I'm Kai~

R U SERIOUS? I can't get married him!


"Were you just eavesdropping?" He asked me with a disgusted face. For a moment my eyes fell to ground. My phone was still ringing, but now it was in his hand. Vibrating on top of his palm. I dared to look at him, he raised a brow. "Well?" He said impatiently. I gulped, but then I realized something. Wasn't this Sehun? The guy who's bullied me and pushed me all my life? I stared at him coldly.
                    "Yes as a matter of fact I did." I raised my chin defiantly. "You got a problem with that?" Sehun breathed a laugh, momentarily glancing away. My phone stopped ringing. When he looked back at me, he scowled.
                    "Yah, who do you think you are?" His voice vibrated with irritation. Now it was my turn to snicker. I just couldn't believe him. After all those years. Sehun, you're STILL like this??
                     "Who do I think I am?" I shouted at him. A few kids passing by turned their heads to look at the scene but I didn't care. "That's my line. Who do YOU think you are? You're the one who's always been the jerk."
                      "Always?" His voice was low but clearly had a menacing tone. "YAH I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU!!" He suddenly burst. Now a whole crowd was watching us. Despite of his sudden shout I didn't flinch. Anger was rising up in me.  Don't even know me? What was he talking about? I was about to slap him until a someone pulled my arm.
                       "Don't." A gentle voice said behind me. I turned it was Kai. His mouth set on a grim line when he looked at Sehun. I looked at Sehun who seemed to look surprised in seeing Kai. Kai looked down and dragged me away from the crowd. I was still mad, and actually I didn't want to be dragged away, I wanted to stay there and beat Sehun in an arguement but for some reason, my body let itself be dragged away by Kai's strong grip on my arm. It was so strong it actually kind of hurt. When we exited the school, he finally let go of my arm.
                       "Oww..." I pouted and rubbed my arm. "Yah, what was that for? I didn't need saving. I could fight you know." Kai flicked my forehead. "OWWW!" I cried and rubbed my forehead with my other hand. "What is up with you?"
                       "What do you mean what's up with me?" He answered. "What's up with YOU?" 
                       "He was asking for it!" I replied. Kai flicked my forehead again. "OWWWW!!!! SERIOUSLY!" I screamed. Kai covered my mouth.
                       "Yah, be quiet!" he whispered fiercely. "You're attracting attention."
                       "Look at yourself." I bit back and scowled. I gestured around to prove my point. Girls that were passing by seemed to be gushing at the sight of Kai. They were all whispering and giggling to themselves as they passed, some would point towards his uniform others would point out his good looks. The girls weren't even shameful because we could hear everything they were saying and they knew it.
                       "Ahhh... he's from West Wind High..." one of them said and giggled.
                       "Eh? You mean the most expensive arts school in Korea? Omo..." another one replied.
                       "Money and looks and creative arts? Ahhh... perfect boyfriend material!" a girl squealed. I rolled my eyes. Is that what all girls think of? Husband material and boyfriend material? The corners of Kai's mouth quirked a little bit up. And I knew he was trying to bite back a huge grin. I punched his shoulder.
                       "ert." I said. He finally let out his grin and slung his arm around my shoulder.
                       "Anyways, let's get back to our date." He said and wiggled his eyebrows at me. 
COMMENT! COMMENT!!! Whaddya think??? Hehehehe....
BTW, I;m sorry but the updates from now on might come on slow...... Like real slow... I have to focus on school -_- or else my mum will get the comp off me -_-
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Chapter 25: thanks for the update ! now updatesoon....again xD
ILoveKDramas1 #2
Chapter 25: Wats gonna hapened
ILoveKDramas1 #3
Chapter 18: Wat happened in. The past
Chapter 24: update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
_HUiLiN #5
Chapter 24: Pls update soon~ hehe,i really like this story!:)
v-kookiee #6
Chapter 24: Tnx 4 updating! Please update soon, i mean it.
rohanasandy #7
Chapter 22: I love kai so much.....
Authornim update please :3