Kidnap My Heart


[A/N]: Hey! Okay so kind of a twist for this chaper..Hehe,to find out,read more!:P Honestly,I'm a KyuMin shipper:O I find KyuMin couple really cute 2gether but I thought WonKyu wud be better in this fic! So yeah..Anyways,thxs for subscribing and/or commenting:D


Sungmin's POV


Nobody was here. Kyuhyun wasn't here. Nobody's here to comfort me. To help me. To see how helpless I am after Kyuhyun's rejection of my love for him. Suddenly,someone hugged me from behind. I jerked a little,suprised.


"K-kyuhyun?" I asked,surprised yet I didn't turn around to see who it was.

"Hush now.It's okay. Don't cry. I'm here for you," someone familiar said yet,I knew it wasn't Kyuhyun.

I tried to turn around to see who it was but the other man refused to let me do so.

"Don't. Don't turn around until you're okay. Stay with me like this for now," he whispered into my ear.

I guess he's probably right. I should calm down first.  So,I continued sobbing silently,enjoying the serenity. The other man just continued hugging me from behind as I continued sobbing silently,painfully,letting go of all the hurt I have been feeling.

"Thank you...Thank you..." I whispered to him,whoever he was.....Drifting off to sleep.........


I woke up realising I was snuggled by a stranger to sleep. I wonder who it was. Half my heart kept telling me it was Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun chose me. While the other half was telling not to be fooled. I recalled what had happened the previous night. That voice was very familiar yet,I knew it wasn't Kyuhyun. It should'nt be Kyuhyun. He wouldn't choose me. Aish...


The other man who had hugged me woke up abruptly realising I had woken up already,staring into space. He patted my shoulders,urging me to turn around. My mind was telling me to turn around to see who it was all along. However,my heart was afraid I'd see someone unexpected.


"Turn. Turn around," the man said softly,breaking the silence.


I did as he said and the moment I turned around,I definitely saw someone unexpeced. I didn't believe it. He..He likes me? This man whom I never thought would have a crush on me did. I guess I had been waiting for Kyuhyun to long that I didn't realise there was someone else waiting for me.


"K-kibum-sshii? W-what? I don't understand," I shrugged.

"You don't need to. All you need to know is,I love you. And I don't like seeing my lover cry like that. Please,don't cry anymore. I'm here for you. It might be confusing and surprising but I have been waiting for you all along. I wanted to be an actor so much to prove to you how much I was worth. But..All you ever saw was Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun," Kibum paused for a moment after saying Kyuhyun's name.

"What? Your lover? I'm not yours yet!" I joked,trying to loosen the tension between us.


Kibum smiled,staring at me for awhile. He placed his hand on my cheeks,sliding it down to my chin. Kibum held my chin,pulling me towards his face. His face got closer and closer to mine. As he positioned his face in front of mine,his lips touched mine,ever so gently. I closed my eyes slowly. As Kibum-sshi released himself from the kiss gingerly,he held onto my hands and grinned. I looked into his bright glowing eyes and beamed.


Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea after all,I grinned to myself. Even though I still have some feelings left for Kyuhyun,I believe it is time I let him go. One-sided love,I think I'll stop here. I have to stop chasing him and realise that there is someone else like Kibum-sshi who has been waiting for me the whole time.


"Gaja!" Kibum stood up,pulling my hand.

"Huh? W-where are we going?" I stammered.

"Let's visit Kyuhyun and Siwon-ah!" he exclaimed,pulling me to stand up.

"B-but..I-i still have-" 

"Let's gooo!!!" Kibum cut me short,immediately dragging me to Kyuhyun's hospital room.


I felt a little uncomfortable visiting Kyuhyun when I still had a little feelings left for him. Aishh..Eotteoke? I decided to just bare with it. Kyuhyun and Siwon got surprised seeing me and Kibum holiding hands. Kyuhyun looked as if he wanted to speak up but remained silent.


"Erm..We're here to visit you. Are you okay?" I decided to break the silence.

"Yeah.Uh.Thanks for seeing erm I mean How are y-you?" Kyuhyun replied,stammering a little.

"Fine,thanks. Me and Kibum-sshi just happened to meet each other so yeah.." I said,looking down.

"Aigoo! What's with the stammering and shyness? Both of you know each other so well yet,this still happens! Sungmin-hyung and I are going to be together!" Kibum exclaimed,beaming.

"WHAT??"all three of us,Kyuhyun,Siwon and I chorused together in surprise.


I stared back at Kibum-sshi,making eye contact,urging him to give us an explaination. Yet,he didn't seem to notice and smiled shyly. Then,he pulled me away after waving goodbye to the rest. I was confused. Very.


Siwon's POV


After they had left Kyuhyun and I bewildered,I smiled. I never knew Sungmin had someone else who liked him. I turned to face Kyuhyun. I heaved a sigh of relief and cupped my hands around Kyuhyun's face.


"Hey,don't worry about Sungmin. I'm so glad he found someone who liked him. I was so worried he would be upset about the rejection. Now,at least we can be together," I grinned happily to myself.

"Ya! Don't be too happy that we can be together! But,you're right. I'm so relieved they found each other. They're gonna make such a cute couple!" Kyuhyun scolded me playfully.

"And we're gonna make a cute couple too! Kekeke!" I laughed.

Kyuhyun immediately glared at me to shut up. Haha,how I love this man so much.

"Hmm..But we still have to find a way to work things out between us. You're suppose to be my stepbrother!" Kyuhyun sighed.

"Don't worry. I'm sure we'll find something!" I replied,showing him a reassuring smile.


However,I wasn't sure of that. In my heart,I was so worried not being able to find anything out. To prevent Kyuhyun,whose younger than me from worrying,I decided to keep my mouth shut. Showing him a reassuring smile would do. I patted Kyuhyun on the back and hugged him gingerly,thinking deeply.


[A/N]: Okay so there kinda was a twist in this chapter! But I hope all of you are fine with that! Kekeke~ KiMin couple!!^^ This is the 2nd last chapter unfortunately;( However,no worries! I'll try to make the last chapter as sweet as sugar! XD Haha,thanks for reading! Please comment and/or subscribe! Kamsamnida!!:D

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Chapter 14: Ah I forgot to say that I'm happy it's wonkyu ^^
Chapter 14: no no no , I didn't stop I just didn't have time..sorry but I swear I always read your updates on my phone that's why I couldn't comment :(
I really loved this story and can't wait for your other stories too :D
chemist4kyu #3
Chapter 14: finally...the happy ending I was waiting for..=) thanks for sharing with us this great fic..It was a great journey..hope to hear more wonkyu fics from you xD
Chapter 14: Finally, I'm glad they get married :D
Thank you for the happy ending..
They are quarrel couple
Siwon wants to make his wedding perfect :D
Chapter 14: Happy ending please :D
onewphew #6
kibum oppa!!!
chemist4kyu #7
Chapter 14: happy wonkyu ending please? =) enjoy your stay in korea
Chapter 13: Wonkyu wonkyu wonkyu :D
hit0rigurashi #9
will this have a happy wonkyu ending? i hope it is, coz i think i'll pass if it'll be kyumin
chemist4kyu #10
Chapter 13: thanks for listening to our happy that sungmin got kibum who will give him all the love he knows no boundaries kyu, its best to accept siwon's undying love for you =) it is sad to hear the end of this fic coming soon..thanks for the great story you shared with us authornim =)