You Messed It Up

R U SERIOUS? I can't get married him!


Actually it's kind of triple.

I kind of want to like.... hurry up with this story. So Im going to keep on updating lol.

My mother and brother are watching World War Z right now and the gorey attackey zombie noises are taunting me.



Your POV

I didn't exactly know where I ended up in. But I didn't worry about it. I knew that I was going to find my own way home and that I was actually going to get home. I was just waiting till it was late enough and I was sure that Sehun was already asleep.

I might've cared for him. But no way was I ever admitting that to his face. And after tonight, I seriously will set my cap in ignoring him till I wasn't so embarrassed anymore.

I didn't even know why I was embarrassed, I was sure I pulled off a pretty good act back there. When I see Yul Hee again though, a fight sounded like a good idea. I'll just make up some excuse that had nothing to do with Sehun to get it started.

The stars were so pretty. I was sitting on a bench, the night air was warm and the fountain that was a few feet in away in front of me somehow managed to make me relax even more. I was in a silent corner of the park so all I could hear was the trickling of water in the fountain. I could've slept there if the bench wasn't so hard. The only thing missing was a big, full moon.

Before I actually dozed off, I made a mental note that when I saw Kai again, I would apologize to him. I hope he'd forgive me. I'd probably see him tomorrow after school, if he did come to show up. But even if he didn't, I'd try going to his house or even his school. I needed to reach him.

I didn't know what made me wake up. I didn't know if it was the rustling of the trees or just plain fate itself.

But I opened my eyes just in time to find Sehun there. He was standing in front of the fountain, a stormy expression on his face, his eyes watching me.

I jerked in surprise, startled.

"Se-sehun?" I said. I didn't know if it was just me being groggy, but it somehow felt like a dream to me. There was just something off.

"Sorry I'm not who you're expecting." He said with a snort. I was definitely just groggy or reality has made itself present in my dreams. "Where's your boy friend?"

"Boyfriend?" I squinted. He snorted again.

"What? Is he more than your boyfriend? Did you seriously think being a rebel would somehow convince your parents to cancel our marriage? Or were you just trying to make me divorce you? You do know I have no power to do that right? Even how badly I want to."

I couldn't believe this. What was he saying? He was going off, pulling some random accusations out of his .

"What the hell?!" I shouted, getting to my feet. "What are you getting so mad at me for?"

His eyebrows raised in mock amusement and then he sneered.

"Don't play stupid." He growled. "You messed it up."

"Messed... wha-" Then it hit me.

His room.


"Holy is right." He said through clenched teeth. "You messed up EVERYTHING. I saw them. The wires. Do you know how expensive all those things are? Oh wait, you're just an ignorant spoiled rich kid."

Spoiled! Why didn't he look at himself before going on his accusations.

"I am not ignorant." I snapped back, crossing my arms and lifting my chin. "I'm fairly smart. Probably more than you are and between the two of us, I think your the one more spoiled than I am."

He blinked at me than laughed.

Oh, the nerve. He had the nerve to do such a thing. He was livestock waiting to be slaughtered.

"Says the one whose never helped her parents earn a single penny in her life."

My jaw clenched.

"Atleast I'm obedient." I retorted.

"Who said I wasn't?"

"You know you aren't." The truth rang out in my words, even though I had no idea what I was saying. The sentence just seemed to pop out of my mouth. Thankfully, it silenced him. It might've even caught him off guard at first. His brow furrowed for a moment and I found his gaze scrutinizing me, as if trying to see something that wasn't there. It changed back in an instant. He watched me for a moment, his mouth working, before opening it to say something again.

"Where's Kai?" He asked, more serious than angry this time.

"He's not with me." I reply honestly. He didn't need to know the details of why he wasn't with me and what set him off to leave him in the first place.

The answer seemed enough for Sehun. He rolled his eyes before saying something again.

"Come on. We're going back." He said, turning around to go back where he had come from.

I wasn't in the mood to start another arguement. Plus I was tired, sleeping on the bench had made me sleepier. I craved a bed. Badly. I figured he was tired too as I watched his shoulders drop and heard a sigh escape from his lips. I was pretty sure we would go hell out on war if we were energized enough for it.

We walked in silence, I was following him behind making sure I was atleast two feet away from him. Occasionally, he'd glance back at me like he was making sure I was indeed, trailing after him. I made sure I looked like I was oblivious to it.

"You're going to fix my room up when we get home." He scowled. It was my turn to roll my eyes, but I didn't bother to say something in reply.

He glared at me before looking away.

I knew it was my fault and that I had gotten myself into this. But I seriously didn't want to fix up his room tonight. I just wanted to go to bed. He could go to sleep on the couch or anywhere else for all I care. But if I remembered correctly, I didn't mess up his bed. So what was his problem?

I coulnd't believe how OC he was.

"I'll do it tomorrow." I grumbled. He gave me a sidelong glare and I glared back just as much. Finally he sighed in defeat. I was actually surprised. Maybe he was super tired afterall.

All he said next was, "I'm taking your room if it isnt fixed by tomorrow."

I was curious whether he had brought a car or had walked all the way to the park but I was too stubborn and unwilling to hurt my pride any further by asking. So we kept on walking and by the time we got home, I realized the park wasn't as far as I thought it was after all. It was probably just two blocks from the neighborhood we lived in.

The moment we got through the front door, I made a straight beeline to my room. And right when I entered it, I immediately shut the door and locked it. I sighed in relief, overly glad that I wouldn't have to do anything with Sehun for a few hours.

I wouldn't need to face him.

Not until tomorrow anyway.


Boring chapter guys. -_- I know.

But I spent all my juice and writer's block is just roung the corner.

I can totally feel it.

I will update soon I promise.

And once again thanks soooooooooooooooo much for the support!

I love you guys (;

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Chapter 25: thanks for the update ! now updatesoon....again xD
ILoveKDramas1 #2
Chapter 25: Wats gonna hapened
ILoveKDramas1 #3
Chapter 18: Wat happened in. The past
Chapter 24: update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
_HUiLiN #5
Chapter 24: Pls update soon~ hehe,i really like this story!:)
v-kookiee #6
Chapter 24: Tnx 4 updating! Please update soon, i mean it.
rohanasandy #7
Chapter 22: I love kai so much.....
Authornim update please :3