Finding Music

The Adventures Of A Daydreamer

I had been friends with Minji ever since middle school when l had transferred to Jukjeong after moving houses.She was lively, outspoken and never afraid to say her opinion whether it was wanted or not, she was kinda stubborn like that and she would never back down without a fight.In my case l was shy by nature but l had my moments when l got all bubbly especially when l was with her.This suprised many people as normally l would be quiet, but Minji would say 'she's having her five-a-day, don't worry about her' which is when my 'randomness sickness' would strike.We were quite different yet so alike and which is why we got on so well, we perfectly complemented each other.

We stood there with our serious faces on.I didn't know what was going on or even what Minji had in mind when she had dragged me but now l was just going along with her.After all it was my fault for having randomly blurted out when it really wasn't necessary.I stood there with a guitar in my hand

Clearing her voice, Minji spoke into the mic,"Mic testing 1 2 3, testing 1 2 3."she continued with her serious tone on.The whole room burst into a round of laughter and even l did.How she had been so serious pretending to check the mic and all when it was perfecty clear she didn't know what she was doing was still a mystery to me.And she just had to add the 'mic testing' bit.*Oh boy,can it get any worse than this*

"You don't play, do you?"Baekhyun said still recovering from laughing.I stood there beetroot than ever.What on earth was l doing?Even l did not know.

"I do play the guitar actually,see"l strummed the guitar only to have the hard strings hurt my fingers.I immediately regretted what l had said as once again they roared into a fist of laughter.

"That's not a guitar Soojin-ah, that's a bass"Chanyeol oppa calmly said as he walked over.I looked over at Minji whose face was starting to redden as well.

"Nope, l don't play neither can l sing"I shamefully confessed."I knew it, you were just too confident and l gotta praise ya'll for that though"Kai smirked as he loooked at Minji who scowled at him.

"I wish l did though, you guys were wicked up there"l said shamefully removing the guitar bass sling that hung across my shoulder.

"Come over here,l'll show you how this thing works"Chanyeol oppa said as he sat down with a guitar or bass, don't know, in his hand.

"I thought you played the drums?"l questioned as l sat beside him.Before he could answer himself, Baekhyun answered in his place,"Our Yeollie here plays everything,quite the threat he is".

Chanyeol looked up from strumming his guitar and he looked at me as he smiled.He handed me the guitar and plugged it in.He showed me how to hold it,"Now put your fingers here"he arranged my stiff  left-hand fingers across the frets.His big warm hand enveloped my mine.Padam padam, my heart went as he was so close.

"That's an E major.Go on play"his deep voice was in almost a whisper.Tinglings rad down my spine as l gulped and strummed like he had shown me.The chord leaped out at me from the amp as l grinned.*How freakishly cool was that?*

"And this is A" he whispered again as he showed me another cord.The hairs on my neck where all over the place from the impact of his voice.His face was so close and l could hear his stead breathing.I could feel my rosy cheeks getting warmer and warmer.It really was getting hotter and hotter.Don't know if it was the temperature getting higher and higher or just the impact of Chanyeol oppas hotness.

"Just keep playing them like that one after the other, and keep to the rhythm"he said as he grabbed another and started playing himself tapping the wooden floor with his foot slowly and lightly so l could keep up with the rhythm.I was already absorbed into my own world with Chanyeol oppa teaching me that l completely that the rest of the guys were still there.But l did not care, l was enjoying playing even though they were just two chords that l was playing.With the addition of Chanyeol oppa playing rhythmically.

I looked at him as l tried concetrating on srumming.He looked at me as well and we locked gazes like that nodding to the slow sound of music we both were producing.*I could stay here and do this forever* this l thought to myself before Kai just had to interrupt.*Damn him*

"Ey, look at you two!Getting all lovey dovey already leaving us lemons on our own"he slyly said.Chanyeol oppa stopped playing and so  l did as well.*Stupid Kai, making me stop when l really didn't want to.*

"Ani, he was just teaching me one or two chords, thats's all."I explained.

"Well clearly you two have been teaching each other a lot recently"Kai smirked.

"You mean that in a good way or bad way?"Chanyeol oppa asked while he just shrugged,"Don't know,just saying".

Chanyeol oppa and l looked at each other and looked away claring our throats awkwardly.Kai must have noticed as he chuckled in some naughty way.My face was heating up again.

"Aren't you supposed to be practising by the way?"l asked Kai so he could just go away.

"If you say it like that then you want me to go away as well,right?"Chanyeol oppa asked.Waving my hands sideways l blurted out,"Ani, no,never, l just wanted him gone and..."that is when  noticed what l had just said.*Can l embarass myself more than l have today???*

"Well if you have to then it can't be helped,can it?"l finally said after calming myself down.I heard Kai chuckle as he stood up to walk away.*Now he decides to leave*

My attention was diverted when l had soft piano music start to play, followed by a soothing female voice, the voice l knew so well.Another voice joined in and they both sang some romantic beautiful ballad.

My eyes were wide open.Minji and Baekhyun sang so sweetly while he played the piano.All eyes were now on them.I had never known Minji could sing like that.After a whole lot of high notes and all they finally stopped and grinned at each other.

"Love is in the air everywhere"Kai said in a singsong as Baekhyun and Minji both shyly looked away.D.O whacked the back of his head and groaned.I couldn't help but wonder what exactly he meant by 'everywhere'.But then again it could have been all in my head.

I made a note to myself l would ask Minji about the singing as l did not want to embarass myself in front of them for not knowing my best friend could actually sing like that.

"That was amazing you two"l managed to say."At least she can sing, what can you do?"Kai questoned.*I swear he was loving eeking the hell out of me today*

"I can do loads if you ask me and first is whack the living hell out of you"l raised my voice as l lunged for him but he dodged fast.*Lucky you*

"That was beautiful music"Suho said as he emerged from heaven-knows-where.They all just agreed and shared their opinions on music and stuff.I was clueless of the depth of music such that even some of the bands they talked about were alien to me.Minji however knew all about it.I just listened to all their opinions and that is when a certain statement caught my ears.

"Music is better than l tell yah"Kai had managed to say.I choked on my own saliva.*How can he say something like that so casually?*I wondered.What l really did not expect to hear was the next thing my ears picked up on.

"Well then clearly you've been screwing the wrong people"Sehun had replied him.That did it.Kai, yeah it had surprised me but that was typical of him.Only him would say those kind of thing whereas Sehun, not at all.Maybe it's because l always saw him as this cute innocent being that was just way too innocent and that is why it shocked me so much he would say something like that.

"Okay then um, we'll be going now, l'm sure you guys have a lot of practice to and we've disturbed you long enough so we won't any longer"l managed to saybefore dragging Minji with me away to get our backpacks on the couch and leave.

"Look what you did now, you scared them away you ets"D.O scolded but we were already at the door.I seriously would have loved to stay but at that time l felt really uncomfortable and besides, l had realised they had only practised once and the whole time we were mucking about when they really needed to practice and so l just decided to take that opportunity to go.

I looked back at the door and saw Chanyeol grinning and waving cutely like a little kid.He just looked so adorable, l could eat him up.


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Chapter 13: aww is that it ? i want to know what is going to happen for the next xhapter aigoo .. love you author-niom ^^
hahaha that was embarrassing :p I wonder how will Soojin face chanyeol after what happened :D
awww skinship :-D I like how he held her hands
automatically :) update
soon !! oh and try to relax
and rest to clear your mind ,
it will definitely make your
day brighter and you will feel
aigoo~Chanyeol ditch his music practice because of her??
of course she would feel bad....
btw...Kai...what's wrong with you??
what with the teasing?? XD
update soon!
so cute~
looking forward for the update!
chchicken #6
Heeeey I just wanted to say that this story is really amazing, so I hope you keep doing a very very super very good job :D
its not dragging along it makes sense ^^ and yes update soon! its really good!
so cute!!! ^_^