How did you get in here?

No longer a loner

Word count 1490


So it has now been a total of five days or so since I’ve last seen Jonghun or spoken to the latter or even texted him, which now that I think about it seems a bit silly.  I have his number, I could have just given him a ring or a few texts, but then again he has my number too and he could have done the same too. Why didn’t he? Maybe he was waiting for me? At least I hope he was. So here I am sitting in my drama and theatre lesson and 10 minutes into the lesson still no sign on Jonghun. What if something was wrong? I mean he does live alone. I don’t even know whyI’m worrying, oh that’s right he’s a friend of mine now and even if I appear cold I do care about others ok. Just let me be.

As soon as the bell rang I rushed out the door dragging my bag along with all the notes from today stuffed inside it, who cares about it getting crunched up as now I really need to go. Running out towards the school gates I was stopped by a rather tired looking Seunghyun.

“Hyung where are you going?”

Seunghyun aa don’t wait for me. I won’t be walking home with you guys today. Let the others know”

And with that I ran off outside the gate not minding the confused look plastered onto Seunghyun’s face. Where was I heading anyway, yeah off to Jonghuns. I needed to find out why he didn’t attend class today and to see if anything is wrong. You see I couldn’t assume everything was fine, not after he had opened up to me last week about his life. He has lived a very tragic life and as a friend I have a responsibility to ensure that he’s keeping up his health and well-being in good condition.

Soon I reached outside his house and I must say that I wasn’t feeling that hearty welcoming feel I felt the last time I stood here. Maybe it’s because I was feeling worried that I had no space left to feel the welcoming sensation of his house. The lawn had leaves scattered around everywhere as if he hadn’t cleaned the place for some time now. I did not like the suspicious aura this place was giving me at the time.  I may feel better as soon as I step inside or see Jonghun face to face, yeah then I’ll be ok, I hope. It’s got to be done and so I pressed the door bell once and was greeted back with a long silence of nothing. Nobody was opening the door and by nobody I meant Jonghun. The worry I felt for him started to fade into a rather scared feeling as I pressed the door bell for the second time. Soon after I found myself pressing the door bell numerous times, I lost count after the 12th attempt. 

I decided to have a walk around the outside of his house to see if there is any other way to get inside. I’m hoping for an open back door, that would be too easy, or at least a broken window. It took me longer to get to the back of his house as I did have to climb up and jump over a not so normal sized brick wall. It would have been easier if it was a wooden fence but no it had to be a massive brick wall. Not to mention that I landed on my and not my feet much more to my embarrassment.  Rubbing my backside I decided to inspect his backyard and tried to look for any cracks in the windows or so. My patience was soon getting taken over by that oh it I don’t care anymore feeling as I grabbed a rock placed at the side which was left there to add character to his water fountain, and smashed his window.

Pieces of glass scattered everywhere and not to mention the noise it created. I swear if anyone saw me they must have thought I was some stupid needy burglar that attempted to do my duty on a rather sunny day with the help of bright sunlight. I used my shoes to move the pieces of glass away from the base of the window and slowly climbed up and jumped inside his house. I was in the kitchen by the looks of it and it does not look like there is anything to eat here as I did not see any food nor could I smell any. My hunting senses for food are rated high ok. I slowly walked outside the kitchen into the dining room and I must say by looking at his dining table, he must be way richer than what my father is. Our dining room is not small but this was indeed large. Shaking the thoughts aside I decided to set my searching upstairs where I am guessing his room to be.

Walking outside the dining room I couldn’t help but notice all those pictures hanged neatly onto the wall heading towards the large staircase. Each and every frame held a picture of whom I am guessing to be his parents holding a child whom I’m guessing to be Jonghun. Slowly going up the stairs I found a few more pictures which were all maybe only a few years old as the Jonghun in them were not so much younger looking compared to the Jonghun now. He smiled happily from ear to ear in all the pictures I saw except for the last one, he looked rather forced.  For a Casanova like Jonghun he should love being in pictures and having photos taken off him, looking as if he was forced to smile seemed odd. It looked as if he wasn’t happy but instead putting on a show for the sake of others.

There were a lot of rooms upstairs just like at my house, although it would have been easier if I knew which room belonged to him. Maybe a tag on the door that said Jonghuns room or something similar would have been nice. I gathered up all my strength and opened the first room which I am guessing to be... I don’t know, it was empty and had nothing in it much more to my disappointment.  The second room was almost the same though it had a few furnishers in it. I moved along and opened the next door and it surprised me as it had a lot of large photographs that has been framed neatly and they all had one face captured inside of a little boys.  All these pictures abandoned and kept inside one room, it must be his I thought and felt myself boil up. 

Carrying on further I had to walk to the other side of the hallway and I opened the first door and I must say a quick feeling of relief rushed inside my body but it was soon changed. I rushed over to the weak sleeping body and screamed with all my might shaking him up.

“JONGHOOOOOOON oh my God wake up snap out of it Jonghun wake up please”

I don’t know what came over me, next thing I know I’m sitting on top of Jonghuns with my legs squashed open on either side of his waist shaking his body using my hands with all my might. The wetness I’m feeling on my face must be tears and that must mean I’m crying, why? I don’t know. I don’t care how pathetic I look right now but I want him awake, I need him awake. I continue shaking his limp body with a tint of hope.

“Jonghun...Jonghoonie...look at me *sniff*

“YAH get the off me”!

Huh... O_O


“How can someone so slim be this heavy, I can’t breathe...get... get off me”

Wait he’s, erm awkward. I slowly got myself off of him and sat at the edge of his bed turning my back on him.  As soon as I got off him I heard him breathe heavily, Man it’s not like I weigh a tonne or something what a jerk *sniff* why am I sniffling?

“Yah, are you crying?”

“NO...why would I be crying. Shut up ...stupid potato head”. I mumbled the last part so I wonder if he heard or not. Now I can hear him laugh at me, great I ran all the way here to check up on him and instead of showing me some gratitude he’s actually laughing at me =( I was worried for him and the way he looked all limp on this bed when I opened the door was not very pleasing. I thought he had actually d.... what am I thinking.

“Wait, what are you doing here? No wait, how did you get in here?”



Thankyou ^__^

9 subscribers + the person who comments regularly =) + all the readers, thank you ^__^

^ a funny video for you guys to watch, credit goes to the uploader <-- LOL I dno why I put this in every chapter

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Sotbaka #1
Update soon~~
LeeHongki #2
This is not good-_-
LeeHongki #3
I liked! I liked! I liked! Very much
Finally, I feel like a thing will happened
Thanks ^ ^
LeeHongki #4
Ooooh no!
I can not believe why!!?
Oh, this broken-_-
blackheart123 #5
i wonder if jonghun kiss hongki when he was sleeping
poor hongki and his bad hair day
LeeHongki #6
This looks very beautiful
Oooh Why if taking a picture of him?
What if the background is JohnHoon Phone !!
Oh, very excited
Thanks ^ ^
LeeHongki #7
Look lik a good night!
What will happen in the morning?
Oh Please hurry
Thank you very much
blackheart123 #8
I wonder in the morning in what position they will find themselves in
LeeHongki #9
Oh, I am very excited
Please hurry up I want to know what will happen ^ ^
Thank you very much
LeeHongki #10
Oh, love it so much
It's really a chance> Ha Ha Ha