
How To Change a Diaper

"Number seven, you're disqualified from the competition." Your heart dropped in instant, broke into million pieces. No words came out of your mouth, you tried to think about what was happening, what made them changed their minds. Then the three judges got out of their desk. One of the crew took the microphone and said something about postponed-something you couldn't even hear about since you were frozen on stage. And people started booing at you, threwing words about you being fake and stuff. You looked around to find people started to leave the auditorium and you couldn't spotted your friends on their seats anymore. "Ahhh.." A paper ball hit your head. "What's going on?"

And other random things followed. You stood there with your head hung low, didn't avoid those things been throwed at you. Until someone stood in front of you protectively. You could hear some gasping and another whispering again. You slowly looked up. First, you could only see a blurry figure because of your tears blocking your vision but after you swept away your tears, you greeted by Chanyeol's worry eyes looking down at you. "Are you okay?" Some usually said yes, you would too but not today. "No." And the next thing you knew Chanyeol grabbed your wrist and pulled you off of the stage. On your way to where Chanyeol leaded you, you could feel people's eyes were on you two and people started to whisper about stuff you bearly hear. All you can hear was your own heart beat, so loud that it blocked your eardrums.


Chanyeol opened his car's door. You stared at him unsurely. "In." You quickly obeyed and sat on the passenger seat. You watched Chanyeol walked to the driver side and came in. He slammed him self to the driver's seat with his right hand on his eyes. He sighed. You could only watched every single thing he did at that moment. "Do you know what happened back there?" You blinked at him. You had your own scenario in your head but you weren't sure about it, you.. Didn't want that thought of yours to be right either. He took out his phone and gave it to you.

You swore your eyes were about to pop out of your skull and so did your heart. You couldn't believe what you just saw. "She's not an angel as you think she is." A picture of your patient's form and when you just got out of the doctor's office, though you were glad there weren't Woohyun or Daehyun in that picture. "Who's the daddy?"

The phone dropped to your lap and you started to cry. That was it, you thought, your life is screwed, its over. You're going to leave school, lost your friends, and probably got kicked out of your family if your parents find out. The sound of the engine snapped you back. You looked at Chanyeol, "where are we going?" He didn't answer you, not even looking at you.

He kept rejecting phone calls to his phone. An hour passed but both of you still on the road. You looked outside and you were sure that both of already drove so far. So far and felt so slow, even your tears already stop. You remembered about Daehyun he probably looking for you right now. "Aish.." You remembered you didn't bring your phone since Chanyeol took you away right then. Chanyeol took his phone and dialed a number. "Mr. Jang. Can you help me?" You glanced at him. "I left something back in campus, can you take it for me and bring it to my house?"

"Great. I'll texted you where you can find it. Thank you Mr.Jang." He hung up and give his phone to you. "Tell him where he can find your things." You took his phone and typed the full details Mr. Jang needed to know in order to find your things. "Thank you...."

You looked at him after you sent the text. To your surprise he turned his head to you and gave you a soft smile. You felt lots better after seeing his smile.

After half an hour more you finally arrived in front of a very chic white house to your opinion. It wasn't that big but not that small either. But isn't it to small for a millionaire family to live there? You thought. There were lost of flowers on each side of the front garden. You followed Chanyeol to the front door. "Come in.." He said as he threw his car key to bowl on the side table.

"I-is your family home?" you looked around before coming in further. Chanyeol threw him self to the sofa and looked at you, "My family doesn't live here, neither do I actually but yeah this is my house. Welcome." You unsurely took a seat beside him. "Do you want something to drink?" You shook your head. "I think you do." You looked around the living room. It's definitely Chanyeol's. It has a bit artsy style to it. Chanyeol got back with two glass of orange juice. "Thank you..." He just nodded and drink his own. "You want to look around?" He looked at you. "Can I?" Chanyeol took your hand again and leaded you to the dinning room, kitchen and to the back garden.

"Wha..." It was beautiful, there were lots of trees there and how green the grass was a refreshment to your eyes. The air as fresh as the first breeze in spring. "So beautiful...."

He leaded you to the edge on the swimming pool and you both sat there. Again it was quite, you could only hear the birds and the sound of the air. "Seolrae-ah...."


"Is it true?" Your eyes widened. Surprised that you actually forgot about what happened earlier because of him. You nodded. "It happened before the opening, wasn't it?"

"I don't know." Chanyeol looked at you. "How come you don't know?" Your blood rushed to your face. "Because I really don't know. If I tell you, I'm sure you won't believe me." Chanyeol snorted. "Try me." You told him about everything, when you suddenly felt terrible pain, you period was late, the morning sick and finally the day that you found out about it. He blinked at you. "Are you serious?"

"See.. You don't believe me." You swept away your tears with your palms. "I-its not that, its just weird."

"Pssst tell me about it." You tried to control your tears but it wouldn't stop. "Now my life is over."

"Don't say that."

You sighed. "Now everyone in the whole campus knows that I'm pregnant and they would probably making their own gossip about the dad and stuff. I'm going to lose my friends. I can't dance anymore since I have to leave school and who knows if the professor or someone told my parents? I'll be kicked out of the family and going to end up in the street with my big belly. GOD!" You smacked the tile under you which made Chanyeol jumped a bit. "What are you doing this to me!!!"

"Wh-who are you talking to?"

"You. The baby d'oh." You just spit out all of your anger and frustration out to him. You sighed again, "I'm so so sorry... I just.. I couldn't believe someone would do this to me." You looked down again. Chanyeol looked at you, "Don't worry I'll find the person. Both of them." The person who posted the news to the school's website and... The one who got you pregnant.


"Thank you Mr. Jang..." You bowed to one of Chanyeol's family bodyguard. "It's nothing Miss Yoon"

"O! How come you know my name?" Mr. Jang glanced at Chanyeol and just smiled at you. "Not important Seolrae. Go change. Don't you want to go home?" You quickly followed Chanyeol to the second floor.

You checked your phone after you changed your cloths. You got five messages and ten missed call. You were hoping that at least some of them are from your friends but you were wrong all of them were only from Daehyun. You sighed in disappointment thinking that, that was it, Hyunah, Minzy, Suzy and Jiyeon left you.


"YAH! YOON SEOLRAE WHY DIDNT YOU PICK UP YOUR PHONE?!" You pulled your phone away from your ears hearing Daehyun's highnotes. You were a bit taken aback it was the first time you heard him that loud. "Mianhae..."

"Where are you?"

"I'm.. I'm.. I'm coming home soon."

"Good." There was a brief silent. "Seolrae-ah..."


"You're okay right?"

"Emm.." Daehyun sighed in relief and a bit of disappointment that he couldn't be the one who saved you and be there for you. Pictures and videos from the last event were already all over the school's website. They talked about how brave and stupid Chanyeol was to saved you. Some of them said that he only did that because he was just being a gentlemen and some already spread hoax about him being the father. "I'll wait until you come home."

"You don't have to Dae..."

"I want to Seolrae." Your tears started to pilled up your eyes again. "Don't cry."

"No I'm not." You swapt away your tears. "I can hear you.", "Just come home quick okay?"

"Em. Bye."



You walked down the stairs to the first floor. Chanyeol was on the phone when you got there. "Yes father.. Yes.. Yes father..." You were worry if his family finds out about what happened earlier that day. He hung up and looked at you. "Euum.. Is it okay if you go home with Mr. Jang? I got stuff to do." You nodded. "Okay then..." Both of you walked out of the house. "Chanyeol oppa, Thank you.." He smiled at you and pated your head. "Anytime.."

"I'm sorry... You got into this hole because of me." He chuckled. "You don't have to feel sorry. I can handle it."

"I'm sorry... And thank you once again." Chanyeol nodded and waved at you after he closed the door for you. "Drive safely Mr. Jang.."

"I will young master.." You waved back at Chanyeol.


On your way home, you kept replaying the earlier event in your mind. You check the news again from your phone. Your heart breaks reading the feedbacks and comments about you from your fellow students. How could they say such things about you? and what hurt you the most was some of them mentioned about Chanyeol and Daehyun too. You looked to your right and there was a bouquet of white rose earlier but to your surprise it looked perfectly fresh. "Mr. Jang.. is this mine?"

"Yes Miss.. it was in the dressing room along with your bags."

"Ahh.. I see.. thank you so much once again." you grabbed it and looked at the card. It wasn't a handrwritten good luck but.. "Smile?", "So.. could this be Chanyeol oppa too?" you smiled as you breathed in the smell of fresh roses in your hand.


The elevator door's opened. Daehyun had his hands over his face, sitting on the floor leaning to your apartment door. Your heart ached seeing him like that. He wasn't only worry about you but he was worry about him self too, especially if his family find out about you. Not because he was scared of his mom's rage if she found out that her only son got into a serious problem like this but Daehyun was more worry that his family will hate you. "Daehyun-ah..." Daehyun looked up to find you already in front of him with watery eyes. He stood up and pulled you into his embrace, "Everything is going to be okay."

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Chapter 19: lolololol thats so epic man! seriously cant wait for the next chapter!!! ><
waiting for the update :) update soon pls~~~ ^^
waiting for the update :) update soon pls~~~ ^^
Chapter 19: OMO whats gOnna happen update soon
Chapter 19: update soon please~~ =D
Chapter 19: goshhhh all of them r fighting to claim the baby as theirs...n great,daehyun's mom gonna think more badly of seolrae...huhuhuhu
i'm so sad with all those judging people...poor seolrae TT__TT
Chapter 19: Omg they all want the baby LOL
I can't choose a father for Seolrae's baby~~ it's too difficult T T~~~ Chanyeol, Daehyun???? >___<
Chapter 19: Haha...It's mine....update soon please!!!!!