
How To Change a Diaper

Seolrae’s POV

I couldn’t be more happier than this, relief and definitely feel alive. The accident really thought me lots of things. Not only to be more careful with stairs but it was also a wake up call for me. Now I can really see who my real friends are. I still have time and chance to make my life even better, to reach my dreams, and most importantly to love this growing little creature inside my stomach. Life is too precious to be wasted by desperation and sadness. And it was very immature of me to even hurt this baby.

With this caring people around me… Woohyun oppa, who’s always there to cheer me up and push me to be a stronger person, my best friend Daehyun who’s very affectionate and warm that will always hold me when I need an emotional support and Chanyeol oppa who’s very sweet and make me feel like I’m the most important person on earth. Not to forget, Tao and Kris oppa, who are like my own best friends, who are always there to make me laugh and feel comfortable around them. I’m so thankful for them that always stand by my side, by our side, little one. I’m sure you’ll like them and I hope when you grow up you can be like them or find friends that are as nice as them. And I hope thing will get better every day for us.


“Seolrae-ah.. why are you crying? are you hurt?” I quickly wiped away my tears from my cheeks and smiled at the three guys in front of me. “I’m okay.” Then Woohyun oppa helped me to get off of the hospital bed as Daehyun propped the wheel chair while Chanyeol already set with all of my things in his hands. I can’t wait to come home.

End of POV




“Seolrae, what’s wrong?” you let go of Daehyun’s arm and gave him a little smile as you shook your head. Probably this was just a further step in pregnancy, when the baby started to move. Yes, twenty weeks. The doctor said you could now feel the baby moving, in this case kicking, since all of its body parts were already functioning well. “It kicks again?” you nodded. A little smile appeared on his lips as he stared at you growing belly. Not only him but an ahjuma and a girl stared at the two of you in the bus. You felt very uncomfortable being in this position especially you were worry if they think something negative about Daehyun or maybe they think both of you were irresponsible teenager or yeah those kind of stuff. You tried to tell Daehyun not to go near you, even walk together with you, you were afraid about what others would think about him but he didn’t. He didn’t care what other thinks about him, he knew the truth and he just wanted to be by your side protecting you.

The baby kicked again. “Are you sure you can continue?”

“I’m okay Daehyun…” you smiled at him again.

It was the last day of you being a student in your campus. You already told your parents that you wanted to take a break and focused on practicing for auditions and surprisingly they were okay with it and gave you their permission to take a break from college. It wasn’t easy for you to do this because this is your dream but you couldn’t do anything else, you can’t defy rules.


You came out from the dean’s office with your head hung low. You finally felt relief but again, it was hard to let college go. Daehyun came up to you and squeezed your shoulder. “Lets go home.” You looked up to his amazing heart warming smile. “Don’t you have any class today?” Daehyun shook his head.  “I need to walk you home first.”

“Daehyun-ah.. don’t be like that. Mind your grades!” you slapped his head with two of your fingers. “I still have my absents left don’t worry.” He took you hand and leaded you out. You heard a familiar song from inside the practice room. “What?” Daehyun asked as you stopped. He peeked inside the room to find your teammates, lets just say… “ex” teammates were practicing inside. “What are you doing Seolrae? lets go.”

“Wait here.” You took a deep breath, gathered your courage to finally pushed the door open. All of them turned around to you. Minzy quickly turned off the stereo. There was a long silence between you and the four of them, you could only looked at them one by one but none of them looked at you with welcoming eyes. “Its my last day here.” You said. “Good for you.” Jiyeon said and turned her back at you. “I just wanted to say.. goodbye and thank you.” Hyuna just nodded and copied Jiyeon. You looked at Minzy and Suzy, they just stared at you still with the same disappointed eyes so you just lightly bowed your head and closed the door behind you. Tears started to pilled up your eyes. A hand grabbed yours and pulled your away. You knew it was Daehyun and you knew he was pissed because you were crying, he hates it when you cry. He suddenly stopped and made you bumped onto him. “Stop it Seolrae.” he cupped your face and searched for your eyes. “Forget about them.” You wiped away your tears and nodded, not that you agree, you just didn’t want to argue with him.


After lunch both of you sat on your sofa, watching tv side by side. You kept moving and hissing as you felt the baby suddenly being very active inside you. Daehyun stared at you and to your belly. He really really wanted to feel the baby’s kicking. He remembered when his older sister got pregnant with her first child and her husband put his hand on her tummy to feel the baby’s kicking. He eagerly wanted to experience that too. “Can I feel it too?” you looked up to him. “I don’t know… how about we try!” you grabbed his hand and put it on your tummy but the baby suddenly stopped moving. “It stopped…” Daehyun stared at his own hand then he pulled away. “Ahh..” then you quickly took his hand and put it back on your stomach but the baby stopped again. “I guess she, he, she, it….” Daehyun sighed. “Seolrae… can you just asked the doctor for its gender?” you shook your head while laughing. “Okay I’ll ask the doctor on the next check up then.”

“Andwee!!! Don’t do that! Lets just keep it until the due day.” Daehyun your tummy softly. You watched his warm eyes, love, you could feel his sincere love. A smile appeared on your lips. “I couldn’t feel anything… you really don’t like me huh?” Daehyun lowered his head to your tummy. You chuckled and slapped his head lightly. “No… the baby probably likes your touch since it stopped moving.” Daehyun lightened up. “Really?” you laughed seeing his innocent act. You nodded at him. “I already like you even before you’re born, so you better like me too little princess.” You laughed even louder. Daehyun chuckled as he straightened up. “You wanted it to be a girl huh?”

“A little you would be nice.” you felt your cheek heated up at his words. You slapped his arm playfully, why was he suddenly acting very sweet. Well he always that sweet but he seemed to ‘say’ it more often lately. “I-I think I should go now.. I think it’s going to be raining soon.” You turned to look out the window and he was right the sky was already grey. You stood up to walked him to the door but he suddenly kneeled in front of you and cupped your tummy. You were a bit taken a back by his sudden act. “I give you one more chance. Now move.” You waited too for the baby to move but it still didn’t want to move. Daehyun pouted and stood up. You chuckled and flicked his forehead softly. “Pabo..”


It was raining pretty hard and it made you a bit sleepy so you decided to take a quick nap but suddenly the phone rang. “Yoboseyo?” you quickly grabbed your purse and umbrella and ran out of your apartment.

“Oppa!” Woohyun lifted his head from the pillow, bitterly smiled at you. And that bitter smile turned to a concern look as he saw your damped cloths. “Did you---“

“Are you okay? What happened? I was so worry!” you looked at his casted leg. “I’m okay Seolrae…” you pouted and looked at him. He injured his leg in the filming and you were worried and he might lose his first project and guess he will from the look on his face. “Can you help me?” you came up to him, helping him to get off of the bed using crutches. “Thanks…” he said as he set up on his crutches. He struggled a bit so you held onto his arm helping him. “Its okay Seolrae…” you insisted and helping him until both of you arrived home by taxi. “Careful oppa…” you said helping him to climbed the stairs. He glanced at you. He could feel his heart beating fast, he couldn’t explain it why.

“Have you eat oppa?” Woohyun looked up to you. “I’m not hungry.” Knowing that you would cook him some food but he didn’t want to burden you. “Is kimbap okay?”

“Seolrae.” he stopped you. “Em?”

“Change your cloths first, I don’t want you to get sick.” You blinked at him and just realized that your cloths were still wet from the rain earlier. You nodded and went to your room to change.

“Oppa look I’ve found… OPPA!” you saw Woohyun already on the ground trying to get up. “Oppa.. what are you doing! I told you to sit down.” Woohyun just chuckled. “I’m not weak.” You rolled your eyes. “Fine. I’m not use to walk with one feet only. But that doesn’t mean I’m weak.” You rolled your eyes again. “Araso araso…” you helped him sat down on his sofa.  

You felt like it was the right time for you to pay back all of his kindness for you. The whole night you took care of him, he refused because he was even more worry about you and he wasn’t a person who likes to be taken care of, it made him feels like he’s a burden to you. “Yah! Yoon Seolrae what are you doing?” he sat up straight on the sofa as you came into his room without asking for his permission. “Ewww oppa! your room is so…” you didn’t even know how to put it in words. It wasn’t as dirty as that the last time you came there. The filming really took lots of his time, he didn’t even had time to clean his room. You sighed and started to clean his room. “Seolrae!”


“What are you doing?” he grew a bit worry and a little nervous that you might found….

A book. Well.. books.

“How to handle pregnant woman?” you read the tittle. “Babies name?” you picked another book on the ground under his bed. “How to change a diaper for beginner.” You chuckled and was a bit surprised that he bought that books. It was so nice of him to concern about these stuffs, no wonder he knew a lot. “Woohyun oppa…” you put the books on the desk.




You opened the door as soon as your heard the doorbell rang. “Daehyun-ah…” you looked at him. “Wae?” you noticed his stiff expression. “Take a walk with me?” you titled your head in confusion. He seemed so serious.

The two of you sat on the bench in the garden of your apartment. You kept glance at Daehyun, it had been very quite for a while. “Daehyun-ah… what is it?” you grew a bit worry. “I got into TS.” Your eyes widened and hugged him. “Cong—“

“Ouch.” You pulled out when he hissed. He looked like he was in pain, did you really hug him that tight?

“Dae? What’s wrong?” you pated his back and he jumped a bit. “What’s wrong with your back?” you pulled him closer and you could see a bruised near the back of his neck and you were sure his back was hurting bad. “I’m okay…”

“But…” he smiled at you. You sighed and squeezed his hand. “Congrats Dae.. I’m so proud of you! When will you start to train?”

“I won’t.”

“WHAT?” he turned to you and took both of your hands. “I cant leave you like this.” you in your breath and hold it. “I wont leave you. I promised you.”

“But Dae….” Both of you looked at each other eyes. “Daehyun-ah.. don’t so this.. its your dream. You cant let it go just because of me. No. No. I wont let you.” You shook his hands. “I don’t need your permission. Its my choice.”

“Daehyun.. don’t do this please.. I’m okay. I’m strong enough to get through this. Just like what you said to me.” he squeezed your hands. “No.”

“JUNG DAEHYUN!!!” you snapped out, your eyes widened as you saw a woman stood not far behind Daehyun, holding up a broom in her hand. “Your.. mom..” you stood up. Daehyun quickly stood up and protectively stood in fron of you. “Mother… don’t do this..” Daehyun’s sister tried to stopped her mom. “Ah!” she hit Daehyun’s back again. “Ahjumma…”

“Mother…” Daehyun’s sister glanced at you and back to her mom then to Daehyun. “I thought you’re a good girl! I even think to make you my daughter in law but after I knew that you’re pregnant I couldn’t even believe it that you’re such a ch—“


“Shut up!” Daehyun and his sister shut their mouths. “How could you say that its my son’s?! he wouldn’t do such an irresponsible thing like that!”

“But I didn’t say its—“

“The baby is mine umma.” You glared at Daehyun. “Don’t say that to cover her up Jung Daehyun! I know you wouldn’t do that!” you looked down. “Even if both of you did it but that doesn’t mean that its my son’s. I could be other guys you had slept with.”

“UMMA!” the Jung siblings snapped. You looked down hiding your heated eyes that were ready to cry. Daehyun stood in front of you. “This baby is mine.”

“No its not Jung Daehyun!”

“It’s mine.” Another voice said. You looked up and Woohyun was struggling with his crutches. “No.” All of you turned around. Your eyes widened as Chanyeol walked towards the fighting scene.  “It’s mine.”

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Chapter 19: lolololol thats so epic man! seriously cant wait for the next chapter!!! ><
waiting for the update :) update soon pls~~~ ^^
waiting for the update :) update soon pls~~~ ^^
Chapter 19: OMO whats gOnna happen update soon
Chapter 19: update soon please~~ =D
Chapter 19: goshhhh all of them r fighting to claim the baby as theirs...n great,daehyun's mom gonna think more badly of seolrae...huhuhuhu
i'm so sad with all those judging people...poor seolrae TT__TT
Chapter 19: Omg they all want the baby LOL
I can't choose a father for Seolrae's baby~~ it's too difficult T T~~~ Chanyeol, Daehyun???? >___<
Chapter 19: Haha...It's mine....update soon please!!!!!