Two Stripes.

How To Change a Diaper


“Where are you going?” Woohyun asked when he saw you in your going out outfit. You pushed the door close after he came in. “Practice again with my team. We got another competition.” Woohyun sighed and looked at you in worry. “When will you slow everything down Seolrae? its freakin weekend.” You chuckled as you opened the door to your room. “Until I cant dance anymore.” You shut the door close. Woohyun sighed again, didn’t know what else to say to you. “Oppa! don’t use my shampoo anymore, I bought one JUST for you.” You shouted from inside your room. Woohyun smirked as he threw his wife-beater to the sofa and went into the bathroom.

Few minutes later he came out of the bathroom with only towel wrapped around his head and waist. He looked to the right and there was a calendar on the wall with marker hanging on the side.

“Choreography test.”

“Payment due”

“Jiyeon birthday”

“Practice and going out with Daehyun. Ahh she’s going out with him today.” Then he noticed something. There weren’t “red marks” this month. That “red marks” he scared the most because you usually turned into a time bomb that ready to explode. He flipped the page it was past 4 weeks if he not miscounted it. And it hit him. “An-anni anniya. What are you thinking Nam Woohyun!!” he hit his forehead twice. Then he jumped in surprised as you abruptly opened your bedroom door and ran to the bathroom. “Seolrae..” he peeked from the opened door. You were sitting in front of the toilet. His eyes widen in shock. “No way Woohyun.. stop thinking about that.”

You looked up to him with teary eyes because you felt very sick and you sick of it.


But all hail to your self, you managed to get through one and a half hour of dance practice even you had to argue with Woohyun who didn’t let you to go to campus.

“This is great Seolrae! I think we can pull out this routine well.” Minzy said. You took the lead to form the routine. You just nodded in excitement as you blow drying your hair in girls locker room. “Where are you going?” Minzy asked as she took a seat beside you. “Going out with Daehyun.”

“Ahh that weird guy. Is it like.. a date or something?” you laughed, slapped her arm playfully. “No… its our routine to hangout since I don’t really have time to hang out with him lately.”

“Emm yeah right.” You just rolled your eyes how your friends still didn’t believe that you and Daehyun were just friends. You looked into the mirror and Minzy was staring at you. You playfully hugged your own body. “Ya! Why are you staring at me like that?” Minzy snapped out of her thought. “A-anni.. its just.. your waist.. did you gain some weight Seolrae?”

You looked down to your own body. “Do i?”


“Do I look fatter?” you looked down to your body as you walked out of the girl’s locker room then you bumped on to someone. “AH! joesonghabnida…” you bowed twice and looked up, wayyy up to find Chanyeol looking down at you. “Chanyeol-shi, sorry again..” he just smirked and walked passed you. “Wait!” he turned around. “Ehh umm.. thank you for.. you know..” you rubbed your arm awkwardly. He smiled and nod his head. “Are you feeling any better?” you looked up a bit surprised that he asked you that question. You nodded wildly, “Yes. Thank you.”

“You shouldn’t work out too much.” You chuckled. “Yea.. I know..” the two of you were deep in each own heads tying to find anything to say. “Seolrae-shi.”


“There will be a 'battle of the bands' next weekend. Would.. you mind to come and cheer for our band?” you eyes lightened up. “Of course! I’ll be in the front row.”

“Great. I’ll be waiting then.” You nodded. He bowed his head for goodbye and so did you.

“Oh Seolrae-shi!”

You turned around with questioning expression. “You’re not.”

“Huh?” you tilted your head. “You look beautiful.” He left that unsaid and left you still with your questioning expression.


You looked up to Daehyun and he was smiling, staring at you. “What?” he chuckled. “I’m just happy.”

“Are you THAT happy hangin out with me?” he nodded. “At least now I can see you just eating and enjoying you free time. You were too busy with everything last week.” He fed you another rice cake. You gladly ate it. A group of girls who sat a crossed you two giggled and squealed when Daehyun cleaned the corner of your lips with his thumb. You chuckled on how that simple thing could make those high-schooller like that. You admitted Daehyun is a sweet guy, the type of guy any girls would like to have as their boyfriend. But you always thought he was just being great best friend for you, nothing more. “I think I’m going to tryout for TS Entertainment.” You looked up to him with eyes wide open. “Really? hyaaa so excited for you! I’m sure you’ll do well Daehyun-ah.” You tapped his shoulder. He was a bit worry the he had to be away from you. “Why don’t you join TS too? we tryout together.” You smirked. “You know I don’t want to be an idol. I just want to dance.” He nodded, trying to find a way that you could go along with him. “Sssshhht.. I’m going to the toilet.” You stood up and quickly ran to the toilet. “Ya! Again? Yoon Seolrae its like your third…” he sighed and followed buy a light laugh as he watched your back going further.


“I didn’t notice it first actually. I mean.. she looked and acted normal.” Sunggyu said. “And then? What made you so sure that she’s pregnant?” Sungjong asked. “Well she was like having bladdery problem. Every fifteen minutes she’ll go to the toilet.” Woohyun froze on his seat. “And then and then?” everyone around the table seemed to be very excited that the leader is soon to be a father. “Euumm she always gets sick every time she sees foods, even her favorites.” Woohyun heart’s skipped a beat in an ugly way. He remembered you didn’t even touch the sushis he bought for you. “And then the morning sick came.’

“Morning sick?” Sunggyu slapped the Sungyeol’s head. “Ya! Where do you live exactly? You all seemed very clueless about this! Don’t you have a brother Sungyeol?”

“Yeah.. but I was too young to know what was happening to my mom!” everyone laughed, except Woohyun. “So yeah the morning sick. She got sick every morning, especially after having a breakfast, she usually threw everything up. Or maybe at night too. For her, she always wakes up at 2 am and yeah you know.. I just cant imagine how they and our mothers survive.” That hit Woohyun. “And after about about two months, she finally told me that her period was late and we went to the doctor the next morning. The doctor told us that the baby was already five weeks old.”

“Ya! Woohyun-ah what’s wrong?” everyone turned to him as he abruptly stood up, almost make his chair fall. “I-I-I… I need to go. I’m sorry.” Woohyun quickly ran out of the café. He didn’t know which direction his legs lead him to but all he could think of was you. “Is she really? but… how? Who? When?”

“Andweee she wouldn’t do something like that!” but then he remembered seeing those people in suits who took you home after the opening ceremony. “Maybe something happened to her that day? Did she got ?!!!” his blood boiled. “Andwe andwe…”  He stooped in front of the drugstore. He was totally nervous as he looked around to find a test pack. He paused when he found lots of it but he didn’t dare to come closer. “ my life…”

“Excuse me sir?” Woohyun jumped a bit when the clerk greeted him. “Are you looking for something?” he cursed him self for doing this. “Which one is the most accurate?” the clerk looked confused. “I’m sorry sir. What are you talking about?” Woohyun pointed at the test packs on the shelf with his shaky finger. “Ahhh!” the clerk walked pass ed Woohyun and grabbed a baby blue box and handed it to Woohyun. “This one.” She smiled. Woohyun took it and bowed his head and quickly went to the cashier. Another clerk approached the clerk who gave Woohyun the test pack. “She must be very lucky to have a guy like that.” That made Woohyun a bit proud of him self and forgot about his worry for a split second.


“Woohyun oppa come in.” Woohyun came into your apartment, he looked around to make sure no one was there. Then he suddenly grabbed your wrist and pushed you to the wall. Your eyes widen in shock as you held your breath in. Anger in his eyes, you clearly feel it and you didn’t dare to say a word to him. “Are you pregnant?”

Your eyes grew even wider.

You, yourself had been doubting about that too, especially after your period was late for about a month. The endless sickness and stomachaches. The way you were so picky about foods. Everything to just fit well but.. you thought about it again. How come?

You don’t have a boyfriend, you don’t go to parties and drunk and you didn’t remember about getting .

“Answer me.” his deep voice sent you back to your sense. You shook your head. “Please Seolrae.. just tell me the truth.”

“I’m not preg—“ he threw a plastic bag to the table. You glanced at it and back to him. He let you go and walked out of the door, slammed it roughly. You sighed in relief and took the plastic. “You gotta be kidding me?”




“Are you sure you okay?” you looked at Woohyun whose eyes were pierced to you. You bite your bottom lips and answered the person on the other line with a shaky voice. “Y-yeah I’m okay Daehyun.. you go to campus first. I think I’ll skip the first term.” Daehyun was deep in his own thought and worries about you. “Araso… but tell me if you something happen okay?”

“Em. Thanks Dae.” You hung up and nervously turned around to Woohyun. He looked at the test pack on the table and back to you, asking you to take it. “Oppa…”

“If you’re not, then why are you so nervous about?” there was no funny or annoying Woohyun that morning. He was scary.. just like a lion watching his prey. You actually felt a bit angry with him but his anger was so big you could bearly show him yours. You took it and went to the bathroom.


Woohyun nervously bite his thumb, leaving a red mark on it, waiting for you to come out of the bathroom. “If she’s pregnant I swear I’ll rip that guy’s head.” He said to him self. He couldn’t take it anymore. He stood up and walked to the bathroom. “Seolrae! come out!” he could hear a loud bang from inside the bathroom. His eyes widen in shock. He twisted the doorknob but it was lock from the inside. “YOON SEOLRAE! OPEN THE IN DOOR!” he pushed it with all of his strength. Suddenly the door magically open. The sight of you leaning to the mirror crying wasn’t the sight he wished to see. He came up to you and turned you around. He grabbed the test pack in your hand but you clenched it tighter. “” you started to cry again and handed it to him. He gulped as he opened his palm. “Two stripes. What is this mean?” he asked. You didn’t move or even say a word. He grabbed the box on the floor and read the description. His eyes widen in shock.

You squeaked as he took your arms and squeezed it. “Who did this!” you couldn’t stop crying because you were too stressed out about this. “SEOLRAE! ANSWER ME! WHO DID THIS!” you only shook your head. “Don’t cover this up for him okay! Who is it?!”

“I-I don’t know..”

“How come you don’t know huh?! How many guys you had slept with?!” you looked up glaring at him.

Then you slapped him. That sent him back to his conscious. “How dare you said that oppa! you know I would never do that! What kind of girl do you think I am huh?!” a minute of glaring competition and then you started to cry again. “I thought you know me.” you slid down to the floor and sobbing your heart out. He was still in shock that you slapped him pretty hard. The words hit him too. He knew what kind of girl you are and he was too, disappointed at him self to say those things to you. He bent on his knees in front of you and pulled you into his embrace. He hushed you, caressing your long hair. You sobbed on his shoulder. “I’m sorry.. shouldn’t have said those things to you. Mianhae Seolrae..” he tightened his arms around you.

“Oppa.. ottokae…” you finally said after 20 minutes of crying. Woohyun didn’t know what to say.. he hushed you again and buried his face on the crook of your neck.


Belle watched the scene in front of her from the doorstep. But she was helpless. She couldn’t do anything about it. “Belle… you should tell them what is really happening.” Ariana said. Belle just sighed. She wasn’t ready to face you either.



Sorry for the late update guys. I had so many things to take care of and I didnt have enough time to write plus I my writing moods was like a rollercoaster ride. So yeah.. finally! the real beginning of the whole story started now from this chapter. Damn you guys are all a good guesser!! well yeah i know the title is just too obvious right? hahaha so keep looking forward to the next chapter! hope I can finish it fast!

And thank you for your comments and hello to new subscribers! i love everyone~ *throws hearts*

<3 lullabyme07



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Chapter 19: lolololol thats so epic man! seriously cant wait for the next chapter!!! ><
waiting for the update :) update soon pls~~~ ^^
waiting for the update :) update soon pls~~~ ^^
Chapter 19: OMO whats gOnna happen update soon
Chapter 19: update soon please~~ =D
Chapter 19: goshhhh all of them r fighting to claim the baby as theirs...n great,daehyun's mom gonna think more badly of seolrae...huhuhuhu
i'm so sad with all those judging people...poor seolrae TT__TT
Chapter 19: Omg they all want the baby LOL
I can't choose a father for Seolrae's baby~~ it's too difficult T T~~~ Chanyeol, Daehyun???? >___<
Chapter 19: Haha...It's mine....update soon please!!!!!