I told you so ~

It's Complicated ~ ♥

A/N: Annyeong again guys..... Sorry I updated a later than i expected. Hihi ~

Please read the Authors note at the end of the Chapter.   Komawo ~ ♥



"Omo~ Halmoni ?" I excalimed.


Your POV

Ok, Ok, Calm down _______-sshi. Your Halmoni is not mad, is she? Oh please dont be.

"Annyeong Hasaeyo !"Chunji greeted with a bow. " _____-ah is she your grandmother?"  Chunji was completely innocent. He didnt know my Halmoni's senses. Me, with a guy, and were holding hands, Awww.. not a good sign.

"Ahhh... yeah" I shook his hand off mine. "Uhmmmm.. Halmoni. This is Chan Hee. He's my classmate at Seoul High." "Neh, Annyeong Hasaeyo, Jonun Lee CHUNJI imnida" Chunji shouted the "CHUNJI" part right infront of my face. I chuckled a little but as i turned to my Halmoni, my smile disappeared.

I'm really nervous now. Halmoni signaled me to enter the house. Chase followed as if he's angry at me too. I asked Halmoni if Chunji should come inside too. She nodded. Awww... What's my Halmoni gonna do? Aish ~ Ottokhe ????

Chunji's POV

_______ is shaking a little bit. Hmmmm... dunno why. Her Halmoni seems nice. We entered the house and there stood a table full of moon cakes and other dishes. My eyes widened as we neared it. As i was gonna praise the food, I looked to _______. I can see she's nervous.

"________-ah, why the long face?" I asked her.

"Huh? Oh, nothing. I'm just thinking of somet"hing."She answered me.

"What is it? Tell me Tell me Tell me."But im not satisfied. I kept bugging her.

"Its just, it's just that-" She didnt finished it cause her Halmoni was there already. _______ was bowing her head. Her Halmoni kept looking at me as if she knows me. We changed glances at each other. After 30 seconds of looking here and there, I broke the silence.

"Halmoni ! There's a lot of food here, should we eat?" 

Your POV

"Aish ~" I slapped my forehead. How can this guy be so impolite.

"Oh. Halmoni Im really sorry, I didnt know he-"

"It's allright _____-ah Eat well, ChanHee?"  WOW. I was surprised.

"Oh Its Chunji Halmoni, ______ just keeps calling me ChanHee, dont mind her." Chunji said as he made a gesture of like rubbing my face in the air. I pouted at him. I looked at Halmoni again. She smiled at me. Whew~ that made me calm down. Good thing my Halmoni is in good mood right now.

We ate well. Me and ChanHee watched some TV as my Halmoni was washing the dishes. I'm not gonna say im lazy or something. I just hate C-H-O-R-E-S. Can't even say it right.

"________-ah" My Halmoni called me. My heart went dugeun dugeun again. Chunji patted my head with an encouraging smile. I can tell He knew i was nervous. I told him not to follow me and just enjoy himself. I stood up. Went to my Halmoni in her room. Oh please don't be mad.

Chunji's POV

I smiled at _______ and patted his head. When she left, i got nervous too. I cant help it. I sneaked up on her. I followed her to her Halmoni's room. She kneeled in and i eavesdropped by the door. Mianhae ______-ah. :||

"________-ah" Her Halmoni started.

"Mianhae Halmoni. Chongmal Mianhae. I didnt mean to hold hands with him. Its just that we-were uhmmmm.. SKIPPING ! Yeah, yeah that's it. Skipping."_______exclamed. So that's why, holding hands with me was the reason.

"And you expect me to believe that?" As her Halmoni said that. I felt sorry for ______. Its all my fault! I saw ________'s shadow giving a deep bow to her grandmother.

"I'm, I'm sorry Halmoni." _______ gave up.

"So, what's gonna be your punishment?" Wait. A punishment? Ok that's not right now. I felt like I have to do something. Even though it will ruin my image to her Halmoni. Aish ~ I have to do it.

"Its, Its all my fault. Sorry" I said as i opened the door.

Your POV

"Ah-, ah ChanHee-ah, Dont." I was shocked. I didnt know he would do that. My first impression on him was that he was a scaredy-cat. I guess I was wrong.

"Im sorry Halmoni." Chunji bowed. "I held _______'s hand cause i thought some weird guys were gonna kidnapped us. Please don't punish her. Uhmmmm....Punish me instead." He stated. I dropped my jaw in that statement. Chunji is very brave.

"Hah. Ahahahahah..." Halmoni is laughing? Why?

"That was very brave. ChunJi-ah." Is it OK now? Oh Thank GOD ! Oh. 

Chunji's POV

"So, whats gonna be your punishment?" Oh, so that's what she meant.

I looked at ________ for help. but she only mouthed the words. ' I-told-you-so'


A/N: Wahahahaha !!!! Lame-ish Chapter ! Again. >.<

I'm sorry i updated late. I wanted to finish Shinee's Hello Baby sooo much i didnt notice the time. I'm on Ep 7 now. AND YOOGEUN IS SOOOOOOO CUTE !!!!! (Read:I-wanna bite him) Onew and Taemin never fail to make me smile too. I didnt forget about our boys. (TeenTOp) But i saw their Passport pics on Twitter. Itttttttt didnt look good. Hehe. (Follow me: @kimberlyshin25) Moving on to B2ST. Seobbie twitted a pic of him lying on there new dance studio. (miss the CUBE one) That boy is reallllllllllly cute. WAhhhhh !!! Miss him. Wahahhaha !!!!

And a little favor: How do you put a pic here? Literally. That, you know it will show it. Not just the link. Hehe. Please answer me :)) Comment and Subscribe ~

Saranghaeyo ~ ♥ Virtual Hugs XOXO

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i just read the story and it was good, you don't have to delete it, i'll be patiently waiting for your next updates if ever XD
ThePowerChaserToYou #2
Why is it cancel? Is a nice story...):
You guys ~ LOL<br />
View this : http://www.asianfanfics.com/page/faq#Q21<;br />
Read the first question that pops up ~ That's what i used here ^^<br />
<br />
Comment more ~ Even if it's questions :))
junghyukkie #4
why does it say junghyukkie?? lol im confused that my namee :S
kayytran #5
o-o I was stunned when i say 'kayytranyou' in the story o-o LOL.<br />
Oooh. L.Joe is mad~ but who can blame him .-.
NamHee #6
aish~ my heart beating so fast!! xD<br />
is really my name in this FF? really? :O<br />
kayytran #7
:O They kissed! :O L.Joe saw it! :O<br />
OMG. B1A4<3 I love Jinyoung :D
NamHee #8
waw so excited!! xD<br />
btw changjo is mine ;P