Kwon Heejoo

The Adventures Of A Daydreamer

Days flew by and life couldn't be any better.Chanyeol oppa would still tutor me after school and walk me home afterwards.I couldn't ask for anything more.And to add to that,l was jolly well improving in Statistics.I wasn't quite there yet but at least l understood the basics and there was little hope that at the end of the year, l could actually have a pass in Statistics.*Biggest accomplishment, much*

Yes, l would still kinda fangirl but it wasn't as much as l was kinda used to him being around.Even his friends would acknowledge me in the corridors or whenever we passed each other.It was one of those situations where even when we're not talking it was still comfortable, he would just smile making the environment way too comfortable than it already it was, as if that was even possible.But then again the more we spent time together, the more l had other fangirls throw daggers at my back.

It was yet the end of one of Mr Kwon's Science lessons, where he would have spent the whole lesson going on about his family life which apparently was on the rocks.As if that wasn't bad enough he was rather patriachal so for the rest of the lesson, he would have a go at us the female students for being the cause of the disfunctional society.*Depressed much*

"About time this lesson ended,l seriously couldn't take it anymore"l whined.

"Who would and to make matters worse he repeats the same stories everyday.If l can't stand him for an hour, l seriously wonder how his wife can."Minji responded as we packed up our books to go out for lunch.

"No wonder his marriage is on the rocks"l added as we laughed along the long hallways.

"Hey, that's a bit mean."

"Mean but true and l never lie" l made a note of that with my pointy finger as Minji laughed along.

"Yah! Go Soojin" a high-pitched squeaky voice l knew too well called interrupting our joyous conversation.Kwon Heejoo, senior class.

"Yes, Kwon Heejoo"l answered in the same manner she had called me. "Yah, l'm your sunbae, shouldn't you at least show me an ounce of respect?"she crossed her arms over her chest.Psh, like l would ever.Her and l had never gotten along from the start.She was just that kind of person that just grinded my grits.She had always used seniority  to bully people and because l had Minji who is quite quick tempered, we had managed to dodge and go against her, and that is when everything had began.To add on to that she was so possessive of Chanyeol oppa and if anyone didn't know better you'd think they are going out but they weren't.'Paedo noona', Minji had called her which added on to the reasons why we had never got along and were never going to.

"You and me, we need to talk" she added.

"We are talking now aren't we"

"Like privately without a thousand ears eavesdropping"she said as she looked at Minji who scowled at her."Make it quick, Soojin-ah, l'll get us some food first"Minji said as she walked along the hallways.

"So what is is you wanna talk about?"

"Oh please,playing all innocent like you don't know already"she barked.Like seriously, would l ask if l knew what it is she was going on about??

"I wouldn't be asking if l knew what is was, would l?"

"You've been sticking to Chanyeol oppa quite too often these days, what exactly is your motive with him"she began.I almost choked on my own.*'Oppa' was she crazy or something*She was like a year and a half if not more older than any of us yet she was calling him oppa.

"You just called him oppa when you're a noona, it doesn't really make sense does it"l had asked her."Playing all smarty pants now, are we?"she scoffed.

"Heaven knows l'm not the smartest being but even l know that little fact."

"Whatever l call him doesn't concern you, and you still haven't answered my question.What exactly is your motive with Chany..him?she raised her voice.

"If you really wanted to know that, wouldn't it have been more lawful for you to ask me personally?" the very same deep voice that had captured my heart spoke from behind me.Heejoo's mouth flew ajar as Chanyeol appeared behind me with Baekhyun beside him.

"C-ha-nyeol oppa"she stammered."And besides,'Chanyeol oppa' seriously, noona.Do l have to tell you off about that as well?"he asked.*Yes Chanyeol oppa, tell her off*What joy l felt at that moment.

"l-l-l" no words could come out of  . "If you call me oppa, then what would our Soojin-ah here call me?"he patted my head.*That's it, my ovaries had officially burst*

"Seriously noona, just give it up"Baekhyun chipped in.I couldn't me more thankful.I could feel myself go beetroot, l was just blushing way too much.

By this time, Heejoo's eyes were watery but l couldn't care less."Anyway Soojin-ah, wanna eat lunch with us?"Chanyeol asked yet again flashing his-not-so-hypnotising-smile.Who would dare resist that, honestly?

Sticking my nose high up in the air l answered,"Yes,OPPA" emphasising every bit of oppa.*Take that Kwon Heejoo*


Firstly, sorry for not updating the past week, went to a cousin's wedding on the weekend and had forgotten that l had my Math finals on Monday(last week)which were bloody horrible by the way.Excuses,l know but it's the truth and l hope this double update will make up for it.I know the story is kinda dragging but it will all make sense soon *pinky promise*

Secondly,a massive thank you to all the subscribers.And please do comment even if it's just an 'update please' l'll be very grateful and besides your karma increases.Thanks ya'll.



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Chapter 13: aww is that it ? i want to know what is going to happen for the next xhapter aigoo .. love you author-niom ^^
hahaha that was embarrassing :p I wonder how will Soojin face chanyeol after what happened :D
awww skinship :-D I like how he held her hands
automatically :) update
soon !! oh and try to relax
and rest to clear your mind ,
it will definitely make your
day brighter and you will feel
aigoo~Chanyeol ditch his music practice because of her??
of course she would feel bad....
btw...Kai...what's wrong with you??
what with the teasing?? XD
update soon!
so cute~
looking forward for the update!
chchicken #6
Heeeey I just wanted to say that this story is really amazing, so I hope you keep doing a very very super very good job :D
its not dragging along it makes sense ^^ and yes update soon! its really good!
so cute!!! ^_^