Chapter 8

Him With His Hands on Fire


Sehun wakes up as he heard his phone bipping right next to him, he yawns and quickly grabs onto his phone. It’s from Amber and clicks the answer button.

“Hello, Sehun.” Amber says.

“Huh? Why are you calling so early?” Sehun asks.

“Yah, it’s already 1 p.m, you sleepyhead! Chanyeol called me, he wants us to go to his place.” Amber says.

“Really? Oh God, is it that important?” Sehun asks.

“I’m not a mind reader, silly. Just quickly go there!” Amber says.

“Don’t tell me, you’re coming to my house to pick me up.” Sehun says.

“Yup. So, quickly go to bath then.” Amber says. Sehun then sighs.

“Okay. Bye.” Sehun says, he hung up on his phone. Sehun stretches out from his bed and grabs on his towel. Sehun goes onto his bathroom.


Sehun and Amber enter Chanyeol’s apartment, they see that Chanyeol’s eyes are swollen and red. They quickly sit in the couch, trying to comfort Chanyeol. They surely don’t know what happened that Chanyeol is being like this, he always smiles, but this time, he’s not.

“Chanyeol, what happened?” Amber asks.

“B-Baekhyun, I don’t know where he is. His friend told me that he’s not back last night.” Chanyeol says. Amber hugs him tightly and Sehun gives him a cup of water. Chanyeol drinks it.

“Calm down. Did he text you last night?” Amber asks.

“Yeah, he said he miss me and stuffs. It was on 9 p.m.” Chanyeol says as he wipes his tears.

“Did he tell you about things? Like, he’s in a badmood or he has some problems?” Amber asks. Chanyeol shakes his hand. Sehun only looks at his friends and somehow feels confused.

“He would never run away from his problems. And he always tell me if he hate things or he has some problems.” Chanyeol says. Amber is still hugging Chanyeol tightly. Sehun keep thinking about it, about the possibilities of where Baekhyun would go and stuffs.

“Well, I don’t know. But, don’t you guys think that Kris involves with this?” Amber asks.

“So, do you think he would take Baekhyun?” Chanyeol asks back.

“I don’t know, but, it’s possible.” Amber says. And suddenly, Sehun remembers something.

“Have I told you guys about how I date Luhan?” Sehun asks, the others shake their heads as their answer.

“Oh, damn. You guys probably won’t like this.” Sehun says.

“Just tell us.” Chanyeol says.

“Well, that week, I was having lunch with Luhan. I-I saw Kris and his twin. Do you know that he has a twin, Amber?” Sehun says. The others are shocked by Sehun’s statement.

“I remembered he told me that he has a brother, but, I didn’t know he was a twin.” Amber says. Chanyeol sighs as he leans into the couch.

“I actually have saw Kris too.” Amber says as she bites her lower lip.

“Why don’t you tell us?” Chanyeol asks.

“It’s just... it’s so painful to met him. He told me that he was just back from Canada and stuffs, I accused him for his terror, but he was confused about that.” Amber says.

“T-that Kris that you saw, did he has a weird hair do?” Sehun asks.

“Well, he has bangs and his hair looks like mushroom. It’s blonde-ish, but kind of darker.” Amber says.

“That’s not the Kris that I spitted on his eyes. The Kris that I saw has a really light blonde hair. And his hair was pushed back all the time.” Chanyeol says.

“Yeah, the one who attacked Luhan looks the same like what Chanyeol has described.” Sehun says. Everyone sighs and somehow feels worried about Baekhyun.

“What if the guy who terror us isn’t Kris? What if it’s his brother?” Sehun asks.

“That’s possible. That’s 75% possible.” Amber says.

“Do you know his name, Sehun?” Chanyeol asks.

“Something with the J. Jay? I don’t really remember.” Sehun says.

“Jack. It’s Jack.” Amber answers.

“So, what should we do now? Do you think he would take Baekhyun?”  Sehun asks.

“That Jerk! Why would he did this to Baekhyun?” Chanyeol says as he punches on the wall. It causes the wall to breaks and Chanyeol breaks down as well. Chanyeol cries so hard and Amber embraces him for another moment. As then, Sehun’s phone beeping from his denim’s pocket. Sehun pulls out his phone and an unknown number shows in the screen. Sehun is confused, but he clicks the answer button.

“Hello, is this Sehun?”

“Yes, it’s me.”

“I’m Yixing, Luhan’s friend. Do you know where Luhan is?”

“No, why?”

“He didn’t show up in the class. And when I knocked on his door, his neighbour said that he hasn’t back.”

“What do you mean?”

“Luhan is gone.” That’s when Sehun’s phone falls to the floor. And his world shatters into pieces.


Luhan wakes up from his unconcious, he then sees his body being tied on a chair that he sits. Luhan looks around him and he sees another guy with a black hoodie sits, only he has some bruises on his lips and cheeks. It’s a dark room and the smell accross the room isn’t nice. ‘Where am I?’ Luhan thinks in his mind. Luhan struggles to escape, he starts to move around.

“That won’t work.” The guy beside him says. Luhan looks into that guy’s face.

“Are you okay?” Luhan asks. The guys slightly nods to him.

“I don’t know what that guy wants from me. I still have no clue why he’d take me like this.” The guy says.

“Do you happen to know this guy?” Luhan asks again and the guy only shakes his head.

“Oh God, Sehun must be worried.” Luhan mumbles, only the guy beside him hears it.

“Y-you know Sehun?” The guy asks.

“Yeah, he happened to be my boyfriend. Why?” Luhan asks back.

“He’s my friend. I know him. Well, he’s bestfriend with my boyfriend.” The guy says.

“I’m Baekhyun.” The guy says again.

“I’m Luhan.” Luhan answers. This Baekhyun guy seems to be a good guy.

“Whoa, guys. Enough with the introduction.” Luhan’s eyes widen when he sees that guy, it’s the one who attacked him in the woods. The guy’s eyes are red, it’s as red as blood. The way he devilishly smiles towards him and Baekhyun makes goosebumps all over Luhan’s body.

“YOU! LET US GO!!!” Baekhyun says.

“Awww.... You want more bruises?” The guy asks as he pulls Baekhyun’s hair.

“Stop it! What do you want from us?” Luhan asks.

“Hello, my lovely boy. You seem so cute. I miss you.” The guy says as he approaches Luhan. The guy directly touches Luhan’s face. His cold fingers touches Luhan’s face and Luhan looks away, not wanting to directly looking into the devil’s eyes.

“W-what do you want? Let go!” Luhan bravely says, though his heart feels that he just cause trouble.

“Hmmm... Your blood smells nice.” The guy says as he sniffs on Luhan’s hand.

“BLOOD?! You’re a vampire?!” Baekhyun asks.

“Oh yes. I’m a vampire. Are you scared?” The guy says . He approaches Baekhyun and leaves Luhan. It really annoys Baekhyun that’s he’s trapped.

“You wish.” Baekhyun says and then spits on the guy’s face. The guy is angry, but he decides to just wipe his face.

“Mighty. Just like your boyfriend, huh?” The guy says. The guy pulls out his knife, Baekhyun gulps when he sees that.

“P-Please. Just let us go. We won’t tell the police.” Baekhyun says as he breaks down, tears roll down from his eyes. The guy looks into Baekhyun’s eyes as he palmed Baekhyun’s face.

“Don’t cry.” The guy says. Baekhyun stops his cries as he looks down. The guy puts the knife on Baekhyun’s hand.

“You know, your blood smells nice too.” The guy says.

“N-no, please. Please. Don’t.” Baekhyun says. It’s too late, the knife already reaches Baekhyun’s hand, cause the blood to runs from his hand. Baekhyun hisses because he feels the pain. The guy the blood from Baekhyun’s hand as he starts to it.  Luhan struggles to help Baekhyun, but it’s useless. The guy then releases Baekhyun’s hand, but he then puts a bowl on the floor so that Baekhyun’s blood won’t spill on the floor.

“Tell Chanyeol, you’re mine now.” The guy says and leaves his hostages. Baekhyun cries and Luhan comes closer, even though his body is tied up, but his legs aren’t. Luhan pulls a handkerchief from his denim’s pocket and then he puts it on Baekhyun’s hands.  Luhan ties Baekhyun’s hand so that Baekhyun won’t running out of blood.

“We’re going to be fine. Okay? Sehun and Chanyeol will find a way.” Luhan says. Baekhyun only smiles at Luhan. Because Baekhyun knows, he’ll survive from this hell.

[A/N: Kind of bored. So, decided to update^^]

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i havent update for so long and i can update after i get into college. anyways, i think this will be finished on 20th chapter. thank u


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Jhtylee #1
Chapter 15: Please update
haniemieowie #2
Chapter 15: Update juseyo
Chapter 15: I love this story so much please update!!
kpopislife555 #4
JessicaW #5
Chapter 15: Please update author-nim
Chapter 15: This story is good.... Anyways please update author - nim
:) :D
Chapter 9: Aaw, little Krisber moment at the end theeere :3 ♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 8: Ouhkay so both Luhan and Baekhyun are captured. /sigh /headache
Chapter 7: It's Jack, isn't it.
Oh fuq.
Chapter 6: WTFFFFFFFFF ouhkay actually this chapter is really cute c:
That Hunhan kiss and Kris' overprotectiveness of Amber omg♥