
The Make-Over Game

You arrived at the kitchen early next morning, surprised to find Yunho awake and cooking. Whatever it was, it was burning. He busily removed the pan off the hob and placed it on the counter before he noticed you standing at the end of the isle.

'How long have you been there?' he asked, leaning over his failure.

'Long enough to make sure you're not burning down your house,' you answered. You leaned close trying to see what he was attempting to cook.

'I fancied some pancakes and since you bought the ingredients, I thought I'd give it a try,' he confessed. You noticed his phone propped against a bag of flour, a recipe displayed on the screen.

You failed to hide a smile. Shooing him out of the way you held your hand out for the apron. He took it off and handed it to you with a defeated sigh and watched you pour some of the mix into the pan.


Yunho stayed in the kitchen, watching you once again. He couldn't help but notice the dark shadows under your eyes, and wondered if he wasn't the only one who lay awake the whole night.

'I have a couple of things to finish up at work by Wednesday, but I have two days off after that,' he stated matter of factly.


You spared a glance at him. 'Yeah?' you mumbled, you didn't know how to respond. Was he expecting some kind of ecstatic plans for a date?

'I'm meeting up with Yuna then, there's still some thing we didn't sort out.'

You tried to act nonchalant as you looked straight at him. 'Okay,' you answered before taking the pancake out of the pan.


Yunho frowned. Were you going to continue acting so bluntly? Then he sighed, of course, he should have expected it after the way he kissed you last night. Nevertheless he continued to try and get more than one worded sentences from you.

'What time do you have to be in at work? I can drop you off,' he suggested.

'No need, I can walk from here,' you answered, not bothering to look at him this time. Yunho's jaw tensed.

'But don't you have your things to carry about? And besides, it's on my way to the office.'

You smiled bitterly, 'You don't have to feel obligated to do this Yunho, Seventeen's literally a fifteen minute walk from here.'

'I don't feel obligated to do anything. I'm just being polite.'

You sighed inwardly. 'Fine, I have to be at work by nine.' You checked your watch, 'we better start eating, it's already past eight.'

Gathering two plates of pancakes and cutlery, Yunho followed you to the table and sat opposite you.

'We're location scouting this afternoon so you don't have to pick me up. I'll be back early anyway,' you felt inclined to tell him, just to make it even, 'About your days off, I can't really be taking days off after my... my sick leave.'

Yunho smirked, 'I'll work out something.'

You frowned at him. 'Yah, I know that look. You're planning something, aren't you?'

He shrugged, 'I haven't planned anything... yet.'

You groaned, 'Don't, Yunho. Whatever you come up with, I can't be behind on my work, it isn't fair on the others. We've a lot of concepts to finish before December and it doesn't help with the media breathing down my back.'

'Ara, ara,' Yunho waved off.

'I don't think you really understand,' you sighed picking your plate up and washing it before heading upstairs to gather your things.



You arrived to an empty apartment that evening. Yunho still wasn't home and the penthouse was eerily silent. You entered the lounge, dumping your bag onto the leather sofa. Yunho's penthouse was fit for a bachelor, and emitted a very manly aura. It was comforting and reflected every part of Yunho in different ways. In the corner, tucked between two glass walls was a black grand piano. Yunho had once played for you many years ago but that memory was now too vague. The pool table in the next room were surrounded by shelves of many DVDs. The coffee table infront you were covered by paperworks and a crystal glass with amber liquid was perched on top of it all. You picked it up and sniffed it. Brandy. Yunho's black jacket was still on the chair where he had hung it yesterday night.

Tying your hair up, you set about to tackle the mess.

It was nearing eight by the time you were done. You heard the elevator open, then Yunho calling you.

'What is it?' you asked, pulling your hair tie off. You stopped, Yunho was wet from the heavy rain outside, he was holding a cardboard box.

'Towels, pali,' he instructed. Confused, you went upstairs to grab a couple of towels from the bathroom.

'What is it? What happened? And why are you wet?' you asked, finding him in the laundry room. You gasped when you heard a little yelp from the box and Yunho lifted a small puppy into his arms.

'I saw a man throw him outside. I got out of the car and found him shivering,' he explained.

Your heart softened. You wrapped the dog into a towel and took him into your arms. You threw another towel at Yunho. 'Go have a shower before you catch a cold,' you told him.

'Ara, ara,' he chuckled watching the dog attempt to your face.



'What are you calling him?' you asked Yunho your eyes trained on the pup who sat on the middle of Yunho's bedroom rug watching you and Yunho.

'The man I bought him from was calling him Ty.'


'Like typhoon,' Yunho explained and looked outside, 'it kinda suits him.'

'You bought him?'

'Yeah, the man seemed glad to get rid of him too.' Yunho folded his arms and regarded the dog, 'don't you think he looks like me?' Yunho grinned, turning to you.

You snorted. You hate to admit it but they did look alike. Ty was a Siberian husky with intimidating eyes and silky black tipped white fur.

'What are you going to do with him? He needs somewhere to sleep, and food and a flea collar,' you pointed out watching Yunho pick up the pup again. The two of you went into the bathroom where the tub had been filled a third of the way up. You giggled as the dog began to struggle when Yunho lowered him towards the water. Water splashed about as Yunho dropped the pup into the warm bath. After a couple of yelps the dog was jumping about in the tub amused by the bubbles and attempting to eat it.

In the next hour, you and Yunho found out why the the previous owner disowned the pup. In under a short space of time Ty had managed to escape the bathtub, splashing water everywhere and tipping the towel rack in the process. The dog had escaped into Yunho's room and began wrestling with his pillows, bursting the seams and spreading goose feathers in all directions if the room.

'Mmm,' you whimpered, watching Ty pull Yunho's duvet off the bed and onto the floor, 'He isn't called Typhoon after a storm. They named him after the mess he makes!' you voiced to Yunho.

The man could only watch and scratch his head before he approached the dog and picked him up.

'He just needs some training, that's all,' he reasoned, 'he's only a baby after all.'

You sighed and walked out, not about to be part of the major clean-up in Yunho's room. In the kitchen, you prepared the left over meat. As energetic as Ty was, you could feel his ribs under all his fur when you carried him earlier. Yunho appeared at the stairs a couple of minutes later carrying the dog who his face enthusiastically. You placed the bowl of meat and another of water on the floor.

'Sit...' Yunho instructed, placing the dog on the floor and pushing his rear end down. Either the dog was too hungry or he just didn't understand but made straight for the food. 'No, no, Ty!'

You giggled watching Yunho sigh. 'You brought a little monster home,' you chuckled, bending down and patting the dog. Ty looked up with bright wolf-like blue eyes. Well, maybe he wasn't quite a monster.

The dog finished the meat and it's lips before yawning and in a more relaxed manner began lapping up water.

'Ty,' Yunho called, walking towards the lounge. Following the dog, the three of you entered the dimly lit room. Surprised, you watched the dog jump onto Yunho's lap as soon as he was sat. The dog yawned again and put it's head down, eyes drooping close.

'It's like a little child,' you whispered in awe sitting next to Yunho before a different shocking thought hit you. Yunho flicked the TV on as you blushed and edge further away.

Just last night Yunho had kissed you on this chair, you were supposed to be angry with him yet you couldn't find it in you to even be annoyed.

'Do you want to watch anything?' Yunho asked as the news came on. Pulled out of your thought, you turned to him.

'Uh... actually-' Your eyes darted back to the TV, the showbiz section of the news had just come on.

'A shocking turn of events happened last night during the Blue Dragon Film Awards when Korea's hottest couples came face-to-face with each other. Director Jung Yunho, who won Best New Director this year was spotted having a private chat with ex-fiançée, Kim Yuna!' A set of pictures were displayed on the screen, Yunho and Yuna sat on the stone bench on the balcony, no more than a metre apart. 'Fans and netizens now anticipate a reunion between the two, but will our favourite actor, Ok Taecyeon, get back with his girlfriend of three years?' Shocked, you found yourself staring at a picture of you in TV as the reporter mentioned your name.

Beside you Yunho was silent, quite clearly shocked too. Was it because everyone waited for him to go back to Yuna? Meanwhile, you yourself knew there was no way you'd be getting back with Taecyeon, even if he came back on bended knees. Not after Yunho.

You closed your eyes and took a deep breath to calm yourself. You had brought this onto yourself, you should have anticipated the pain.

'Um... I think I'll go to bed now,' you mumbled, standing up slowly.

'Okay,' Yunho replied, still distracted.

'Goodnight,' you bid, barely audible.



Once again, sleep proved to be impossible as you tossed and turned in your cold bed that night. By around early morning a warm and furry object tickled your face awake. You stared into the dark as Ty snuggled against your warmth smelling oddly like Yunho's aftershave. Inside you were mourning over your lack of sleep, knowing that in a few hours you'd have to get up for work. The pup's even breathing was calming, the feel of his fur between your fingers relaxing, and soon you found yourself drifting off to sleep, Ty's odd  musky scent soothing your senses.

You slept through your set alarms, awakened by the sound of Ty barking at the clock and Yunho yelling at you from the door.

'Yah, pabo! Didn't you say you start work at nine? It's eight thirty, I have to be at the company by nine too so if you're planning to sleep  in tell me now!'

You flinched, frowning as your whole body was pulled back into the harsh reality. You peeked an eye open and checked the time, falling of the bed clumsily as you hurriedly tried to throw the covers off you. Yunho watched bemusedly as you scrambled for your towel and ran into the bathroom slamming the door shut after you.

As if their thoughts were one, Ty and Yunho exchanged looks.



There was no helping it. You arrived at work ten minutes late, and after a string of apologies to Yunho for making him late too, you let him kiss you 'goodbye' on the cheek and scrambled out of the car. Paparazzi bordered the gate as they have every day, calling to you before their attention turned to the brief barking coming from the backseat of Yunho's car.

Your boss let you off with an enthusiastic warning for being late and gave you today's assignment. A progress report. Holding back a sigh, you nodded and left her office.

'Sunbaenim, I finished the next fortnight's concept, but we'll need to contact Seoul Art Gallery to borrow the fan for the photoshoot and we'll be needing permission to do a shoot at the English Village,' one of your subordinates informed, holding out a folder. You took it and looked over the small moodboards and brief. With another nod you opened your office door.

'Tae Jun, call a meeting for your chosen models and get their outfits measured. Once you're done call a meeting with the Chief,' you called to the young man and closed the door.

Finally in the silent comfort of your office you let out a deep breath and opened the window letting a cool breeze in. Yunho's sunflowers still remained as bright as ever in their tall glass vase. On your desk was a copy of the new issue of Seventeen magazine.

The day was long and slow, and maybe it was the bright sunlight but it felt like one of those lazy afternoons that would have you crawling into your bed for a nap. Your phone vibrated suddenly, making you jump.

'Oh, oppa,' you answered lazily, doodling on your notepad. Yunho took a while to reply.

'Hey, have you had lunch yet?' he asked from the other end.


'Well, come down now. I'm starving,' was his reply. Before you could reply he hung up.

'Tsk, always so demanding.' Nevertheless you got up, pulled your bag onto your shoulder and grabbed your blazer.

Yunho was waiting at the parking lot, no sign of Ty anywhere.

'I took him to a training school for the afternoon,' Yunho told you once you asked.

Paparazzis tailed you all the way to the restaurant, even cameras from locals were directed at you inside the establishment, and it didn't help that the waitress openly gaped and even felt the need to exclaim Yunho's name. You made your order and handed the menu back distracting the waitress.

'Seems like you've become quite celebrity,' you teased Yunho, until a little kid sauntered up to holding a camera. He had obviously been sent by his parents who watched from another table.

'Um, can I have a picture with noona and hyung?' he asked shyly.

You exchanged a look with Yunho before turning back to the child. 'Sure,' you smiled, 'you'll have to get that hyung over there because he has longer arms than me.'

Yunho came to sit beside you, and pulling the child onto your lap and handing Yunho the camera the three of you took three selcas. The kid thanked you happily and ran over to his parents who bowed shyly. Smiling awkwardly you returned the gesture.

Yunho turned to you, a smirk on his face. 'You were saying? I don't think I'm the real celebrity here.'

'Anyway,' you began, planning to change the subject, 'There's no need to pick me up tonight. I have lots of work to do so I'm working late. My colleague will drop me off to your place when we're done.'

'And this friend is...' Yunho persisted, raising an eyebrow.

'My unnie from four years ago,' you found yourself reassuring him.

This seemed to have put Yunho's mind at ease as he thanked the waitress for delivering the food, unaware of the effect he had on the young girl when he smiled at her.

'Mmm, mashida,' Yunho beamed at you.



'Here's the hanboks for the models, I called the museum and they've let us five hours to use the fan for the photoshoot. Here's the schedule, I thought it would help with your progress report and since Chief gave us the go for these concepts I'll start on the December issues...'

You could hardly concentrate on anything So Ah unnie was telling you as you tested the lighting in the studio. Once you were finished you turned to the older who didn't seem to notice your lack of attention.

'Hey, it's my birthday on Friday, we're going out for a drink afterwork, what do you think? Can you come?'

'Of course,' you assured her.

'I can't believe I'm already turning thirty,' the older mourned, 'It seems like only yesterday my mother was hiding me in the bedroom because of the riots.'

Riots? Ah, so it's that time of the year again.



In the past days, your morning routine was almost the same, and Yunho would take you out for lunch without fail. Everyday, except Thursday, Yunho's day off. He had called you to inform you that he was to meet Yuna somewhere. You swallowed down your disappointment and airily told him it was okay.

You arrived home late that night again, adamant to keep your mind concentrated on your work than what Yunho would he doing with Yuna. He wasn't home when you arrived. You had picked up Ty from the training school to the relief of the trainer.

It was well past midnight when Yunho returned. You heard the sound of his keys as he threw it into the bowl beside the door. He came into the living room surprised to find you awake and watching a film with a sleeping puppy on your lap.

'Oh, you're back?' you asked, turning back to the TV. Yunho sat beside you, tired and weary by the looks of it. He had crossed his legs, one over the other and threw his head back onto the back rest of the sofa. 'How was your meeting with Yuna?' you asked, fighting to be casual.

'Hm? Good, we went to a village outside of town so we could have some privacy-' Your heart throbbed painfully, how can he be so casual about the things he does with her, 'and then I headed over to greet Eommoni.'

You swallowed. 'Oh, really? Are you hungry? I cooked chicken soup if you want some food,' you offered, desperately trying to change the subject.

'No, thanks, I just ate,' Yunho mumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose.

With Yuna, no doubt. You swallowed the lump in your throat and turned back to the TV, trying to concentrate on the scene infront of you and the soft fur on Ty's back but the image of Yunho and Yuna kept appearing in your mind.

You felt stupid, just an hour before you were contemplating how to ask Yunho to come with you to your parents' grave. It was one thing you had in common, your parents and Yunho's mother all died during the sudden riot attacks at the upperside of the city when you were sixteen. Of course, you should have expected that he would be visiting the cemetary with Yuna.

Lifting Ty carefully, you shifted the puppy onto the sofa before you got up and turned the TV and DVD player off. Yunho looked up.

'I'm going to bed, I'm off somewhere tomorrow-but I still have a lot of things to do so I need to get up early,' you added quickly when you saw Yunho open his mouth to suggest or ask something. He regarded you before dropping his head back again.

'If you say so,' he replied simply, he reached over to the side table and unlidded the decanter and poured himself some brandy.

Watching him swirl his drink for a while, you thought the image really suited him. You tore your gaze away and headed towards your room.



Yunho frowned at his drink, deep in thought. In the background he could hear the gentle pad of your feet as you exited the room. His gaze shifted to the dog beside him. Over the past few days you had become a part of his everyday life, but at the same time Yunho felt as if his hold on you had loosened and he was watching you become more distant with him, and he didn't know the reason why.

Throwing the alcohol back, he could feel it burning his throat but the heat was welcome. He poured himself another glass. And another.

Stripping his jacket off - the one you had chosen for him, he decided he might as well get rid of his shirt for good measure. He did feel a bit hot, and it didn't help that the walls kept moving. The stairs were challenge enough.

'Stupid walls,' Yunho mumbled as he steadied himself against the door. There, the bed. Stripping his jeans off he threw back the covers and snuggled into the warmth.


You took a deep breath, the familiar musky scent you had smelt on Ty was on your bed again. You slept much too comfortably. Moving your hands, you blindly searched for Ty's soft fur. Your hands met the body that kept you warm, but it was nothing like Ty's. Your eyes shot open. Looking down you realised the warmth over your waist wasn't the puppy but a well toned arm, and it was connected to the warmth that hugged your back.

With sinking realisation your heart began to race. The even breaths that hit the back of your neck making you shiver confirmed it. Jung Yunho was in your bed. Sitting up quickly, you clutched at your shirt. Yunho lay, quite peacefully beside you. Not only that, he was topless, and one of his bare legs were intertwined with your own. A fresh wave of relief washed over you when you realised that nothing could have happened last night and that the man beside you at least had boxers on.

Panic took over then when you saw Ty appear at your door, tongue lolling out.

'Shh! Hush, Ty!' you hissed when the dog began to bark demanding breakfast. 'Okay,' you whispered. Yunho only groaned and turned over displaying rippling muscles on his . You groaned and slipped out of the bed.



Yunho grumbled as he woke up to a dog his face. He sat up, holding his head and cursing. His headache didn't cease when he realised he wasn't in the right room. He turned to the space beside him, finding himself disappointed when he realised you weren't there.

'Oh, Ty,' Yunho called hoarsely when he noticed the dog waiting for him expectantly. Groaning, Yunho pressed his hand to his eyes and sat up. The clothes he had strewn the night before were slung over the desk chair beside the door. 'Crap,' was all he could say when he realised what you had woken up to in the morning. He gathered his clothes and crossed the bathroom between the rooms to his own room. It was still covered in feathers from the time Ty had mauled the pillows. Meanwhile the dog was following behind Yunho obediently. The man showered and got dressed in comfortable clothes.

'Looks like it's just me and you today,' Yunho mumbled to the dog as they descended the stairs to the kitchen. He found breakfast ready on the table.

You called around mid-day to check on Yunho.

'Yeobosayo?' Yunho answered, pulling a sweater on and eyeing the teen magazine you had left on the table that morning.

'Oh, you're awake. Have you eaten?' you asked.

The genuine concern from the woman whose bed he invaded last night took him aback. 'Uh, yeah. Thanks.'

'About last night...' Yunho began.

'Don't.' He heard you let out a sharp breath and felt guilty, 'Nothing happened, that's what matters.' Your words cut him deep, did you hate him that much?

'Okay,' Yunho replied monotonously.

'I'm going out with a friend afterwork so I'll be home late tonight too. I'll leave Ty to you. Oh and by the way, you might need to take him for a walk, he's not toilet trained yet. Don't let him do his business in your apartment,' you warned, a hint of amusement lining your tone.

Yunho turned to the dog, and to his horror found the puppy sitting up, clearly fufilling your warning. Yunho groaned. 'Ah! What the-?' You couldn't help but laugh as a string of profanities left Yunho's mouth.

Yunho's agitation evaporated for a moment as he heard your laugh, something he hasn't heard for what seemed like years.

'Don't leave it there, he might eat it,' you instructed him.

'You expect me to pick up dog crap?!' Yunho demanded.

'Well, I know I'm not the one doing it when I get home.' With a final groan the line went dead. You chuckled.

Driving your car you had picked up from your apartment block, you drove east to the outskirts of Seoul.


You arrived at the cemetary thirty miutes later. Winding past headstones you found your parent's grave. Someone had already been there, clearing the stone from the past flowers. Maybe your Aunt and Uncle. However, another bouquet of flowers from someone else had been left on the marble.

You paid little attention to the white lillies and placed your own offerings to your parents.

'Umma, appa,' you sighed into the breeze, 'Are you doing well?' Without realising it you talked mainly to the breeze about everything that had happened the past few days. About Yunho, and about Jaejoong and Ty. About Taecyeon and Yuna and the ceremony. About the pain.

You stood up twenty minutes later after a long look at the flowers, and the strawberries that had undoubtedly come from your uncle and the anonymous lillies. You turned and started back down the gravelly path. Another breeze hit you as you turned to your right, wounding around more gravestones. Clutching the bouquet in your hand, you browsed until you finally found what you were looking for.

The writing on Mrs. Jung's headstone was elegant, just like how you remembered her, beautiful and gentle. You let out a little laugh when you saw the same white lillies on her grave. So you and Yunho did share the same similarities at least. You placed your flowers onto her grave and paid your respects. The thought of Yunho standing infront of your parents grave yesterday warmed your heart. You were reassured that he had shared that moment alone at the very least. You opened your mouth to say something before closing ut again, lost for words. Your gaze fell on the white lillies.

'Aunty, I don't want to be inlove with your son anymore,' you confessed.



Look out for the next chapter, my lovelies :)

I hope you like this one :')




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Sorry, I took down chapter 13 again, I read it over and realised it needed a good proofreading :/ -


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Chapter 17: It's been years, author-nim and i'm still dying to know what is happening next on yunho and OC's life.....
hiddencreature #2
Chapter 17: Only one thing to say MR JUNG!!!!▶- ◀
2002 streak #3
Chapter 17: OMG!!! This story is really amazing. I can't wait to read more. Please update soon...
Chapter 17: aww...no way!!! huhuhu :(((
Chapter 17: Oh God you're such a teaser! I thought that they would be good together, but no, there's still a problem here orz Oh well, that what makes the story interesting hahaha. Please update more ^^
Chapter 17: First it was yunho who leave without a trace and now it's the oc turn to leave yunho, can't wait to see how the story continue...
I love your story so much! The characters don't make me so frustrated, and Yuna didn't turn out to be the baddie of the story xP. I don't often read DBSK stories, but this definitely takes the cake :D
Chapter 17: that should be dead and leave this two all alone -____-"
Stars2Heaven #9
Chapter 17: Thanks so much for updating!

I'm hating yunho's grandad!
Chapter 17: Omg what the hell is wrong with his grand father?????!!!! Damn it! Thanks for update