The Meeting with YG

The Other Side


Whatever high life I thought Ji Yong was living in LA did not compare to the lifestyle he had built here in Korea.

“8180,” he said, and I punched in the code for his apartment in Hajoong Dong, Mapo-Gu located on a reasonably high floor. A tune of beeps indicated that it was correct, and the door automatically unlocked itself.

“Your birthday backwards, seriously?” I was about to say more until the spectacular scene that fell before me rendered me speechless. As I walked through the foyer I saw that the entire apartment, as far as the eye could see, was lit only with candles that all began to slightly flicker outwards in a wave from the air flowing through the open front door. The backdrop of it all was the beautiful city lights of Yeoyi-do along with two bridges that were similarly lit, spanning the famous Han River. A single bottle of champagne resting in a bath of ice and two flutes sat on a little table near the windows.

“Do you like it?”

“I had no idea you were a cheesy romantic.”

“What, my sensitive song-writing didn’t give it away?” He wrapped his arms around my waist and I cuddled against him whilst taking the sight in.

“You’ve been incredibly sweet lately.” With a glass of champagne in each of our hands, he led me around his apartment, and told me the wonderful stories behind different pictures, objects, awards and albums. I was brought into the world that was Ji Yong before he moved to LA and before Lee Ri Ah. It was every bit as enchanting as I thought it would be, until he professed about the loneliness that came with it. Ji Yong was trapped in this bubble that the public made from knowing G-Dragon, the genius, the fashionista and the eccentric, which was difficult to crawl out of. Most had assumed that they had him figured out.

“But I turned that feeling into inspiration. And now I’m not so lonely anymore, because you’re there as well.” I will be, for as long as I can.

“And there are your fans, your friends and both your families as well,” I assured him.

“You’ll meet them tomorrow with me. I’m going to take you to the company tomorrow morning. By the way, I’m going to grab Ga Ho off Teddy as well, you don’t mind do you?”

“Not at all.”

“Okay, now let’s blow out all these candles and go to bed.” The vast amount of smoke that emerged from more than 50 dead candles forced us to open the windows in order to ventilate the space. They never really do tell you the aftermath that comes after a romantic gesture like this. For our first night in Seoul, we both fell asleep soundly in each other’s arms dreaming of the possibilities of tomorrow.

The YG building was a strange looking thing with an architecture that seemed extremely out of place with its surroundings. Made out of cream coloured cement blocks and a mixture of glass it seemed as iconic as the talent that it housed. Entry came from the car park below through a finger print scanner that opened up into something reminiscent of a foyer, in which an elevator and a matrix-like background glowed. The atmosphere of this place was intense.

“I feel intimidated,” I honestly said.

“You should be, we’re all scary people,” he said seriously. The impeccable timing of Seung Ri’s entrance exactly after he said that made me crack up so hard. After Ji yong’s words, the elevator door promptly opened and Big Bang’s poor maknae literally jumped out of his skin seeing his long lost leader casually standing in front of the doors.

“OH MY GOD! Hyung, you scared me!,” he exclaimed, hand over his heart. “When did you come back? Why didn’t you call me?”

“Ya, Seung Ri, stop overreacting. Where are you going?”

“Uh, to meet a friend.”

“Forget that, go up with me.”


“Don’t you miss your hyung?”

“Of course! What are you talking about!? But I really have to go. To my friend. It’s, uhm, urgent.” Seung Ri glances at me who looked on silently at their conversation and waved. “Hello! Who’s this? Is this your girlfriend hyung?”

“No. She’s my grandmother. I thought you were in a hurry. Go then.” Seung Ri deliberated on it for a while and took a step back to make room for us on the elevator.

“But my love for you surpasses them.”

“More like your love for gossip.” We both stepped inside and let the elevator take us to the 7th floor where I would finally meet the man that behind the artists. My heart was beating out my chest and I was getting nervous, over what I had no clue. It wasn’t like I was auditioning for anything, was I? Then I realized what this feeling was, something like meeting your father-in-law for the first time.

“Why am I freaking out, Ji Yong?” I whispered to him.

“Don’t worry Ri Ah.”

“Sajangnim is actually kind of cute and shy once you get to know him. Plus he turns all passive in front of pretty girls” Seung Ri added, beaming. The elevator opened into a small area that had two doors, one which led to an office and the other which opened to an adjacent roof top. Ji Yong knocks, and soon enough the CEO YG himself appears dressed in a plain shirt and jeans with his trademark cap on. I couldn’t read the expression he had on his face.

“Ji Yong-ah, you’ve returned?” His eyes landed on Seung Ri and a frown appeared on his forehead. “You, go downstairs.”

“I was just about to,” Seung Ri replied and pressed the button to call back the elevator. I gave him a little smile then followed Ji Yong through a few doors into singularly the most interesting office I have ever seen. The walls were made up of nothing more than glass and shelves upon shelves of well-lit figurines. In case anyone questioned his love of toys, a giant Taekwon V robot was standing adjacent to his work table as well.

“Just take a seat you two. It’s great to finally meet you Erika-ssi.”

“Please, just call me Erika. It’s nice to meet you too. Thank you for having me, I know you must be busy.”

“Not at all, but I have to leave in ten minutes so I’ll get right to the point. Have you made your decision Ji Yong?” he asked. “Think carefully before you say anything.”

“I have. I want Big Bang to come back,” Ji yong said. The speed of this conversation had me reeling; it was emotionless and direct, like a deal between two businessmen. They haven't seen each other for a long time, I thought they were family? I heard a large breath escape from sajangnim’s lips.

“Well then okay. We’ll start planning first thing tomorrow.” He took Ji Yong’s hand and then patted him on the back. “Welcome home Ji Yong.”

“Thanks hyung.”

“Now for the issue of the two of you, I’m letting you know right now that this company and I aren’t going to get involved. You both make the decisions in your relationship and we’ll support you both the best way we can. But Erika, I’m telling you right now that dating a celebrity is not going to be easy. If you don’t have the confidence to do it, I suggest the both of you stop seeing each other.”


“It’s okay Ji Yong. I understand,” I said. “We’ll think it over carefully.” Then when sajangnim only smiled sadly at me in response, I knew at once that he wasn’t a bad person at all; just a stern father figure who had a hidden soft spot for all his children.

“Could I have a word with Erika in private Ji Yong? Teddy is waiting for you downstairs.” I nodded my head, telling Ji Yong to go and with heavy steps he did. As soon as he’s out of the door sajangnim placed a picture of his family on the table. The four of them along with one new born baby that a beautiful woman was cradling in her arms were smiling happily in the hospital room.

“My wife, Lee Eun Joo. I don’t know if you’ve heard but she used to belong to one of the girl groups I created here in YG.”

“She’s very beautiful.”

“I’m a very lucky man who made a woman very unlucky for a long time. I hid her for nine years when we were dating until she became pregnant with my first child. During that time, I can’t really speak for her pain, but I felt so apologetic to her. She was forced to keep secrets and we couldn’t be like a normal man and woman in love. I couldn’t even hold a proper wedding for her.”

“But all of you are so happy now.”

“We are. To the point that I can’t imagine where I would be right now without her beside me all those years, and my children as well. What I’m trying to say is Erika, don’t underestimate your role in Ji Yong’s life. He needs you, you’re a big strength for him. The person that left Seoul a year ago and the man that stood before me just a moment ago was so different. Personally, I want you to stay with him. But Ji Yong does not make up the majority of your relationship, and he’s an adult. He can take care of himself. I don’t want your decision to be based on what’s best for him, but what’s best for you as well. Most importantly, for both your sakes, I want you to follow through with it. Sitting in a grey area isn’t good for anyone.” A pang of guilt rushes through me as I realize how selfish I had been. All of my frustration, all of my reasons, they were all about me. I was afraid of not being able to go out freely in public, of not being able to go to school, of going long distance, of having to hide behind Ji Yong for the rest of my life. Not once did I think about him. What if he really needed me? He was ready to give up his music for me, yet I never thought once about sacrificing myself for him. Ji Yong never forced anything onto me. He didn't want to, he just wanted to hold onto me for as long as I would let him. 'Let's take it to the end, until life rips us apart' he had said.

What an idiot," I said to myself. I looked at sajangnim. "Honestly, I came here with my mind made up. But now...”

“Did you?” He took out a piece of paper and scribbled an address and a phone number on it. “Our apartment along with my wife’s cell phone, try and talk to her if you need more help.”

“I will.” Then I fold it neatly and place it in my bag.

We got on the elevator to go down, and as I headed out on the floor of Teddy’s recording studio per sajangnim’s instructions he called out my name.

“Thank you," he said, "for bringing Ji Yong back. He’s like a son to me.”

“It was just a small shove. Ji Yong already knew what he wanted."


AN: A rather long one, I can't wait until I introduce the rest of the YG family! =D


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charliestGD #1
Chapter 34: Great story.. Love it!!!
hello1993 #2
Thanks for the amazing story! Can't emphasize enough how much I love the ending:)
Chapter 34: That was so good! The writing at parts was a bit rushed, but the plot was very believable. Time for the sequel :)
Chapter 34: Wow! Such a nice story!
I'll admit that I didn't like it too much at first, because I thought that everything is moving too fast but now i'm just amazed!
Moving on to the sequel right away! :)
Chapter 34: Finished! Sequel, here I come!
Only reading this now.can't wait to finish this and read the sequel!
HoneyHanie #7
Congratulations!!!! Ending the story with Ri Ah standing her ground and not running to Jiyong was the perfect ending.

I cant wait for your sequel ;)
Thank God there is a Sequel or I was gonna say that was the most annoying ending ever. I loved this story from the minute you posted the First Chapter so Thank You so much! Everytime I saw that you updated I would forget about everything I was doing even if I was in class xD Thanks for such a great story!
love ds story... its sumthg new, refreshng n amazing..
cant wait for d Sequel. updat soon
we'l b waiting eagerly..