Caring for the so called needy

No longer a loner

Word count 1534


It’s gonna be a long day today and time is moving slower than usual. Jonghun hasn’t spoken a word at all to me since like for the past ten minutes or so. Ten minutes of silence is like an eternity to me ok especially when it’s just two people in one room, it’s so quiet. Maybe he really is not feeling well, as long as he wasn’t shivering cold and spewing sick, its fine right? What on earth would actually be useful right now to break this ice? Maybe I should watch TV with him or something...or not. How about a game on x-box or something? We could play Diablo 3 that I missed last time when I was hanging out with him. I’m pretty sure that wasn’t us hanging out, it was rather the circumstance that got us two together that night. Can he play though? I mean he is sick after all and probably would need bed rest right? I’m asking myself way too many questions today.  My thoughts were broken off by the sudden rumbling of my stomach to which I earned a small giggling. What is he now a little girl to giggle? I shouldn’t be embarrassed right now but I can’t help myself from blushing and so to try and make myself sound as if I wasn’t bothered, even with a pink face I still asked him “what have you got?”

“I’m sorry what?”

Even an idiot would have guessed what I meant by that I mean common my stomach rumbled and I asked what he’s got which could only mean one thing, FOOD! Maybe he’s acting dumb to not get caught caz I’m pretty sure he didn’t make anything to eat today because if he did I would have been able to smell it when I came in. 

“What have you got to eat? As you’ve heard by now I’m hungry and I want food. Clearly I’m a guest now aren’t I? So you must treat me with food, its only what the elders call manners unless of course you want me to starve” I glared at him as I said the last few words.

“I didn’t make anything”

“Ptschh of course you didn’t make anything, who wouldn’t have guessed at all” I was being sarcastic now and I must say he did not look very pleased. Wait does that mean he didn’t eat anything at all today?

“Yahh... so what did you eat then?”

Great the silence is back yet once again, should I repeat myself?   “I asked what you ATE today”. Adding emphasis to the word ate, he must have understood that I was rather annoyed right now. “Did you eat at all today?” silence again, how hard is it to respond to a talking man? Not that hard in my dictionary and besides I have repeated the same question twice now, no make it trice.

“I’m not hungry”

“I didn’t ask if you wanted to eat, I asked if you’ve are today at all”


What an idiot, without speaking any further I walked out of his room and he didn’t seem to object either.  Walking into the kitchen I opened up all the cupboards to see what exactly there is that doesn’t require the need of cooking. Not long later I found myself with ramen packets, oh boy was I excited but then again Jonghuns sick right now. I don’t think it would be a good idea to make him eat any ramen at this time and so I walked out of his house grabbing the key placed onto the key holder, to the corner shop it was for me. I didn’t even tell Jonghun that I was heading out and to be honest I don’t think he would care either. Kinda sad now that I think about it, if it was any of the boys they would have offered to do everything for me yet now I’m the one stepping into their shoes. Sort of reminds me of a married woman’s lifestyle, you know what they call a housewife or something.  They tend to cook, do the shopping, care for the needy and so on right? Similar to what I am owning up to do at this very moment, caring for the so called needy. Why am I even thinking like this?

After getting all the things needed to make some traditional porridge for the sick I went back to Jonghuns house and let myself in. Soon I found myself cooking up the porridge for Jonghun and made myself a packet of ramen, why? Because I hate eating porridge it’s sickening. I wonder if he feels the same way about it, well too bad if he does caz I would literally force it down his throat after going through all these trouble making it. While I was preparing the meal a first aid box kept inside one of the kitchen cabinets caught my attention.  I walked over to it and opened the box, searching the contents I found a few fever medications.  Smiling to myself I took one out and placed in on the tray which I will be taking upstairs soon with the food.  Half an hour later I went back upstairs with mine and Jonghuns meals and when I got there I couldn’t help but smile yet again, I seem to be smiling a lot today despite crying a few hours ago.

He was sleeping and I didn’t want to wake him up but knowing that he hasn’t eaten anything the whole day I wasn’t gonna let him off. “Jonghun...wake up” I placed the food tray on the bedside table and gentle shook his shoulder letting him know I’m there. He let out a small yawn and a cute little stretch, wait cute? *cough* he just got up!  He looked at me with those alluring eyes of his, even though he seemed tired his eyes were still very much attractive, indeed. Oh God I need to stop thinking like this, my head can sure do with a few smacking right now.

“You didn’t have to go through...”

Shutting him off I said “Cut the crap and eat this will you? Blow on it... its hot” and gave him the bowl of porridge I made, he smiled at me to which I smiled back yet once again. Grabbing the spoon he started digging in, wasn’t he the one who said he wasn’t hungry? liar much. We were both busy munching away on the food until I heard him say “Thanks” at least he’s not that heartless I guess.

“No need for the formalities Jonghun, I know you were hungry, a little too prideful now aren’t you?” we both let out a small laugh at my statement. I was right though, he was indeed full of pride that he pretended to not be hungry, as if. Letting a friend know that he hadn’t eaten all day is not that shameful, maybe when you’re God damn rich probably yes. I wouldn’t know anyway, I mean I never wait to get hungry, this was the first time in ages I felt hunger you see. I’m always munching on things every now and then, not to mention I never miss any meals. After finishing the meal “Here take this” I gave him the fever medication and made sure he swallowed it before I took his bowl and spoon off him.

I offered to clean up for him after all he is sick. I have no idea why I was being so nice to him. It hadn’t been that long since we were all bickering and thinking of ways to piss each other off but now I was being rather awkwardly nice to him. We’re still not that close either, I haven’t told him any secrets of mine yet although he may have told me his biggest one yet.

Maybe because it wasn’t my house, I made sure I left the kitchen looking spotless and headed back upstairs into his room. When I got in he was holding a pair of plain white t-shirt and a loose black track bottoms oh and wait is that boxers, oh my God how embarrassing. Handing them over to me he said with a smile “next door, have a shower or a bath, it’s up to you really”. There I stood yet once again turning pink from head to toe, ok maybe I was exaggerating a little but I was blushing hard. I looked away all around his room as I didn’t care where my eyes ended up as long as it was not his face. I was about to walk away and into the bathroom when his voice stopped me and sent me to shock-ville

“Hold on let’s do it together, my favourite programs about to start and I don’t want to miss it”.

While I was gulping hard he grabbed my arm and walked us both into his bathroom and clicked on the lock! Save me please I thought while following his lead with both my eyes about to drop off leaving me blind which in reality wouldn’t be that bad at this very moment, going blind that is.



Thank you ^___^

10 subscribers + all my readers + those who comment, thanks guys ^___^

I still dont  know how to reply to those LOL im a dumb arse

.....We had a guest at home today & my mum asked me to cook right in front of her (the guest) I couldnt say no so I was cooking away and about an hour or so later it was all done & then I realised, I forgot to add seasoning. OMG it tasted so bland & I was so embarrassed :3. She didnt laugh at me though & ate it in peace LMAO

ps: I couldnt find a better picture >,< but still look at his epic pillow case LMAO

^ a funny + adorkable  video for you guys, credit goes to the uploader as usual =)

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Sotbaka #1
Update soon~~
LeeHongki #2
This is not good-_-
LeeHongki #3
I liked! I liked! I liked! Very much
Finally, I feel like a thing will happened
Thanks ^ ^
LeeHongki #4
Ooooh no!
I can not believe why!!?
Oh, this broken-_-
blackheart123 #5
i wonder if jonghun kiss hongki when he was sleeping
poor hongki and his bad hair day
LeeHongki #6
This looks very beautiful
Oooh Why if taking a picture of him?
What if the background is JohnHoon Phone !!
Oh, very excited
Thanks ^ ^
LeeHongki #7
Look lik a good night!
What will happen in the morning?
Oh Please hurry
Thank you very much
blackheart123 #8
I wonder in the morning in what position they will find themselves in
LeeHongki #9
Oh, I am very excited
Please hurry up I want to know what will happen ^ ^
Thank you very much
LeeHongki #10
Oh, love it so much
It's really a chance> Ha Ha Ha