Tutoring And Concetration

The Adventures Of A Daydreamer

"You lucky female dog, whatsoever did you do in your past life to deserve this?"Minji had questioned after l had told her about the whole tutoring thing.

"I must have served a nation,right?"l  had replied making her scoff at me,"Psh, you riiiiiight.More like destroyed it actually"she had said.I had told her when we had been going home the day before after her pestering about why l had been asking if we had Statistics as l normally never did.That is when l had told her everything.

That morning l had double Statistics and l had never looked forward to it than l was now.Even Mr Hwang had been suprised to see me early that morning as usually l would be late and come in slacking and as if that's not enough damage l would either sleep or daydream in the midst of the lesson.But today was different, l had actually tried my very best to keep on concetrating even though it had had to take a lot energy in me.Although not everything was actually going in,l at least could solve some of the problems right then and l had taked loads of notes.*Massive pat on the back*

The day seemed longer than it actually had been.I couldn't wait and it was still lunch and Minji and l were at our usual table in the cafeteria eating.

"Minji, can l borrow your Statistics textbooks please?"l asked."Didn't you have yours?"she asked back.*She always does that*I shook my head.Then she continued,"Then how the hell did you expect to pass without any textbooks for revision?"she shouted.There were times when she would go all motherly on me which was like everytime.After some bickering and her lecture on me to get books from the library, she finally gave me.*Took her long enough*

"So l won't be walking with you home today,you'll be fine right?"l asked feeling a tard guilty for letting her walk alone."Or you can wait for me?"l added.

"What am l?A two year old"she retorted."Hey,l was just being considerate.No need to get all old grumpy bulldog on me"l stuffed more food in my mouth.

"I know, l just hate him for taking you away from me"

"Aww babe it's just two hours of tutoring that's it.We'll always hang out, sleepovers and all.It's not like l'm getting married am l?Which l wouldn't complain about by the way."l spoke.

She just chuckled and brushed it away as we went back to class.No sooner had the last lessons of the day started that they were already over.I bid goodbye to Minji who was all motherly again telling me to be careful.I headed to the study hall and set up my books.At exactly 3:30, he walked in.

"I'm not too late, am l?"he asked as he heavily breathed.*Poor thing, running all the way because of me.*

"Not at all, l just walked in as well"*I've been here for nearly fifteen minutes.*But of course l would never tell him that.

"Good,let's get started then.What exactly are you struggling with."he took a seat beside me.And thump thump my heart went."Can l be honest?"l asked and he nodded."Everything"l mumbled as l lowered my head in shame.He must have noticed the embarrassment.

"That's alright.Then we won't skip other stuff and start from the begginning.We'll just have to learn the formulaes and we'll go through past papers that l have with me.That way it's easier.Don't worry, you won't have to think much"he grinned.*Fantastic, just fantastic.Now it seemed as if my brain did not function at all.Thanks a bunch, Chanyeol.*But of course l could never say it out loud, besides his grin that twinkled his eyes had just taken my breath away.

He explained everything in the best way possible for me to understand.I must say, he makes a very good teacher and no l'm not biased.But then again, not every information was going in.I mean come to think of it, the guy l was insanely in love with was just centimeters apart from me,would you really concetrate?His very deep voice echoed in the study hall and sent shivers to my body.Just as it always does only that now it was closer and seemed deeper.I traced his sharp features, his perfectly straight high nose, big brown eyes and his pink luscious lips...As much as l tried not to, l just couldn't resist.I had not daydreamed all day long and it was unacceptable.Instead l did what l do best.


I must have stared at him for way too long or that he asked something and because l was in my own world,l hadn't heard him that is when he had looked up and saw me right in his face staring at him.

"Um you know you're going to have to stop staring and concetrate sometime, don't you?"he chuckled.Boy was l embarrassed.That moment when you wish the ground could just open up and swallow you up.Heat found it's way to my cheeks and they reddenedas if my rosy cheeks were not red enough.I managed to let out a,"Mianhe" and tried my very best to concetrate.*How do you really expect me to Park Chanyeol when you're so close*

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Chapter 13: aww is that it ? i want to know what is going to happen for the next xhapter aigoo .. love you author-niom ^^
hahaha that was embarrassing :p I wonder how will Soojin face chanyeol after what happened :D
awww skinship :-D I like how he held her hands
automatically :) update
soon !! oh and try to relax
and rest to clear your mind ,
it will definitely make your
day brighter and you will feel
aigoo~Chanyeol ditch his music practice because of her??
of course she would feel bad....
btw...Kai...what's wrong with you??
what with the teasing?? XD
update soon!
so cute~
looking forward for the update!
chchicken #6
Heeeey I just wanted to say that this story is really amazing, so I hope you keep doing a very very super very good job :D
its not dragging along it makes sense ^^ and yes update soon! its really good!
so cute!!! ^_^