


[A/N]: Hiieee^^ I got the votes in already! Thanks for you're help! Without all u aweshum ppl,I wouldn't be able to think of a way to end this fic. However,whatever the ending may be,I hope I get you're support until the very end of this fic. Some may not prefer that chosen 'couple' but I cannot please everyone as there will only be one winner and ending at the very last. So,I hope everyone enjoys reading my fic even if the ending is not what they wanted to be:)


Kyuhyun's POV


I blink twice as I rubbed my eyes. Its dark,telling me its night time already. I looked around slowly as my vison gradually became clearer. I woke up to the sound of people fighting. I soon realised I was in the hospital. White bedsheets spread across and the mechanical hospital instruments stood beside my bed. Everything came back to me slowly.. The truth,Siwon,I didn't have that much hate on Siwon even after I found out the truth about him.  Is it because of..l-love? Love that makes you blind. Love that doesn't mean to hurt you. Is this love?


Aish..I wish I knew. I began to wonder what the hell was going outside with all the noise. And,where everyone was. I sat on the edge of the hospital bed and got up. Carefully yet quietly,I slid open the door. To my horror,the door creaked as I opened it cautiously. However,both parties did not seem to notice or care. There,infront of me,stood Sungmin-sshi and Siwon-sshi. Both,definitely did not seem happy. I craned out my neck to listen carefully to what they were arguing about.

"W-what? Me? I was the cause of this? B-but how??" Siwon asked,looking down and rubbing his temple.

"How oblivious! He found out. Kyuhyun found out who your parents were and he fainted after finding out the truth," the other man replied coldly,disgusted by the man in front of him.


They were...fighting about m-me? I gasped. Things turned out ugly and I couldn't stop it. I wish I could but I cannot let them know that I've been eavesdropping their conversation. The two boys gradually left each other after fighting. I sighed. Aish.. I don't know who to believe,what to believe and what to do about this. It was still pretty hard for me to accept the truth. Being unable to love someone you love,how could anyone cope with that?? This actually means,Siwon-sshi is suppose to be my stepbrother??!!


I gasped once again. But..I love Siwon-sshi. And to find out that hes supposed to be my stepbrother? Oh my god...Is this love for Siwon-sshi suppose to be a brotherly love or...more than that? No..I can't do that. I shook my head vigorously,denying the love I had for Siwon. I slapped my face a couple times too.


I walked away slowly as I closed the door quietly. I crept back to my bed and pretended to be asleep. I didn't want Sungmin to know I heard his conversation with Siwon-sshi. He would be back anytime now soon. I lay on the bed and closed my eyes,pretending to sleep. As I relaxed on the bed,I thought of all the things that had happened. It was one heck of a life I've got.


Suddenly,a thought struck me. Decisions..Choices..I had to make them sooner or later. After Sungmin had kissed me before,I knew he had feelings for me. But,I didn't want that to happen. I don't want to break his heart. I don't want to hurt him. He was always there when I needed him most. I don't want to disappoint him.But,I just can't choose. Between him and Siwon-sshi. I had always loved Sungmin.


But I still don't know if that love for him is not a brotherly love. I don't know if I love him more than friends,more than best friends,more than anything...I don't want to upset both of them. But I know,sooner or later,one of them will be heartbroken. Because I have to choose. Between them.


All those memories I had with Sungmin-sshi,or may I call,Minnie? I smiled to myself. Us playing when we were kids. Us,shopping,in the park when we kissed. Us,fighting,crying. Those memories came back to me. And then,Siwon-sshi came into my life. I smiled once again. Us in the cafe. Us,in the park hugging,crying with one another. Us,confiding in each others problems.


How the hell was I suppose to choose between them? I sighed... Remembering all these thoughts,they made smile,laugh. And soon enough,I fell asleep. But this time,for real.



Siwon's POV


The day I had been waiting for finally arrived! And yes,the day I would apologise to Kyuhyun-sshi about all that had happened. It was a whirlwind for me. All these problems just appeared like that. I wish I could fix everything up and be with Kyuhyun.


Kyuhyun and I...



The thought of that made me start grinning to myself like an idiot. I laughed. How foolishly of me to think everything could be fixed by me apoloising to Kyuhyun? He would never forgive me. Even after the world ends...I hope not.


I had prepared a basket of fruits to give to Kyuhyun when I visit him late. I prayed fervently that Kyuhyun would for give me. If not,it would feel like the whole world would crush onto me. I would feel like I had been stabbed a thousand times right into my heary. I might just fall to the floor,crying.


My hands were wet from perspiring and they started shivering as I held onto the door knob and pushed on it slowly while my other hand knocked the door gently. I stuck my neck out to see who was in that hospital room before I came. To my surprise,Sungmin wasn't there. My eyes fell to a boy. The most handsome one I had ever seen before in my life-- Kyuhyun. His helpless body lay across the hospital bed,his back on the door.


I beamed as I approached him quietly from behind and suddenly scared him. He got surprised and I laughed at his reaction. Oh,how I love this man so much. And I decided to confess my feelings for him today. As well as apologise to him of what happened. Immediately after Kyuhyun saw my face,he got up and sat on his bed,smiling. I thought he was angry with me last night. Nevermind,the past is the past.


Just when I was about to say a word,the door slid open. To my horror,Sungmin walked in and his eyes widened as he froze,seeing me.


[A/N]: Hey,thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please look forward to my next chapter!^^ There will be a lot more drama and fights which means more crying!:O Anyways,the votes are in so I hope I have your full support till the very end of this fic! Whatever the ending may turn out to be,please note that I cannot please everyone as there will only be one winner and ending. Thanks for reading! Comment and/or subscribe! :)





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Chapter 14: Ah I forgot to say that I'm happy it's wonkyu ^^
Chapter 14: no no no , I didn't stop I just didn't have time..sorry but I swear I always read your updates on my phone that's why I couldn't comment :(
I really loved this story and can't wait for your other stories too :D
chemist4kyu #3
Chapter 14: finally...the happy ending I was waiting for..=) thanks for sharing with us this great fic..It was a great journey..hope to hear more wonkyu fics from you xD
Chapter 14: Finally, I'm glad they get married :D
Thank you for the happy ending..
They are quarrel couple
Siwon wants to make his wedding perfect :D
Chapter 14: Happy ending please :D
onewphew #6
kibum oppa!!!
chemist4kyu #7
Chapter 14: happy wonkyu ending please? =) enjoy your stay in korea
Chapter 13: Wonkyu wonkyu wonkyu :D
hit0rigurashi #9
will this have a happy wonkyu ending? i hope it is, coz i think i'll pass if it'll be kyumin
chemist4kyu #10
Chapter 13: thanks for listening to our happy that sungmin got kibum who will give him all the love he knows no boundaries kyu, its best to accept siwon's undying love for you =) it is sad to hear the end of this fic coming soon..thanks for the great story you shared with us authornim =)