Guilt, Anger and Secret Pain

R U SERIOUS? I can't get married him!

Your POV

I sigh and enter the house along with my father and mother. They were very happy and I was the only one who was tired and grumpy after the engagement party. Well there was Sehun too but he's always grumpy anyways. 

Ughhhhh.... I don't even want to remember this day. I just want to sleeep forever and never wake up back into this nightmare.

I SERIOUSY didn't want to live the rest of my life with that freak.

I take off my shoes and walk inside, another line of maids greeted me as I did.

"That was a nice party." My mother remarked casually. My dad nodded.

"Yes it was wasn't it dear? and to top it all of Jong In even prepared a small dance performance in the end." He smiled a semily impressed smile.

My mood just got worse at the mention of Kai's name. I was about to escape when my mother suddenly grabbed me and said,

"Isn't he such a great dancer?" she smiled. I wanted to get over it and simply nodded lazily.

"Yeah assfdgfjl anyway mom i'm gonna go to my room now," I said and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. i then ran to my dad and gave him a hug and a kiss too. "Goodnight!" I said and smiled as I climbed up the marble stairs.

"Good night!" They both said.

"Oh and by the way," My father called out. I was barely up the stairs yet so I looked back. "Get ready tomorrow because you'll be moving in with Sehun already." 


Quickly, I ran down the stairs to object immediately.

"Dad!" I pleaded. "You can't do this! Not yet!"

But my dad looked tired and simply waved it off.

"You know that it's already final Yoo Ri." He sternly replied. "No more of this childishness. I close my mouth in defeat as my shoulders relaxed down and my brain felt like it was about to blow. 

I immediately thought of Kai. Kai my best fried. Kai the boy who I could always rely on and whom I never actually had a fight with. Kai the awkward turtle that almost never gets mad at me nor I at him. 

But then I thought of him during the engagement party. He looked so fake during the whole thing. Fake smiles, fake gratitude and happiness. Even his dance performance my parents were awestruck about wasn't his usual dancing. It was much more aggresive, much more stiff than usual, and I know because he used to only dance in front of me before he went to high school. I didn't know what was wrong with him and when I asked him he refused to say and just smiled a plastic smile.

And I though he would laugh at me for getting married.

I realized I was so absorbed in my own thoughts that my parents had already left the living room. I quickly dart upstairs to my won room and close the door while a sudden realization hit me.

If this was Kai's reaction now, how would it be when the wedding comes?


Sehun's POV

It was morning already and I was wide awake. Actually, I was awake most of the night because well, who wouldn't be when you're marrying the girl you don't want to marry the most?

ugh! why does life so bloody much? I turn around in my bed and bury my head underneathe the pillow.

Kai's face suddenly popped in my head.

Hmph. That brat will finally realize that he has no chance against her. She's getting married for god sakes. To me.

To Me.

I unburied my head from my pillow to stare at the ceiling as the feeling of triumph suddenly left me and was replaced by a huge pang of guilt. I closed my eyes. But I still couldn't get the memories to fade away, they were still there. Tormenting me.

I pity you, Jong In. I thought. I pity you so much.

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Chapter 25: thanks for the update ! now updatesoon....again xD
ILoveKDramas1 #2
Chapter 25: Wats gonna hapened
ILoveKDramas1 #3
Chapter 18: Wat happened in. The past
Chapter 24: update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
_HUiLiN #5
Chapter 24: Pls update soon~ hehe,i really like this story!:)
v-kookiee #6
Chapter 24: Tnx 4 updating! Please update soon, i mean it.
rohanasandy #7
Chapter 22: I love kai so much.....
Authornim update please :3