Morning Sickness

How To Change a Diaper


Daehyun looked up from his music sheets because of the commotion from outside his class. But then he just ignored it because something had been bothering his mind since this morning. He knew something wasn’t right at all.

“Daehyun-shi?” Daehyun snapped out of his thought and looked up greeted by Minzy and Jiyeon’s smile. “Yes?”

“Have you heard anything from Seolrae? she didn’t come to class again today.”


“Em. You didn’t know?” Daehyun shook his head. “I texted her this morning and she seemed okay to me.” Minzy and Jiyeon looked at each other. “Yeah.. we texted her too since Monday, she said that she got something to take care of.” Daehyun blinked. That wasn’t what you told him. “Should we go to her house or something?” Jiyeon asked. Daehyun was just staring at his phone without saying anything.


“Seolrae-ah… please… you have to eat something.” Woohyun knocked on your door endlessly. You pulled your cover up to your head. You just didn’t want to deal with everything,, you just want to stay in your bed. Hoping to fall back asleep cause by sleeping you can ran away from the fact that you have another growing living creature inside your tummy. Sometimes sleeping didn’t help you either. You kept dreaming about having a super big tummy and everyone left you.


It had been three days since you lock your self in your room. Woohyun begged the owner to let him have the spare key to your room and you hate it how he could always convince people.

You only came out when you feel like throwing up and that was always be Woohyun’s only chance to force you to eat. And again, you hate him for being too strong for you to push him out of your way back to your room.

“I don’t want to eat!” you stopped in front of the bathroom door after you finished dealing with your morning sickness. Woohyun stood tall a cross you, in front of your bedroom door. “Eat. Or you want me to break your doorknob?”

“Do what you want.” You came up to him, eyeing him. He was glaring at you but then softened. “You have to eat for the bab—“

“Stop. Don’t ever say that in front of me.” Woohyun eyes grew wider.

You don’t hate it, you just don’t want to think about it because thinking about it might leads you to hatred towards the growing thing inside your tummy. Woohyun cupped your face and held it up to face him. Your eyes looked away though. “Don’t do this again…” you sighed in defeat cause honestly you were feeling hungry yourself.  

Woohyun pulled the chair for you to sit down then you watched him skillfully made foods for the two of you. “Seolrae…”

“Em?” you rested your head on your left fist. “Can you at least say something to your friends? I’ve been replying their messages but I cant be you.” He stirred the cream soup on the stove looking at you from the kitchen. “And besides.. don’t you miss school and your friends?”

You just sighed deep in your thought. What if they found out?

Are they going to leave me?

Is Daehyun going to hate me?

What should I do when my tummy grow bigger?

How should I tell my parents?

Can.. can I still dance?

Everything rushed through your mind. Your face heated up and you were sure that tears would come out in any second. Then a warm hand snapped you out of your thought. Woohyun softly smiled at you. It was the first time he really did that, a sincere smile a caring one. “You’ll be alright.” And pushed the oh so delicious cream soup in front of you. “Eat it.” He straightened him self and started to eat his own breakfast. “Oppa…” Woohyun looked up, “Em?”

“Thank you..” you said with your head hung low. “Anytime Soelrae. Finish it and go get ready.”

“Mwo? Get ready for what?” you looked up to him watching him hungrily eating his own cooking. “We’re going out.”

“No no no no there’s no way I’m going out like this.” He chuckled. “Ya.. no one will notice it anyway.. come on..”


There you were, walking beside Woohyun to somewhere he didn’t even bother to tell you. He looked very excited while you felt very insecure when someone in the street looking at you. You were afraid that people might know about your pregnancy which pretty stupid thought logically.

“Woohyun-ah!” a guy with small eyes greeted him. Beside him stood a beautiful girl with a shoulder length hair waving at Woohyun and you realized that girl was on the same situation like you. “This is Seolrae.” the girl looked at you, there was a slight of doubt and curiosity in her eyes. You started to feel very nervous because you mom once told you a mother or a pregnant woman could easily know if someone else is pregnant and that scared the out of you. “An-annyeonghaseyo.. my name is Yoon Seolrae. Nice to meet you..”

“I’m Sunggyu, Woohyun’s teammate! Leader for exact and this is my girlfriend Soojung.” You bowed again to the girl. She smiled at you. “Is she your girlfriend?” Woohyun choked on the candy he was eating. “No, she’s not!!”

“Then why you bring her here?” Sunggyu looked at you mischievously raising his eyebrows at you. You just chuckled on how funny he looked like. “Because I cant leave her alone in the house, she almost got robbed yesterday.”

“Chinca?!” you looked up to Woohyun as he kicked your feet. “Eh, nde.. I came home very late last night and someone almost attack me.”

“Wha.. you should be more careful from now on.”  You nodded. “Nde.. I will. Thanks a lot.”

“So.. how are you Soojung?” you looked at the girl. Her face turned brighter as she started to talk about her pregnancy. “We came to the doctor yesterday. I was so happy to hear her heart beat.”

“Its him chagi.”



“Yayaya hyung! Just leave it to HER mom” Sunggyu slapped Woohyun’s head. “Ya! You supposed to be on my side here!” everyone laughed. “What do you think Seolrae?” you jumped a bit when Sunggyu asked you. “I-I I don’t know..” you awkwardly chuckled. “Here. Touch it.” Soojung said. You looked at Woohyun he just shrugged. You didn’t know what came over you but the next thing you knew your hands were already on her round belly. You looked up and met her eyes, she softly smiled at you. “I think it’s a boy.” You said as you pulled away.

“BOOYA! Eat that Woohyun!”

“Chagiya.. why are you so childish..” Soojung said. “Oyeah Soojung-ah! Seolrae is a dancer too.”

“Chinca-yo?” you nodded excitingly. “I’m a dance major in K-ART.”

“Oh my god you kidding me! I’m a dance major too!!”

“Should we leave now Woohyun?” you chuckled. “I think we should. You girls go talk about the dance thingy. We’ll be back soon.” Sunggyu said.

You nodded at them as they walked out of the café leaving you and Soojung alone. “So…” Soojung said sipping her drink. You chuckled again. She started to ask you questions and both of you talk a lot about dance and the funny thing was you two went to the same ballet class when you two were just a kid, she was your senior though.  “Unni-ah.. can I ask you something?”

“Of course! What is it?” you bite your bottom lips looking at her reflection on the window glass. Staring at her baby bump. “Seolrae?”

“Eh um.. how you deal with school and being pregnant?” she was a bit taken a back but she softly smiled at you. “It was though at first cause both of us didn’t expect this at first. Our parents too.. but thank God Sunggyu oppa’s parents are very supportive unlike mine.” She sighed. You felt a bit guilty for asking her. “But besides that everything is a blessings for me. Oppa got a good job now and for me… I can still dance and enjoying being a pregnant woman. And besides… everyone seems to be very nice to a pregnant woman.”  she chuckled. You watched her lovingly her stomach. “I cant wait to see her and teach her how to dance. Or fine.. if it’s a boy.. I’ll take him to martial arts class.” You could feel a smiled formed on your own lips. You looked down to your own tummy and put a hand on it. “I’m sorry… I should hurt you like this..”

“Euum Seolrae-ah…” but before she could say anything the two guys came. “Lets go home Seolrae.. its getting late.”

“Okay.. Thank you so much Sunggyu oppa and unni..”

“Good bye…” the four of you bit goodbyes and walked to opposite direction.

On your way home you thought about Soojung’s words again. She was just like you, dance is her life but she seemed like she didn’t mind to give it all up to raise the baby. Despite the unexpected pregnancy but she kept doing what she wanted to do and didn’t care about what everyone’s said. She was so proud to be the mother of Sunggyu’s baby and Sunggyu looked like he was going to be a good father too. How you wish you had someone beside you to help you get through this and how you wish you knew where this.. miracle came from?

“Thinking a lot?” Woohyun said snapping you back from your deep thoughts. You nodded at him. “Feeling any better?” you looked up and smiled to him. “Lots better..”

you both went silent again.

“Thank you Woohyun oppa..” he replied you with a smirk.




“What are you doing in her room?” Woohyun jumped a bit as he saw Daehyun already stood on your doorstep. “Eh? Emmm.. I was- I just…” Daehyun raised his eyebrow on how nervous Woohyun acted. “Woohyun oppa….” both of them froze as they heard your voice.

“ she must have her morning sick again.” Woohyun thought.

“What were these two up to?” Daehyun stared at your door in full concern. “Seolrae-ah.. Daehyun is here…” Woohyun turned his back to Daehyun. You opened your bedroom door and rushed to the bathroom. “Seolrae!” both of the shouted. Again delivered your whole breakfast to the toilet. Daehyun quickly pulled your hair up and Woohyun dashed to the kitchen to make a cup of tea for you.

“You sure you want to go?” you nodded to the two guys in front of you. “Araso… but call me if anything happen okay?” you nodded at Woohyun. “Since when he cared so much about her?” Daehyun threw a dirty look at Woohyun. Woohyun looked away.


“What’s wrong Dae?” looked at him in worry. “Anniya.. you feel better now?” you softly smiled to him. “Em… I’m okay.. I’m just excited to dance again.” Daehyun sighed. “Seolrae-ah..”


“Why did you lie to us?” your eyes widened in shock. “Why didn’t you just tell me that you’re sick?” “at least I can take care of you instead of that bastard.”

You cleared your throat, “Cause I don’t want to make you worry.. and besides you need to focus on TS audition right. I heard you practice all day.” Daehyun looked at you. “Where? How did you know?” you winked at him. “I have my ways Daehyun.” Both of you chuckled. You rested your head on his shoulder and a hand on your stomach. “Im sorry Dae…”

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Chapter 19: lolololol thats so epic man! seriously cant wait for the next chapter!!! ><
waiting for the update :) update soon pls~~~ ^^
waiting for the update :) update soon pls~~~ ^^
Chapter 19: OMO whats gOnna happen update soon
Chapter 19: update soon please~~ =D
Chapter 19: goshhhh all of them r fighting to claim the baby as theirs...n great,daehyun's mom gonna think more badly of seolrae...huhuhuhu
i'm so sad with all those judging people...poor seolrae TT__TT
Chapter 19: Omg they all want the baby LOL
I can't choose a father for Seolrae's baby~~ it's too difficult T T~~~ Chanyeol, Daehyun???? >___<
Chapter 19: Haha...It's mine....update soon please!!!!!