It's Not Easy

The Other Side

Jessica sits across the table from me, frustratingly trying to stab a piece of cherry tomato from her salad as she listens to my story. We were at the university cafeteria, sitting on the outside tables trying to absorb the incoming sunshine after days of just gloomy downpour. For the first time, I dared to go out with just a tank top and some baggy pants with the vintage designs that I’ve always loved. A cold can of coke sits in front of me, and I start the water vapour that’s starting to build up on the sides. It’s been four days since I last saw Ji Yong.

“What’s happening between you two? I don’t get it. Is this a push and pull thing you’re trying out?” she asks.

“Hardly.” When Ji Yong dropped me off after Clyde’s I handed him a towel to dry himself off with, and a black T-shirt to change into. Then, well, nothing. He only told me to be careful since I was living alone and after making sure I was inside I saw him drive off from the window. “Come to think of it, he didn’t even want to come in,” I thought aloud. Jessica gives up on the fork and used her fingers to pick up the lone piece of tomato and pop it into , a grin forming on her lips.

“He knows you’re living alone. You’ve only known him two days. I just don’t think he’d want to make you uncomfortable. He has manners, Rika.”

“Or, he doesn’t want to get too close,” I reason. Who was I to say anything though? I don’t even know what I want from him, from all this. It was a whole lot to take in within just a small timeframe of a week. Maybe this is good, I reassured myself. It gives me some time to think about things more calmly, and figure out how absurd this entire relationship is, if there is one. But then, a small part of me just wishes he didn’t leave me hanging; manners my . I put my head on the table and groan, genuinely confused. Then all of a sudden, I feel the metal vibrate on my forehead.

“He’s calling. Rika, he’s calling you!” I look up to Jessica’s fingers frantically pointing at my phone on the table. Ji Yong’s name was flashing on the screen. “This is why I don’t like to talk about people behind their back. I swear they can hear you.”

“Maybe they can,” I joke, swiping the phone off the table and answering it.

What are you doing?” a calm voice asks me, and I can’t help but smile. Jess was going insane beside me, and I knew that if I wanted to hold a decent conversation, it wasn’t with her around. Grabbing her shoulders, I push her down on the seat, motioning her to sit still while I made my way to a shady spot nearby.

Eating. Thinking. Discussing,” I say truthfully, trying not to think too much.

“I’m sorry I haven’t called. I’ve been in the studio for days, and it’s just been a whole lot of work,” he starts. I was glad he cared enough to explain.

Don’t worry about it. I know you’re a busy person.”

“It should never be an excuse,” he states firmly and I could sense he was agitated. Is there something I’m missing here?

You don’t owe me anything, Ji Yong,” I say calmly, “But I’m really happy you called.”

“Yeah, I wanted to ask you something as well. I’d really like to see you.” So do I, I thought to myself.

I’d like that.”

“Are you free at five? I’ll pick you up, wherever you are,” he offers generously.

“I’m at UCLA. I’ll see you at the main entrance then.” Screw my overthinking, I say to myself as I hang up. Can’t I just want to be with him for the sake of it? I didn’t want to have Jess dissecting the meaning behind all of this, so I chose not to tell her when I returned to the table. I wanted to take this at my own pace. We separated as she returned back to FIDM, a good half hour away. Its times like these that I realize how much value a good friendship is as I give her a quick hug and return to my faculty. Jeff was already in the lab, setting up the equipment for tomorrow’s experiment when I returned with a soft pretzel in my hand. It was for him, of course. We’ve had a little informal tradition where whoever sets up, simply gets bought food. It was a win-win situation really. The next four hours was spent with beeping computers and hasty typing from the both of us, as I waited for Ji Yong. Big Bang’s ‘Love Song’ was blasting in my ear phones, and that bubbly feeling I got when I first listened to it unknowingly started to return again. He wasn’t lying when he said he wanted to make songs that lasted a lifetime, I ascertain. Genuine music like this will never get old.

I was basically prancing towards the main UCLA gate a few minutes before five, nearly breaking into a sprint when I see his white Bentley, lights blinking, already waiting patiently for me. I wonder why he didn’t call. With a small knock, he lowers down the tinted windows to unveil him sitting comfortably in the driver’s seat, sipping innocently on a pineapple smoothie. His aviators were perched low on his nose and I couldn’t help but laugh at the ridiculous view. Other people would expect some serious, well-cut business man drinking coffee inside.

Are you sure you’re twenty-seven?” I tease as I get inside, “Do I get one?” He points to a pink slush, sitting on the cup holder. Strawberry, nice.

I want you to see the studio,” he says, as we start to hit the freeway.

“You want to go back? Didn’t you just spend four days in there?”

“Well, yes. But whenever I leave I somehow end up there again, plus, I know you want to go.” I nod.“And it’s a good place to talk,” he adds. I feel my body tense up and steal a sideway glance at him. His eyes were hidden behind the big, black sunglasses, not betraying any emotion whatsoever and now, I was nervous. It was the bad kind of nervous, and I constantly bit at what was left of my straw to get some peace of mind.


AN: All the readers and subsribers are still amazing. Thankyou! A small comment really does go a long way!

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charliestGD #1
Chapter 34: Great story.. Love it!!!
hello1993 #2
Thanks for the amazing story! Can't emphasize enough how much I love the ending:)
Chapter 34: That was so good! The writing at parts was a bit rushed, but the plot was very believable. Time for the sequel :)
Chapter 34: Wow! Such a nice story!
I'll admit that I didn't like it too much at first, because I thought that everything is moving too fast but now i'm just amazed!
Moving on to the sequel right away! :)
Chapter 34: Finished! Sequel, here I come!
Only reading this now.can't wait to finish this and read the sequel!
HoneyHanie #7
Congratulations!!!! Ending the story with Ri Ah standing her ground and not running to Jiyong was the perfect ending.

I cant wait for your sequel ;)
Thank God there is a Sequel or I was gonna say that was the most annoying ending ever. I loved this story from the minute you posted the First Chapter so Thank You so much! Everytime I saw that you updated I would forget about everything I was doing even if I was in class xD Thanks for such a great story!
love ds story... its sumthg new, refreshng n amazing..
cant wait for d Sequel. updat soon
we'l b waiting eagerly..