Chapter [4]

On Rainy Days

Chapter [4] : Devil.. Are u really a devil..?


“What kinda nonsense  is this...?” SiHan father said in a shivering tone.

“am sorry Sir.. but SiHan’s isn’t in a condition where he can be sent overseas to receive treatment.. for coma there is no alternative treatment.. in contrast, sending him overseas will most likely affect him negatively since he just entered the 2nd stage of coma last night... am sorry but this is my consultation and i take no responsibility of whatever decision ur going to make.” Dr. Lee bowed to Choi parents before leaving all four behind in a literally terrible condition.

Kangin held his father who was trembling in anger.. maybe in fear too.. he was old enough and what happened to his favourite child hit his core.

Mrs. Choi turned to look at her husband and elder son, tears swinging in her eyes.

“ur not gonna let our son die yoboo –honey- are u?” she walked closer to her husband. “our SiHan is going to get better... right yoboo?” she placed her hand on her husband’s chest.

“our SiHan will wake up.. he will surely will.. i mean he is just tired and will wake up once he feel better..” she started hitting her husband’s chest. “RIGHT YOBOO”  she started sobbing so hard.

YeSung who was holding back his tears walked closer to Mrs.Choi trying to calm her down, it was when he held her arms from the back when she turned around and slapped him right in his left cheek. Causing Kangin and his dad to gasp.

“because of u.. all of this is because of u.. ur such a curse.. ever since he met u the misfortune accompanied him.. nothing worked right for him.. even his smile vanished.. ur such an illness.. no wonder u have no family.. even ur parents couldn’t put up with ur awfulness...”

“Omma kemanhae – stop it-“

Everyone turned around except YeSung, who couldn’t help but feeling pitiful, letting the tears fall off if his eyes.

“SiWon ur here...” His dad walked to his side.

“who r u calling omma.. another beggar...” Mrs.Choi said before walking away to God knows where.

“ur okay...” Kangin asked YeSung with an unhidden concern in his voice.

YeSung erased his tears before nodding his head.

“YeSung-ssi....” The father interrupted. Both Kangin and YeSung turned to look at him.

“I need to talk to u... the three of u” He said, holding SiWon’s hand.

1 hour later in the hospital’s cafeteria

“BULL...”SiWon cursed standing up off of his seat.

“SIT DOWN...” Kangin emphasized before pulling him to sit down.

“But... Mr.Choi... I ....”

“call me father.. did u forget...? am ur father in law...” said the father with a warm tone.

“Dad, am not against ur decision but its not YeSung’s area.. he is a school teacher.. and running our company’s main restaurant branch is so irrelevant to his area of studies...” Kangin added.

“that’s my point Mr..... father...” YeSung stuttered.

SiWon was sitting there shooting hate glares to everyone including his father.

“I know.. and i really can’t picture him serving customers.. but my aim of this is that for YeSung to feel like home.. i want him to be part of this family.. not only because SiHan thought so and pushed it to the point of marrying him.. NO.. it’s because i have this strange faith on him.. and i also think that this experience will add to him.. in many areas.. PLUS.. this kid...” SiHan’s dad pointed at SiWon who now was looking at his Dad with widely open eyes. “i want u to supervise him..he’ll work under u.. in the restaurant.. teach him well”

YeSung POV

That night couldn’t get any worse.. Father-in-law’s offer startled me.. his words of praise.. it was more like fatherly praise and support.. i felt sincerity in his words.. but why me? Why now..? when SiHan needs me the most.. father-in-law is surely aware that this new job will consume all my time.. not to mention his weird request of me supervising his younger son.. that jerk of a son.. every time i remember our first meeting i feel my skin crawl.. for some reason i no longer have an issue of him resembling my SiHan.. i mean he surely do.. ALOT.. but his personality is way too awful to be considered as a blood-related person to my SiHan.. i smiled remembering his reaction when father-in-law told him about this training thing.. i mean he often have this frowning, angry facial expression but i held my laughter looking at his face.. it was priceless.. ironically.. he made me laugh when his mother’s words hit my core.. so badly.. but she is SiHan’s mom.. i can’t be angry at her can i..? i mean she is the reason my SiHan is in this world.. I’d rather be thankful.. am so thankful..

End of POV

Two days later

It was THE DAY.. YeSung first day as an assistant manager of Choi family’s number.1 brand restaurant ‘’Happy Day’’ ..

Isn’t that a childish name xD

YeSung didn’t really feel nervous as serving in restaurants wasn’t something unfamiliar to him.. he worked in almost all kind of jobs as he was making a living for him and his sis when their dad ditched them and his mom death after delivering his sis MaRi.

It’s been over 5 years though.. Since i last worked in cafe-restaurant area..

It was around 8:00 am when he pulled the restaurant main door making his way inside. He was surprised with the large number of people in there..

Isn’t it too early.. i mean, do people have time to have breakfast outside..? in a restaurant...!!

YeSung felt a hand placing on his shoulder from the back..

“its been a while.. sunbae-nim..”

YeSung POV

The last thing i expected was meeting EunHyuk... its been since forever.. we were besties ever since elementary school.. but he moved to Busan in junior high.. we are of the same age.. but that “sunbae-nim” thing is coz he was a bit lazy at school.. i used to be good at studying so he called me that.. it sounds weird when he don’t though =) so he is the manager of that restaurant.. no surprise as he always had good management and leadership skills..  furthermore, i felt more at ease now.. Hyuk being there is like a sign from God for me to take over this job and do my best.. SiHan will be so happy too.. he always told me that i can reach the stars.. all i need is faith and persistence.

Hyuk gathered all the workers, waiter/sses, the cook trio [ surprisingly there was only 3 of them ] based on Hyuk, the restaurant wasn’t that big in size but its always busy even on the morning of week days.. Some of them looked a bit uncomfortable with me, well.. first meetings are forever awkward anyway :P but the majority looked happy, as if a new member will be added to their big family. Everything was just fine until....

End of POV

“this is ridiculous just take ur hands off of me hyung.. this is my last warning...” SiWon screamed as Kangin pulled him inside the restaurant.

Everyone bowed once Kangin came in sight.

“Oh Mr.Choi ...” EunHyuk said with a nervous smile.


“EunHyuk-ah .. this is the kid i told u about.. YeSung-ssi is familiar with our deal.. plz endure his rudeness and there is 2 bodyguards out there just in case u needed their help.” Said Kangin giving SiWon THE LOOK.

Kangin smiled to YeSung who nervously smiled back.

“and YOU..”Kangin pointed at SiWon after taking his hand off of him.

“if u screw things up Dad will handle this and believe me u don’t want that to happen..”

“YOU...”SiWon glared at his elder bro while messaging his arm where Kangin was holding him earlier.

Kangin was about to leave when he suddenly turned back and looked at his brother before grinning.

“You can’t go back home..  Dad said that there will be an apartment for u in this exact building, upstairs.. so that there is no excuse for u to come late to work..” he throwed the key to YeSung who catches it with one hand.

“THE HELL....” SiWon shouted.

“Enjoy it.. Choi Junior” said Kangin before leaving.

And then a whole sequence of misery started ...!

“Manager Kim.. Mr.Choi was purposely breaking the plates instead of washing them today..”

SiWon : they slipped off of my hand.. is that illegal? Ungrateful people.. they should consider it an honour.. my giving them a hand in washing those dirty dishes..

YeSung : u mean breaking them.. [ the conversation will end with SiWon cursing at me before leaving to God knows where ]

“Manger Kim.. Mr.Choi added pepper instead of sugar to the coffee ordered by a well-known regular customer today...”’

SiWon : was it pepper..? it looked white to me..

YeSung : ur colour-blind..? how did u get a driving license? [another conversation where SiWon will continue cursing at me before leaving to another unknown destination ]]

“Manager Kim.. Mr.Choi is having an argument with one of the customers right now...”

YeSung ran to where that was taking place, Thanks God no one was using his fists... but...

“THE HELL is wrong with u...”

“quit that.. i said am new here and its just water that i spilled over ur pants so no need to cry like a school girl...” SiWon answered arrogantly before turning his back.

“You idiot.. who do u think u are...” the man held SiWon’s arm and turned him over to face him.

“Ajhussi why do u talk too much.. don’t ur mouth hurt.. Tisso –forget it- i will pay for the laundry.. how much does it cost.. 10$ ? 15$ ....”

“KEMANHAE...”YeSung stepped in.

“Sir.. am so sorry for my employee’s rude behaviour.. plz forgive me...” YeSung said with a bow.


“SHUT THE HELL UP and get out of here.. NOW!!”

Gladly the situation was handled with the help of EunHyuk and the customer was served free muffin as a sign of make-up.

YeSung POV

I asked about SiWon.. it was almost lunch break-time and he is nowhere to be found..

“he is up there in the rooftop Sir...”

One of the waitresses told me .. he must be hiding there.. or might be running a party of his own.. who knows.. this kid is not spoiled.. he is a spoiled gangster.. its very hard dealing with him.. i had couple of student when i was a substitute teacher.. but they never pushed it to this extent.. he is terrible.. by all predictions failed as he was sitting on a chair, with his legs placed on the circular table, crossed.. was he asleep...?


He turned his head to the side so he don’t see me.. i crossed my arms and called him again..

“it’s lunch time.. r u gonan take a nap now..? if yes then there is no lunch for you...”

“deceptive...” he mumbled.

“what did u say....?” i asked, not really getting what he said.

He put down his legs, stands and turn to face me.

“how did u get SiHan hyung to like u...? did u beg him..? bribe him... oh scratch that.. how could a beggar like u do so...mmmm.. i think there is only one option left.. seduction was it...”

I lost all my cool.. he pushed it too far.

“How... dare u...?”

“What? Ur pissed.. heart is aching...? do u think i will put up with ur ty act...? supervisor.. YOU.. THE ..  i would rather join ur family in mending before being supervised by a dirty like you....”

“BAAAAAAAAAAAANG” i slapped him.

“ignorant.. rude.. manner-less.. son of ....”

“SHUT UP” SiWon shouted, his expression was now scarier than anything else i have ever seen in my life.

“u know nothing about me..NOTHING.. and if there is anything i ever hated about SiHan.. is that he shares the same blood with someone as pathetic as u....”

and i left.. i don’t know how did the time pass by so quickly.. it was 12:30 am.. by the time i reached home.. Kangin was calling me.. i felt a bit uneasy.. he never called me at such time.. DID SOMETHING HAPPEN TO SIAHN????


“Kangin-ssi ... what’s wrong? Did something happen to SiHan.. is everything okay..?’

Kangin laughed in a low tone.

“relax.. relax.. SiHan is fine.. i just left the hospital and his Doctor said that his condition is stable...”

I released a sigh of relief.

“how come u don’t stop by lately.. is it coz of the new job..?”

“no.. i do visit him every 2 days.. its kinda complicated.. i mean coz of Mrs.Choi.. and...”

“i understand....”

There was silence for a second before he resumed talking.

“i talked to Hyuk and it seemed that SiWon is giving u a hard time.. i assume he is going too far with that.. am sorry that u have to deal with all of that...”

I sighed once again remembering what happened earlier.

“its okay.. its not that i expected this to be an easy task anyway..”

“Did u see him leaving after work..? i mean I’ve been calling him for the past hour and he isn’t picking up..”

“No.. actually i left work too early today.. won’t he be home by now.. his “new” home..?” i said remembering how close his new apartment is from the restaurant.

“well.. i don’t think so.. not today.. maybe he is at the graveyard.. most likely.. i didn’t want him to go alone.. not at night...” Kangin said with concerned tone.

I gasped.

“graveyard...? why would he go there..?”

“its his mother’s 3rd death anniversary.. “

“w...WHAT??.... how come? isn't her your........”

“he is my step-brother..... from my father’s side.” Kangin interrupted.

That conversation didn’t last any longer.. i was now running.. running to the destination i never thought i would run to.. he is an orphan too.. today, 3 years ago.. his mother passed away.. not a normal death but ... a suicide.. she hanged herself.. all of a sudden i remembered my words to him earlier.. i was about to curse at his mom.. at that moment i was too upset to function that he was SiHan’s brother.. that his mom is my mother-in-law.. that how it would have been analyzed but no.. its even worse.. am running there... but what am i expecting.. is he going to accept my apology.. late condolences.. compassion.. do i even feel anything good toward this guy at all...? by the time i was almost done with mentally lecturing myself.. i was standing at the gate.. a small gate..but.. do i have the guts to enter there.. i mean.. its a graveyard.. it passes mid-night already.. i saw an ajusshi sitting there reading a book.. i sighed in relief and walked in.. i looked around.. i couldn’t see SiWon..

“He is over there...”

That ajhussi guided me to the corner where SiWon was .. with so many lights surrounding the walls of that graveyards.. my fears are pushed aside.. i was about to speak when i heard that sobbing voice..

“Omoni.. its November i going to spend Christmas alone this year too..? my Dad promised to stop by but he never did.. Kangin hyung will just go to bed and leave me behind.. SiHan hyung is in another world now.. peaceful one.. although his beloved spouse is apart of him.. but am sure he is at ease.. this world.. its very cold Omoni.. people only looks for their benefits.. if there is no such thing they won’t even look at u.. But am not like that omoni.. am ur handsome son.. hardworking one.. i will prove them all wrong and do a perfect job.. i will always make u proud Omoni.. will u then.. forgive me.. will u still think of me.. will u ever.. wait for me...” he was now in almost hugging the ground, wailing so hard. “pogoshipossoyo omoni.... – i missed u so much-.. please come back to me...”

Then.. just then i realized.. how can cruelness be used to cover for our smashed hearts.

I cried.. it actually did happen.. and i cried for u.. Choi SiWon..


End of Chapter [4]

A.N: Thank u guys for all the subscribtion and views.. really appreciate it.. plz keep supporting this story.. and i wish i could read more of ur comments ^^ and yes a new character :) Hyukieee~


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487 streak #1
Chapter 18: Finally!!!! After so many years trying to find this story! T^T I remember reading this in 2019. The ending just.... T_____T
jongwoontrash #2
Chapter 8: FCK. The ending of this chapter just killed me. Huuuuuuu. Fck. They are like confessing to each other silently. Huuuuuuuu. :') It's too beautiful.

Damn. Wait. I really wanna comment at everything but my mind is reeling from the last scene. Hahaha.
Okay. *Deep breath* Aww. Nighttime walks are just cute hahaha. Them eating ice cream and Siwon teasing Yesung and finally opening up to him about Leeteuk. Then there's Yesung offering his company (along with the thigh touching *squeal*) Hahaha. Then there goes there teasing and FLIRTING althroughout. The decorating thing with holding Yesungie's waist. And there's the piano scene!!!!! So sweet!!!!!!! "hyung" They are really getting closer and closer waaaaah (even physically). And Siwon already staring at Yesung's lips (Tsktsk, Siwonie). And Hyuk and Teukie talk stating how obvious the two (lovebirds) are. Hahaha. Then there goes another problematic thing with Min Jung (Damn, girl. All threr of them?). Hahaha. Teuk's talk with Yesung making the latter SERIOUSLY jealous that I can practically feel his pain. And waaaaah amusement parks are really a place for romance, eh? Roller coaster teasing reminds me of their movie date (w/ eunhae). :D Then there goes the water fight. Our Siwonie is getting (more) physically attracted to our (his) Yesung (Well, who won't with him dripping wet like that). And FCK, of course, the best scene of the chapter huuuuuuuuuuu Them finally losing their defenses. The hug. The thoughts.

‘’for a minute.. only for this one minute.. can u think of me… look at me.. at SiWon not Choi SiWon…’’

‘’for once.. can I see u as.. YeSung.. rather than my brother in law.. can I … can I hug u….?’’

‘’I wish I had ever looked, thought… or felt of u as Choi SiWon.. if I ever did I wouldn’t been succumbing to my downfall…’’ (THIS. OH MY GOD)

"For a minute..
Just a minute..
At this exact moment..
I wanna love you..
Kim YeSung.." (WAAAH. FML)

jongwoontrash #3
Chapter 7: "“for this...” and he pointed at his forehead. “komawayoooo....” and he flashed me with that annoying... beautiful smile of his."

KYAAAAAAA~ HUHU. THAT WAS SO SWEET. AND FLUFFY HUHU. Forehead kisses are just amazing.
Totally lived this chapter too. Yesungie spacing out and smiling nonstop. Haha. Even MaRi can't resist the Choi maknae. And I really like Hyoyeon's characyer too. Tsk. The rooftop argument. Our boys are starting to get jealous with each other. But then there goes the allergic to shrimp thing (little details make me squeal) and the sofa talk where Yesungie traced Siwon's face (awww~) then them talking about Hyoyeon's close relationship with Yesung (him thinking like his her mom is just so precious). And there goes MaRi about her oppa's obsession with brownies and Kara unnies. Aaaaand Yesungie being jealous of our leadernim. Hahaha. The people around them are starting to notice the "whatever" between the two (Even Leeteuk who just knew them for a few hours). AND OMG THE LAST SCENE. I don't know but rapid forceful turning arounds to a hug (haha) really gets me everytime. These two ate just sooooo cute. :') YeWon all the way.
jongwoontrash #4
Chapter 6: Waaaaah! I LOVE THIS CHAPTER SO MUCH. I really liked the pasta making part because I'm really a er for tension!!! Gaaaah! It was so cuuuute. Also the chocolate baking with the cream (). Haha. Naughty Siwonie. Then the "backhug" during pasta making wahahaaahuuu kyeopta. Even the quite serious part with pinning Yesung to the refrigerator. Haaaa~ Then there was the movie part. Haha. Siwon teasing Yesung was so cuuute and so was Yesungie brushing his lips against Siwon. AND the jacket scene waaaah totally liked Siwon finding other excuses for his affectionate gestures (like what he said after they cooked the pasta with regards to him saving Yesung). Then there's the ending which totally gives hints to what happens later in this series. Kyaaa. This chapter is paaaaacked.
jongwoontrash #5
Chapter 5: This is my 2nd (or was it 3rd?) time reading it and I just wanna say that I like this story so much!!! I didn't get to comment because I always end up itching to know what happens next but this time I want to let you know my thoughts. I liked the last part of this chapter because the both of them are starting to connect both ways (the graveyard scene in the previous chap was also good since it showed Siwon's vulnerable side that made Yesung feel). I really like Siwon's thoughts here and his instinct to go follow Yesung and hug him while crying. Kudos to you, authornim. :)
nighcloud407 #6
Chapter 18: TTT___TT ITS SO HEARTBREAKING #sobs I'll miss siwon and yesung tease each other #sobs ,oh this so sad:(

Actually, need time to open this final chap, seriously I need to call my courage and prepare my heart to this chapt. previously I used to seek for an update, but especialy for LAST CHAPT, I put my curious aside bcoz I havent prepare my self yet for the ending that I expected it would be so heartbreaking like this since u r the MASTER OF ANGST.

dont be sorry this story are amazing this way though its not a happy end but at least yewon still belong to each other ( ) thanks for ur stories if u have a time I still wait for another yewon story, PASHA!!
nighcloud407 #7
Chapter 18: TTT___TT ITS SO HEARTBREAKING #sobs I'll miss siwon and yesung tease other #sobs ,oh this so sad:(

Actually, need time to open this final chap, seriously I need to call my courage and prepare my heart to this chapt. previously I used to seek for an update, but especialy for LAST CHAPT, I put my curious aside bcoz I havent prepare my self yet for the ending that I expected it would be so heartbreaking like this since u r the MASTER OF ANGST.

dont be sorry this story are amazing this way though its not a happy end but at least yewon still belong to each other ( ) thanks for ur stories if u have a time I still wait for another yewon story, PASHA!!
Chapter 18: Awwww honey, you put so much emotion here!!!! :'( You know I was sobbing so much here! I want to forgot this :'( it's make me so sad to read something like that about my baby Yesungie!!!!!! :( WAAAHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE SOB SOB SOB :'(
But I don't hate it, you write something dramatically realist >.< And it's so so beautiful! I swear this is amazing! :D You did a good job!!!! ^^ u know I prefer the happy ending so I will wait for another new happy story! :D
OMG!! Your YeWon here really deserve to be happy, and Mari who will grow up without her brother betside her... Arg it's so sad!!! :(
Honestly when I was reading this end, I could't still accept the fact that my Sungie dead but... GOD! You had to make him give his eyes to his forever love! *o* OMG OMG OMG! That was so JJDJKLOWER DUDJDHFHGSJJDDJJDDJFKFJGIITUG >_< but again stiiiiiiiil so sad, why did u have to make me cry a lot tonight!!! :'(
Snif... Love youuuuuu, I enjoyed this and it's the most important think :D
Kyaaaaaa this story is really aw aw aw amazing!!!! Thanks for making it ^^
I still need more YeWon Moments, plz plz write more when u can honey, and plz no more die, I beg you '^^ xD
Wasurenagusa #9
Chapter 18: Ah author-nim this story was TOO beautiful. I'm so glad I've found this fic. Though the ending is giving me a hurt feeling inside... this is such a good story. I hope to read more from you. (Oh and ignore my previous comment for chappie 17, I didn't knew there was a chappie 18 until now.) Still sobbing in my mind. One of the best stories I've read on asianfanfics :D Great Job.