I'd make Jonghun my servant

No longer a loner

Word count 1437


OMG what shall I say? He'd sure be pissed if I said I broke his window right?
"Erm... that...you left your back window open =_="
That was close, I must say I'm a genius when it comes to making up . An open window ahaa well now that I think about it his room does smell a little stuffy, it needs fresh air. I'm sure he wouldn't mind me opening his room window or would he? Who cares, if you want to be friends with me then you need to learn how to put up with me too, I can be a handful at times.
I got up and walked towards his windows to open them a little and it felt like I was on a tour, his room was well kept and tidy with black as his theme colour. A room that looks like what a well matured man would probably have. There’s two guitars and a keyboard placed at the corner, who would have thought Jonghun was into music or could play. Well maybe he can’t and just kept it there to make himself look cool. I smiled to myself when I opened the windows and turned to face Jonghun who was still flat on his bed but why was he looking at me like that? "Jonghun is something wrong?" He's giving me the silent treatment again. Maybe he didn't hear me but I can't seem to get myself to ask him again, there is a limit right. Nah he's obviously heard me I mean he's looking straight at me which is a little creepy now that I think about it.
"Its been two years"
What did he mean by two years? And why does he look so lost and depressed.
"I'm sorry what?"
"Its been two years Hongki since that window has been opened or any other windows in this house... I heard you come in so why don't you just be honest and tell me?"
He sighed after that, must have realised I lied about his window being open which clearly wouldn't be if he hasn't opened them in two years. Explains the reason why its so stuffy in here.
"Sorry...I... I couldn't think of any other ways to get in so I... I smashed your window"
I looked away as soon as I said that yet still wow it felt good confessing even thought I did NOTHING wrong. I looked down to his face from where I stood, by the window and I could see his lips curling upwards, he's smiling. Not the reaction I thought I'd receive to be honest after all I did trespass someone else's property.
"Why would you come here in the first place?"
Ok now what is this some kind of question and answer session? Rolling my eyes I said "why are you curious?"
"Well of course I am, you just smashed my window and got in without even asking and not to mention you almost squashed me to death with your fatness!"
Woah this bastard really have some attitude problem I'm in fact speechless. Who does he think he is? The president or something that I need to seek permission beforehand ptschh this is totally embarrassing and me fat? Is he blind?
"Ok never mind forget it...so why did you cry then?"
"I wasn't crying ok...I have hay fever so"
"Its not summer yet Hongki"
Aish how stupid can I be? Now he must think I'm some kind of a maniac. The truth is I don’t even know the reason why I cried, if that can be called crying. Why am I even bothered about this in the first place? I decided to tell him nonetheless anyway.
"Fine...I didn't hear from you for the entire week and you didn't even bother turning up to lesson so I thought something happened and rushed here. I pressed your door bell a few times, no scratch that I pressed it like there's no tomorrow and you didn't answer so I walked around and in the end gave up. I broke your window and got in ok. I thought you died or something because you sure looked like you did. Happy now?  Wait, you said you heard me come in didn't you, so you must have heard your door bell. Why didn't you answer it? Arghh you potato head I wouldn't have had to go that extreme if you bothered opening your God damn door!!!"
"Calm down..."
I didn’t realise I explained the whole thing super fast, a habit of mine when I get nervous or angry but why was I nervous? There it was again the long pause of silence but I couldn't help myself glance at his face and he had that amazingly annoying smirk plastered onto his face as usual. Every time our eyes met I looked away in embarrassment which added to his sudden pleasure of seeing my face turn pink, Idiot. I swear if I was king, I’d make Jonghun my servant so I can see him turn pink instead!
"I didn't want to"
"Huh... Didn't want to what?"
"I didn't want to answer the door, I thought its some annoying kids who live next door. They always find it amusing to see me get angry and I wasn't in the mood to keep them entertained and besides I'm sick anyway so I just stayed in bed"
Lazy brat I thought, just because he didn't want to he didn't open the door. He didn't mention my crying again thank God for that caz if he did I would have chopped his head off and fried it and then feed it to ducks, do they eat meat? Wait, he said he sick right?
"OMO you're sick? Where"
They say mothers have maternal instincts over their children when something goes wrong. Well I guess I was not so far off from being a mother at this very point. My hands acted quickly upon feeling his face all over and noticing how hot they were and I was feeling even worse. While panicking I took out my phone from my pocket and was about to dial my drivers number when his hands grabbed my phone and tossed it onto the other corner of his king size bed.
"What was that for, I was calling my driver. You need to go to the hospital so quit acting so cool and stubborn"
Reaching for my phone his hands stopped me again and I looked at him rather annoyed by how stubborn he's being right now. My gaze softened upon seeing him looking at me with what people would call a 'puppy dogs eyes'… cute indeed.
"Don't...there no need for that I just need to rest a while"
"Shut up. We’re going to the hospital and you better follow"
Taking my phone again and searching for my driver's number I glanced up to see Jonghun and I must say he looked very uncomfortable. If I were him I would have yelled back, why would I take someone ordering me? It was rather surprising that Jonghun was keeping quite as I spoke but it was making me feel uneasy. The Jonghun I know was always finding things about me to bicker about yet now he’s awfully quiet.
"Are you ok Jonghun?"
After another long pause he said "I can't go to a hospital...that’s where my parents..."


He looked down after saying that and now I understand why he looked uncomfortable. The latter had developed a phobia and I’m in no position to force him either, it’s not like we’re best friends. I don’t know what else to do, should I head home now or am I supposed to stay? What if he becomes worse at night and there’s no one here that could watch over him. I was feeling uneasy until I heard him say “stay”


“Stay the night Hongki...my mom used to watch over me when I got sick in the past and it’s the first time since...you know... I must say I’m not used to this, it’s a weird feeling”

I didn’t know what to do and so without even thinking I nodded as an agreement. I told him I’d come back at night but he didn’t seem to trust my words, maybe we’re not that close yet. I tried reasoning with him that I needed to get home and shower and change and a whole lot of other waffles to which he simply said shower here and wear my clothes. I was a little taken back at what he said but since we’re both men it’s not so bad I guess. Excited much.


Thank you ^__^


^ a funny video for you guys to watch, credit goes to the uploader

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Sotbaka #1
Update soon~~
LeeHongki #2
This is not good-_-
LeeHongki #3
I liked! I liked! I liked! Very much
Finally, I feel like a thing will happened
Thanks ^ ^
LeeHongki #4
Ooooh no!
I can not believe why!!?
Oh, this broken-_-
blackheart123 #5
i wonder if jonghun kiss hongki when he was sleeping
poor hongki and his bad hair day
LeeHongki #6
This looks very beautiful
Oooh Why if taking a picture of him?
What if the background is JohnHoon Phone !!
Oh, very excited
Thanks ^ ^
LeeHongki #7
Look lik a good night!
What will happen in the morning?
Oh Please hurry
Thank you very much
blackheart123 #8
I wonder in the morning in what position they will find themselves in
LeeHongki #9
Oh, I am very excited
Please hurry up I want to know what will happen ^ ^
Thank you very much
LeeHongki #10
Oh, love it so much
It's really a chance> Ha Ha Ha