Good night

No longer a loner

Word count 1653


What am I supposed to do? Is it all right to drag someone anywhere without their permission? Let alone a bathroom. What is he thinking, what if he has some absurd plan inside that potato head of his? What if he’s trying it on with me? Is he gay? Am I gay? As you have probably guessed I have more than a hundred questions running inside of my head right now and it is frustrating, they all need answering. Although I am very much in panic state right now, I cannot help but gape at the inside of his bathroom. I repeat the inside of a guy’s bathroom. It looks very neat, too neat in fact for a guy with sparkling white tiled flooring and matching decorations on the wall and the ceiling. I wasn’t exaggerating when I said sparking, if I look carefully I can see my own reflection on the floor, that’s how clean it is and not to  mention the decorations I mean he is a guy after all. To add to it a large cut mirror the size of him with not even a small speck of dust or dried water drops visible. He is a guy living alone and his bathroom is kept in tip top condition with decorations, what is in his head? Maybe his ex girlfriend helped with it. I don’t understand why but I was frowning at my last thought.

“Shower or bath? It’d be better if you took the bath as I really need to finish soon, unless you want to shower together with me”.

Wait was he smirking? Dirty minded ert indeed but still, wasn’t he asking me to take the bath in a twisted way that he wouldn’t offend me after dragging me in here. Plastering a smirk onto his face and making himself look like a is also indicating that I should back off which means he wants his privacy. Is he being cheeky now? I mean it was him that dragged me in here and now he’s indicating that I should let him be. Why do I feel so offended? Did I want to take a bath with him then? Hell no…NO that can’t be right why would I? It’s just that he still sees me as an outsider and that kinda offends me and makes me feel a little sad I guess, it would be better if he trusted me a little more and that’s not too much to ask now is it?

“I’ll pass” I said not sounding a split bit pleased at his doing.

“What? You’re not gonna shower…I mean b...bath?”

Why was he stuttering? So what exactly does he wants, me to shower or to take a bath? My thought disturbed once again as I remember being pulled onto his side. He then let go off me and started stripping. Why is it hot in here? Oh God, I looked everywhere apart from his face or…body. The awkward silence is back again. When I shower together with the boys it’s never this tense and we sometimes strip each other for a joke yet now I was feeling a little too uncomfortable.  Forget trying to strip each other, I can’t even look at the latter’s face. Not uttering a word which is very unlike me, I started to strip off my cloths too leaving only my boxes on. I was unsure to whether take it off or keep it on. It will be difficult showering in my boxes but wouldn’t it feel even worse if I showered with him? Right at this moment I saw him pulling on the elastic waist of his boxers, widening my eyes in shock I didn’t realise that I was staring at him at a very awkward place his waist to be exact.

“It’s a little stuffy in here isn’t it?”

He must have noticed me fidgeting and to be honest I wanted him to notice it too, I wanted him to know that I was feeling rather uncomfortable right now.  “Hongkiyaa…there’s a bathroom next door if you’re feeling uncomfortable” I don’t know why I was feeling more than happy at this moment yet rather sad, mixed emotions I see. Did I want to shower with him? I don’t know but something was telling me to not stick around and find out and so I decided to leave. He looked at me with an unreadable expression, this is not as easy as I thought, being friends with him that is.

After a quick shower I walked back into Jonghuns room still drying my hair with the towel I took from the bathroom. Maybe because it was his house, I made sure I left the bathroom clean before I left. Greeted by the sight of him already sitting comfy on the sofa with the TV on, must be watching that favorite show of his he didn’t want to miss I thought to myself. His hair still wet from the careless towel drying, the latter is already sick and leaving his hair dripping wet, he’s only adding fuel to fire. He was dressed in all black, a rather tight tank top which defines his well toned muscles along with lose track bottoms that are not so different to the ones he gave me to wear, couple bottoms? I couldn’t help but let out a small laugh at my own thought to which I gained his attention. “What’s so funny?” I didn’t reply to his question and instead walked towards him, using the towel I used to dry my hair I slowly started rubbing it onto his hair in an attempt to dry it off. He was a little taken back at my action and up on noticing his blank reaction I said “you’ll be even sicker if you don’t dry your hair properly, maybe this is how you ended up in this situation the first place”. Well at least he wasn’t shoving my hands off his head which could only mean that he was letting me help. I couldn’t help but smile yet once again. I’ve noticed something in the past few hours, that Jonghun sure makes me smile a lot more than I usually do…

Tossing the towel into the laundry basket inside Jonghuns bathroom not minding it being wet, not that I care anyways I’m a guy for God sake I don’t do things that girls do, I headed back into his room and launched myself onto his couch. It may seem a little awkward due to the fact that neither of us was speaking. I was sitting to his right looking at the TV while Jonghun was on my left with his legs on top of the small table, his eyes glued onto the massive television screen. Nothing seemed to be of its normal size at Jonghuns house, beginning from his dining table to his 60 inch flat screen in the bedroom. Watching the screen in silence I took a glance onto his face every now and then sort of like to check up on him.  He seemed a little more than interested at what the screen was playing every time I glanced over to him if that was possible. I on the other hand was almost drifting off to sleep, whether it was the freshness feeling from the warm shower or the cosy comfyness from the couch or the boring show I don’t know.

Soon after I found myself in a somewhat comfortable position much to my liking. What happened in the middle is still unclear to me as right now I am laying on a soft, warm bed. How I ended up on the bed I don’t know, he must have put me on here. Speaking of him, where is he? I looked around his room in the darkness trying to adjust my eyes as I searched. Not being able to find him anywhere in the room left me feeling a little uneasy. I was clearly in Jonghuns room by the looks of it, even though it was dark the dim light piercing through the curtains from the street lights were enough for me to conduct the searching. I was feeling rather worried not seeing Jonghun in his room. All these thoughts may have caused me to squirm a little too much on the bed and all of a sudden a familiar voice made me freeze.

“Stop moving you’re disturbing me”

Like what was that? I knew exactly who the voice belonged to and so I turned to my left still on the bed. Seeing his face up close gave me a little shock and I tensed up though soon it was taken over by a feeling of relief as I slowly allowed my body to relax. I let out a small sigh and smiled to myself. I must have fallen asleep on the couch and my thought was proven right as he said “you fell asleep, I didn’t want you to catch a cold and you waking up tomorrow morning with a stiff body so I…erm you know…you’re the guest after all… Go to sleep now, night”. He’s sweet all right I mean he actually put me on his bed and didn’t leave me on the couch, aw. Wait he did that because he didn’t want me to catch a cold right? This idiot is sick and sleeping right next to him is putting me in a higher risk from waking up with a blocked nose tomorrow. What exactly was he thinking I mean is he really that clueless? Anyways one thing I know for sure, there is no way I was going to get up off this bed anytime soon. Not because I couldn’t but more like... I didn’t want to.

“Good night Jonghun” and with that I felt myself losing my way into unconsciousness once again as I let sleep take over my body.


Thank you ^___^

^ cute video for you guys to watch, credit goes to the uploader ^__^

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Sotbaka #1
Update soon~~
LeeHongki #2
This is not good-_-
LeeHongki #3
I liked! I liked! I liked! Very much
Finally, I feel like a thing will happened
Thanks ^ ^
LeeHongki #4
Ooooh no!
I can not believe why!!?
Oh, this broken-_-
blackheart123 #5
i wonder if jonghun kiss hongki when he was sleeping
poor hongki and his bad hair day
LeeHongki #6
This looks very beautiful
Oooh Why if taking a picture of him?
What if the background is JohnHoon Phone !!
Oh, very excited
Thanks ^ ^
LeeHongki #7
Look lik a good night!
What will happen in the morning?
Oh Please hurry
Thank you very much
blackheart123 #8
I wonder in the morning in what position they will find themselves in
LeeHongki #9
Oh, I am very excited
Please hurry up I want to know what will happen ^ ^
Thank you very much
LeeHongki #10
Oh, love it so much
It's really a chance> Ha Ha Ha