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How To Change a Diaper





You just finished your group choreography with your two friends from the Dance Performance department as always they asked you to help them with their assignment.

It was already 3 pm you jumped as you realized it was also the day of the last meeting for the opening ceremony. “Guys I have to go now.” you grabbed your bag and ran to the Music building.


“You’re late.” You could feel Kris’s eyes pierced to you when you came down to the stage. “I was.. I thought..” you forgot where the meeting was held so you spent about 15 minutes to find out about it. Kris looked away didn’t want to hear your excuses, you looked down and walked to seat in the front row. One by one everyone performed in front of the three guys. They gave few people some quite mean feedbacks, not mean but they just wanted perfection. “Swan.” Kris called your name when you were still trying to tie your shade pink pointe shoes. You hate when everyone is waiting for you, you hate to rush your self and those people in the room that time wasn’t helping at all. You stood up. “Finally.” Kris said and jumped down the stage. You cursed your self as you raised your hand then the music start.

“Something is missing from the dance…” Tao whispered. “No. Something is wrong with her.” Kris said staring at you head to toe. He had watched you danced the same routine on your inauguration before. All the seniors sat on the front row at that time and to Kris you left a good impression to the seniors.

Chanyeol knew you had worked very hard for this performance since he always asked his sister about you. And he also knew that you had overworked your self with everything. He always saw the light in the practice room still on every time he was about to go home from the band practice these past weeks and he knew it was you in that room. “Where are you going?” Tao asked as Chanyeol stood up. Chanyeol didn’t answer and went to the back stage.


“Good job everyone.” Kris said to all of the performers in the room. “Don’t forget to fix those things we said to you earlier.”


“We’ll meet again here on Friday after class then we gonna go to the hotel for stage rehearsal.”


“Okay thank you..” Everyone clapped their hands and one by one walked out the hall. “Swan.”

“NOT AGAINNNN!!!” you thought they were going to spat more things for you to fix. You turned around greeted by the three of their firm look. “What now?” Kris smirked looking away and back to you. “We gave you this opportunity because we knew you’re capable to do it so don’t mess it up.” You only nodded because you had had it. You were super tired and angry at your self that you screwed up.  “Drink vitamin.” You heard Chanyeol’s voice but you didn’t even bother to look back.


As you walked out of the campus your ringtone blasted from inside your sport bag. You stopped and looked at the caller ID, it was from Woohyun. “What?”

“Wow wow what happened to you?” you sighed. “Just say it. Why did you call?”

“Just wanted to ask you where are you since its nearly 9 now..” you smirked. “Ahh really?”

“Well noooo hahaha can you buy me some food on your way—“

“ you.” You hung up and put your phone back to your bag then you spotted something inside our bag and it wasn’t belong to you and you have no idea how that thing ended up in your bag. You took the bottle out and read the sticker. “Vitamin?” you titled your head. “Where did this come from?”

“Ah well.. “ you put it back to your bag and ran to the bus stop.




“Oppa how about this?” Chaeri raised a baby blue nightgown in her hand. “Too short.” Chaeri pouted. “Oppa.. this is as shot as my ballet tutu.”

“Too short Chaeri..” Chaeri sighed in defeat. “Fine brother.” Chaeri walked away to stroll around the boutique to find the right dress. Chanyeol looked around just to kill his boredom accompanying his little sister to buy a dress for tomorrow’s opening ceremony of their family’s hotel. “Are you looking for a dress for someone special Mister? You can see right over there. Those are the new dresses.” Chanyeol smirked shaking his head. “Ahhh I thought you do. I’m sorry to disturb you then.”

“It’s okay…” as the clerk went away to greet other customer, Chanyeol glanced at the dresses she pointed at before. “Why didn’t Chaeri look over there?” he tried to find Chaeri but she wasn’t around so he decided to look for the dress. There theme of the dresses was modern fairytale. Sleeping beauty, Snow White and more. Then he spotted one but it wasn’t his sister in his mind, it was you he thought about.

It’ll look good on you he thought.

“Whaa.. its beautiful oppa! should I take that one?” Chanyeol quickly put the dress back to its hanger. He quickly looked around to find another dress. “Nahh.. how about this one?” Chaeri looked at him in confusion. “But… that one..” Chanyeol grabbed the purple dress and pushed Chaeri away. “Go try this. I’m sure this will fit you. Big bro knows best.” Chaeri rolled her eyes and did as Chanyeol told her to. Chanyeol turned around to see the white dress again. “Should I buy that for her?”

“Aiiish what the hell Chanyeol! What were you thinking!!”




You handed the helmet back to Woohyun. “Thank you oppa for the ride.” Woohyun grinned. “No problem. Good luck for the show okay?”

“Thanks.” You were about to go inside you campus when Woohyun called you again. “Yes?”

“What time are you going back?”

“I don’t know… why? Why you suddenly care?” Woohyun chuckled. He was actually very very worried about you. He saw your tired face everyday, he knew you always came home late from practice and he heard you throwing up pretty bad from next door several times. “I just wanted to know. Okay then, good luck once again.”

“Thanks oppa.” you hurriedly ran into the campus, you didn’t want Kris to scold you for being late again. Woohyun watched as you back disappeared.


It was already 10 a clock in the morning when you entered the hall in the music building. Some of the performers were practicing and to your relief you haven’t seen any SKIES around. You did some stretching on stage along with the others.  

Not so long after that Tao came in with three men in black suits. Looked like they are his bodyguards. You had 2 hours rehearsing in the hall. Tao didn’t really pay attention though because he was busy with some calls and everything. After that all of you got into the bus they provide for all of you.

“Thank you..” you took the box of food for your lunch. “Are you nervous?” the girl beside you who handed you your lunch said. You nodded. “Kinda… I don’t know what to expect.” Both of you nodded. “I heard they’ll hold bigger after party.”

“Ah really?” not that you really care. “Yeah. They’ll be more performances there. Too bad they didn’t invite all of us. Its only for VIP guests.”

“Upper class.” She added. You just nodded your head.




You looked around as everyone left to follow the woman in black suit direction to their dressing room. “Excuse me.. how about me?” you asked one of the men in suits. He looked at you and checked the papers in his hand. “Are you Swan?” you sighed. “When will they stop calling me that?” you nodded. “Oh your dressing room is this way. Follow me.” you were a bit worried cause it was the opposite way from the other’s dressing room. “Let me take that miss..”

“Its okay I can carry this my self.” You held onto your ballet cloths. He just nodded and opened the door. “Whoaahh..” the dressing room was very very big and you had that for your self.

You walked further into the room. You weren’t alone there were two young woman there sat on the sofa. You quickly bowed. “This is Swan.” The man said. “Ah my name is actually Seolrae.”

“Are you the swan lake girl?” you nodded. “Great! Come here lets start your make up.” You were a bit surprised cause you thought you had to take care of everything your self but they actually provided everything.

“Who are you really? are you one of their girlfriends or what?” you blinked at the makeup eonni. “Wh-what makes you think I’m one of their girlfriends?”

“First.. you are the only one they provided these.” You just chuckled. Maybe it was just because they want you to look good since you got the most important job later. “They call you Swan. Isnt that like a couple nick name?” then you burst to laugh. “No eonni. Kris sunbae called me that because I played the role of Swan in the campus Swan Lake theater.” She made an O with . “But you didn’t answer my question!”

“No. I’m not any of them girlfriend.”




“Good luck!” Jihyuk said as he came down the stage after their band performance. You nodded and smiled thanking him. You smiled to the other members too. You jumped a bit when Chanyeol jumped off of the stage. His bodyguards quickly came around him. You watched as they took his black tux off and changed it with the white one. Two young woman were busy wiping his sweat with tissue and fanning him. He totally looked like an idol you thought. He looked at you and smiled a little. You were a bit surprised but you smiled at him back. He mouthed “hwaiting!” you nodded and bowed your head to thank him.


Then it was finally your turn to take the stage. The lights went off and you quickly went to the center of the stage. You looked down to your shoes, praying and taking a one deep breath and released as you looked up. You turned your head to the crew and nodded then you heard the music.

You felt the light hit your skin, followed by the sound of hands clapping and cheering. The magic of ballet dancing you soon drowned into the character of Odette, the Swan Princess and forgot about all your worries. Then the next thing you knew the song was over and your heart triumphed to hear such a great reactions from the crowd. You bowed you to every direction and went to the left side of the stage beside the crew who held the white roses decorated tray with a scissor tied with white ribbon on it. “Great performance.” The crew said. You bowed your head couldn't stop smiling because you felt relief that you finally did it. Then SKIES with their fathers came on stage. Kris’s father said few words about the hotel and his hope for the future not to forget to mentioned their sons and everything. Then Tao waved his hand to you and you took the tray and brought it to the stage. “Thank you Swan..” Kris father said. You swore you saw a flash of Kris smirk and Tao held his laugh. “Like son, like father.” Then you stood beside Tao behind his father. “Great performance Seolrae.” he whispered. “Thanks.” Then suddenly you felt a bit dizzy but before anything could happen to you, someone hold your arms from behind. It was Chanyeol. “You okay?” Tao asked you. You nodded lightly.


“Seolrae!” you stopped and turned around. Tao waved his hand to you signing you to come over. “Thank you so much for performing here. You were amazing.” You bowed to Tao’s parents. “Seolrae eonni!”

“Ah Chaeri.. annyeong..”

“This is Seolrae eonni, umma appa..” you bowed to Chanyeol’s parents. They asked you few questions. You happily answered them, you didn’t know they were this polite to people, lets say.. unlike their sons. “Are you staying for the after party?” Chanyeol’s mother asked. “I can?!” “No Mrs. Park.” You shook your head. “Why?! I thought they made this party for their friends! are they not inviting you?” you waved your hand. “It-its not that Mrs. Park..” you glanced at Chanyeol and Tao who were talking to their friends. “Park Chanyeol!” Chanyeol jumped a bit when he heard his mom voice. “What is it mother?”

“Why isnt this lady staying for after party?” you looked away avoiding Chanyeol’s gaze. “She’s staying.” You glared at him. “Ahh good! Then you should change your cloths now dear. The after party is going to start in half an hour.”

“But…” Chanyeol squeezed your hand. You looked up to him, he was eyeing you. “N-ne Mrs. Park..”


“Ya! Chanyeol-shi where are you taking me?” you tried to get out of his grip. He snapped his fingers and two man and two women in suit came up to you two. “Take care of her.”

“What?” you turned to him but he was already walked back to the hall. “Follow me miss..” you nodded unsurely and followed them.


You looked at your self in the mirror. You were too surprised by how you look that night. “Beautiful…” the two make up eonni who did your make up for the performance squealed behind you. The one shoulder white mini dress fitted you well. The flower details on the chest to the one shoulder made it even sweeter. Your hair curled in the end and they put a feather hairpin behind your right ear.  “Coming!!” the makeup eonni opened the door. “Whoaaaa eonni you look… wait.” Chaeri remembered the dress. “Chanyeol oppa….

“What is it Chaeri?” you asked. “Ah anni anni. Lets go eonni the party has just started!” you nodded and followed Chaeri, not to forget thanking the makeup eonni who helped you.


“Uuuwii.. who’s that hottie?” one of SKIES friends said that. Kris looked up as Chanyeol and Tao turned around. Their eyes widen in shock. “Don’t tell me you bought that dress for her…” Tao said without even take his eyes off of you. Chanyeol gulped. “Wrong move bro..” Kris said as he realized the others youngster there also looking at you.

Chanyeol held his breath as you and Chaeri walked towards him. “Thank you.” You told him. He just nodded. Suddenly a guy took your hand and kissed it. You were a bit surprise by his sudden move. “The name is Jaehyo.” You bowed. “Seolrae.”

“Would you like to—“ but Chanyeol grabbed your other hand. You looked up to him in confusion. Jaehyo smirked. “Well guess you already have your partner. Should’ve told me earlier Chanyeol.”

“See you when he’s not around Seolrae.” Jaehyo left. Kris smirked and followed Jaehyo. “I-I’m outta here.. come on Chaeri.” Tao said. “But but oppa…” Chaeri tried to pulled away from Tao’s grip. Then Chanyeol released your wrist and turned around. “Wait!” he turned back around. “Aren’t we going to dance?” his eyes widened. You just smiled at him. Maybe this will be the best way to thank him you thought. “Come on Chanyeol-shi…” he chuckled and took your hand. “Stop calling me –shi”

“Stop calling me swan too…” he looked down at you. “Tell Kris hyung.” You frowned, then there will be no way they’ll stop calling you that.


Both of you started to dance as you got on the dance floor. You watched him move and it wasn’t that bad in fact he was also good at it. “I didn’t know you can dance..” you said. “You haven’t seen anything yet.” You chuckled, you didn’t know why that was cheesy for you. You felt comfortable being round him. And to Chanyeol you were totally interesting. He kept asking you questions as both of you were dancing.


“Someone will not go home to their home tonight…” Jaehyo said as he drank down his drink. Kris slapped the back of Jaehyo’s head. “He wouldn’t do that.”

“What makes you so sure?” Kris glanced at Jaehyo from the corner of his eyes. “Cause he’s not a ert like you.” Jaehyo laughed. “Good point. But you missed out another name.”


“Kris Wu.” Jaehyo earned another slapped. “O! see that.. they are leaving already..” Kris looked at the dance floor and he couldn’t spot you or Chanyeol anywhere. Kris quickly called his bodyguards. “Ya.. why are you so worry about? You said he isn’t like me?” Kris looked at Jaehyo. Kris wasn’t sure why he was hanging out with this annoying creature beside him.


“Seolrae… are you okay?” Chanyeol knocked at the bathroom door but no answer from inside. Chanyeol sat back on the bed feeling very anxious. He stood up as he heard a click from the bathroom. He quickly held you arms to prevent you from falling. “Ahh…” you clutched your head. “Let me take you home.” You shook your head. “I-I’m okay Chanyeol oppa..” you held on to him tighter. Suddenly his phone rang and it was from Tao. “What?”

“Ahh..” you feel to the floor. He quickly hung up and cupped your face. You were burning. “Sir.. Master Park is looking for you.” His bodyguard said. “I cant leave her here like this! I cant just go like this either! Ottokae!!”

He opened the door. “Take her home. Make sure she drink some medicine before you leave. Araso?” his bodyguards nodded. He stared at your shivering body and quickly walked away to go to his father half hearted.


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Chapter 19: lolololol thats so epic man! seriously cant wait for the next chapter!!! ><
waiting for the update :) update soon pls~~~ ^^
waiting for the update :) update soon pls~~~ ^^
Chapter 19: OMO whats gOnna happen update soon
Chapter 19: update soon please~~ =D
Chapter 19: goshhhh all of them r fighting to claim the baby as theirs...n great,daehyun's mom gonna think more badly of seolrae...huhuhuhu
i'm so sad with all those judging people...poor seolrae TT__TT
Chapter 19: Omg they all want the baby LOL
I can't choose a father for Seolrae's baby~~ it's too difficult T T~~~ Chanyeol, Daehyun???? >___<
Chapter 19: Haha...It's mine....update soon please!!!!!