Baby Bump.

How To Change a Diaper

Everything turned better, way better after you explained everything to  Daehyun. At least a bit of your worries disappear, now that he knew that you're pregnant. He always insisted to pick you up every morning to school but what annoyed you the most was that Daehyun and Woohyun never get along with each other. Every morning they would argue about useless things or threw sarcasm phrases to each other.  But aside of those things you were glad that you have them by your side.

“Seolrae-ah…” you turned around to Woohyun before leaving your house, Daehyun stopped after you and stared at Woohyun with no interest. “Come home early oe?” Daehyun rolled his eyes, he knew it was just to annoys him. “Wae?”

“I want to treat you dinner.” You titled your head, why is suddenly Woohyun became so nice? “O-okay then…”

“and you are not invited Daehyun-ahhhh..” Daehyun slammed the door closed after you came out. You just chuckled watching Daehyun getting pissed at Woohyun’s words. You pated his back lightly, “He just wanted to make you angry Dae.. don’t mind him.”

“I know..” Daehyun pushed the elevator button. You noticed that he was staring at you the whole time. "Ah wae?! Why are you staring at me like that?" He chuckled then looked away. "You look more lively."

"Chinca?" He nodded. "Maybe its because all of those worries already gone since you forgive me." He chuckled again.

"Seolrae-ah.. I think you should leave school soon."


"I don't know.. I heard about how people treat your friend. I just think its better for you to leave school before anyone finds out." He got a point. You agreed with him but you were just not ready yet and besides leaving school needs parental agreement too. Which reminded you again about your worries regarding your family.

Your mom called you several times, more often than she usually does. She told you that she had that "something is wrong with my daughter" feeling and she was damn worry about you. But you managed to convince her that you are perfectly fine.

"You haven't told your family haven't you?" You nodded to Daehyun. He sighed. He hated it that he couldn't do anything to help you with that problem. Neither do your self. You were helpless when it comes to your family. Your mom and dad were so happy when you got in K-ARTS, their alma meter, where they met each other. Your mom was a vocal major, she was in the choir club while your dad was a music instrument major, majoring in guitar. You still remembered it very well when they dropped you on your audition day and when you got the best audition piece nomination, you couldnt imagine what will they say if you decided to leave school. And beside if you do want to leave school, whats your excuses? telling them that you're pregnant with no one's baby? thats like murdering your own family. "Dae.. i think I'm going to throw up.."


"I can still dance!" You stopped as you heard that from inside the student council's room. "How could you do this to me? Its my last week and that will be my last stage here.." It was Hara talking to Kevin and Jaekyung, the head of dance school student council and Jaekyung is the head of dance festival staff. "We can't let you dance Hara.. There will be lots of students from other department too. We don't want to make a buzz. Please understand."

"But... I already prepared and practiced a lot for it.." Her voice started to shake. "We're very very sorry Hara..." She didn't say anything. You quickly ran away as she turned around about to leave the room.

"Do you think she'll say yes?" Hara slowed down her walk to the door. "I think so. I'll ask her later."

"Whaa this will be daebak. She's one of the top student in her year right?" Hara clenched her teeth, can't wait to see who'll take her place.  


As always you, Minzy and Suzy went to the cafeteria to wait for the next class. Hyuna and Jiyeon was already there, waving their hands from their seat. "Ya! That's mine!" Suzy snapped a cup of yoghurt from Jiyeon’s hand. "Hey hey I heard that the student council kicked Hara out of the performer list." You were surprised on how news spread around so fast there. "I wonder who'll replace her. Solo performance is very important right?" The other nodded. You felt very sorry for her, you knew how it feels like to be a solo dancer and practiced a lot just for one performance days or weeks even months before. "What a waste of a talent just because a stupid act like that. Everyone knows she's the best contemporary dancer in this school." You definitely agreed with that.  "Seolrae?" You looked up to two of your seniors, Kevin and Wooyoung. "Oh annyeonghaseyo sunbaenim.." The five of you bowed your heads. "Seolrae-shi.. Would you like to join the audition for the solo performance?"

"Whaaaa Seolrae-ah!! You're so lucky! Say yes! Its for the festival right sunbae?" The two boys nodded and smiled at you. "We wanted you to perform there but our professor told us to hold an audition for it" Kevin said. "Don't worry you got our votes, its an open audition so audience's votes count." Wooyoung added.


"Yah Seolrae, say yes! it just an audition" Minzy shook your body. "Yeah! even though we're sure you're going to pass." You were too shock to answer the question. You were happy but feeling bad about the fact that you might take Hara's place. You felt like you didn't deserve it at all. "Its okay if you wanted to think about it first. Give us your answer tomorrow?" Wooyoung asked. You nodded and bowed your head, "kamsahamnida.." The two guys left your table. "Yah! Yoon Seolrae! Are you crazy! It’s a great offer for you!” You just kept it calm and tried to think about it again.


Woohyun kept glancing at you. He knew something had been bothering your mind since you got home from the campus. He poked your head with the back of his chopstick. "Ya.. What's wrong?" You sighed, eating your ebi udon again. "Seolrae.. You know you can tell anything..." You shook your head. "I'm okay oppa thanks..." Giving him a reassuring smile. "Em! Anyways... Is today a special day? Its not your birthday right?" Woohyun pouted. "You don't remember my birthday?"

"I DO!! That's why I asked you. Its not your birthday.. So why are you treating me dinner?" He straightened him self. "I, I mean my team got a new project."

"O! Chincayeo?" He nodded wildly. "Just a movie called The Thieves." you stopped and tried to remember the tittle of the movie. "O! THE THIEVES?! Oppa! Its not just a movie! Its the most anticipated action movie this summer!" Woohyun nodded grinning at you. "Whaaa oppa!! Chukkae!" He chuckled and pated your head. "Thanks.."

"I'm kinda nervous actually. There will be lots of actions and everything and this is my first big movie."

"Nawww oppa... Trust me! You'll do great!" Looked down hiding his redden cheeks. "Why do I feel so comfortable around her?"




You spun around and round and round staring at your self in the mirror, trying on your ballet costume. You were worried if someone might noticed your growing tummy which they definitely will to your opinion.

"Seolrae??" Woohyun quickly came after you texted him. "What is— Okay.. what are you doing in that costume?" He stared at you from head to toe. Amazed by your look, it was the first time he sees you in your ballet costume. "Can you see it?" You spun around slowly the turned to him with questioning look, looking down to your tummy.


"Chinca?" He nodded. "Its too tight."

"What you expect ballet costume to look like?" You pouted at him then sighed, "Let's call Daehyun."


You stared at the two boys in front of you. "So??" You turned Daehyun. "People will notice." He answered. "Told you so..." Woohyun walked away to the kitchen. "What should I do?!!!!" You threw your self to the sofa. "O!! I know who can help you!" Woohyun shouted from the kitchen.


"Woohyun-ah!!" A very fashionable looking guy came into your apartment. His edgy hair style, his glasses and cloths fitted him well.  "Key, this is Seolrae and..." Daehyun looked away. "Daehyun."

"Hello.." Key waved at the two of you politely. "This is Key, my bestfriend. He studied fashion in the states."

"Whaaa... so cool!"

"Don’t exaggerating it Seolrae-shi." he chuckled.

"So.. Who needs fashion 911 here?"


Woohyun and Daehyun boringly watching you and Key discussed about the costume. After an hour of internet surfing, you finally decided just to do the Nutcracker routine and Key drew the sketch of the costume for you that can hide your baby bump. First you weren't comfortable for telling Key the truth since you just met him. But to know that he's Woohyun's best friend over five years was enough for you to tell him the truth.  “How’s this?

“Whaaa oppa.. this is beautiful..” Key smiled screening his masterpiece again. "Now we just have to buy the cloths. Should we go now?" you and Key stood up and the other two boys followed after.

The cloths hunting was a bless for you. Woohyun and Key kept throwing funny jokes and played with each other. Your heart warmed to see how close they were.

Once or twice Woohyun would tried to provoke Daehyun's anger and did some annoying things to him. You knew he did that just to make Daehyun talk and feel more comfortable around him, Woohyun's style that is. But thank God, Daehyun seemed to be in a very good mood that day. "I'm princess of Indiaaaa~" Woohyun wrapped a red Saree around his mouth and started to dance, waving his body. It was hilarious, even Daehyun couldn't hold his laugh anymore. "O! See he's laughing! Maybe I should be a comedian instead of a stuntmen.."

"Agree! I heard that comedians have high salary nowadays."

"Yah! Key! how dare you..." Woohyun and Key playfully fight with each other. You looked up to Daehyun and smiled at him. Glad that he was finally okay with Woohyun around. Because to you, both of their presence is very precious.




"Your baby is 13 weeks old but only gained 2 grams from last week. The baby weight is only 12 grams when it needed to be about 20-25 grams." the doctor explained. "Told you to eat more." you glared at Woohyun, while Daehyun was in his own world staring at the baby picture, he still couldn't seem to find the baby in the picture.

"But.. how come I mean look at my stomach!" the doctor chuckled. "This is normaly happens to mothers dont worry. Its bacause those foods you eat ended up in your body not the baby."

"Means that....."

"You need to eat more." Woohyun tried to held his laugh. You always refused to eat because you felt so insecure about your body. "Booya.." you punched Woohyun's stomach. "Is there anything else you wanted to know?" you shook your head. The doctor glanced at Daehyun. "Daehyun?" you shook his body on your left. "Eh umm no I'm okay but where's the baby in this picture?" Woohyun snorted, "Pabo." Daehyun shot a glare at Woohyun. You just rolled your eyes. The doctor took the picture and pointed at it. "O..." Daehyun nodded. "Anything else?" 

"No.. i guess.. thank you doctor.."

"Okay then.. see you next month Ms. Yoon."

"Thank you doctor." Woohyun bowed and followed by Daehyun after.


"What is it Seolrae?" you looked around the hallway of the hospital. You felt like someone was watching you. "Seolrae?"

"Eh? eumm nothing..."

You turned around again reassuring your self that no one had their eyes on you."

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Chapter 19: lolololol thats so epic man! seriously cant wait for the next chapter!!! ><
waiting for the update :) update soon pls~~~ ^^
waiting for the update :) update soon pls~~~ ^^
Chapter 19: OMO whats gOnna happen update soon
Chapter 19: update soon please~~ =D
Chapter 19: goshhhh all of them r fighting to claim the baby as theirs...n great,daehyun's mom gonna think more badly of seolrae...huhuhuhu
i'm so sad with all those judging people...poor seolrae TT__TT
Chapter 19: Omg they all want the baby LOL
I can't choose a father for Seolrae's baby~~ it's too difficult T T~~~ Chanyeol, Daehyun???? >___<
Chapter 19: Haha...It's mine....update soon please!!!!!