Boo guess who

No longer a loner

Word count 1447


I am not a breakfast person, well actually I lied caz I love food and eating. It’s simply one of my favourite things to do. Whatever there is at home that don’t require the need of cooking, it won’t last long as I’d probably feel unsafe having to leave it out and so usually stores it inside my stomach for safety =_=”.  Although I must admit that breakfast at home is boring, it always ends up with how I shouldn’t be spending money on new trainers or buying music albums. What do they know, back in the days my parents were so poor they couldn’t even afford a single album let alone a collection, oh wait there wasn’t any albums then to begin with it was all about records, what a silly name. So how did we end up living in luxury now? It all goes to my dad’s hardworking, he started with nothing and now look where we’re at. Maybe that’s why he tells me not to waste money, I mean common he knows how hard it was to get us to where we are now and I don’t think I’d ever understand what he went through.  

As usual, my  dad opens up the topic about what I want to do in the future and I bet he was expecting me to give him the same reply I always give him which being a I’m still thinking about it. Yup meal times with family never lasts a minute without one of them pulling out the future conversations. Why can’t we all just live in the present and enjoy life while we can? Thinking about the future adds stress ok. I’m not ready for stress and risking my silky smooth hair falling out earlier than it should.

“I want to study music and sing and act and be a big star that one day people would want to see me as their idol and want to become like me” If I could freeze time, now would be a very good opportunity for that to happen. The looks on both my parents’ faces were extra dramatic that I felt the need to empty my bladder, wow I really do pee a lot.  I could even hear my mom choke on her piece of toast, is that even possible? Soon after silence took place and oh boy how much I hated sitting in silence. They must be thinking what a weird child we have or we did it at the wrong time and that’s the reason why he came out so...I don’t know stupid perhaps? Well they obviously cannot blame anything on my looks because I am indeed beautiful. The look on their faces clearly shows how disappointed they are and it kinda hurts me.

Everyone wants parents that are understandable and supportive. Don’t get me wrong my parents are very supportive when they need to be but the whole idea of showbiz does not seem to be the right path according to them.  I know this because I was a child actor, didn’t I mention this ok then. Well I attended one of my uncles fashion shows when I was little and yes he’s a model, and got an acting offer because I was so cute back then. My dad was furious when he heard about it but my mum made him agree with me acting, she said it would only be until when I reach puberty. She kept her words, they didn’t allow me to act once they realised I’m growing up. How I wonder? Maybe my voice cracked or I started developing a baby moustache or something...

I didn’t seem to understand why but nor did I protest, I was more interested in playing and using my voice + looks to get girls. I was good at it that even at a very young age I had noonas following me everywhere, not to mention I was pretty famous due to my television appearances and I’m glad that still follow now.  God knows how old I was when I first brought one of my ‘ex’ girlfriends home, I think we lasted about a month and then I got bored, she was the longest I ever dated anyone so she should consider herself lucky. It’s not my fault we parted she should have kept me interested instead of nagging on about how cute I was, yes I know I’m cute but hearing it all the time can sometimes be a burden, am I being too much? Not that I care anyways. Although I must admit that one of the most embarrassing things happened when I was seeing her, my mom walked into my room when she was massaging my feet, the look on my mom’s face arghh  I refuse to recall it.  That’s probably when she realised her sons innocence has long been gone. My dad had a very creepy father to son conversation with me that night and boy was I freaked out. Trust me, you wouldn’t want to hear anything related to relationships from your parent’s ergh the thought makes me feel sick. Wait a minute I’m getting carried away here, back to the present so where was I?

 “Hongkiyaa are you being serious?” was my mom’s next words, well at least I’m glad she wasn’t chocking anymore. I saw her looking at my dad with desperation...only to be replied with the same expression. I knew this wasn’t going to end well and before they could even ask me any further I got up not even bothering to finish my breakfast...not that it was anything huge anyway I only had half a piece of toast left to eat which my mom probably eat as soon as I left, you know what mothers are like.

“I’m gonna be late if I stay any longer. I’ll see you guys later, bye” with that said I ran up to my mom and gave her a small peck on her forehead and waved to my dad and rushed out the door grabbing my backpack on the way.  What, can I not give my mom a small peck? I may seem cool and hardcore but I still love her ok.

As I was walking towards the lamppost where the boys would link me I thought out loud that was close. Honestly I was in no particular mood to listen to my dad’s nagging about how I should concentrate on my studies and take over the businesses he runs, much to my disappointment. The whole reason why I picked drama and theatre + music as my extra choice at school was because I knew that is what I wanted to do. I want to study further on it and to do so I need to have the basics, where to get taught the basics better than at my own school? I didn’t wait long before I was approached by both Seunghyun and Minhwan and shortly after we were greeted by both Wonbin and Jaejin.  I hope this day brings me joy as the only days fun anymore are Fridays and no, not because it’s the weekend and everyone party like Rebecca Black’s song but because...I don’t know

Although everyone was here, I felt a little odd as the thought of not seeing Jonghun for the past two whole days flashed through my mind. We did send each other a few texts on Saturday after I got home thought when my parents were done scolding me for not coming home that night.

“Boo guess who?” sent by me

“Hongki?” received from him

“How did you know? Hehe. Make sure you shower caz you actually stink” sent by me

“You’re one to talk. Anyways I’m off to take a bath now and then sleep. You do the same” received from him

I had actually stepped into the shower when I heard my phone beep again and I rushed out to see Jonghuns text not minding the floor getting wet.  Soon after shower was off topic as I ran myself a warm bath and slowing slid my body into it and relaxed myself, only because Jonghun told me to take a bath. After the bath I slid underneath my duvet as instructed by Jonghun, off to sleep it was for me.  Now that I think about it, neither of us has gotten any sleep that entire Friday night which explained why I was fast asleep the moment I laid onto my bed.  Well that was it, we didn’t text each other since and I was already feeling a little numb and can’t seem to understand why.  Wait why was I even remembering the texts?


Thankyou ^__^

7 subscribers OMG Thanks guys ^______^ for everyone who reads this, thanks =)

^ funny video for you guys to watch, credit goes to the uploaders ^____^

do please comment lol although I dont know how to reply to them

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Sotbaka #1
Update soon~~
LeeHongki #2
This is not good-_-
LeeHongki #3
I liked! I liked! I liked! Very much
Finally, I feel like a thing will happened
Thanks ^ ^
LeeHongki #4
Ooooh no!
I can not believe why!!?
Oh, this broken-_-
blackheart123 #5
i wonder if jonghun kiss hongki when he was sleeping
poor hongki and his bad hair day
LeeHongki #6
This looks very beautiful
Oooh Why if taking a picture of him?
What if the background is JohnHoon Phone !!
Oh, very excited
Thanks ^ ^
LeeHongki #7
Look lik a good night!
What will happen in the morning?
Oh Please hurry
Thank you very much
blackheart123 #8
I wonder in the morning in what position they will find themselves in
LeeHongki #9
Oh, I am very excited
Please hurry up I want to know what will happen ^ ^
Thank you very much
LeeHongki #10
Oh, love it so much
It's really a chance> Ha Ha Ha