Last Chapter - I'll be here,I swear.



[A/N]:Hi!! Okay so this is the last chapter of this fic! Hope you like it>.< 


This chapter is written in a third party view/third party POV.

~After a few weeks~


"Omo!! I am so happy for Kyunnie! Shall we prepare the decorations for them?" Sungmin squealed in delight.

"Aigoo! Minnie,you are so used to being his elder brother but now he's old enough. Let him do it on his own now!" Kibum replied.


Sungmin pouted after hearing Kibum's reply. He always wanted to be there for Kyuhyun,no matter in what situation. Even though he had lost his feelings for Kyuhyun,he still cared and showered Kyuhyun with a different kind of love-brotherly love. Because of this,Kibum always thought of him as a 'keeper'. Meeting Sungmin-hyung was a miracle to him already. Sungmin was the kind of person who would care for everyone he knew. Kibum loved him because of this too.


Kibum Sungmin's hair gently,smiling. It's been a few weeks since all these things happened. How unpredictable that Sungmin would choose Kibum and Kyuhyun would choose Siwon. Kibum sighed. How tired his baby,Sungmin,must have felt trying to solve all these problems they faced. How he wished he had come to Seoul sooner so he could help Sungmin. He remembered his old conversation with Sungmin-hyung...



"Okay,I'm done. Anything else you need help with?" Kibum-sshi asked,beaming.

"Nopee.Thanks a lot. I don't know how to repay you. Anything I could help you with instead?" Sungmin asked back.

"Hmm. Maybe dinner,breakfast or lunch with me? I haven't got time off and I really want to rest with you," Kibum-sshi replied.

"I'm sorry but if it's today,I can't. I got plans with someone. How about tomorrow?" Sungmin said.

"Sure. It's set then. See you tomorrow in front of your doorstep at exactly 10am?" Kibum-sshi asked.

"Okay," Sungmin said,smiling.


After the next day as promised,Kibum couldn't find Sungmin in the house. He got worried and tried contacting him but to no avail. So,he tried all means of finding Sungmin,worried something horrible happened to him. At last,he thought all hope was gone when he received a text from a hospital stating Kyuhyun was there. And immediately,he knew where Sungmin was.


How Kibum loved recalling how their love first started,how it all happened. He started grinning to himself happily.

"Ya! What's with all the grinning?" Sungmin spoke,snapping Kibum from his reverie.

"H-huh?? What are you talking about? I wasn't grinning!"He replied,stammering a little.

"Yeah,I can tell. You weren't dreaming," Sungmin smirked,sarcasticly.

"Hey! I really wasn't! And I'm suppose to be the one smirking here," Kibum replied quickly.


While Kibum and Sungmin chatted,Kyuhyun and Siwon had already appeared out of the dressing rooms,dressed in tuxedos. Realising they were so engrossed in their chat,Kyuhyun crept slowly behind Sungmin,and scared him. Sungmin jerked,surprised. 

"Ya! Don't do that again! You could have just called me or something instead of scaring me!" Sungmin scolded Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun chuckled,laughing at his adorable hyung.

"Arasso!" Kyuhyun mocked.


Kyuhyun and Siwon sat beside each other on the couch opposite Sungmin and Kibum. 

"Ah..How tiring trying to find a pleasant tuxedo for both of us!" Siwon broke the silence,sighing.

"That's because you're so picky! You can just wear a dress if you continue like this!" Kyu snapped,playfully.

"No way! I won't!!" Siwon replied quickly,afraid he might have to wear a dress for their wedding.

Kyuhyun,Sungmin and Kibum started laughing at Siwon,seeing his reaction. How gullible Siwon could be!

"Hey! It's not funny! I don't want to wear a dress!" Siwon said once again,still having a worried expresson on his  face.

"Arasso! Arasso! You won't wear a dress! I was just joking!"Kyuhyun replied,chuckling.

Siwon sighed in relief.

"Omo!! I seriously can't believe time flies this fast! It's already been a few weeks since you were in the hospital Kyu!" Sungmin said,changing the subject.

"Yes! I can't believe it either!" Kibum agreed.

"I can still remember clearly what happened then," Kyuhyun said,slowly turning his conversation into a story...


Back then,Siwon and I were so worried we couldn't find a solution to our problem. We were supposed to be stepbrothers. Meant to only be stepbrothers. Well,that's what we thought. So,we went in search of our parents. What we found out made us the happiest couple in the world. Although it was mentioned on our orphanage's website that Siwon was supposed to be my stepbrother. We were told that it was not true. 


That page was not updated for a long time already as our orphanage had already closed down recently after Sungmin and I bought our own house. Of course Sungmin and I were upset that our orphanage that we used to call home had closed down,so we decided to donate to it so it could reopen. Since Kibum was a successful actor,he persuaded his manager to provide Sungmin and I with high-paid jobs. 


We couldn't thank Kibum enough. As for Siwon,he earned a job because of his good looks. Together,we earned enough money for the orphange to reopen and for ourselves as well. The orphanage was finally reopened. I loved it so much to call it home. Anyways,the real truth was that they had mixed up Siwon with another guy who entered in the same year as Siwon-Heechul.


After we found out the real truth we were so glad that we could be together. We decided to finally get married.


"Aigoo! That was a long story indeed! I am so glad everything's been solved!" Kyuhyun said,after finishing his story.

"I am glad as well Kyu baby!" Siwon exclaimed,as he pecks Kyuhyun on the lips.

"Ya! Don't call me Kyu Baby! I hate that!"Kyuhyun snapped angrily.

"Okay okay! I won't! I promise,"Siwon chuckled,as he continued kissing Kyuhyun's lips gently.

"Aish..This couple is always fighting! I don't want to be like them hyung!"Kibum mocked,eyeing Kyuhyun while smirking.

"Don't say that! But honestly,yes! I don't want to be like them either! Kekeke,"Sungmin replied,laughing.

Kibum looked into Sungmin's eyes and kissed his lips gingerly. 


And,both couples swore to forever be together,in love.............


[A/N]: Okay,hope you enjoyed it! I did! XD Hmm..I wonder if I should do a second season..hmm..Heebum?! ;) Kekeke..I'm joking! Unless of course you want me to! ;P Anyways,please comment and/or subscribe! This is the last chapter. The next chapter is meant for promotional purposes for my next fic! It's gonna be even better,I promise! Below,you can find my replies to all of your comments! So please read it too,cos I might just have replied to your comment!:) This is goodbye I guess;( Aww..Its okay,you can still read my next fic! ;)


@yolbar: Sure thing! It is a happy ending just for you and everyone else! Hope you like it! ;)


@onewphew: Kekeke~ Yesh! It is your beloved Kibum oppa! I wished I wrote him in the earlier chapters as well since you like him that much! Since I didn't,I hope you can forgive me and I hope you like this fic! :)

@chemist4kyu: Sure! I did write a happy wonkyu ending specially for you and everyone else! I hope you like it! And thanks! I had a wonderful time in Korea!^^ Also,I wud like to thank u for always commenting on my fic! It makes me feel like someone is actually reading my story! You make me soo happy!!>.< Kekeke~ Thxs again n I hope you read my next fic tat's coming out soon!:)

@hit0rigurashi: Kekeke! Yes! This has a happy wonkyu ending! I hope you like it! But srsly,no hate to Kyumin>.<  I actually ship Kyumin! 

@ichathoriqlover: Annyeong! I hope you're not too dissapointed that its a wonkyu fic now! I hope you can understand! I actually,no offence to wonkyu,love kyumin more. But since I felt that wonnie was better for kyu in this story,i decided to make it a wonkyu one!^^ Thxs for always commenting on my fic,really appreciate it!:)

@jo_gill: Hahaha..Your prays were answered! It is wonkyu! I hope you like it! Thxs for reading!:)

@nattieloveme:Kekeke..Yes! I did! Your prays and pleas were answered! I hope you like it!:)

@KyuWon: Hey! It's a wonkyu/kyuwon ending specially for you and everyone else!^^ Hope you like it! Thxs for always commenting! And of course,thxs for always waiting for my next update so patiently! Really appreciate it:)

@forgotten_memories:Annyeong! I am soo soo sorry its not Kyumin ending!>.< But,I hope you still like it! Honestly,I prefer Kyumin to wonkyu. However,I found wonnie a better match in tis fic! I'm sorry once again! :)

@BluePearl-KH: Hey! Thanks for waiting patiently for my next updates! And yes,its wonkyu specially for you and everyone else! Hope you like it!:)

@kyubabylover:Annyeong!! Kekeke! Thanks for always commenting on my fic! Even though you've stopped,I really appreciate it and understand. I hope you like it! Its a wonkyu ending! However,if you don't,I apologise.:)

@Poko24Makashi:Hey! Thanks! I'm glad you like my fic! However,I apologise if you wanted it to be a Kyumin one. I honestly prefer Kyumin xD But i felt that wonnie was a better match in this fic! Anyways,I hope you enjoy the ending! :)

@mrshelmet:It is wonkyuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!^^ XD Kekeke~ Hope you like it! :)

@SiwonnieFan:I apologise if I have confused you. It is a wonkyu one. I didn't write it on the foreword as I wanted a little suspense for ppl to find out whether it was gonna be a wonkyu or kyumin fic. Anways,hope you like it! :)

@leesunmiina: I'm sorry.. Its a wonkyu fic. I know u must be thinking i should not have tagged it on kyumin if it wasn't gonna be kyumin. But,I wanted a little suspense for ppl to try to find out if it was a wonkyu or kyumin fic. Anyways,I hope you still like it:)

@rheanorman:I apologise. It isnt kyumin. I wish it was tho xD And thxs,i'm glad you found it interesting. Anyways,i hope you still like it tho:)

@boomboom23: Thanks so much! I'm glad you love it!^^ And,yeshh,it is wonkyu!! Hope you like it! Oh,and thxs for being the first person to comment on my story:)

I apologise if I have spelt anyones username wrongly. I hope you like this fic^^ And I'm sorry if I have disappointed you but I tried my best:)

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Chapter 14: Ah I forgot to say that I'm happy it's wonkyu ^^
Chapter 14: no no no , I didn't stop I just didn't have time..sorry but I swear I always read your updates on my phone that's why I couldn't comment :(
I really loved this story and can't wait for your other stories too :D
chemist4kyu #3
Chapter 14: finally...the happy ending I was waiting for..=) thanks for sharing with us this great fic..It was a great journey..hope to hear more wonkyu fics from you xD
Chapter 14: Finally, I'm glad they get married :D
Thank you for the happy ending..
They are quarrel couple
Siwon wants to make his wedding perfect :D
Chapter 14: Happy ending please :D
onewphew #6
kibum oppa!!!
chemist4kyu #7
Chapter 14: happy wonkyu ending please? =) enjoy your stay in korea
Chapter 13: Wonkyu wonkyu wonkyu :D
hit0rigurashi #9
will this have a happy wonkyu ending? i hope it is, coz i think i'll pass if it'll be kyumin
chemist4kyu #10
Chapter 13: thanks for listening to our happy that sungmin got kibum who will give him all the love he knows no boundaries kyu, its best to accept siwon's undying love for you =) it is sad to hear the end of this fic coming soon..thanks for the great story you shared with us authornim =)