My ex boyfriend

No longer a loner

Word count 2151


It must be luck that I am still alive, seriously my mom needs to hang out with her friends more often, she is missing out big time. Then maybe she would understand that during certain circumstances people do forget to call home and sometimes they will stay over at their friends. When I got home she almost ate me up as a whole and not to mention the ‘I’m so disappointed in you’ look she gave me all time. My explanations were not enough and of course when I try explaining something to my parents it’s always like stop yelling at your parents you spoilt brat, when in reality I may be using the calmest tone of my voice.

She was doubting me and questioning my words when I said I stayed over at my friend’s house as he was sick. Her reply was simply “why on earth you a guy want you to stay over is he gay or something? Stop the lying Hongki and tell me straight. Whom did you spend the night with? You better not get no one pregnant at this age or else I swear I will cut you little friend off and feed it to the dogs, you’re better off that way“. Woah since when can my mother get this scary? The furthest she had ever gone with her threats was when she told me she would lock me up in my room for the rest of my life and that was when I supposedly misbehaved and broke all of her favorite china’s when her friends came over.

I have actually been locked up before once and common it’s my room we’re talking about here, seriously parents think we will crawl back up to their feet begging for mercy when we’ve committed a crime but they are forgetting the main plot here, they locked me up in my own room. I know every corner of the place I have spent the majority of my life in. I jumped off the window straight onto Jaejin’s self made bed of pillows just for me and before it got dark I climbed up the tree leading to my bedroom window and pretended like nothing ever happened.

It took me longer than I expected to convince my mom that I haven’t done anything ‘wrong’, the fact that she still thinks I’m s . I wonder how she would react when she finds out I’ve lost it long ago? I didn’t dare telling her about tonight’s party as I knew for sure she’d become scarier than what she looked like right now if that is even possible. Keeping it low is cool for now I thought and I’m pretty sure the boys would be waiting for me outside later on and using Jaejin’s special pillow bed once more wouldn’t hurt as long as I get home on time right?


"Is he here yet"
"For the hundredth time NO. Hyung since when have you been so annoying?"
Yerh Seunghyun can say that when I'm the one feeling the burn. He said he'd be here by 10 & it’s already late "Yahh how long have we been waiting now? You sure he said 10?"
"Hyung please, if you don't stop talking I swear I'm gonna tie you up that tree and never let you down. It’s only been ten minutes for God sake"
Ten minutes? Well it’s not so long then I guess...NO I take that back. Ten minutes of waiting is like an eternity especially if the person I'm waiting for happens to be the stupid potato head! I swear when he gets here I'm gonna whack his head real hard that he'd be sorry he was ever born plus it would be a boosting to make sure he'd never have another person waiting for him ever again. Wait since when can Seunghyun talk to me like that? He is so disrespectful. I should be strangling him or giving a head lock right now but I can't seem to be bothered as I've got more important things stuck in my mind right now, such as… waiting. I can see the scared glances Seunghyun is giving me every now and then, I'm sure he's expecting me to blow up any minute and it will sure happen if the so called potato head won't turn up here soon.
So why am I here waiting for the potato head in the first place? Well you see Wonbin's throwing this congratulatory party for himself, yerh how embarrassing. The latter's gotten himself a pretty girl, none of us have met her yet, I don't even remember her name to begin with. Seunghyun did tell me what it was when he was explaining what the whole party was about to me. She's a real goddess sent down from heaven according to Wonbins words, yuck how cheesy can a boy get? I mean you expect one of your close friends to be honest with you when talking about their girl right? And I am certain he was lying.  I'm sure he was making all of that up as the Wonbin I know is not into the goddess type.

Anyways since he was throwing a party and we always bring our friends and they'd bring their friends and so on, I decided to ask Jonghoonie...I mean Jonghun.  Well I don’t know if I would actually call that asking him i mean if he wasn’t there at the time when Seunghyun was mentioning the party to me he may sill wound know about it. I didn’t really do anything other than ask him to hang out before knew it I got him to agree, my puppy dog eyes are irresistible according to noonas and so I tried it on him, BANG it worked. I was surprised it worked on a guy though still, but then again I remember him using it against me yesterday when he was sick. I guess that makes us even now.
"Yah Seunghyun, just think again… are you sure he said 10?"
"Hyung, I give up"
"Yahh don't leave me...come back here you prune. I swear if I ever get my hands on you I will send you to hell!"

“That’s if you ever will hyung”
My threat didn't seem to work here I mean he just stuck his tongue out at me and walked into Wonbin's house. Seunghyun seems to be becoming more and more arrogant these days, someone needs to pull his collar to make him stop otherwise it'd be too late for us to control his 16D personality.  Seunghyunaa good luck finding you’re coco cola shaped lady with that dorky personality of yours.
Not long later I saw him, it’s not that hard to spot him you see. Perfect nose, alluring eyes, strong features and not to mention he's buff and fairly tall. I can spot him from miles away. I guess that's the advantages of him being an ulzzang as where ever he goes no matter how crowded the place is I can always spot him.  Is it even possible for someone to looks more attractive as they run? Someone as good looking as Jonghun should be banned from wait I take that back, I like him being here and around me, I am after all his only friend here.
"Sorry I'm late, I got caught up in traffic. Did you wait long?" he said while panting hard must be from all the running. Seriously is it normal to look like one is filming a commercial when then run? It’s not like he is Nickhun from 2pm or something.
"Liar, you ing walked here and started jogging when you saw me, how can you get caught in traffic if you walked here? And for your information I wasn't waiting for you" folding my arms and turning my face away with a little pout, I must look cute right now.
He looked rather taken back at what I said, I was clearly waiting for him all right but he doesn’t need to know that. He'd probably get used to the bad habit of making people wait, someone needs to teach him that the hard way and who else better that myself perfect for the job?
"Ahh someone's not in the mood I see.  Anyways none of the cars would stop and let me cross the road and I practically stood there like an idiot waiting for anyone to stop and be kind enough. Happy now?"
"Why would I be happy? And plus I never asked for your explanation"
"Sounds like you'd rather not have me here so I might as well go then"
He sounded rather harsh then and I couldn't help but feel all mushy. "Yahh...where are you going? you're here just...come with me". I was mumbling more to myself really but he got the message because he didn't object to me grabbing him by the arm, he's following me right now. Great that annoying little smirk is back up on his face. It has been a few hours since I last saw him and although I'm not gonna admit to this but I kinda missed him smirking...wait did I just admit it? How stupid can I get?
So we walked into Wonbin's not so small house, I really like how his parents go on business trips as we get to hang out here every now and then. I wonder where everyone is.  It is a big house but I'm so used to being here that I know every corner of this house, just like my own room. I'm guessing they're all hanging out in the back garden so walking myself out the living room still holding onto Jonghuns sleeve, passing by the couples in the hallway eating each other up we finally made it outside. Fresh air I though even though it hasn't even been a minute since both Jonghun and I got inside. The smell of alcohol and cigarette mixed with the over used perfume of the girls in there was a little too strong. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy drinking and every now and then I smoke too, bad habit yes I know but right now it felt a little too strong as I said.
Familiar faces looking at our direction, I couldn't help but smile thinking I'm welcomed, of course I'm welcome I mean I am Lee Hongki after all. Soon I realised that their attention were all on the latter I was oh so dearly holding onto, his sleeve that is. I quickly let go off his sleeve earning myself a few giggling from Jaejin. "Hyung Annyong oh and Jonghun ssi its nice seeing you again" well Jaejin's cheerful isn't he? And that's right, they're met before once on that early morning after Jonghun and I had spent that night alone on the streets. No dirty thoughts intended, it was a pure man to man talk, he told me about his life and I listened even though it was hard to as I'm AB blood type and we're known for the lack of ability to listen. I did a pretty good job that night though still.

“Yahh Wonbin aa so where’s the third party?” it looked like he wanted to hit me hard for calling his so called goddess a third party. Well it’s not like I know her personally or something so I guess she does feel like a third party to me. Thinking of which, Jonghun must feel as if everyone here except me as a third party. I hope it’s not too awkward for him. “This is Jonghun…a friend of mine”. They were all staring at me and Jonghun and truthfully the air weighed a lot at the time somehow. “Since when have you got a friend that none of us knew about” well I guess Heechul hyung was not happy about this. He must think I was trying to replace him or something. Jumping on him as an attempt to hug him an assure him I said “Hyung you know you’re my number one right?”   “ergh get off me” Yerh right now everyone was laughing at me but then again I’m always the one making everyone laugh and I actually do feel good about the fact. I kept taking glances over to Jonghun and he was bowing peacefully while smiling at everyone, a nice sight indeed.

At this moment “Oh you’re back” I heard Wonbin say to someone whom I am assuming to be standing behind me as he was looking past my head. I turned my head over and saw her, well she was indeed gorgeous and a goddess like aura did appear…for a split second. “Hongkiyaa this is….”



Ok now that was awkward the look on Wonbins face was a little too…how do I say it, freaked out? “You two know each other?” to that she simply replied Wonbin with “He is my ex boyfriend”


Thank you ^___^

12 subscribers + those who comments + all my readers thanks guys =)

^ for all you Seunghyun biases, credit goes to the uploader

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Sotbaka #1
Update soon~~
LeeHongki #2
This is not good-_-
LeeHongki #3
I liked! I liked! I liked! Very much
Finally, I feel like a thing will happened
Thanks ^ ^
LeeHongki #4
Ooooh no!
I can not believe why!!?
Oh, this broken-_-
blackheart123 #5
i wonder if jonghun kiss hongki when he was sleeping
poor hongki and his bad hair day
LeeHongki #6
This looks very beautiful
Oooh Why if taking a picture of him?
What if the background is JohnHoon Phone !!
Oh, very excited
Thanks ^ ^
LeeHongki #7
Look lik a good night!
What will happen in the morning?
Oh Please hurry
Thank you very much
blackheart123 #8
I wonder in the morning in what position they will find themselves in
LeeHongki #9
Oh, I am very excited
Please hurry up I want to know what will happen ^ ^
Thank you very much
LeeHongki #10
Oh, love it so much
It's really a chance> Ha Ha Ha