It's Not Truth

The Other Side


Raiding Jessica’s closet the next evening reminded me of how good it was to be a girl, more specifically, a girl with a friend that is a girl that has a huge closet. Whatever theme you’re searching for, she has it. In different colours as well. I make my way towards the feminine section on the left hand side until I feel a strong pull on my ponytail, dragging me back.

“No way. We’re going with y today.” She hands me a slick looking long-sleeved black mini dress. Imagine a backless and strapless mini dress; where wherever there isn’t material, it’s covered with see-through black lace, up to the end of the sleeves. It was perfect, revealing but not too revealing.

“Sometimes instead of going shopping, I’d rather just buy your closet,” I exclaim, “You’d make a wonderful personal shopper.”

“I’m aiming for designer Erika.”

“You’d make an even better designer,” I agreed.

With the dress comfortably on me, I wore my black suede pumps and picked out an off-white blazer to fight the chill. I left my hair down and put on some smoky eyeliner, mascara along with a little lip gloss and was sufficiently satisfied with the end product.

“You look hot Rika!” If I was hot, Jessica was stunning. I have to admit that although she may not be the ideal pretty lady, she knows how to do herself up to impress, and she has that fiery and charming personality to add to it. Along with my quieter disposition, we simply fit with each other, and that’s why we’ve been so close since junior high.

“You look even hotter,” I joked back.

We took a cab and she told me about her Friday night guy, who turns out to also be Thursday night guy along with ticket man.

“His name is Grey, and he’s all about designs. You know album covers, CD designs, promo posters for artists. The name Edan was on there by chance when he invited me, so I obviously wanted to bring you along.”

“But two nights in a row Jess? I’m starting to think you actually like him.”

“I think you might be right,” she smiles back, “he gets me and my dream. Plus, he’s a good kisser.”

“Ah…” Now I get it.

When we arrived the line at the entrance went round the block, but like the boss she is, Jessica got us in straight up by mentioning Grey’s name to the bouncer. The party had already started inside, and the sound of a strong bass had my heart pumping. I met Grey, we had some drinks and danced like crazy, and for a minute I forgot about why I was here. It was all about good music and a good time, until the debuting artist named Cole came on, and he really knew how to lift the mood. All of the songs he performed had a good beat, and despite my slightly tipsy state, I knew that the lyrics were good too. Each word and sentence carried a heavy meaning, and it reminded me of the ones I used to listen to and fell in love with when I was eighteen after hearing his songs for the first time. It was the same warmth. Sometimes I wonder how one mistake, as seen by society, could wipe someone so gifted off the face of this earth so easily. Rather than a fan, but as a person, I wanted to revive him.

Apparently someone was having a little more fun than me, and before I knew it I was hauling Jessica to the bathroom. Considering how much she drank, I was wondering why she didn’t need to vomit sooner.

“, I can’t go in there it’s full!” she mutters.

“Are you serious!?” I look around and see the men’s restroom towards my left and prayed that no one was peeing inside. Kicking the door open, I saw the empty stalls and dragged Jessica to a toilet bowl. Then I left her. I know a good friend would hold her hair and pat her back, but seeing and hearing vomit just makes me want to regurgitate everything in my stomach, and obviously that would help her even less. I stood outside the restroom entrance and chose to guard the door instead.

Leaning against the adjacent wall ten minutes later, and she still hasn’t come out. Worried, I push myself off the wall and open the door.

“Jess?” I ask.

“I’m cleaning myself up, give me two minutes.”

I walk back out, when I see a guy walking towards me and for a second I thought I was seeing wrong. The same unique style, except now he was sporting a bald cut hair. It was him. I blinked twice in disbelief, and he was still there standing right in front of me. My mind went blank.

“Um, can I go in?” . He was talking to me. In English. . There was a hint of an accent, but I must say it made it even more attractive.

“Ye- NO!” Smart one Erika, scream at him why don’t you. I would punch myself right now if I could. “I’m sorry, my friend’s inside. Could you wait a little?” He stared at the door, then at me and nodded and found himself a nice place beside me to lean on the wall and wait.

“Is she okay?” he asked worriedly. I faced him and found myself having calmed down incredibly. Sure my heart was racing, but rather than letting the teenage me takeover, I found myself looking at a man who I just genuinely respected. Shame it had to be in front of the rest room.

“She’ll be out in two minutes,” I smile. Suddenly, he stiffens.

“Are you Korean by any chance?” he asks me. I could see him starting to be uncomfortable.

“I was born in Singapore.” I brashly answer. I wasn’t lying, but I really didn’t feel right telling him the truth. A part of me knew he wasn’t ready to let his past fame come back to him yet.

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charliestGD #1
Chapter 34: Great story.. Love it!!!
hello1993 #2
Thanks for the amazing story! Can't emphasize enough how much I love the ending:)
Chapter 34: That was so good! The writing at parts was a bit rushed, but the plot was very believable. Time for the sequel :)
Chapter 34: Wow! Such a nice story!
I'll admit that I didn't like it too much at first, because I thought that everything is moving too fast but now i'm just amazed!
Moving on to the sequel right away! :)
Chapter 34: Finished! Sequel, here I come!
Only reading this now.can't wait to finish this and read the sequel!
HoneyHanie #7
Congratulations!!!! Ending the story with Ri Ah standing her ground and not running to Jiyong was the perfect ending.

I cant wait for your sequel ;)
Thank God there is a Sequel or I was gonna say that was the most annoying ending ever. I loved this story from the minute you posted the First Chapter so Thank You so much! Everytime I saw that you updated I would forget about everything I was doing even if I was in class xD Thanks for such a great story!
love ds story... its sumthg new, refreshng n amazing..
cant wait for d Sequel. updat soon
we'l b waiting eagerly..