
How To Change a Diaper

Heart beating faster and imagination started to overcome the logic. You were trying to come up with good excuses while Daehyun was already making his own scenario in his head.

“Its hers d’oh!” both of you turned to the front door where Woohyun stood. “Wh-why did you buy me that!” you shouted to him, glaring at him in horror. “Isn’t that your diet milk?” Woohyun raised his eyebrows walking towards you and Daehyun. You got it, you had to play along. “Are you kidding me oppa? it says for pregnant woman!” Woohyun took it from Daehyun’s hand. “Chinca?! Yahhh that stupid clerk, she was too amazed by my charm she gave me the wrong box.”

“How did you come in here?” both you and Woohyun froze. “I-I gave him my spare key because I asked him to go grocery shopping for me this morning.” You explained to Daehyun. You glanced at Woohyun, he looked so calm but you knew he was nervous too. You sighed in relief as Daehyun sat beside you signing that he took your explanation. “What are you doing here anyway?” you asked Woohyun who was just come out of the kitchen with one plastic bag in his hand. “To take my things and to give you your key.” He put the key on the bookshelf.

“Okay thanks oppa…” the front door closed.

There was a deep silence between you and Daehyun after Woohyun left. You the tv to get rid of the awkwardness between you two. Then you started to yawn feeling very sleepy. “I think I should go now. You, go to sleep, now.” you pouted. “Can you stay here a bit longer?” his eyes widened. He was surprised by your sudden changing attitude lately. Not the he mind bout it.

Daehyun sat back down beside you and you rested your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes. “Seolrae-ah..”


“Tomorrow is actually my TS audition—“

“WHAT?! YAH! WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME?!” he backed away. “You should’ve practiced instead of coming with me today! Now go home and rest! Ppalli ppalli!!” you pushed him away. “I don’t mind staying here for a bit..”

“But… “ you didn’t know why either but you really really didn’t want him to leave. “Okay then. Prove me that you’re ready for tomorrow.” He chuckled. “Isn’t that how you force me to sing for you?” you grinned at him. “Okay I’ll sing for you.”

You rested your head back to his shoulder and listened to his amazing voice. A smile appeared of Daehyun’s lips as he glanced at your peaceful face. You glanced at him and you realized how passionate he is when he was singing. His eyes closed once and twice when he hit some particular notes and from that angle you could clearly see how handsome he actually is. Suddenly your phone vibrated. You took it out and read the text message you just received.


Don’t think you can get rid of me that easily Yoon Seolrae. Tomorrow, I’ll take that key back.


Woohyun really turned into a protective mother, you thought. You replied his text then quickly back to listen to Daehyun’s amazing singing and soon, you drifted to sleep.




You stood in front of the full body mirror in your room. No one would notice it but your closes friends and classmates will surely noticed it. The baby bump was getting more and more visible everyday. “COME ON WARDROBE HAVE MERCY FOR ME!!!” you shouted in annoyance, the fourth cloths you had tried on that day couldn’t even make you feel better. “Maybe I should ask Woohyun oppa..” you lazily walked to his door.

Knock knock!

After five minutes or so “FINALLY!” Woohyun opened the door. He just got out of bed you could see it clearly. “What is it Seolrae?” he opened the door for you to get in. “Can I borrow your shirt?” he looked at you from the kitchen like you just said something weird. “For what? You love my smell that much?”

“Ew. Get lost.” Woohyun chuckled and put a nice hot chocolate on the table for you. “Okay okay.. you cant pick your self just go to my room.” You stood up and went to his room as he followed you from behind. He leaned to the doorstep drinking his coffee while watching you. “What for though, you didn’t answer my question.” He said. You stood up and turned to him. Zipped down your jacket. “This.” Woohyun eyes grew wider. “I didn’t notice before that it got so big.” He walked towards you. You quickly snapped his hand before it touched your stomach. “Don’t! I don’t want him to be a douchebag like you.”

“Ya!” “Wait, him? It’s a boy?!” you shook your head. “You haven’t go to a doctor?” you shook your head again. “Ya.. Yoon Seolrae.. you have to. At least to know how old it is.” He stared down at your belly. “But… I.. I don’t know.. I’m not sure.,,” you turned around. Woohyun took his favorite shirt and handed it to you. “I’ll ask Sunggyu hyung or Soojung about it.”

“Thanks. Thank you so much oppa…” both of you walked out of the his room. “What?” looked at him. He was still staring at your belly. “Fine. Touch it.” Woohyun grinned and your tummy softly. “You’ll be fine kiddo…” Woohyun said.


The coffee shop got more crowded and crowded. You had stayed there for almost an hour waiting for your friends to come. It wasn’t the first time, it had always been like that, you always be the first person to arrived in every gathering. The street outside was as crowded as Saturday could be. You spotted a very familiar car and figure outside the coffee shop. “Isn’t that Tao? O! and Kris sunbae too..” and few second later Chanyeol came out of the coffee shop. You didn’t realize he was inside, maybe because he just took out some coffees for them. You were right, they quickly got into the car and blasted off. “Miss…” a barista came to your table. “Yes?” he put a ice greentea latte on your table. “But I didn’t order this..” you told him. He just smiled and left. “Hey!” you sat back down and stared at the tumbler. “Ah well..”

“Seolrae-ah! Mianhae for being late…” Minzy and Jiyeon quickly took a seat in front of you. “Its okay guys.. where’s Hyunah and Suzy?”

“Suzy had something else to do and Hyunah…. SEOLRAE?! are you even listening to me?!” you jumped a bit as you heard Minzy’s voice. You were to focus on a girl who was just came in with a baby in her arms. Wearing a tiny sky blue hat and those little fingers… “Seolrae!! ya!”

“Eh um.. yes? Sorry.. sorry… that baby is just so cute…” both Minzy and Jiyeon turned around to see. “Nawww so little…” Jiyeon squealed. “Anyways… we haven’t really practiced for the dance festival! Its just 2 months away guys..”

“Gah! And for final exam too! this is crazy!” you completely forgot about  all of those things you had to stressed out about. “I think we should go with your choreography Seolrae..” Jiyeon said. “Eh? Mine? Are you sure?” they nodded. “Thanks..” you sipped down the drink. “Ya.. since when you like to order a greentea latte?”

“I got it for free, why not? And its delicious!” you sipped it again. “O! wait Seolrae.” Minzy grabbed the tumbler from your hand. Minzy read the back of the tumbler where the barista use to write down the name of the customer. “Mr. Park. Yahhh.. who is--”

Then your ringtone blasted. “Hold up.”

“What?” it was from Woohyun. “Where are you?”

“At the coffee shop. Wae?”

“Okay. I’ll pick you up in ten minutes.”

“Huh? Yah! Oppa! wait---“ but he already hung up. “What’s wrong?” Minzy asked. “I don’t know.. I think Woohyun oppa needs something he said he’ll pick me up in ten minutes.” You tried to call him back. “Uhhhh very demanding…” both of them laughed. “What?”

“Why don’t you date him Seolrae?” you burst to laugh. “Me? dating a douchebag like him? No way…”

“Yaaaa.. he’s hot Seolrae.. and he already have a job and he took care of you well like a brother.”

“Exactly my point. Like a BROTHER.” You said as you put down your phone had enough trying to call him. “You and your denial Seolrae.. couldn’t wait until you confess about him to us.”

“YAH!” you threw a tissue ball at them.


Woohyun held your hand to help you jumped off of him motorcycle. “Careful..” he said as you landed to the ground. “Should have take the taxi..” he looked at you concernedly from behind his helmet. “Wh-what are we doing here?” you handed back Woohyun’s helmet and stared at the huge white building in front of you, a hospital that is. “You need to get it checked up Seolrae..” he walked passed you.


“What-what is that?” as the doctor took out a tools from the table. She pulled up your shirt to show off your belly then she stuck the thing to your stomach.


Your eyes widened as you heard the sound. “Is that…” the doctor nodded and smiled at you. “The baby’s heartbeat is perfectly normal.. I think we should get some blood test and everything after this.” you nodded. “Don’t you want to hear it too Mister Nam?” you heard Woohyun footsteps coming closer and he picked inside. He was too, froze in place as he heard the sound of the baby heartbeat. “We need to take blood test and few medical test after this. Do you agree with that Mister Nam?” he just nodded and looked at you. You smiled at him. Feeling very thankful that he was there to help you.


“The baby is 12 weeks old.” Woohyun glared at you. “Three months already?!” both of you had a glaring competition for a few seconds.

“I’ll sent you the picture of the baby we took earlier and the test results tomorrow afternoon. Then next week you have to come back here to discus about the results but so far the baby is safe. Is there anything you wanted to ask?” both of you shook your heads.

“Take care of the baby and the mother too.” Woohyun nodded. “Thank you so much doctor.”


“What is it chagiya?” a guy asked his girlfriend beside him. She shook her head, “I think I saw someone…” both of them walked to the door on the right side of the all. The guy opened the door for his girlfriend. “Oh! Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Yong…”

"I'm going to prepare the bed first okay?" the couple nodded at the doctor. The girl looked around and spotted something on the doctor's desk. A picture of someone she knew on the patients list. "So this is what she's been hiding from everyone..."

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Chapter 19: lolololol thats so epic man! seriously cant wait for the next chapter!!! ><
waiting for the update :) update soon pls~~~ ^^
waiting for the update :) update soon pls~~~ ^^
Chapter 19: OMO whats gOnna happen update soon
Chapter 19: update soon please~~ =D
Chapter 19: goshhhh all of them r fighting to claim the baby as theirs...n great,daehyun's mom gonna think more badly of seolrae...huhuhuhu
i'm so sad with all those judging people...poor seolrae TT__TT
Chapter 19: Omg they all want the baby LOL
I can't choose a father for Seolrae's baby~~ it's too difficult T T~~~ Chanyeol, Daehyun???? >___<
Chapter 19: Haha...It's mine....update soon please!!!!!