Screw headed mash potato

No longer a loner

Word count 1456

Friday evenings are extremely slow compared to the other days. I blame my eyes that cannot be taken off the clock hanged at the corner. Little less than an hour to go but why is the seconds moving so slowly? They told me to skive off last lesson and hang out at the gym-them being the idiots I label as my friends.  Minhwan, Seunghyun, Wonbin and Jaejin the goat, all younger than me by a year or two or a few weeks. Heechul hyung my best friend however is old ok he’s seven years older. Why am I even friends with them and not those my age? with the exception of Wonbin of course. Oh that’s right because we live on the same road and our parents are on good terms especially Jaejin’s and my dad as they are business partners. Not to mention how our parents ‘coincidentally’ enrolled us all in the same damn school, with the exception of Heechul hyung as he graduated high school long before I even enrolled. Though I must say its good being the oldest amongst the rest as I get my way in everything I tell you. Honestly those idiots are so fricking scared to raise their voices against me even if I’m wrong, not as if I’d ever admit to being wrong.

So anyway...the reason as to why I decided to not hang out? Well Fridays I have drama and theatre lessons with a certain someone. Jonghuns the name, a narcissist bastard, pardon my language it’s just that the thought of him annoys the crap outta me. God I can’t stand him being so ‘Oooh look at me I’m so perfect and you’re not’ attitude. It all started from our first meeting and him being a transfer student I thought he’d keep a limit to where he should be, what he should do and shouldn’t but oh boy was I wrong? I still remember how the girls swooned over his so called ‘perfect’ face. What’s so perfect about it? Yes he has a bridge like nose, strong features, nice pair of eyes & lips, and to add to it he’s handsome. All right I admit, he’s handsome ok but common I’m beautiful, always have been expect for my chubby past but I still had a cute face even then. I’m not narcissist it’s the truth, I am beautiful. It was all about me before he stepped in with his ugly, muddy, stinky, black and white converse which I’m guessing he wore to make himself appear cool ptschh cool my I bet mine are way better compared to his and they are newer and his looks so worn out it’s about time he got a new pair.

When he walked into our classroom one Friday evening escorted by one of the workers at school it felt like a murdered approaching. It was creepy, the girls were all whispering and thanks to my good hearing I heard one of them even whisper “I heard he got kicked out off Keel High” which I’m assuming to be his ‘ex’ school. Keel high is known for its high graded nerdy kids that win all competitions related to the use of brain and studying. My school is better as we win everything sports related some of the students are even practicing to enter the Olympics game in the future.  I’m not one that’s usually interested in gossip *cough* but common even the most uninterested person would be a little curious to know why he got kicked out, that is if he did. Then there was a long pause of silence which was only about ten seconds but seemed a lot, what did I tell you? Friday evenings are slow ok.  It was introduction time and I must say I wanted to know why he was here towards the end of the lesson when in fact transfer students should be introduced during the first period, well at least I thought so.

So his name is Jonghun, Choi Jonghun what a common name.  He’s 16, well same age as me and the majority of us here in lesson I guess.  His birthday is in March, oh wait so is mine. 2nd March to be exact so that makes me older, interesting I’m going to make him call me hyung even if there’s only 5 days difference between us. Not my fault his mom should have pushed him out five days prior!

Time for him to sit down, our tutor told him to sit by me as I sat alone. Don’t get the wrong idea, I couldn’t stand sitting by them annoying girls who can never shut up or those boys who wanted to get close to me as I have contacts and money, you know so they’d appear cool too.  They are all the type that backstabs you so it’s better sitting alone than having a few valuables going missing every now and then.

What happened next was totally embarrassing. Him the retarded Choi Jonghun walked past me and sat at the table next to mine which was empty.  Not that I wanted him sitting next me anyway but common everyone was looking at my way and he just had to walk past and make me look like a fool. I was so embarrassed I felt my face turn red as I gave out a very amusing laugh which I forced out my mouth and glared at him.  He must have felt my gaze burning a hole through his brain as he looked at me straight in the eyes and asked in a rather pissed tone “What are you looking at”? There he did it again, I was going to let him off as he may have sat on the table next to mine to not disturb me, and you know it was indeed a free table but no he then talks to me as if I’m the bug here.

That did it for me, I did not want to bring out the not so nice side of mine onto a newcomer which the class obviously hated. “You’re face has something written on it which reads UGLY and its hurting my eyes”. Ugly, I knew I lied as he’s far off from being called ugly but I had to keep up my pride so calling him ugly would do for now. “if it’s hurting your eyes then don’t look this way. Not hard is it unless of course you’re looking for other reasons” adding emphasis to the word other. I heard a few girls giggle and it left me speechless I scuffed as I turned my gaze away from him and out the window hoping the lesson to be over soon. It hadn’t even been 10 minutes after he stepped into class and he had already made the girls laugh at me. I must say that was not something I have ever experienced as I have always been the popular kid everyone wanted to be.

 Every Friday after that I made sure that I always went to my drama and theatre lesson even if I skived the whole morning I would always attend the last lesson.  This was just to make myself appear the better one as Jonghun easily got labelled the guy that made Lee Hongki shut up. Embarrassing, yes I know. So the entire lesson I thought of ways to piss him off and obviously he would react and a few weeks later I found it rather amusing as if I was more than addicted to pissing the latter off just to get a reaction out off him. Not to mention, he never spoke to anyone other than me which only happened during Fridays and I grew more and more fond of speaking to him even if it was only a ‘can’t afford a better pen?, you’re so cheap kind of conversations. However, today he gave off the aura ‘do NOT piss me off’ and I felt rather intimidated by it. Lee Hongki feeling a little scared? What has happened to the world but this was making me feel so irritated.  I even refused the boys offer to hang out and yet here I am getting ignored. Choi Jonghun you screw headed mash potato.

Why am I getting so frustrated by him not noticing me it’s not like he’s my friend or anything, although being friends with him don’t necessarily sound that bad or does it?  I mean he’s good looking and his popularity is rising too. I doubt him being more popular than me though I mean common I’m Lee Hongki. Arhh this is annoying the crap outta me, what is it that’s bothering him? Only one way to find out...

Thank you ^__^

^ funny video for you guys to watch. Credit goes to the uploader

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Sotbaka #1
Update soon~~
LeeHongki #2
This is not good-_-
LeeHongki #3
I liked! I liked! I liked! Very much
Finally, I feel like a thing will happened
Thanks ^ ^
LeeHongki #4
Ooooh no!
I can not believe why!!?
Oh, this broken-_-
blackheart123 #5
i wonder if jonghun kiss hongki when he was sleeping
poor hongki and his bad hair day
LeeHongki #6
This looks very beautiful
Oooh Why if taking a picture of him?
What if the background is JohnHoon Phone !!
Oh, very excited
Thanks ^ ^
LeeHongki #7
Look lik a good night!
What will happen in the morning?
Oh Please hurry
Thank you very much
blackheart123 #8
I wonder in the morning in what position they will find themselves in
LeeHongki #9
Oh, I am very excited
Please hurry up I want to know what will happen ^ ^
Thank you very much
LeeHongki #10
Oh, love it so much
It's really a chance> Ha Ha Ha