Absurd Teenage Night

No longer a loner

Word count  1399


“Choi Jonghun you potato head, did you know that if you drop a one side buttered bread it always land on the buttered side first? Well then again you being a nerd brain wouldn’t know what experimenting is caz you’re more interested in eating a book rather than having fun. Why did you even get kicked out of Keel anyway since you’re a nerd and all? Did you fondle the teacher or something because let me tell you, you really don’t give off that I’m a safe enough person to be with aura” What an interesting topic OMG I swear he’s a curse that makes even the most interesting person babble arghh how annoying, now he must think I’m stupid. Honestly couldn’t I have said something better, really buttered bread? Now that I’ve mentioned it and me calling him a nerd and all, he really doesn’t look like one.  Maybe he was so bad at studying that the school had no choice but to kick him out to maintain their so called ‘reputation’.

There he was doing it again, giving me the silent treatment but I decided to let him be this time I mean there’s a limit to how much even I can piss someone off.  The only noises that can be heard were the tutors occasional babbling and of course how can I even forget these annoying girls who never shuts up. Nothing was interesting at that point and I felt myself drifting off to sleep only to be awakened by the loud bell.  If it was any other day I would be mentally praising the loud bell however today I felt rather disturbed by the familiar sound. Don’t know why, maybe I’m infected by Jonghun’s silent disease O_O

I was walking out the room as soon as I could to meet Wonbin at his house, lads’ night with beer and Diablo 3. Who cares about being underage, if you have access to your parents fridge and if they are regular drinkers then they are less likely to find out if a few beer goes missing especially if they are always busy and hardly ever home.  Another reason to why Wonbin always throws out house parties. Heechul hyung, Minhwan, Seunghyun and Jaejin were coming as far as I’m aware and maybe they’ll be bringing a few friends of their own who knows. Well me even going would be an issue if this so called potato head wont leave his hold on my wrist...Wait rewind, I was walking out then he suddenly grabbed my right wrist earning a burning glare.  Idiot decided to ignore me for the entire lesson and now hold my wrist as I’m about to leave? I don’t think so.

“Hongki.....are you free?”

Awkward much, why is this potato head asking me if I’m free?

“Can we go somewhere? I need to get my mind off things”

 I looked at him, his face shows a clear expression of discomfort and hurt and maybe this was the reason why he decided to keep his face away from mine. Why am I even thinking that? Well anyway I am not an easy person so I said what I felt like saying at the time or more like what I wanted to say to get the same pissed off reaction out of him.

“No” Oh my God the look on his face was priceless I mean even a very serious person would find it so hilarious that I felt like laughing. Couldn’t lose my poster and so I bit the inside of my cheeks to hold in my laugh... “I’m so busy today that I’m already late and now if you keep holding onto me I’m going to be even later and besides are we even friends?” As soon as I said the last bit I regretted it, I may have crossed the line here as the look on his face no longer making me want to laugh. I held onto my pride and headed towards the door feeling every step I take weighing more than it should I mean steps shouldn’t weigh at all to begin with.

“You’re the only one I barely talk to around here even if it is to call you names, I guess I’m wrong”

Jonghun’s words were making me feel guilty even though I did nothing wrong. Like what I’ve told you before, I never admit to being wrong. Making a potato head feel bad is not considered wrong, well not in my dictionary anyways. I let out a big sigh...wait I didn’t realise I was holding in my breath.

“Follow me” my stupid mouth, I thought out loud only to curse myself in my mind. It was a long walk to my house which is why I wanted to leave as soon as I could so I wouldn’t be late for Wonbin’s party and now it looks like I won’t even be going. What is there to miss anyway I mean I can always talk to my Heechul hyung as he’d literally barge out of important meetings if I wanted him to, and yes he’s done that before in the past just to cheer me up as I was feeling down. He’s more than willing to give up his life for me. What else? Oh yerh.. Diablo 3 hmm...something I can always play later on besides when we say lad’s night we usually stay up playing games until 1am or so and then it’s more like you spend some ‘time’ with your girlfriend or you ‘make’ some new friends. Seriously so many people turn up that, lads night usually turns out into an absurd teenage night. Jaejin is more likely to be snogging Tina noona’s (his girlfriends), face off when Seunghyun spends his time looking for an actual ‘coco cola’ shaped lady. Minhwan is more likely to be taken home by one of his friends to save his innocent mind from all the happenings that usually takes place. As for Wonbin, he’d pass out sooner or later. Have I revealed too much?

Why am I even agreeing to spend time with the potato head anyways? He’s not one I would call my friend, although I wouldn’t mind him being one as I have mentioned before. I sent a quick text to Wonbin telling him I don’t think I would make it and also not to call me.  Seriously I hate it when people call me even if I have told them not to and the reason is always like ‘I wanted to make sure you’re all right or what’s wrong?’ Why is everyone so nosey in this world, can’t they mind their own business? Actually I take that back as right now I am dead curious to find out what has been troubling Jonghun. I only see him on Fridays so God knows how long he’s been sulking, just today or was it the entire week? I feel concerned for him even though I don’t know the reason behind his sudden mood change even if he is a stupid potato head.

We walked into a nearby pub and as soon as we walked in Jonghun said “I didn’t bring my ID” he’s obviously talking about his fake ID card which if you’re a rebellious teenager, you must have. “Stupid potato head, I knew you would say that, wait do you even have one? Or did you just say that to make yourself sound hardcore?” He let out a small laugh at what I said which surprisingly made the corners of my lips curl upwards a little. I went up to the counter and ordered us both an expensive glass of cold beer and flashed the man at the counter my trademarked smile. He knows me, wait did I mention that my father owns this pub? You must be wondering why he just served me if he knew who I am. Well I once caught him at a rather awkward situation at the basement along with one of the female workers here. Caught red handed doing something which is clearly against the rules of this place and to keep my mouth shut he does what I want him to even if that involves serving underage teenagers beers and various other expensive alcohol. As I’ve told you before I get my way in everything, I am after all the one and only Lee Hongki.

Thank you ^___^

3 subscribers woo, thank you ^___^


^ just a funny video for you guys to  watch, credit goes to the uploader

ps- next update will be after next monday, I have an exam =(

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Sotbaka #1
Update soon~~
LeeHongki #2
This is not good-_-
LeeHongki #3
I liked! I liked! I liked! Very much
Finally, I feel like a thing will happened
Thanks ^ ^
LeeHongki #4
Ooooh no!
I can not believe why!!?
Oh, this broken-_-
blackheart123 #5
i wonder if jonghun kiss hongki when he was sleeping
poor hongki and his bad hair day
LeeHongki #6
This looks very beautiful
Oooh Why if taking a picture of him?
What if the background is JohnHoon Phone !!
Oh, very excited
Thanks ^ ^
LeeHongki #7
Look lik a good night!
What will happen in the morning?
Oh Please hurry
Thank you very much
blackheart123 #8
I wonder in the morning in what position they will find themselves in
LeeHongki #9
Oh, I am very excited
Please hurry up I want to know what will happen ^ ^
Thank you very much
LeeHongki #10
Oh, love it so much
It's really a chance> Ha Ha Ha