Back on track.

How To Change a Diaper

Another great morning to start learning in school. There weren’t many students in the hallway since you got there early because Woohyun insisted to take you to the campus before he went to work. You were glad that at least you have him by your side despite those annoying nags of him. He turned into an overprotective mother since he found out about your pregnancy which kind of surprise you a bit. You didn’t know that a douchebag could do such amazing things taking care of you, but still he couldn’t get rid of his douchebag-ness around you.


A pamphlet slipped out of your locker as you opened it. You bent down and took it. “Battle of the bands… O!” “Chanyeol’s band.. its tomorrow…”

“You’re coming right?” someone poked your shoulder from behind. “Annyeong.. haven’t seen you around and yes you almost make me fail Ms. Julia’s class.”

“UKwon oppa! mianhae… I was..”

“I know.. you should’ve told me back then so at least I can search for another partner.” You endlessly bowed to him. “I’m really really sorry oppa…”

“It’s okay Seolrae.. feeling better?” you straightened your self and nodded. “Great! Cause you need to take double classes for Ms. Julia tomorrow.” Your eyes widened in shock. “Unless you wanted to fail her subject.” Ukwon pated your shoulder. “Good luck.” And left you there with head on your locker feeling very frustrated. If parents told you, dance major is a waste of time because you’re doing nothing besides dancing its true, but dancing for 6 hours straight with a high standard of “enough” aren’t easy at all and learning isn’t a waste of time either.


“Seolrae is back everyone!!” Suzy shouted you when you came into the studio. “Group hug!!” Jiyeon shouted and every girl in class gathered and squished you in the middle. You automatically had you arms in front of your stomach protectively. “What happened to you?” Minzy leading you to the corner of the studio where you and the rest of your team usually sit. Jiyeon and Hyunah asked you tons of question about your conditions because they weren’t at class yesterday. “The doctor told me it was typhoid symptoms..”

“See! Told you not to over worked you self!” Hyunah  said. “Araseo araseo ummas..” suddenly the other girls in the studio started to whispered around as your classmate. Hara, came into the studio. You were clueless, missing a big gossip in the whole school. “Okay…. What’s going on?” Hyuna and Jiyeon gave a dirty look and turned around to face the group. “You didn’t know?” you shook your head as you drank down your mineral water. “She’s pregnant.” You spurted it all out in a split second. “Ewww Seolrae..” Minzy handed you a towel. “I don’t get her.. is she stupid or something? Its nearly our final exam and how could she dance with a baby inside her huh?” Jiyeon said. “Yeah.. and stupid enough to get pregnant. There’s a thing called protection or pills d’oh.” Hyuna glaced at Hara. You were a bit taken aback by your friend’s respond to what happened to Hara. Your heart beated faster, fear and nervousness rushed over your body. “What will they say and do if they finds out about me?” You looked at them one by one wish a slight of disappointment.


“Aren’t you coming?” Minzy asked you before she leave the studio. “No.. I need to go somewhere..” Minzy looked at you in worry. “Are you feeling sick again?”

“Anniya… I need to pay for my courses.” You stood up and slung your sports bag to your shoulder. “Okay then..” and there.. the second lie you said to your friends. Third technically but yeah second time you straightly said to them. You didn’t feel like hanging out with them because of the things they said about Hara and you were scared too if they might notice about your changing body.


The field was crowded with your department’s soccer team. They were having a friendly match with music department’s team. The cheering and excitement couldn’t even make you feel better. You opened your bag and find a chocolate bread and milk inside it. A little smile appeared on your face. “Must be Woohyun.” You gladly ate it. You felt something in your stomach, you couldn’t explain what was it. “You like it huh?” you your stomach. A chuckled froze you at that moment. “You talk to your own stomach?” Kris sat next to you. “Silly girl.” You felt like you almost having a heart attack. “AH!” you backed away as you saw a stick nearly touched your nose, Kris snapped the stick away. “Ya! That’s dangerous Tao!” you clutched your chest trying to control your heart rate. “Whaaa no wonder she picked this place. You can see everything from here.” Tao stomped his stick, looking down to the field from the hill. Then a plastic bag dropped in front of you and Kris. “Thanks—hey! Where are you going Chanyeol hyung!!” Tao shouted. But Chanyeol didn’t give a about it. “Weirdo.” Tao grabbed a pack of biscuit. Kris looked back at Chanyeol then to you to Chanyeol and back at you. “What?” you looked back at him. Kris put on his poker face and grabbed a can of cola from the plastic bag. “I heard one of dance students is pregnant. Is it true?” you froze again. “Is not you isn’t it Swan?” you quickly shook your head but didn’t dare to say a thing. “Good.” Kris said. “Where did you found out about it?” you asked them. “Her boyfriend is a music major. Chanyeol’s senior.”

“Ahh..” you nodded. You held in your breath trying to control your wild hear beat. “I don’t like how people make a big issue about it.” Followed by a loud shout as the striker missed the goal. You were surprise by his thoughtful words. “What if both of them already planned this? or if its really unexpected, why do they have to make it worst for them.”

“What?” Tao’s look snapped you back to where you were that time. They are still nice people existed, you thought. “That’s him.” Kris pointed at a guy with purple hair. You nodded watching the guy playing with his friends, laughing and smiling like nothing bothering him. It was so different from Hara was earlier.


Chanyeol came back with two bottle of greentea in his hands but he stopped as you walked passed him. You smiled a little at him. "Seolrae."


"You're coming right?" you titled your head in confussion but then you remembered the band competition. "I will.. promise you to be in the front row right?" Chanyeol chuckled. "great." but before you walked back to the building he called your name again. He threw the greentea bottle and you catched it in ease. You looked up from it to him but he already walked away to his friends. "Thank you!" you shouted.




Six hours of Ms. Julia’s lessons weren’t that bad. Even if she’s one of the top teacher, which famous for having a very HIGH standard for grades but you like her because she always complements her students in order to make them better. But an enormous pain attacked your stomach as you came out of her class. “Are you hurt?” you said to the baby. “Seolrae-ah..” you quickly straightened your self, enduring the pain and put on a smile. “Em?” Daehyun was already staring at you with full concern. “I’m alright Dae..” you softly smiled at him. “Lets go.” You pulled his wrist. “No. You have to rest.” You pouted at him. “But I want to watch the battle of the bands… and besides we haven’t hung out lately.” Daehyun sighed in defeat. “Fine. But tell me when you feel sick okay?” you nodded wildly and both of you walked out the building.


From afar you could already feel the excitement from the cheering of the crowd. You could find lots of students from your university there to cheer on Chanyeol’s band. There were lost of street foods stall and much more, just like a new years festival. “When will they perform?” you looked at Daehyun who was reading the little booklet about the show. He looked at his watch, “In 20 minutes I supposed.” You nodded. “You want to eat?” you touched your stomach. You remembered the pain earlier, maybe its because you haven’t eat anything besides a bowl of cereal earlier that morning which was like almost eight hours ago. You nodded and followed Daehyun to the nearest ramyun’s stall there.

“Two Kimchi ramyun.” You bowed thanking the waitress. You looked down to your food and looked at Daehyun’s. You didn’t know why you didn’t feel like eating yours instead you felt like Daehyun’s was tastier than your ramyun. “Daehyun-ah..”


“Can I have yours?” he stopped before eating it. “Why? These are the same Seolrae..”

“But yours looks more delicious” you kept staring at Daehyun’s ramyun. Daehyun titled his head in confusion and a light chuckle followed. “Here..” he switched the bowls. You smiled and started to eat it hungrily and made him chuckled again. “Why is she so adorable?” you looked up to him and smiled. He smiled to and started to eat his own food. “You like it don’t you?” you talked to the baby again.


“Another great band from K-ART! Lets welcome…. MACHINES!!!” you dashed to the front row right in front of the stage. Daehyun followed you from behind and securely stood behind you preventing anyone to get close to you. You watched as Chanyeol settled him self behind the drums. You smiled at him when he saw you. He smiled at you back, “She kept her promise.”

“Hello everyone! We are Machines from K-ARTS.” Minki greeted the crowd. “The theme of the competition is 'confession'. So I’ll take this opportunity to confess to someone special today.” Everyone cheered and squealed. You saw a group of girls not far from you. You knew one of them is a senior in traditional dance major. “That’s sweet..” you said watching Minki stared at the girl who stood in the middle of those group of girls. “This is a Way. Enjoy!”

Minki had a solo in the beginning, seemed like he was spilling his heart out to the girl then the others came in on the second verse. You were a bit surprised when you spotted Chanyeol stealing glance at you. But your cut it out. There’s no way he did that you thought. The person behind you noticed it though. “What’s his problem?” Daehyun screened at Chanyeol from the crowd.

Then it was the time for the second song, they played the song they performed in their department fundraising events few weeks ago. Everyone cheered, jumping and dancing to the song. “Aren’t they amazing?” you said to Daehyun. He just nodded. A smiled appeared on his face seeing how happy you looked at that moment, how he wish he could make you smile like that.


“And the winner is…. MACHINES!!” everyone cheered. You jumped in happiness and shouted their band’s name. One by one they got on stage to take their trophy and prices. They said few words to the crowd and thanking the judges. Everyone quickly gathered around them, congratulating them as they got off of the stage. You weren’t sure if you wanted to go there since you didn’t know them at all. You looked at the crowd again, it wasn’t hard to find Chanyeol there. Your eyes met his. You smiled at him. But suddenly you felt a bit sick. “Seolrae-ah..” Daehyun held your arms. “I told you to take a rest. Lets go home..” you nodded and let Daehyun held you until both of you get into the bus.


"What's wrong?" Chanyeol watched you and Daehyun got out of the park. He was very worried but he couldn't do anything about it and besides.. "Why am I like this? why do I even care about her?"

"Dude... yo!" Chanyeol turned to Hyunsoo and just focused on thanking everyone who came to cheer for them.


Daehyun hissed in annoyance watching you throwing up, resting your arms on the toilet seat. He had your hair tied up in his hand and your back with his free hand.

“You, sit here. I’m going to make you a cup of tea.” He rested you on the sofa and dashed to the kitchen. He couldn’t find the teabags anywhere. “Seolrae.. where are the teabags?”

“O! I forgot. Maybe it’s still in one of the plastic bags. There were lots of plastic bags on the counter. You asked Woohyun to buy you all the things you need since you had a full day today and he didn’t mind about it. Soojung was right, people does get nicer to a pregnant woman. “You find it?” you said from the tv room. “I’m on it..” he opened the plastic bag one by one. “O! here it is..” he took the box out of the plastic bag but he spotted something else there. He took out the bigger green box. It was a milk powder. “For moms?” he stared at the pregnant woman on box. He looked at you to the box and back at you. His imaginations were messing around with his brain. “Daehyun?” he snapped out of his thought and quickly leave the green box to make you a nice cup of tea.


“Thanks..” you put down the cup and rested your self back on the sofa. “Seolrae-ah..”

“Em?” you looked up to Daehyun and shocked as you saw the box in his left hand. “What is this?” you froze in time. “Th-that-that…”

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Chapter 19: lolololol thats so epic man! seriously cant wait for the next chapter!!! ><
waiting for the update :) update soon pls~~~ ^^
waiting for the update :) update soon pls~~~ ^^
Chapter 19: OMO whats gOnna happen update soon
Chapter 19: update soon please~~ =D
Chapter 19: goshhhh all of them r fighting to claim the baby as theirs...n great,daehyun's mom gonna think more badly of seolrae...huhuhuhu
i'm so sad with all those judging people...poor seolrae TT__TT
Chapter 19: Omg they all want the baby LOL
I can't choose a father for Seolrae's baby~~ it's too difficult T T~~~ Chanyeol, Daehyun???? >___<
Chapter 19: Haha...It's mine....update soon please!!!!!