Wanna hang out tonight?

No longer a loner

Word count 1764


What a nice feeling so early in the morning, the smell of fresh brewed coffee, crispy bacon, perfectly cooked sausages all round and puffy, although I don’t see I know it’s here, it I’m sure of the smell. Ahh the smell of breakfast floating around the room and to mention the current feeling of myself floating, as if I’m resting up on a large comphy cloud. The moist feeling upon my lips, too soft that it can almost be mistaken for a light and brief kiss. A sweet yet the same time hoarse voice calmly calling my name. Fingertips brushing across my jaw line ever so lightly as if to secure the presence of... Jonghun smiling ever so beautifully at me. Like in the movies I see an all around brightness as if I am the main centre of attraction that all life on earth envies.  Smiling to myself I reach out touch his cheeks, wanting to let him know what I’m feeling. The only trouble is, everything seems so real, wait… Jerking my eyes open then close then open again I see Jonghun looking directly at me with his perfectly alluring eyes so early in the morning. Wait what time is it? He must have read my mind as I heard him say “Its almost 10…about time you got up”. Not so early now is it?

I looked around the room to make sure this wasn’t just a dream and I even pinched my waist to check, winching in pain and no it sure was not a dream. The cloud like feeling, oh that’s right I’m apparently still on his luxurious bed. The voice I heard repeatedly calling my name? He must have been calling me to get me up. The light brushes of fingertips I felt on my face? Must be the duvet I wrapped myself in just like a cocoon falling off my face. The moistness I felt on my lips? I must have my lips unconsciously I mean I do smell food. It only makes sense this way unless the man I see right in front of me is the culprit which is obviously not sane, yerh I must have my own lips. He was looking at me with the same old blank expression again, I don’t even remember the last time I saw him smile at me genuinely and I do miss it.

“I made us both breakfast, quickly get ready and come downstairs” with that he walked outside the room leaving me all alone. I sighed to myself and got up, one look in the mirror and boy was I shocked. Out of all times why is my hair like this today? Bed hair is cute, it’s always cute on me but hell no, not today and it had to be like this when I was sleeping over at his house. How embarrassing, I wonder why he didn’t laugh. I mean if I ever saw bed hair so hideous like the one I am blessed with right now on him I would sure get a good laugh out of it. Not to mention trying to take a picture…wait what was that brightness I felt before I got up? Oh my God NO..NO he won’t, he can’t …would he? Grabbing a brush placed onto his neatly presented dressing table, and yes he is a guy, I wildly brushed the crap out of my hair.

Lost deep in thoughts arguing with myself whether Jonghun took a picture or not I went inside his bathroom. Greeted by a cute tortoro toothbrush with a sticky note saying use me I couldn’t help but stare at it, he sure is creepy all right.  Taking the toothbrush and piling on toothpaste which was placed inside a holder I brushed my teeth not so gently. Having finished with my personal business, I made sure to spray around as an attempt to get rid of the awful smell that comes along with my morning routine. Wouldn’t it be embarrassing if Jonghun came in here right now only to be taken back by the strong mixture of his room spray and my excess waste? Anyways it’s not like his smells like perfume I mean all of human race is cursed with this.

As I got out of his bathroom I saw a pair of clothes neatly folded with yet another sticky note, which read wear me. What is this are we playing sticky notes game now or something? He just gets creepier by the minute. Crispy white shirt along with a black tight skinny jeans, sighing to myself again I got changed into them. I took a last glance at his not so normal mirror as a last attempt to fix my hair. Borrowing a little hairspray won’t hurt right? Spraying onto the few strands of hair sticking up to make it appear more straight and calm I headed downstairs.  He was reading today’s newspaper and clearly waiting for me as he hasn’t touched his plate of food yet. His doing sometimes makes him appear like an ajusshi who just happened to look like a teenager, common he was reading a news paper. The sight of food sure makes me smile and I was mentally praising my food hunting skills right at this point, freshly brewed coffee, bacon and sausages, the same as my dream. Smiling to myself I sat down opposite to Jonghun taking quick glances at him.

He noticed my presence as he put down the newspaper and said “finally down. I was beginning to come up there caz you seemed to be taking forever” what is he an idiot? Of course one would take time when they are on the toilet. Should I ask him whether he took a picture of my retarded state or not? I’m sure he didn’t I mean why would he take a picture of mine right? At least I hope he didn’t. “You did come up, otherwise I wouldn’t be wearing these right now” pointing to the white shirt which still had the iron folds on, it must be new or unless he hasn’t wore it in ages. “I put that out as soon as you got in. it’s been well over half an hour Hongki. What took you so long?” OMO how long does it take to poop? It must be the hair. I must have taken so long fixing it. “Erm…right I… just you know stuff” how embarrassing, not only that I stayed over at his house but took a dump in his toilet, I should have held it in although me staying over was because he asked me to. “Have you’re breakfast. You must be hungry” with that he started digging into his own plate of food. I was grinning from ear to ear at this point, thanking God in my head for such delicious food I started digging in too, following his path.

Breakfast was awkwardly silent and I must say I have gotten used to this I mean Jonghun and the silence. We finished the food in a hurry and I offered to wash up. Don’t get me wrong, I just offered thinking he would object but here he was sort of like waiting for me to ask. Soon as I did ask he said ok, it felt like a slap on my face. Mumbling cruses I got up and started washing up and he was just wiping the dishes and placing them in their correct order, a neat man indeed.

Finishing everything as soon as I could, I decided to head back home. I was pretty certain that my mom would be waiting for me at the door ready to eat me up as a whole. Last Friday night I spent the night out with Jonghun listening to his sorrows and this time I stayed over at his house. I could have given her a ring last night but the thought didn’t even enter my head once.  “Jonghun aa, I’m gonna go now oh and thanks for the food”. He replied with a simple it’s ok not that I was expecting anything longer than that to be honest. Grabbing my backpack I was heading outside when I heard him say “wait I’ll come too, I need to go food shopping”. The hell he does I mean those cupboards have nothing in them apart from the ramen packets I brought yesterday and his fridge containing the leftover ingredients used to make his porridge. Well I guess it’s not so bad since we both need to head out, might as well go together.

It was almost half 11 when we left his house and not long later we were stopped by a tall lanky boy. Why now of all times? “What is it Seunghyun?” he kept taking glances from my face to Jonghun’s and back. “Hyung you didn’t even give me a call yesterday. I was a little worried after seeing you run off like that. Where did you go?” So embarrassing now Jonghun must think I am some kind of a freak and the way Seunghyun keep on giving Jonghun the stink eye does not help in this situation either. “Seunghyun aa this is Jonghun…erm we kinda need to go now, I’ll explain everything later”. He nodded and then bowed down Jonghun, I guess that was an attempt to show respect apart from the fact that it looked like he was getting paid to do it. Jonghun bowed back and we were about to leave when I heard him speak, again. “Hyung Wonbin hyung is having a party tonight. He was going to call you last night but I stopped him. I told him I’d let you know so yerh”.

Turning around to face Jonghun I asked him “Wanna hang out tonight?” I have no idea why I asked him that. He hesitated for a bit before nodding slightly. Maybe he still feels uncomfortable around me despite the fact that I stayed over at his last night. “Text me the address later and I’ll see you around ten” with that Jonghun bowed one last time and went off. I wanted to walk him to the store before heading home and now that seems out of topic. “Hyung who is he, man he’s handsome” saying that Seunghyun ran off, maybe he read the not so pleasant look on my face. Great now I have to walk home alone. Mentally preparing myself for the threats waiting to attack me at home I jogged along the streets holding tightly onto the straps of my backpack.


Thank you ^__^

although this is boring, thank you guys for reading it =)


^ funny video for you guys LOL, credit foes to the uploader ^__^

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Sotbaka #1
Update soon~~
LeeHongki #2
This is not good-_-
LeeHongki #3
I liked! I liked! I liked! Very much
Finally, I feel like a thing will happened
Thanks ^ ^
LeeHongki #4
Ooooh no!
I can not believe why!!?
Oh, this broken-_-
blackheart123 #5
i wonder if jonghun kiss hongki when he was sleeping
poor hongki and his bad hair day
LeeHongki #6
This looks very beautiful
Oooh Why if taking a picture of him?
What if the background is JohnHoon Phone !!
Oh, very excited
Thanks ^ ^
LeeHongki #7
Look lik a good night!
What will happen in the morning?
Oh Please hurry
Thank you very much
blackheart123 #8
I wonder in the morning in what position they will find themselves in
LeeHongki #9
Oh, I am very excited
Please hurry up I want to know what will happen ^ ^
Thank you very much
LeeHongki #10
Oh, love it so much
It's really a chance> Ha Ha Ha