
How To Change a Diaper

You breathed the morning air after you opened the helmet and handed it back to Woohyun. “Don’t.” you held Woohyun’s hand before he took off his helmet. You didn’t want anyone to see him, even if they did, just let them wonder about who he is. You didn’t want Woohyun to get into this problem too. Woohyun sighed and pated your head. “You can to this Seolrae.” you nodded at him and sent him off to work. You greeted by the prestige K-ARTS’s gate as you turned around.

Even there weren’t lots of people outside since it was still lecture period but you could already feel people were watching you. And right then you heard the bell rang. “Great.” You sighed and walked to your department building. You felt very uncomfortable and nervous and insecure on the same time. Some of them were talking pictures of you and surely it’ll end up on the school’s web and soon the whole campus will found out that you’re back. “So that’s how gossip works around here.” You didn’t even pay attention to school’s web before, you didn’t even know it existed. As you came into your building then the dirty looks and stares begins. “Keep calm Seolrae…” you told your self.

You stopped as you saw your teammates, Jiyeon, Hyunah, Suzy and Minzy just got out of the studio. They were laughing to each other but stopped after they spotted you too. It was like the people around you stopped. Very tense. You still had that hope they’ll at least stand by your side cause to you they weren’t just teammates or best friends but they were like your own sisters. You looked at them one by one. “Please.. don’t leave me.”

“Let’s go.” Hyunah and Jiyeon were the first two to walked away. Suzy looked at you with her cold eyes and followed the two. And as for Minzy, she stayed for few seconds just tell you that she was worry but also disappointed at you with her stare then she left.  “Don’t cry Seolrae….” you clenched the book in your arms holding back your tears.


The “Teaching Method” class wasn’t okay at all. People sat as far as they could get from you, like you had some kind of disease or something. Thirty minutes passed, it was enough for the whole school to know what was buzz around the student. “Yoon Seolrae class 2011… to the dean’s office.” You sighed and walked out of the class and didn’t forget to bow to your professor before leaving.

You were scared that the dean might asked you some tough questions besides you never really met him before so… you weren’t sure what kind of dean he is. You bowed as you got into the room and he told you to sit down and you did.

“I heard about what happened to you.” You just nodded. “Is it true?” you nodded again. The dean cleared his throat and leaned to his chair. “You know the rules right? You can only come to class and not allowed to join any show or competition.” You sighed and nodded. “And… we only give you time until your pregnancy reached five month and after that you have to leave school.”

“Yes. I know sir.”

“Good.” you lowered your head holding back your tears.

“About Mr. Park and Mr. Jung—“ you looked up and quickly shook your head. “None of them are the father sir. None of this campus’s students.”

“Okay.” He nodded and wrote something down the closed folder under him. “I’m very disappointed at you but I guess what happened on that audition day and maybe how your friends treat you now already a good punishment for you.” You nodded at his words. “I don’t think what happened in the audition is necessary too. I’ll help you to find the person who posted that.” You looked up to the dean, he smiled at you softly. “You deserve a privacy.”

“Thank you..” and just about that he gave you some papers to fill in for your leaving.


“Seolrae-ah..” you jumped a bit as you found Daehyun already waited for you out side the dean’s office. You only glanced at him and walked away. He was a bit taken aback and froze there. “Seolrae-ah!” he grabbed your wrist and turned you around. “Why didn’t you tell me anything about this?” you snapped your hand out of his grip. “Ya!”

“Don’t come near me.” Daehyun’s eyes widened. “What? Why?”

“I don’t want you to get involved further in this mess.”

“But I already in this mess and I’m going to help you get through this.” You couldn’t hold your tears anymore. “Hey hey..” you ditched his hand again. Daehyun glared at you. “Please Daehyun… don’t make this hard for me.” Daehyun sighed. “Then what do you want me to do?”

“You. Go away. Just don’t get near me especially in school.”

“Why are you suddenly like this?” his voice was rather shaky because of anger or shaky in fear that he might lose you. You heard everything about what happened in school from one of Daehyun’s friends. He had been stressed out a lot and didn’t concentrate at all in class and even skipped some and that wasn’t Daehyun you know at all. “Just.. do as I said Dae.” He sighed again. “I can’t.”

“Daehyun. Its to clear up your name.”

“I don’t care about my name.”

“Dae….” Daehyun looked at your pleading eyes. “Fine. But I can’t promise you.” He left you there. He didn’t want to leave you but he promised him self that he’ll do anything to help you and do as you told is one of them.


Lunch was as tough as it could get. It was full and no once seemed to be nice enough to let you sit with them. Only Daehyun’s and one of his friend’s table was your last choice. You knew his friends too and you knew he wouldn’t mind either, especially Daehyun but again, before these people stopped suspect him as the father you wont get near him. Your eyes met but you quickly walked away. On your way back to your building you saw Kris and Tao but there was no Chanyeol around. You could clearly see the tense on their faces, which made you wonder if anything happened while you were gone. And maybe you were right. You saw Chanyeol leaned to the locker with his plastered cheek when you came into the building. “Did they had a fight?” you stared at Chanyeol from afar. “Was it because he saved me?” you clenched your book in your arms. Suddenly Chanyeol looked up and spotted you. He smiled at you and about to walk up to you then you quickly walked away. “Seolrae!” he shouted. You quickened your walk and came into the girl’s bathroom to hide. You ruined Daehyun’s grades and Chanyeol’s friendships with Kris and Tao, you felt terrible.

“I think I’m going to throw up.” You ran to the stall and dealing with your morning sick again. Just fifteen minutes before the next class you came out of the bathroom. You sighed in relief as you didn’t saw Chanyeol around.


“Chanyeol-ahh..” Chanyeol snapped Hyunsoo’s hand away. Jihyuk and Minki looked at him in worry. “Chanyeol-ah.. don’t worry we already took care of it okay?” Jihyuk had good relationship with the school’s media team. He told them to broadcast another news to clear up Chanyeol’s name. That wasn’t the reason why he stressed out. He knew why you ran away from him earlier, same reason with his friends, you wanted to clear up his name. but somehow it worried him that he couldn’t protect you if you kept pushing him away just for the sake of his name. Dilemma hit him.




Daehyun peeked inside the practice room. Your teammates was all there, but no sign of you. He looked at his watch, the class already over since half an hour ago. Daehyun felt his anger boiling up to see the others were acting like nothing happened. “This is why I don’t like you hanging out with them.” He said, then walked away trying to find our where could you be at that time.


You sighed as you walked to the campus gate. It was a tough tough day for you. Being talked behind your back, even if you heard it all, being ignored by your best friends, those dirty looks and even words the other students threw at you and else you have to hide every time you saw Daehyun or Chanyeol. In the end of the day you got tired physically and mentally because all of it. “Ahh…” you quickly held onto the gate as you felt the dizziness. You could feel your afternoon snack came up to your throat. A hand caught your arm before you fell. You looked up and Daehyun was looking down at you with full concern. You stood up and quickly pushed him away. He didn’t stopped there, he took your wrist and spun you around. “The school is over. Why are you still like this?”

“But we are still in school.” You said coldly. “Fine. Ka.” You glanced at him and walked away.

You got into the bus and not so long after that Daehyun came in and took a seat behind you. He was behind you following you all the time. Protectively watching you, few feet behind you. You only glanced at him then suddenly your phone vibrated.


                  You’re making me look like a real stalker now. Are you happy?


You smiled.

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Chapter 19: lolololol thats so epic man! seriously cant wait for the next chapter!!! ><
waiting for the update :) update soon pls~~~ ^^
waiting for the update :) update soon pls~~~ ^^
Chapter 19: OMO whats gOnna happen update soon
Chapter 19: update soon please~~ =D
Chapter 19: goshhhh all of them r fighting to claim the baby as theirs...n great,daehyun's mom gonna think more badly of seolrae...huhuhuhu
i'm so sad with all those judging people...poor seolrae TT__TT
Chapter 19: Omg they all want the baby LOL
I can't choose a father for Seolrae's baby~~ it's too difficult T T~~~ Chanyeol, Daehyun???? >___<
Chapter 19: Haha...It's mine....update soon please!!!!!