It's Not Like Her

The Other Side


Sometimes when you take a step back and just have a good look at life, you begin to wonder at how unbelievable some things are. Only a few months ago I was an ordinary university student who knew Ji yong as G-Dragon, the artist, leader and composer of Big Bang. Yet currently here I am, making coffee for him on a beautiful morning as he still lies sprawled on his bed upstairs treating it as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Some things really are unbelievable. Basically I have three homes now. Out of habit I always spend Friday nights at my parent’s house, but the rest of the week is practically split evenly between nights at my apartment and his. Yesterday, Ji Yong set aside his clothes for my own drawer. As I go upstairs with the two steaming mugs and coasters awkwardly wedged between my fingers, I see Ji Yong already up with the MacBook on his lap and headphones hanging around his neck.

My coffee! he gleefully exclaims when he sees me.

“Let’s go out for breakfast,” I suggest as he takes a sip, “It’s so nice out today.” He nods in agreement and sets the mug down on the side table. Then I hear a phone buzz, and my happy thoughts immediately disappear. For the past few weeks Ji Yong’s cell phone has been ringing off the hook, and after he receives it, his mood always turns sour. What’s worst is I have no idea what’s happening, so I can’t help him in anyway. Ji Yong won’t talk to me about it.

“I’m going to break your phone soon Ji Yong, I swear,” I mutter under my breath,“It’s ruining all our peaceful moments.”

“Um, I think that’s your phone.” He points to it, and sure enough my little phone was vibrating with Jess’ name on the screen.

“Oh.” I offer a little apologetic smile and answer it. “Good morning! Are you still asking me follow-up questions on Minzy?” I chirp. Minzy finally had a break in her schedule for a girl’s day out, so I decided to invite Jess along. As soon as she found out, she’s been researching online, watching videos, looking at photos and reading news on the badass dancer to the point where it’s almost called stalking. At the end of the day, let’s just say Minzy has a new number one fan.

“Rika…” The sound of my name against her choked-back sobs stuns me into silence. In the time I’ve known her, I’ve never hear nor seen Jessica cry. She just wasn’t one to do so.

“Where are you?” I ask immediately.


“Don’t go anywhere, I’ll be right there.” I quickly hang up and hurriedly change into my jeans and a shirt, with nothing but worry on my mind.

“What happened to Jess?” Ji Yong asks when he sees me running around the room like a madman looking for my purse.

“No idea, but I’m going to go to her house and find out.”

“Then let me take you,” he offers, about to get up.

“I don’t know how long I’m going to be Ji Yong. Don’t worry I’ll just take a cab.” He gives it a moment’s thought than chucks me the car keys, which I catch with great skill, I might add.

“Then you take the car,” he tells me.

“I really don’t trust myself with it.”

“We have a perfectly good private vehicle that I’m not using. Just take it.” Well, if you say it like that; I have always wanted to drive the Bentley.

“Thanks,” I quickly say and walk downstairs when I hear Ji Yong’s shouts.

“That’s it? I thought you’d be more excited!” Boys and their toys, it never really changes. I take a couple of steps back up and pop my head out from the stairwell.

“Oh I am. I’m so excited that I might just run into a tree,” I say, deadly serious. Immediately his eyes widen, and he scrambles off the bed to try and forcefully grab the keys off me.

“I changed my mind! Ri Ah give me the keys and just take a cab! I’ll even pay for it!” he exclaims.I make a quick beeline for the front door, grab my shoes and close it behind me before he even gets close. There’s no way I am giving it up, nope, no takesies backsies. Sitting shotgun in the Bentley is one thing, but when you’re driving something like a 200,000 dollar car, behind the wheel is where you really realize the darn thing is really worth all that money. I reach Jessica’s house in record speed and she opens the door looking like anything but herself. Her hair was a haggard mess, her nose blotched red and bags under her eyes as if she hadn’t slept for days. I gave her a huge hug first and foremost than she led me onto her couch. As I thought, it was boy trouble; more specifically though, it was Grey trouble.

“I’m totally confused. I don’t get what he wants!” she exclaims.

“What happened exactly? I’m a little lost here.”

“We were actually dating Rika. Dinner, movies, strolls, everything and then suddenly he tells me that we shouldn’t go any further. I mean what the-.”

“Jess…” That was all I can say as her tears threaten to fall once more, albeit from frustration and a broken heart all at once. In the years that I’ve known Jess, I’ve learnt that she wasn’t a person that could easily give her heart to someone, which was why despite her large network of friends I was the only one that lasted years into the future. Thus, to say that she trusted Grey enough to begin something with him is a miracle in itself already.

“Was I suddenly not good enough for him?” she wonders.

“Honey, don’t come to stupid conclusions like that. I think you should talk to him, Jess. I mean you both had something good right, so try to hear his reasons.”

“Look at you, giving me relationship advice. You’ve only had like two.”

“And you’ve had like zero, so I say I have the right,” I joke, “You just pick them and leave them remember?” She gives a small laugh in return.

“Well I obviously don’t know how to pick well.”

“Grey’s a decent guy, even Ji Yong said so. That’s why I think you should take some time to figure out what’s happening.”

“I want to…” she starts. Then I realized what her problem was, it just wasn’t her forte. In all her life Jess had never been the one to do the chasing and the clinging so she had no idea how to go about it. Most importantly however, was that her pride simply wasn’t one to let her.

“Sometimes you have to learn how to make sacrifices in a relationship Jess. It’s a testament to how valuable that person is to you. If he’s someone worth fighting for, just bury your pride for a little while and approach him. I really hate seeing you so miserable, it doesn’t suit you.”

“Well, I hate being miserable. Do I really look that bad?”

“Have you even seen yourself lately? You look like crap.” She gets up and peers at her reflection through the hallway mirror.

“! Jesus Rika, why didn’t you tell me I look like I’m a eighty year old loner?”

“I hardly think dissing you as soon as I came here was a good idea,” I reason, “Take a shower and let’s get you feeling better. Maybe go out to hatch an ‘ask Grey’ plan? Ji Yong gave me his car for the day.” I rattle the car keys in front of her.

“Would that be for the ridiculously expensive one outside?” I nod, and she just shakes her head before walking into the bathroom.

We decide to push up our shopping trip to today, seeing as Minzy also happened to have a schedule cancelled. Considering the attire she decided on for today, I would say that more than half of the old Jess returned as we stepped out of the house. Obviously she didn’t want to lose to a celebrity.

“You’re a little overdressed, you know Jess. You make me look like I’m a crime in fashion.” She eyes my plain skinnies and white T-shirt up and down then just smiles before putting on her sunglasses.

“Whose fault is it that you can’t pick a decent outfit?” she says, opening the car door.

“Yours! You’re the one that made me rush!” I exclaim as I get into the car and start up the engine. Paul and Minzy were going to meet up with us there.


AN: Thanks for the comments guys, I love reading them. Here's another chapter for all of you!

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charliestGD #1
Chapter 34: Great story.. Love it!!!
hello1993 #2
Thanks for the amazing story! Can't emphasize enough how much I love the ending:)
Chapter 34: That was so good! The writing at parts was a bit rushed, but the plot was very believable. Time for the sequel :)
Chapter 34: Wow! Such a nice story!
I'll admit that I didn't like it too much at first, because I thought that everything is moving too fast but now i'm just amazed!
Moving on to the sequel right away! :)
Chapter 34: Finished! Sequel, here I come!
Only reading this now.can't wait to finish this and read the sequel!
HoneyHanie #7
Congratulations!!!! Ending the story with Ri Ah standing her ground and not running to Jiyong was the perfect ending.

I cant wait for your sequel ;)
Thank God there is a Sequel or I was gonna say that was the most annoying ending ever. I loved this story from the minute you posted the First Chapter so Thank You so much! Everytime I saw that you updated I would forget about everything I was doing even if I was in class xD Thanks for such a great story!
love ds story... its sumthg new, refreshng n amazing..
cant wait for d Sequel. updat soon
we'l b waiting eagerly..