Chapter 2

Cruise to No-Where... with BEAST?!


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Chapter 2!          It's Show Time

Err… Hyung. I think you should get up now… you’re squashing her…” the short one with the small cute face said.


Him and the next nearest guy, wearing a thin white shirt helped their hyung up. The thin white shirt hardly covered the guy’s hard bulging glorious muscles.


No wonder he is known as the upper body of BEAST…


“Are you okay?” the one with the dark brown hair asked, extending his hand. Only now did Nicolette realised that the weight above her had been removed, and she was the only one left on the floor, still stunned. Still unable to think, her hand reached out to the hand held in front of her, and with unknown strength hidden within his thin frame, the guy pulled her up easily, resting his other arm around her, stablising her once she was on her feet. Once she was standing, he released his grip on her, pushing his fringe away from his eyes, flashing her a smile.


“Your glasses?” the tallest one with the blonde hair said, holding out her blue framed glasses in front of her. Giving her glasses a quick wipe, she slipped it on, and the guys became more focused in her view.


Still in shock, Nicolette looked at the guys around her, still not believing that she is meeting her favourite kpop band of all time in the least expected place. They were now standing in a circle, each eyeing the other, awkward silence surrounding them.


“Sorry... I’m sorry. Are you okay?” Doojoon finally said, breaking the silence.


Aniyo. It’s okay. I’m the one at fault, I shouldn’t be running. Mianhae.” She hurriedly apologised.


BEAST stood there in shock, not expecting to hear Korean words from this stranger. They glanced at each other. Sensing the awkward moment again, and feeling her face starting to burn up, Nicolette suddenly said, “MianhaeIknowyou’llwantyourprivacyI’msorryforgettinginyourwayIwon’tdisturbyouallanylongerI’mreallyreallysorryBYE!” and with that, she ran off again. BEAST just stood there, stunned at the sudden turn of events.


What did she just say?” Yoseob asked, “It was too fast for me to follow.


All eyes turned to the maknae, who was frowning in concentration, still deciphering and translating what she had said in his mind.


“You’ll want your privacy… I won’t disturb you…” Dongwoon mumbled, his eyes widened as he finally realised what was going on. “Hyungs! She’s a fan!


Oh great!” Junhyung sighed, rolling his eyes.




OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! I CAN’T BELIEVE WHO I JUST MET! AHHH~!!!!!The fangirl in Nicolette was finally being released. She slotted her key into the door and entered her room. Flopping onto the queen size bed, she grabbed the nearest pillow, crushing it against herself as she rolled about the bed. Just thinking about the events that had happened in the past five, ten minutes or so made her grin like an idiot as she pummeled the abused pillow. Sighing in exhaustion, happiness and disbelief, she finally laid still on the bed, ignorant of the fact that the sheets were all messed up now.


I bumped into Doojoon, and he ended up on top of me… He was so close, OMG! Literally on top of me!

I heard Yoseob’s amazing voice and saw Kikwang’s muscles right in front of me… okay, granted that they were kind of concealed under his shirt…

Dongwoon gave me my glasses…

Hyunseung talked to me… I held his hand… he helped me up, even held on to me… and oh my god HE SMILED AT ME! AHHH!!!!


Nicolette started kicking her legs on the bed while hugging her pillow, thinking about how she had met and even talked to all the BEAST members. She was so lost in her happy fantasy world that she didn’t hear the room door unclick nor heard her mother and grandmother enter the room.


“Oh, Nicolette! You’re back already?” Mrs Lin asked, interrupting Nicolette’s world. “Did something happen? Why are you so happy?”


“Oh, it’s nothing mom, I just found my phone, that’s all.” She quickly replied, jumping off the bed and opening the balcony door. The cool evening breeze greeted her, as well as the night view of Sentosa, with the cable cars moving right above them. Settling on the deck chair, her eyes were on the beautiful night scenery, but her mind was elsewhere. Music floated from the beach of Sentosa in the near distance.


“Nicole? You there?” a voice called from the left of the balcony.


“Aunt Liz!” Nicolette jumped out of her seat, leaning slightly over the balcony railing to see the owner of the voice in the same position in the neighbouring balcony. Aunt Liz was staying next door with another of her friend, sharing connecting rooms with yet another two more friends.


“Hey Nicole, at 9pm, there’ll be a water performance over there! And we should be able to watch it from here!” Aunt Liz said, indicating to the spot where the music was coming from. Already, coloured lights were staring to move around, lightening up the atmosphere. Nicolette checked her watch to find it was about 5 minutes to 9pm. Excitedly, she waited, watching the powerful beams of light move and even light up the clouds above, listening to the music drifting by… until she noticed something.


“Mom! The ship is moving! The ship is moving!” she yelled, almost jumping around in excitement. The cruise was so huge, the movement could hardly be felt except for slight vibrations. She only knew because she had past experience on board and had always trained herself to notice the small differences when the ship was moving, when it was not, and even when it was turning. The average person might find it hard to realize these things. Mrs Lin joined her daughter on the balcony.


The ship was finally heading out to sea!




Yah, guys, what do you think we should do now? Do you think that fan would follow us?” Kikwang asked.


BEAST had moved from outside the Pavilion to the open deck area one floor above. They decided to not go back to their rooms yet and exited the heavy glass doors from the lift area to the open deck. Wandering down the stretch of open area, their minds were on the fan they had just met.


Seriously? I don’t know. If she’s going to stalk us, there’s nothing much we can do. There’s no where we can run to in this cruise. But I doubt she’ll stalk us, she doesn’t seem like that kind. Besides, even if she does, I don’t think she’ll do much harm, heck, she might even make this trip more fun!” Doojoon replied.


BEAST nodded in agreement and acknowledgement.


But I’m surprised she didn’t scream or spazz or demand for autographs or anything like that… not like most fans…” Junhyung said.


Maybe she’s just shy. Or too stunned.” Dongwoon mused.


Yah Hyunseungie-ah, what are you looking at?” Doojoon said, peering over Hyunseung’s shoulder to look at the paper he was looking at.


Program sheet. Apparently there’s a magic show later. Maybe we can go watch that. Other than that there’s nothing much interesting happening tonight.” He replied, not looking up.


Wah, so fast planning a schedule already, huh hyung!” Kikwang said.


YAH HYUNG! HYUNG!” Yoseob’s voice suddenly cut through the air.


Yah! How many times must I tell y-” Junhyung started.


WE’RE MOVING! WE’RE MOVING! THE SHIP IS MOVING!” Yoseob obviously ignored his hyung.


Immediately the rest of BEAST rushed to the railings where Yoseob was.


Really? Really? We’re moving? How can you tell?


You see! You see! The tower with the cable cars was right in front! But now it’s moving further away!” Yoseob said yelled excitedly.


BEAST chatted excitedly, watching the little island pass by, gradually passing by faster. Soon, the cruise had exited the opening and entered the open sea. They continued to stand at the railings, marveling at the night lights of the city and the nearby boats. Just when they were about to leave their positions, sudden lights flashed in the sky.


FIREWORKS! FIREWORKS!” Yoseob screamed, holding onto the railing and jumping, causing Junhyung to quickly hold him down in case he accidentally fall overboard.


The small display of fireworks was short, but managed to capture BEAST with its beauty and made them stand there in delight.




Nicolette continued standing at the balcony, watching the island pass by. Underwater World, Fort Siloso… and finally the open sea.


“Usually the ship doesn’t leave so fast, hence we could have watched the performance, but I don’t know why it’s leaving so early today… now we can’t watch the performance.” Aunt Liz sighed.


Nicolette just stood there in silence, content with what she already has. As she stood there watching the cruise sail by, sudden lights lit up in her peripheral.


“Fireworks! Mom, there’s fireworks!” she shouted into the room.


Moving from her position, Nicolette moved to help her grandmother cross the step to the balcony. There, her mother joined them, and the three of them stood there admiring the display till the fireworks faded.




Haiz… Where are those guys! I planned everything for them, even came early to reserve the seats… And they’re late!


Yah hyung, just follow what you always say, relax! Here, have some popcorn.




Ah ma, be careful, there’s a step.” Nicolette said, as she help support her grandmother along the balcony area in the theater.  It was past 10 minutes to 9.30pm, hence, the main entrance to the theater was closed, while the entrance one floor above was left opened. Nicolette looked at her mother, who was finding the best, most convenient seat.


“Let’s just sit here.” Mrs Lin said, indicating the last row of seats near the aisle.


When they were seated, Nicolette’s grandmother piped up, “Can we see the performance clearly from here? What are we watching?


Ah ma, it’s okay. We’ll just sit here okay? We are watching a magic show. Very nice magic show.


As if her answer was heard, the theater’s lights dimmed, indicating that the performance was about to begin. Nicolette settled into her seat, waiting for the MC to come up and for the show begin. Just then, something else caught her attention.


Male voices speaking Korean.




Pali! Pali! We’re gonna be late! Seungie’s not gonna be happy!” Doojoon rushed s.


And whose fault is it that we’re running late!” Junhyung shot back.


Yoseob and Doojoon had fooled around so much that now they were going to be late for the magic show, except for Hyunseung and Dongwoon who had left earlier to get the seats. Entering from the balcony entrance, they had to scan the theater from the back to find the others.


Sheesh… I don’t see them… How are we going to be able to find them in this crowd!” Junhyung complained.


The theater was quickly filling with people. Seemed like there was going to be a full house tonight.


Yah! There they are!” Kikwang suddenly burst out, pointing to the left front corner of the theater, the maknae’s blonde hair easily giving him away.


Let’s go then! Pali, pali!” Doojoon rushed.


Unknown to them, a pair of eyes were focused on them as they made the way past her seat and towards theirs, following their every move till they finally settled in their seat. From her vantage point, she could see all six of them quite clearly.


“Everyone! Welcome aboard SuperStar Virgo! I’m Elicia, your MC for tonight. Just a gentle reminder that no photography of video-taking is allowed during the show, so if you want to take any photos, you better take them now.” The beautiful MC said, and she posed at the front. When cheering and laughter arose from the audience, she smiled and said, “Tonight, I bring to you our first performance aboard! So ladies and gentleman, enjoy, as I give to you PHILIPPART AND ANJA~!”



okay... is this chapter too boring? >.< i promise more fun things will happen from the next chapter onwards okay? i'll try to make this as fun as possible and not too draggy, so if it gets too boring please tell me! xP

thanks to jazminaa041297 or should i say saranghaeyokyu for participating! xD but its not Junhyung... =P decided not to make his day any worse than he's feeling.. haha. =P


thanks to all who subscribe/ comment. ME LOVES YOU! haha. xD and i love the silent readers too! =)


work is starting again, will try to update at least once a week, but no promises. =P

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Chapter 17: Beautiful story.. and the fact that they still don't kno her name is just... Idk soo crazy...
Fluffydar #2
Chapter 17: Write sequel??? Please
I really like how this fic was done. The ending was sad but it was an enjoyable read. I hope you write a sequel as there can be many more alternatives to the ending like they meet each other again etc.
Chapter 18: waiting for your new stories, chingu~~ i really like your writing style~~ ^^
Chapter 17: done rereading this.. awww~~ i hope you would write a sequel.. like if B2ST would come for United CUBE concert in Singapore or a Beautiful Concert.. it would be nice if the boys would have a real friend outside showbiz.. anyways.. this story is really daebak.. :) hope you'll write soon~~
Ninja-Penguin #5
Chapter 17: T.T please write a sequel! This was so daebak but so sad T.T
Babysaurus #6
its so... sad..... :( !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( PLEASE HAVE SEQUEL SO THAT THEY CAN BE HAPPY OK??? :'( READ MINE TOO!!!!!!!!! xD
Babysaurus #7
you love beast dont you? :D me too!! i love a lot actually :P :D <3
hyunseung more soon ^_^