The Visitor

R U SERIOUS? I can't get married him!

Sehun's POV

I'm in the car on the way home, my elbow is propped up on the window sill and my cheek resting on the palm of my hand.

I stare out the window in deep thought wondering why Yoo Ri's hurt eyes affected me in some way.

The girl can act but I've known her long enough to know whether she was hurt or not. 

Psh... Why would I care even anyway?

"Oppa~" a voice giggled reminding me that there was actualy a creature right next to me, hugging my other arm tight. I sigh and glance at Yul Hee tiredly then I go back to my staring out the window.

The witch couldn't leave me alone since this morning, always following me everywhere like some sort of lost puppy.

Wait she wasn't lost she was just pretending to be.

"Oppa why are you ignoring me?" She pouts and complains. Ugh... I'm starting to get sick of her whiney little voice.

"I'm tired Yul Hee." I simply say and sigh.

Well the only reason I kinda kept her was so that my packing and moving today would be procrastinated at least for a bit.

I was too exhausted to deal with my "fiance" right now.

My phone suddenly vibrates within my pocket and a beeping noise is heard, indicating that someone has messaged me.

I take it out from my pocket and look at it.

It beeps again, and another message flashes on the screen.

One from my mom and another from an unknown number.

I almost roll my eyes as I open my mother's message.


Sehunnie, your dad and I will be home soon and by the time we get there I expect you to be all packed and ready to go~ ^^


I quickly make it angled so that Yul Hee wouldn't see it. 

Crap, now even Yul Hee won't be a usefull excuse anymore.

I almost chose to ignore the other message but then I thought it might be Yoo Ri.

Wait. Why would I even bother?

But my fingers betrayed me and I had already opened it.

One look at the first sentence and my eyes grew wide.

"Oppa~" Yul Hee pouts and cuddles even closer. "Who are you so busy texting? You're still ignoring me." She tries to lok at it but I pull it back.

"It's just my mom." I tell her, which was half true anyways.

The only lie was that the other message didn't come from my mom OR Yoo Ri.

It was Kai.


I step out of the car and find a familiar tanned figure leaning against the wall right next to the front door of my house.

My parents weren't here yet and I had gotten rid of Yul Hee by dropping her off at her house. 

Kai just stares at me, his hands stuck in his pockets, his face almost expressionless but his eys had an emotion in them that I couldn't figure out whether it was rage, jealousy, or just a bored look that a rich, snobbish guy might've given to a peasant that was trying to entertain him. 

I stare back and dissmiss the driver and the maids that were staring at us, aware of the tense atmosphere in the air.

Afterall, Kai hadn't visited me since in ten years. And almost all the maids(the ones that were here long enough anyways) knew why he never dropped by anymore and why we never talked anymore.

One wave and the maids dispersed into the house.

I decide to talk first.

"What do you want?" I ask him calmly.

"You promised." He simply says with equal calmness but I know he might blow up anytime. Kai was like that. When it came to things that were important to him, he would blow up and do things that were not in his nature, the boy who just blames himself and hurts himself all the time. "You said you'd stay away from her."

"I didn't know it would turn out this way." I answer with a sigh. "They never told me that they had planned this."

Kai breathes a laugh.

"Is that it then." His gaze drops on the floor and I know that he's trying to retain his composure. Though I suddenly am not sure anymore. "So you'll just let it be? After what you did you'll just let it be?" He looks back up at me this time he doesn't bother hiding the rage in his eyes.

I clench my fist.

"Jong In." I say anger piling up in my chest. "It was back in  Middle School."

He remains silent and my anger goes to the top but I keep my composure.

"As if I even like her." I continue. "I was forced into this too you know, it wasn't my choice."

"If you don't like her now, you did once." He interrupts and I feel a pang in my chest. "But lay one finger or do anything to harm her and I swear," He paused. "You'll pay."

I wanted to defend myself but my voice doesn't go on. So he simply stands up straight and walks past me. 

I fight the urge to punch him but I just stare at him as he disappears out the gates.

My fists are clenched so hard that my nails have dug into the palm my hand that it's already painful.

It's the past, a voice whispers in my head, it is done and it will never happen again.

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Chapter 25: thanks for the update ! now updatesoon....again xD
ILoveKDramas1 #2
Chapter 25: Wats gonna hapened
ILoveKDramas1 #3
Chapter 18: Wat happened in. The past
Chapter 24: update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
_HUiLiN #5
Chapter 24: Pls update soon~ hehe,i really like this story!:)
v-kookiee #6
Chapter 24: Tnx 4 updating! Please update soon, i mean it.
rohanasandy #7
Chapter 22: I love kai so much.....
Authornim update please :3