I can already predict, this is going to be hard.

No longer a loner

Word count 2670


How I got home that night still feels like an unexplainable dream like sometimes when we wake up from a dream and you cannot tell whether it was an actual dream or reality. You know those dreams when you feel like an action hero and managed to save the town without even one single scratch on your suit, that kind. I got home after sending Jonghun off half way, I was going to walk him home but after he had a laughing fit I didn't feel like being all kind. Well anyway my mom didn't find out about me disappearing off at all and she actually thought I was sulking inside my room as so in the morning she treated me to well let's just say...everything! From movies to new games to new brand clothing’s to beautiful food. This is what I meant by an unexplainable dream, I couldn’t believe that it was all happening. It must have been one of my lucky days otherwise there is no way my mom would treat me like a prince with that mood swings of hers.

Since then Jonghun and I had two phone calls, just two and it didn’t even last over a minute. It was a simple I got home safe and you should sleep now kind of things and also last Wednesday he rang me simply to ask how I was? I felt like a fool then I mean that’s why people invented texts right? He could have texted me that but no, he had to ring me and get me all excited, I actually had to run into one of the school toilets to pick up. Wait a minute…why did I even run into one of the toilets? I usually pick my calls not minding who is with me or what lesson I am in. I don’t even know why I got all excited, maybe because we only see each other on Fridays. Speaking of Fridays, I will be seeing him later on today and let’s just say time is moving much slower than usual, I say this all the time. When I heard the school bell ring I automatically bid goodbye to my class friends and rushed into my drama and theatre class not even waiting for their reply. I remember when school first opened this year and I was the only one among my friends who picked drama and theatre, I hated it at first as I didn’t know anyone in there. Despite that everyone in my lesson already knew me which added to the burden. There was no way I was going to remember all 30 names and so I decided to act cold towards them all as an attempt to prevent their so called wanna try being friends thing.  You don’t ask one to be their friends, it should happen naturally. Like me and Jonghun for an example, neither of us asked one another to be friends even though deep inside I was kind of hoping he would ask me. Just so I could say yes of course for the first time and see what it is like, weird?

It was very unlike me as I was actually the first one to be sitting inside the classroom when our tutor came in. He looked at me and around the classroom in disbelief and even blinked a few times and all I could think was cummon I’m not that bad am I? I mean yes I rebel sometimes but the look on my tutor can easily be read or mistaken as somebody please help me or is this end of the world? It wasn’t like I was gonna bite his head off or something or knock his front tooth out. Students started filling up the room one by one and they all gave out the same or in a way similar expression to what my tutor had on a few minutes ago. None of them could actually believe that I was in there first, so far they’ve only seen my disruptive entrance with a loud banging of the class door hitting the wall. I thought it was cool right until I witnessed it happen with my own eyes…Jonghun.

So he is finally here and he used the same method I used to use in the past when entering a classroom, making a reckless lot of noise just to gather everyone’s attention and to let them know the boss is here. I saw Jonghuns eyes wandering around the back row of the classroom and it soon landed on mine. He smiled at me and started approaching towards me, and of course to his table next to mine. At least I thought, he caught me in surprise when he suddenly sat right next to me. The seat no one in the classroom dared to sit on but all I could do was return the smile he previously gave me and I didn’t even know why. Instead I should have stared at him in disbelief and ordered him to go back to his original seat, after all it was him who chose to sit there when our tutor asked him to sit next to me when he first came. The look on the students was all similar to mine to be honest. They couldn’t believe that a new student who just transferred recently actually dared to sit next to me. Well I can’t entirely blame them for that I mean they don’t know that we’re friends now right.

“Don’t do that anymore”

“Do what?” he asked while looking blankly at me.

“That” I pointed towards the doors and I’m guessing he understood what I meant by that as he nodded away with an Ahh and then asked me “was it too loud? I was only imitating you”

“What do you mean?” I asked him furrowing my eyebrows.

“I heard one of the guys talk about your grand entrance and even though I have never seen you do that yet” he added emphasis to the word yet and continued “I would like it if you stop. It’s not very pleasant Hongki”. I didn’t know why but for the first time I actually acknowledged how bad my behaviour can affect others and nodded as an agreement.


Anyways toady’s lesson was about our schools festival which is about to take place in a month’s time and for that our schools drama and theatre students are given the set task to participate in a meaningful play not so different from a musical. The schools drama and theatre students meant it includes our class too, great I thought. I loved acting as it gives me an opportunity to be someone I can’t be in real life. It gives me an opportunity to live a different life and understand what it feels like being others, interesting. As soon as our tutor explained the whole thing I saw students turning back and glancing at me and then back to the tutor, oh yerh that’s right I happen to have a background in acing.

“Why is everyone looking at you” I guess Jonghun noticed. Of course he noticed, it’s not like they were doing it secretly. Everyone was turning their heads harshly and the girls took this as a chance to flaunt their eyelashes at me while flipping their hair, gross. Truthfully none of the girls in here are worth a second glance. I don’t even know why they even try sometimes. If they were worth it then I would have taken them long ago right. Don’t get me wrong, wearing a ton load on makeup and lip-gloss does not make one beautiful. Like one of those famous people said beauty comes from the inside and not the outside. Makeup should be used to bring out your features not to draw a completely different face over yours and mask yourself.

“Hongki, you’ll be the lead and I’m pretty sure you already guessed that right?” my teacher asked me and I rolled my eyes at him and moaned a little yes sir.

“What did he mean by that? Why are you the lead?” Jonghun may not be aware of my past and truthfully I was hoping that he’d never find out. Well let’s just say that thought was completely ruined when one of the loud mouths turned to Jonghun and said he’s an actor. The look on Jonghuns face, don’t even ask. It was as if his eyes were about to pop out, that huge I tell you.

“Hongkiyaa you…you’re an actor… really?”

“Ex actor to be specific, he was a child actor” oh my God seriously, can the loud mouth just calm it already? Why is he butting into other people’s business? I gave him a not so pleasant look and he straight away turned his back facing the front again. Jonghun nudged me with his elbow and all I could do was let out a heavy sigh.


“What…whatever his name is said…is it true?” Jonghun asked while pointing at the loud mouth and he actually looked rather excited. Well it’s now or never I thought and decided to tell him anyway. Only a minute ago I didn’t want him to find out but no matter how hard I try, I give into everything he asks for. I better grab a hold of myself for the future and not give in so easily.

“Yerh...when I was young”

“OMG really…What did you act in?”

Honestly this must be Jonghuns cute side that I have never seen before. It was almost like he has no worries and seemed as happy as ever. Just like a little kid jumping up and down on a trampoline or when someone tries cotton candy for the first time, he looks happy and I didn’t want to ruin it for him. “Ma…Magic….Magic kid masuri. I was that chubby kid” I said with the help of my good old friend stuttering and quickly looked outside the window. It was all silent for a split second and then I heard, Jonghun bursting out into laughing once again. It’s becoming a habit of his, bursting out into laughing that is. He couldn’t stop for a whole minute and he even had tears in his eyes threatening to fall out any second. This is exactly why I keep my past to myself. I don’t want anyone to find out that I am the chubby kid who acted in those old dramas, it’s embarrassing.

“Are you calm now?” I asked him not looking at his face and with an obvious tone of sarcasm in my voice letting him know I wasn’t pleased with what just happened. “Hongki” he called me and so I ended up looking at his face even though I was telling myself in my head not to respond to his call. “Mom and I watched you every week. She loved your character to bits that she even named our pet dog Masuri” Oh boy, now what was a huge load to take in, I was his pet dog? Well even if it’s just for the name. I couldn’t believe what he has just said and I was spacing out with a repetition of a several different dogs image in my head with a name tag that read ‘Masuri’. My thoughts were broken when Jonghun elbowed me again when the tutor was explaining the rest of the instructions.

Apparently apart from me, the others have to conduct an audition to see who gets what roles. I didn’t mind as long as the female lead was one of the pretty noonas from the class above as no one in my class was indeed pretty enough in my sight. We were soon dismissed to our schools theatre where tables and chairs were neatly placed for us to sit and watch the audition and for the others to act out their given scene.  It was indeed amusing as some of those with a stiff body tried to sing and dance. There were a lot of students there as the whole drama and theatre people were actually inside and I waited not so patiently along with Jonghun for his turn. After a while of waiting it was finally his turn and I must say he seemed rather cool repeating the lines from the sheets and also his expressions were good too, as of an experienced actor.  Even the tutors were impressed with the way Jonghun was, as expected of an ex student from Keel high school I thought. We were told to stay over until late to see who gets what roles as practicing should start the very next day in order to be perfect in a month’s time.

So many students were cut out from the main ten characters, mine was fixed to begin with anyway and so the first person they called out was who my acting partner was going to be. To be honest I was a little nervous too I mean if I were to act with some pure girl it’s going to affect my image as I would have to look after her, time consuming I tell you. “Choi Soo Young, you’ll be paired up with Hongki” I have no regrets at all as Soo Young noona is one of the prettiest girls in the entire school not to mention one of the best skilled and her being chic plus her easy going personality. I could tell by her face that she was happy too, this is going to be easy I thought. (AN: I know Sooyoung’s only a month older than Hongki but I’m kinda making her a noona here). We waited a bit more until one of the tutors called our Choi Jong Hoon and honestly I was a little nervous. He seemed much better and experienced to be given one of the minor roles and so I was mentally praying that he will be given one of the good roles. “Unfortunately since you’ve only been here for a short period of time we cannot risk it by giving you one of the main characters. We thought about it a lot and I’m afraid we would like it if you decided to participate in the next play”. Well what kind of an unreasonable explanation was that? I was boiling up and was about to flip out at them when one of the teachers said “if you think we are being too much then we would like you to be the backup for Hongki”. That left me confused, what did they mean by that? “You have to step in if Hongki is unable to act on the day as the main character. It’s a big responsibility, we are counting on you guys” with that the tutors left leaving both me and Jonghun frozen on the spot.

They were being cunning, they are well aware that I will never miss any of my plays. I have always been the one who attended and made sure I achieved high appreciation from the crowd. That is one of the reasons why I always get picked to be the main, I never disappoint them. Making Jonghun my backup means he will not get a chance to get on stage unless I mess up. Acting is part of what I admire and so messing up on purpose is not even registered in my dictionary. I looked at Jonghun with an apologetic expression.

“It’s ok Hongki, did you really expect me to get a role when I only just transferred? I thought they would say I failed straight to my face but the fact that I actually got offered this, I think I’m lucky”. He said to me with a soft reassuring smile and I was feeling guilty, I hated it. For the first time since I met him, his perfect smile was not making me feel happy and relaxed. I can already predict that this is going to be hard and I am not looking forward to it.


Thank you ^___^

y y y chapter, Im sorry

Subbers + commenters + readers <3


^as usual, funny video! credit goes to the uploader

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Sotbaka #1
Update soon~~
LeeHongki #2
This is not good-_-
LeeHongki #3
I liked! I liked! I liked! Very much
Finally, I feel like a thing will happened
Thanks ^ ^
LeeHongki #4
Ooooh no!
I can not believe why!!?
Oh, this broken-_-
blackheart123 #5
i wonder if jonghun kiss hongki when he was sleeping
poor hongki and his bad hair day
LeeHongki #6
This looks very beautiful
Oooh Why if taking a picture of him?
What if the background is JohnHoon Phone !!
Oh, very excited
Thanks ^ ^
LeeHongki #7
Look lik a good night!
What will happen in the morning?
Oh Please hurry
Thank you very much
blackheart123 #8
I wonder in the morning in what position they will find themselves in
LeeHongki #9
Oh, I am very excited
Please hurry up I want to know what will happen ^ ^
Thank you very much
LeeHongki #10
Oh, love it so much
It's really a chance> Ha Ha Ha