Chapter 3

Him With His Hands on Fire

Sehun, Chanyeol and Amber are sitting in the couch. Watching a movie called Zombieland with popcorns on their hands. Who said vampires don’t eat human’s food? It’s a total lie. Sehun and Chanyeol keep laughing as Amber keep munching on her popcorn feeling nothing but pain.

“I need to go to the bathroom.” Amber says, her friends don’t even answer. Amber quickly steps into the bathroom. Amber stares at her reflection on the mirror with her tears already on the edges on her eyes. Kris. Kris. Kris. That name, that freaking name that she hates. She lets the tears roll down from her eyes. ‘Why he has to be back? Why?’ Amber thinks deeply as she leans on the wall, feeling how it’s so stupid to cry. Amber clearly has things going on in her mind. But this is probably the worse. Wiping her tears with her fingers and wash her face. Amber then smiles and got out from the bathroom.


Amber pulls a cigarette from her pocket, she light up her match and inhales on the smoke. Feeling the smoke on her lungs helps her forgetting things.

“You know, you shouldn’t smoke too much, right?” Sehun says, feeling that Amber is being weird after that incident. It’s her 3rd cigarette that makes the others worried. They know that Amber sometimes smoke or maybe drinking. But to Amber to smoke this much is frustrating.

“Come on, it’s only my 3rd.” Amber says.

“But from the 2nd pack, right?” Sehun says.

“Well, our lungs don’t work anymore. We live forever, right?” Amber simply says as she keeps smoking.

“Still Amber. You've been smoking too much.” Chanyeol says, feeling care towards his bestfriend.

“Just take one cigarette if you guys want and shut up.” Amber says, she feels pissed off when her bestfriends being this protective.

“You know I don’t smoke.” Chanyeol says as he reading his magazine.

“Urgh, I’ll just go home.” Amber says angrily and leave Chanyeol’s apartment without letting her friends stop her.

“Oh God, why is she being like that?” Sehun says, confused at Amber’s behaviour.

“She has PMS.” Chanyeol stupidly says as he keeps reading while eating popcorn.

“Vampires don’t even have periods, stupid.” Sehun says, he smacks Chanyeol on the head.

“Hey, kiddo. I’m older than you are! You can’t do that!” Chanyeol says as he smacks Sehun’s head too. Only Chanyeol is much stronger than Sehun.

“Yah! It’s only 2 years! You shouldn’t hit me this hard!” Sehun says, pouting like a cute baby he is.

“Whatever.” Chanyeol says. Chanyeol is texting with his boyfriend, Baekhyun and Sehun senses that.

“Hmmm.... Chanyeol, what makes Amber hates Kris so much?” Sehun finally asks. The first time he saw Kris was when he’s dying, running out of blood that he was in pain.

“Did Amber ever tell you?” Chanyeol asks back, Sehun only shakes his head.

“Well, long before she bit you and turned you into a vampire. She was together with him.” Chanyeol says, still paying attention with his phone.

“Who? Kris?!” Sehun asks, Amber never tells anything about Kris. The only thing that she tells him is that Kris is a bad person.

“Yeah. They were together for a very long time. But, then Amber knew that Kris wasn’t a vampire from a good clan and he lied to Amber. When Amber bit you, she said that you’re going to be together with her and she wouldn’t need Kris anymore.” Chanyeol says. Sehun doesn’t know how to react, does he mad at Amber? He doesn’t know these feelings in him.

“So, she bit me because of that? But, how could she did this to me?” Sehun asks. It’s not that Sehun is in love with Amber, no. It’s just, Sehun thinks to live forever while the people you love is slowly leaving you is killing him.

“Because she knew, you deserved a second chance to live your life.” Chanyeol says. Chanyeol is now looking at Sehun, not paying attention at his phone anymore. Chanyeol feels sorry when he said everything, but he knew that Sehun deserved to know everything.

“Let’s just... Not talk about this again. Let’s just talk about the guy that got attacked by Kris.” Chanyeol says.

“Well, I told you. He’s okay.” Sehun simply says with his mind already fills with Luhan. It’s just, Luhan is perfect to him.

“Oh boy, don’t tell me you like him.” Chanyeol says as if he could read Sehun’s mind.

“I don’t know. It’s just he’s so cute. He has this blonde hair with glowing dark brown eyes. His pearly white skin and when he blushed... He’s just perfect.” Sehun says. Chanyeol surely senses that Sehun has the thing for the guy.

“I know you like that guy. You guys must’ve talked a lot. Who’s he?” Chanyeol asks, well, he’s always this curious.

“Luhan. Not too much. But, I do have his number.” Sehun says and smiles. Chanyeol got shocks at it, he never knows that Sehun is a straight-forward guy.

“Anyway, can I stay here tonight?” Sehun asks.

“Nope, Baekhyun is coming. We’re going to have dinner, together.” Chanyeol says.

“And of course, you guys are going to do ‘that. Well, I’ll leave you alone now.” Sehun says as he laughs.

“Just take care, okay? And if you see Kris, you should text or call or anything you can do.” Chanyeol says again. Sehun only nods, walking to the door as he waves to Chanyeol.


It fogs and dark. Chanyeol couldn’t even see things, he doesn’t even know why is he here. In the woods, alone. It’s when the cold sent shivers to his spine, it’s when the cold suffocating him to breath. The darkness makes him scared even more.

“Chanyeol.” A voice echoing as Chanyeol panic.

“W-who are you?” Chanyeol asks. There’s nobody there, there’s not even a small rabbit jumping through the bushes or even some crickets. Chanyeol then runs accross the woods, trying to find a way to get to the outside.

“Don’t you miss me, Chanyeol?” A voice says again. Chanyeol is freaking out, he could probably pee on his pants. But, he just couldn’t. Chanyeol keeps on running, but everything is in slow motion. Chanyeol feels like he’s a snail.

“Who are you? What do you want from me?!” Chanyeol says again. This time, he stops his running. Only to found himself in the dark.

“Turn around.” That voice says. Chanyeol then turns around. Chanyeol sees that red eyed guy, that demon.

“K-Kris.” Chanyeol says, he gulps lightly. Kris only smirks at him, with fire already on his hand.

“How’s your life, Chanyeol? We haven’t seen each other for 4 years? Or 5?” Kris says

“A decade.” Chanyeol answers, he could feel his body is tensing up with his body is burning.

“Awww... you’re not afraid of me, don’t you?” Kris says with a vicious smile accross his face as his eyes looking at Chanyeol.

“Pffttt.... Just cut the crap, Kris. What do you want?” Chanyeol says.

“I only want to see you. Is it that bad? Don’t you miss me?” Kris says as he almost touch Chanyeol’s face, but Chanyeol pushes Kris aside.

“I don’t want to see you. Either is Sehun and Amber. I think it’s best that you should leave us.” Chanyeol says. Kris chuckles at Chanyeol. Kris quickly grabs on Chanyeol’s wrists, pinning him with one hand. Chanyeol startled. Another smirk comes accross Kris’s face. Kris’s hands start to move downwards with fire still on his hands, letting it burn Chanyeol’s shirt and skin. Chanyeol only hisses in pain, but he let Kris be. Kris then cupped his hand on Chanyeol’s face.

“Listen to me, Chanyeol. I can do everything that I want and no one’s going to stop me. Plus, tell your Sehun that he’s just a weak skinny guy, he wouldn’t be able to protect that Luhan in any longer.” Kris says. Chanyeol spits to Kris’s eyes. Letting his phoenix power makes the dragon got hurt. Kris let go of Chanyeol because of the pain and Chanyeol runs away.

“We’ll see each other again, Chanyeol. And tell Amber, I say hi.” Kris’s voice echoing again in the woods. With his legs, Chanyeol keeps running, as fast as he can, to leave Kris. To not see Kris anymore.  To let Kris disappear from his life.


I was surprised when I saw I already got 10 subscribers on this story. Thank you so much<3 I promise I'll do better.
Please, check on my other stories as well! :D

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i havent update for so long and i can update after i get into college. anyways, i think this will be finished on 20th chapter. thank u


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Jhtylee #1
Chapter 15: Please update
haniemieowie #2
Chapter 15: Update juseyo
Chapter 15: I love this story so much please update!!
kpopislife555 #4
JessicaW #5
Chapter 15: Please update author-nim
Chapter 15: This story is good.... Anyways please update author - nim
:) :D
Chapter 9: Aaw, little Krisber moment at the end theeere :3 ♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 8: Ouhkay so both Luhan and Baekhyun are captured. /sigh /headache
Chapter 7: It's Jack, isn't it.
Oh fuq.
Chapter 6: WTFFFFFFFFF ouhkay actually this chapter is really cute c:
That Hunhan kiss and Kris' overprotectiveness of Amber omg♥