
How To Change a Diaper

They said high school never ends and guess its true. People couldn’t stop gossiping about each other making each other life difficult and sniffing on somebody’s privacy. Throwing dirty looks at each other, talking behind each other back. You never really realize about it. Don’t know maybe because you were to busy minding about your self and ignorant about your surroundings, because to you, you were only there to dance and that’s it and besides people are nice to you and you’re a friendly person too so you got no problem at campus. But thing changed. You could see it clearly. Hara’s condition became somewhat a great problem in your department and a hot issue in other department also. Not that it was the first time it happened to your campus but their usually sign out of school but Hara and Junhyung was brave enough to stay. The teacher gave Hara time until her pregnancy reach five months and after that she’s free to leave school for as long as she needs to recover. And from the whisper around she only had 2 weeks left to be there.

“Cut it out guys..” you pushed Jiyeon lightly. Suzy and Hyunah turned back around from staring at Hara who was just walked out of the bathroom. You concernedly watched her walked away, still with everyone’s eyes on her. You were scared that it might happen to you too. “Lets go.” You dragged Minzy and Jiyeon to the practice room, Suzy and Hyunah followed behind.


“Girl, I don’t know what’s your problem.” You looked at Jiyeon’s reflection who was standing behind you. “What?”

“Did you lost your sense of fashion or something? Whose shirt are you wearing ?” you looked down to a simple black loose t-shirt your little brother gave you just to annoys you cause he knew you never gonna wear that kind of t-shirt. “Did you find you self a boyfriend? That’s definitely not yours Seolrae..” Minzy added. “Ah waeee.. It’s a gift from Ilhoon!”

“ILHOON?! That hot dongsaeng of yours?!” you pushed Hyunah lightly. “But still.. you looked like you’re hiding something with that shirt.” You froze in moment. “Don’t hide you y curve honey.. you’re a dance student!” you sighed in relieve. You just chuckled and got back on stretching your legs.


You ran as fast as you could to the farthest bathroom so your friend wouldn’t hear you. You didn’t even bother to close the stall’s door. And there you had it, throwing everything up to the toilet. Once.. twice… you could even feel like there was nothing left in your poor stomach. You slowly got up as you push the flush button then washed your face on the sink. “Why are you doing this to me?” you turned off the sink and walked out of the bathroom.

Someone already waited for you outside. Leaned to the locker with his left hand in his pocket and other one with a plastic bag. “..” he must had heard it all. He walked up to you and stood tall in front of you. You jumped a bit as he put his hand on you fore head but soon a smile appeared on the corner of his lips. “Here.” He handed you the plastic bag. A box of doughnut, a cup of hot tea and pack of tissue. “Why are you so nice  Chanyeol oppa?” he smiled. You were a bit confused about him, like he has double personality or something. You remembered the day in the party and on the hill few days ago. In front of his friends he acted so cool but when he was just with you, even though he doesn’t talk much but he always smiled at you. “Thank you..”

“No problem..”

“I-I should go back to practice now..” but he stopped you. “Finish that first.”

“But!” he sat down on the floor leaned his back to the locker. “Your friends wouldn’t mind if you take a break for a while right?” you sighed in defeat and sat beside him. “Thanks again oppa..” he chuckled and nodded at you as he took one doughnut for him self. “Why do I kept finding you in this situation?” you stopped eating, squeezing your brain to find a good answer. “S-same question for me, why do you always seemed like you’re prepared to take care of my situation?”

“Good question.”

“O! and what are you doing in dance building?” his eyes widened. “Ehhh umm.. I was looking for UKwon.”

“Yeah right.. school is over since 2 hours ago. What are you doing here?” he snapped close the doughnut box and got up. “Go back practice. Bye…” he waved at you and walked away. “Weirdo…. THANK YOU AGAIN CHANYEOL!” he raised his hand and disappeared in the end of the hall. “Ahhhh….” You felt so much better.




“So how was the audition Dae?” Daehyun looked up from his food and pretend to think. “Euumm good.” you waited for the next sentence but he was already eating his food again. “Good?” he nodded. “That’s it?” he nodded again. “OUCH!” he rubbed his head where you slapped before. “What was that for?”

“Good is not an answer Daehyun..”

“Then what you expected me to say?” you sighed. “Are you like this just to annoys me?” he grinned. “Araso araso… it went great actually. I don’t know if I’ll get through but at least I gave my all so.. hopefully it was enough for them to accept me.”

“Wha… and when will they give the answer?” Daehyun shrugged. “I’m sure you’ll get in Daehyun..” he smiled at you. “Thanks Seolrae..”

“What’s wrong?” Daehyun knew you were feeling sick again. You hated how this queasiness always came in the wrong time. You drank down the whole glass of mineral water. Then both of you jumped as a loud thunder appeared. “O! I think its going to rain! Lets go home now!!”


You and Daehyun waited for the bus but it seemed like none will came any time soon and worst the rain is getting heavier and heavier plus the wind which made your body shivered and wet. A familiar baseball jacket wrapped around your body, Daehyun’s. “Thank you..” he smiled. You knew he needed that jacket too but you couldn’t let your self to get sick because you don’t want anything happen to the baby.  “Lets just go and get that taxi. TAXI!!” both of you ran to the other side of the street as light hit the green light.


“You go wash up first.” He said to you as you came out of your room and handed him a hoodie and one of you dad’s sweat pants he left when he visited you last year. You nodded. “If you feel uncomfortable to change here, you can change in my room.” He got up and walked to your room as you got into the bath room.

He took a little time to look around your room after he changed. A smile appeared on his lips to find both of your pictures on the side desk along with your pictures with your family and another one with your teammates. “Isn’t this picture is a bit old?” the picture of you and him taken when both of you just entered the university. He put it back down and was about to get out of your room when something caught his eyes. A brown map, few papers and a picture on your dressing table.

“Hamchoon Women’s Clinic?” he lifted the map and his eyes widened in shock. He took one of the test results on the table and read it carefully. “This couldn’t be happening…” he still didn’t believe what he just read. He took another test and it all showed the same result. And the last.. he took the picture. He didn’t know what was it but he was sure it was a USG picture of a baby. His heart broke into million pieces.. “Seolrae is pregnant?”


“Daehy—“ you stopped as you saw Daehyun looked on you. You glanced at the paper on the table in front of him and back to him. “I…” he sighed in disappointment and looked away. “Dae…” that was it you thought. You‘re going to lose your best friend. Daehyun was very disappointed at you, angry and.. he couldn’t even name the feeling he was feeling at that time. “How dare you hided this from me Seolrae?” tears pilled up your eyes and fell one by one. “You don’t trust me?” you dropped to the floor. Your cry got worsen to know that Daehyun didn’t even bother to come to you to help you or even to look at you. “Daehyun.. I don’t know…”

“Who’s the father?” you froze in place. You knew Daehyun wouldn’t believe you if you said that you really don’t know about it. Daehyun stood up. “Fine if you still dont trust me.” you ran to him and held his hand falling back down to the floor and again he didn’t even bother to look at you. “Dae… please.. don’t leave..” you sobbed hard. It hurt him too to do this to you but he was just to shock to think clearly and he didn’t want to give you the feeling that he was okay with this if he comfort you because he wasn’t okay with this at all. “Tell me who’s the father…” there was a deep silent between you two. Only his heavy breathing and you sob.

Suddenly the front door opened. “Seolrae---“ Woohyun froze to see the sight in front of him. You looked up to Woohyun. “Oppa.. ottokae?” you helplessly said. Daehyun eyes shot open, “Him.” Daehyun snapped your hand off of his arms and walk up to Woohyun “Wow wait we can expla—“ Woohyun took a step a back.

“Dae!!” too late. Daehyun’s fist already landed on Woohyun’s cheek.

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Chapter 19: lolololol thats so epic man! seriously cant wait for the next chapter!!! ><
waiting for the update :) update soon pls~~~ ^^
waiting for the update :) update soon pls~~~ ^^
Chapter 19: OMO whats gOnna happen update soon
Chapter 19: update soon please~~ =D
Chapter 19: goshhhh all of them r fighting to claim the baby as theirs...n great,daehyun's mom gonna think more badly of seolrae...huhuhuhu
i'm so sad with all those judging people...poor seolrae TT__TT
Chapter 19: Omg they all want the baby LOL
I can't choose a father for Seolrae's baby~~ it's too difficult T T~~~ Chanyeol, Daehyun???? >___<
Chapter 19: Haha...It's mine....update soon please!!!!!