The Date

The Adventures Of A Daydreamer

I had tried to keep myself from pacing back and forth in the living room but had found it really impossible.I had been counting days, hours and now finally minutes; any minute now he would ring the bell and there we would go out for the day.I was struggling to calm myself down, jumbled thoughts kept pulling me in all directions.

*Maybe it's all a big joke l'm playing on myself,maybe l'm dreaming, maybe l misheard him*All soughts of 'maybes' ran through my mind but slightly calmed myself after remembering the conversation we had had when he called me the night before.He promised he would meet me at my house and that he wouldn't be late.He always kept to his promises.

For the upteenth time l looked myself in the mirror in the past half an hour.I marvelled at how decidedly different l looked, sleek dark-lined brown eyes under layers of mascara, shimmering pink lips and shiny dark hair that l had flipped at the ends with a curling iron.I laughed at myself in the mirror, l rarely wore make up but today just had to be different.I wanted him to be proud to be seen with him and so had actually taken a lot of effort from picking my outfit (with the help of my forever spazzing mother, of course) and just getting myself ready.

I had talked to Minji and to my luck, she was actually going to cancel as she would be going to visit her grandparents today.*The gods were indeed on my side today.*This l thought before the ringing of the front doorbell innterrupted me.I checked the clock on the wall and indeed, he was on time.

Mother was about to open the door but knowing her too well, l couldn't let that happen.Never.I quickly ran to the door and told her not to worry,l would do it myself.

"But that's what they do in the movies and dramas, the mothers always open the door to let the boy in and talk to them for a while.It's common courtesy, sweetness"she had tried to convince me but l knew once l gave in, l would be embarassed to death.That's just how my family worked.

"Yes mother, that's because they're in the dramas.This is real life.Now l'l get going, will be home in time,hopefully."l bade her goodbye before going towards the door.She grumbled.

Chanyeol oppa looked dashing as always.His hair was curly as usual and he wore dark jeans with a beaded blazer.Underneath was a low neck shirt which accentuated his long neck and milky white skin.A gold bracelet clung onto his right wrist and as always, he had his friendship ring, the one all his Exo friends had.

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"Hey!Don't you look beautiful"he smiled.

"Thanks and so do you.You could pass for an idol, you know"l complimented back.

"Really!Maybe l was an idol in my past life"he chuckled as l did as well.

"So you ready?" "Ready as can be"l grinned before he held out his hand in front of me.I looked at him as l opened my own palm as well.He placed his hand in mine and there he was holding my hand.I stood there a little bit loss of words.

"What!Friends can hold hands too you know"he said before squeezing it tightly and walking with me hand in hand.My cheeks were burning and l could tell they were red by now.

"You're blushing"he pointed out. "Hehehe, l'm not,am l? hehehe"l tried covering up my cheeks but it wasn't really helpful."So where are we going"l asked in case he went on about me and my blushing.

"You'll see when we get there!"he smiled before squeezing my hand and picking up the speed we were walking with.

After a few turns here and there, we finally reached where we were meant to go.

"Wah, a carnival"l clasped my hands together as l looked at the amazing sight in front of me.

"Yeah, heard there was a carnival in town and l coudn't think of anyone else better to go with."he confessed and l couldn't help but be touched.*You make it so impossible not to like you when you're this amazing.*

"Thank you"l said more than touched.He just smiled and took my hand in his again squeezing it a little.It was so warm and calming such that l could hold them till forever ends.

"So what to do first?"l asked as we looked at all the rides and different games upon us.I couldn't get to choose, l wanted to go on everything.

Without a notice, he pulled me as he ran playfully to the different rides.Ride after ride we went, laughing our lungs out.I was more than happy, l was in seventy-seventh heaven with stars shining overhead in the broad daylight.

We went on to the rollercoaster- The Nemesis. It was the most scariest ride you could ever be on at the same time  it was the most fun.It came to a stop and we got on strapping ourselves in.

"You ready" Chanyeol oppa asked as he held out his hand.With a sharp intake of air l held his hand and squeezed it tightly as it started moving.

"Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh"we screamed our lungs out as the rollercoaster made it's turn and twists.Side and upside down we went.I could eel my neatly styled hair all over the place, cheeks flapping about but that moment none of it mattered.I was having fun and from the looks of it, so was Chanyeol oppa.

After a  series of adrenaline rush, it finally stopped much to our dissapointment.Chanyeol oppa straightened his hair which was all over the place.He giggled as he looked at me smoothing face, it felt numb and elastic kinda because of the wind.*Always hated that*

"What?"l asked him. "Um, your kinda ."he said as l took my phone out and checked on the screen.My hair was like a bird's nest, only that it hung on my head.Embarassed, l tried straightening it but l wasn't really doing a good job as he stepped closer,way too close if you ask me, and straightened my hair for me.

"There, now pretty as ever"he finished off.I looked up as he towered over me.I always knew he was tall, but now he was like towering over me.

"Thanks"l awkwardly cleared my throat as l turned away,it was getting way too hot for me to handle.

Just as we were about to walk away my stomach grumbled, l was hungry and it did not stop.As much as l tried covering it up with little coughs and random giggles, it seemed to only grumble more.*Can it get anymore embarassing than this*

"Ooopsy doopsy, somebody's tummy is angry"Chanyeol oppa giggled in a sing-song manner.

"Hehehe.Yeah,l guess so"l sheepishly grinned as l lightly punched my stomach.*That's for embarassing me, you uncultured stomach*

He put his hands on my shoulders and guided me to the food stalls.Smelling the food was enough for me to drool.I hadn't really had a decent breakfast as l had been way too excited.

Corn dogs, funnel cakes, nachos and slushies we feasted upon talking as we sat on the tables under the stalls talking about random stuff.At last my stomch grumbled and this time it wasn't because l was too hungry,instead l was too full.

The rest of the remaining day we played arcade games and such, all was good fun.

We were walking hand in hand back home.In the other hand l feasted upon a cotton candy,yummy.As usual he made random jokes and asked random questions which made the atmosphere more lighter.

Sorry for not updating earlier, had a terrible week last week and so didn't have the courage to which is why l also had trouble with this chapter.Anyone know any means of cheering someone up besides eating and music, please do let me know.

Thanks for patiently waiting and thanks to you to the new subscribers as well.Will work harder in the future.









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Chapter 13: aww is that it ? i want to know what is going to happen for the next xhapter aigoo .. love you author-niom ^^
hahaha that was embarrassing :p I wonder how will Soojin face chanyeol after what happened :D
awww skinship :-D I like how he held her hands
automatically :) update
soon !! oh and try to relax
and rest to clear your mind ,
it will definitely make your
day brighter and you will feel
aigoo~Chanyeol ditch his music practice because of her??
of course she would feel bad....
btw...Kai...what's wrong with you??
what with the teasing?? XD
update soon!
so cute~
looking forward for the update!
chchicken #6
Heeeey I just wanted to say that this story is really amazing, so I hope you keep doing a very very super very good job :D
its not dragging along it makes sense ^^ and yes update soon! its really good!
so cute!!! ^_^