Little girl.

How To Change a Diaper

Chanyeol slammed the car’s door and quickly ran into the hospital. His heart almost jumped off of his chest when he received a call from the hospital. He didn’t even care where they had his number or why did they call him first, the only thing in his mind was you. He felt terribly bad for you, his last meeting with you wasn’t a pleasant one. “I’m looking for Yoon Seolrae.”

“Yoon Seolrae? emergency room, just go straight then turn left.”

“Thanks.” Chanyeol quickly ran to the emergency room. Daehyun was already there , resting his elbows on his lap, praying for you and the baby safety. “How is she?” Daehyun looked up and was a bit surprised that Chanyeol was there. “How did you find out?”

“The hospital called me. You?” Daehyun raised his eyebrow. Why did the hospital even called him? “From her apartment.”

“Ah… so.. how is she?” Daehyun looked at the emergency room door and sighed shaking his head. Chanyeol took a seat next to Daehyun. “What happened to her?”

“She fell off of the stair.” Chanyeol’s eyes widened in shock. “MWO?!” Daehyun tightened his fist. “If only I stay with her..”

“She had a very though time. She didn’t even want to eat or talk.” Chanyeol stared at Daehyun. “Why?”

“She got this acceptance letter from YG Entertainment but since she’s… you know… she can’t accept it.” Chanyeol heart broke into pieces. “Its all my fault.” The reason why you always find Chanyeol in the dance department every time you had a practice or why he was always there in every competition you were in, was because he had been filmed all of your dancing, practice and even random things you did all of this time. He heard when you and Daehyun had a conversation about the YG audition in the school and he decided to help you, with his own way that it. He hired his juniors to edited it and he also asked Minzy to filled in your data form and he even sent the dvd him self to YG office. Since you didn’t seemed to receive any feedback, Chanyeol even forgot all about it. And it hit him now. It was all his faults. Chanyeol bite his thumb in fear and guilty. He wouldn’t forgive him self if anything happened to you or the baby. He swore to himself.  “I-I need to go to the toilet.” Daehyun nodded.

“All the payments already paid by the guy who took her here.” Chanyeol tilted his head. “Can I see the form?”

“I’m sorry sir, we cant do that.”


“Kris Wu.” Chanyeol’s eyes widened. “Mwo?”

“Chanyeol..” Chanyeol turned around greeted by the other SKIES members, Kris and Tao. “Lets have a talk.” Chanyeol didn’t say anything but he followed Kris and Tao to the waiting room.

“We were just got there when the ambulance took her. We asked the security and he said that she fell of off the stairs then we quickly followed the ambulance here.”

“What were you two doing there?” Kris sighed. “We wanted to asked her in person about… you know…” Tao said. “It’s not like we didn’t believe you Chanyeol but we just wanted to make sure—“ Chanyeol stood up. “Hyung..” Tao took his wrist. Kris stood up, “We’re sorry. I’m sorry. I just.. I was really stupid not to believe in my own brother. Guess it really took over me because I over think everything and I ended up hurting you. I’m such a jerk and a terrible big brother. Forgive me Chanyeol.” Kris put taped Chanyeol’s shoulder and gave him a light massage, “Brothers above everything?”. Tao stood up and taped Chanyeol’s other shoulder. Chanyeol took a deep breath and quickly hugged the two guys in front of him. They stayed like that for a while. “Hyung..”




“Its all my faults.” Kris and Tao looked at each other in confusion.


Woohyun dropped the helmet to the floor, panted from all the running. “How—how is she?” Daehyun looked up from his hands that had been covering his face the hole time. “She’s still in inside.” Woohyun took a seat beside Daehyun, trying to control his breathing and heartbeat. He drove as fast as it could to the hospital, he didn’t even care about his own safety, driving in such a high speed. You and the baby was the only thing in his mind. He even had to go on his first day of filming, only for you.


You slowly opened your eyes. The light blinded you and you quickly squeezed your eyes shut. “Umma… umma…” you felt like someone shook your body, waking you up. “Umma.. ireonaaa… ppali ireona umma…” the voice was too little and soft, a little girl you were sure about it. You opened your eyes, and you were right. A little girl with doe eyes, a pair of pink thick lips, a cute pointed nose, pink shade chubby cheeks and her black hair was tied up to a little ponytail. You stared at her in amazement. She was beautiful, the cutest little girl you have ever seen in your life. She was staring at you with her lovely doe eyes. Warm and full of affection. “Umma.. mianhae…” she looked down in guilt. “I ruined your life.” Your eyes widened. How could a little girl like her say things like that? And why was she calling you her mother? Then she started to cry. Seeing a little girl crying is one of your weaknesses. “Hey.. little girl.. don’t cry..” you pated her back softly. She looked up, now with her watery eyes. “But you hate me. You even hit me umma…” your were a bit taken a back. It is her? Is she your baby? The little girl started to sobbed even louder. “Hey hey…” you pulled her closer to you. “You hate me don’t you?” you couldn’t help but to cry too. You put your arms around her, hugging her tightly. “Mianhae… I wasn’t supposed to do that to you.” The girl hugged you back. “I love you umma…”

“I love you too.”



Woohyun and Daehyun quickly stood up as the doctor came out of the emergency room. “How is she, doctor?” the doctor looked at Woohyun and Daehyun on the eyes. It was tense. “She’s fine. She did hit her head hard but it’s alright now, we already took care of it.” Both of them sighed in relief. “And how-how is the baby?” the doctor fixed her glasses. “Thankfully we can safe the baby.”

“Oh God…” Woohyun pated his own chest in relief. “But.. the baby is very weak. Did the mother stressed out a lot lately?” the two guys looked at each other and Daehyun nodded. “It effected the baby too. We almost lost her back there but thankfully it can survive.”

“Can I have her pregnancy record and her doctor’s number?” Woohyun nodded. “Okay. You can give it to the front desk.”

“Okay doctor.”

“She still needs some rest. You can come in but try not to wake her up okay? The nurse will take her to her room. She needs to stay here for a while.”

“Okay.. thank you doctor.” Both of them bowed. Daehyun quickly came into the your room.

The beeping sound of the medical machine filled the room. You were lying on the bed with an IV wire attached to your hand. Daehyun couldn’t explain what he felt at that time, he was relief that you, both of you, were fine but on the same time, it hurt him to see you like that. He came up to your bed and took your other free hand. His tears started to came out one by one. It was the first time he cried, for a girl. “You scared me.” he said with his shaky voice. The door opened. He quickly wiped away his tears as Woohyun and the nurse came in.


Daehyun left your room to take his phone and left Woohyun alone in your room with your unconscious body. He stared at your pale lips then caressed your cheek softly, “Seolrae-ah… mainhae. I couldn’t protect you.” He said. His hear ached seeing you like that. “Wake up okay? I promise I’ll be a good….” he lost in words. “A better person that can protect you and her…”, “or him.”

“Wake up soon okay? You have to fight for your baby.” Woohyun squeezed your hand softly. “Hyung…” Daehyun signed him to come outside. “I cant stay here for tonight. I got a call back.”

“What call back?”

“For TS Ent—well you don’t have to know.” Woohyun looked at Daehyun’s face lightened up. “Errr should I congratulate you or what?” Daehyun shrugged. “Can you stay here tonight?” Woohyun remembered his job. “I don’t think I can. You know I’m in the middle of filming.” Both of them sighed and tried to find a way to solve this. “I can stay here for tonight.” Both of them looked up to the three tall guys who just came up to them. “Who’re you?” Woohyun eyed them one by one. “I’m Chanyeol, I’m one of Seolrae’s friends.”

“Chanyeol?” Woohyun glanced at Daehyun. Daehyun just nodded. “Okay.. and how am I supposed to trust you?”

“I was the one who saved her that day.” Chanyeol said. “What day?” Woohyun asked. “The audition incident.” Daehyun said looking away. “And I was the one who took her here.” Kris added. Woohyun glanced at Daehyun again and he just nodded. “Okay.. can I really trust you?” Chanyeol nodded.


“Call me if anything happen.” Chanyeol nodded. “Bye hyung….” Tao waved his hand walking out of the room followed by Kris. Chanyeol took a seat next to your bed. He took your hand with both of his hands and rested it to his forehead. He felt like his heart was ready to burst and it did. “Mianhae… mianhae Seolrae-ah…” he kissed the back of your hand softly. “I’ll do anything for you. Please wake up…”


“Umma…” you looked down to the little girl. “Is that appa?”

“Emm? Odi?” you looked around but you didn’t find anyone around. “Umma can’t hear him?” you shook your head. The girl pouted. Suddenly the little girl hid behind you. “Umma.. who is that?” you looked up and find a woman with a light blue cloak. She was old according to those silver hairs that stick out from under her hoodie. You couldn’t really see her face. “Umma… I’m scared..” the girl clenched your dress. You stood in front of her protectively. “Seolrae-ah.. she’s not yours.”


Your eyes shot open. You stared at the white ceiling above you. It was bright there, you knew the morning had come from the sunlight that came into the room from the window on your left. You felt like something soft tickled your right arm. You turned your head. It was Chanyeol’s light brown hairs touched your skin. You were still shock and scared about the dream earlier but it slowly fading away as you watched Chanyeol’s peaceful expression. It warmed your heart and it even made you happy that he was there, he must have forgiven you. Your throat felt a bit dry, you tried to sat up by your self. “Ahh..” but you failed and you ended up waking Chanyeol up. You froze there. Chanyeol straightened up but with his eyes still close. You chuckled seeing him like that. “Seolrae-ah! You’re awake!”


Hello everyone!!!

Thank you so so much for your support (reading, subscribing and commenting) for this story. I wanted to say welcome and thank you again for the new readers and subscribers. I hope you like my story and keep looking forward for the next chapter of it.

Anyway is the plot too slow for you? I feel like it. huffff so depressing. I shouldn't really care about it BUT I CAN'T!! huhu.. but if you do feel like it, you can tell me in the comment box. 

Once again.. thank you so so much everyone~~ I love you all and happy reading!



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Chapter 19: lolololol thats so epic man! seriously cant wait for the next chapter!!! ><
waiting for the update :) update soon pls~~~ ^^
waiting for the update :) update soon pls~~~ ^^
Chapter 19: OMO whats gOnna happen update soon
Chapter 19: update soon please~~ =D
Chapter 19: goshhhh all of them r fighting to claim the baby as theirs...n great,daehyun's mom gonna think more badly of seolrae...huhuhuhu
i'm so sad with all those judging people...poor seolrae TT__TT
Chapter 19: Omg they all want the baby LOL
I can't choose a father for Seolrae's baby~~ it's too difficult T T~~~ Chanyeol, Daehyun???? >___<
Chapter 19: Haha...It's mine....update soon please!!!!!