Chapter 11

Haru Haru

            Why does my mouth taste gross? Ugh! My head hurts. Why do I feel like crap?I sat up despite the pounding in my brain and look around. I remembered coming home with TOP, but I couldn’t recall for the life of me what had happened after that, let alone how I’d gotten in my bed. Trying to remember just made my head hurt worse, so I went back to sleep.

            “Leah? Leah, get up.”

            Groggily, I opened my eyes, offended by the light I was assaulted with. After a moment, my eyes started to adjust and I recognized Dakota as the one who’d woken me up.

            “I feel like death,” I said.

            “You look like it too.”

            “Well thanks. That was nice.” I sat up again. I hated the look Dakota gave me as I winced at the pain my head. Something was telling me that I’d done something incredibly stupid last night.        

            “I don’t ever want to drink again,” I said.

            “Don’t worry. I won’t let you.”

            “Ahh…so I did do something stupid last night.”

            “Kind of…”

            “Be straight with me Kota. What’s the damage?”

            “I’d rather not say but…” The more she talked, the sicker I felt. There’s no way I really said all those things. I couldn’t have! I know better. When she got to the part about Daesung, I knew I would never leave my room again.

            “I said WHAT?! You’re lying. You have to be lying.”

            “I’m sorry Leah, but you really did say that.”

            “I’m never facing any of them again.”

            “That’s not going to work,” Dakota said. “JiYong, you know how he stresses and you’ve majorly worried him. Panda and Youngbae are practically depressed. TOP won’t even watch his dirty shows. Daesung…well, nobody’s heard from or seen him since your confession.”

            “Oh great,” I said. “President Yang is going to kill me.”

            “He hasn’t said anything yet, which means he doesn’t know, otherwise he would have called,” Dakota said.

            “I guess that’s the only good thing about this whole mess.”

            “Here,” Dakota said, handing me something. I took it without thinking. “It’s a peppermint stick," she explained. “ on it will help with your hangover and the taste in your mouth.”

            “Thanks Kota. And I’m sorry.”

            “Sorry for what? I should be apologizing for using you.”

            “Using me? What are you talking about?”    

            “After TOP brought you up here, he felt really bad about letting you drink so much so I had to comfort him. His bed is really soft.”

            “Excuse me?”

            “Well, we decided that it wasn’t really the best idea for me to come in here with you all jacked up, and we were both really worried about you, so I slept with TOP…for moral support of course.”

            “How did that work out?” The peppermint was actually helping. “He sleeps under half a dozen blankets and that’s not your style.”

            “We made it work,” she said cryptically.

            “Well I’m glad someone benefitted from the foolishness,” I said.

            “It’ll be alright, I promise.”

            “How can you say that Dakota? Mi Cha won. She won the moment Daesung got on the plane with her and she didn’t have to do a damn thing! She won. She has Daesung. And Panda…he should hate me. And if he doesn’t then he should. I don’t know why I couldn’t just let myself love him. Everyone else here thinks I’m an emotional wreck and who knows what else. How can it possibly be okay?” I put my hands in my hair and tried not to pull my hair out. “I didn’t used to be like this!”

            “Panda doesn’t hate you.”

            “He should!” I said bitterly. “He’s always been there for me and I used him. How am I supposed to be able to face him knowing that the whole time I was trying to be happy with him I was wishing he was Dae? I didn’t come here for this! I should just go home.” I was hysterically crying, clutching my chest and rocking back and forth in the bed. “Nothing is going to be alright and everything has changed. There’s no way to go back now.”

            “I’ve never seen you like this Leah. I don’t know how to handle this.”

            “Neither do I.”

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Chapter 35: So this is the third story of yours that I have completed in a span of a little over twenty-four hours, and I continue to be impressed.
MA_K-pop #2
Chapter 35: Awwww :) this story is soooo awesome and really well written! I even got in trouble or fangirling to loud late last night! I read it in 3 days lol! Thank you soooo much for writing this story and I can't wait to read a different story from you!
wow i was looking for this like 'why'd it stop updating? ):' so i checked and haha. i unsubbed by accident.
okay, time to read the rest of the chapters!
Hurricane-Venus #4
It's over? Aww! *applaudes* Great fic! Really great fic!
Hurricane-Venus #5
Haha! Seungri wasn't kidding when he said he was going to remember! Cute~
Sparrownat97 #6
AWWWWWWW!!!! So cute~ mini panda good luck with crazy auntie Kota!
Hurricane-Venus #7
I think you love me~! I commented and then another chapter!

I did cry a little this time. I'm very sensitive on the father issue so you kind of touched something there. Still, great chapter! Now it's time for them to have "the talk". How's this going to go over, I wonder
Hurricane-Venus #8
I absolutely love this soooo much~! It's made me laugh and (almost) cry and squeal and yell and all the surprises!!! I've read a lot of fics but this one is one of my absolute all time favorites of ALL. TIME. Please update soon or I might die!

I want to see Leah's father and Hana! *cough* And T.O.P. propose to Dakota *cough* {Yeah. I'm on to you!} Love Love Love this!

With Love,
is it weird tht i have two comments in a row..?
well anyways. i'm glad that they're reunited and i ccan't wait ro see what happens with a trolling YG (:
"Everything is always okay in the end. If it’s not okay, then it’s not the end."
i love this quote, thank you!

great updates. can't wait to read more.