Unspoken Truths

R U SERIOUS? I can't get married him!

Your POV

I was standing there, eyes glued on the duo in front of me, suddenly forgetting that Kai was right there by my side.

There was nothing else in my mind but one thing.

"Why lookey here." Yul Hee says, her voice suddenly sounded so far away. "Looks like your fiance had some company and didn't tell you."

Sehun was staring back at me, his jaw working and suddenly they went bone still. His eyes drifted away somewhere else.

"Kai." He greets.

"Sehun." Kai greets as politely back, which sounded every bit as poison-lined as a cobra's fang.

I tried to hold my ground, I really did. But there was just something something that made my brain cloudy, made my heart feel like it dropped something and made my life feel like a part of it was taken out.

My eyes dropped to the ground, I couldn't cry here. Not now. Not ever over Sehun.

And then Yul Hee snickered.

I forced myself to look up.

"It's ironic you know." I say, my words were directed to Sehun but my eyes were zeroed in on Yul Hee's. My tone was so light and careless that I hoped my face looked the same. "Because nobody told me you'll be bringing company either. But anway," I looked up to Kai and for some reason, my hand made its way to his. "I was just going to walk Kai out."

I smiled at him. He looked perplexed for a second, but a small smirk made its way to his lips.

I didn't wait for Sehun or Yul Hee's reaction, I just pulled Kai out of that hell hole and through the front door, brushing by Sehun's shoulder on the way.

Not that I cared.

"Are you alright?" Kai asks me. We have been walking for a few minutes around the neighborhood. It was weird, I know, and nothing I would've done. But my legs seemed to have a mind of its own to try to distract my mind from going back to that house. My heart didn't want to go anywhere near it right now.

"Fine." I answer, my eyes are on the concrete of the sidewalk beneath us.

I tighten my grip on his hand without thinking, suddenly remembering I was still holding his hand. I almost let go, but his fingers held mine tighter and I didn't.

The gesture made me remember how we used to hold hands when we were kids. But we dropped that habit when we got older. But his hand was still as I remember it.

So big and so filled with warmth. I realized how much I missed his hand.

"You're not fine." He suddenly stops walking and because our fingers are still intertwined, I stop too and face him. The look on his face is as hard as it was when he told me he needed to tell me something.

Something stirrs in my chest.

"What did you want to tell me?" I suddenly ask, gazing deep into his eyes, trying to see what if I could read them. All I could see was an endless, deep brown.

His gaze drops to the floor and his face softens.

"Yoo Ri..." He pauses and I wait for it, my eyes never leaving his. He takes a deep breath before he speaks again. But when he does, it startles me. "Do have feelings for him?"

His eyes go back on mine.

"What?" I blink. "Feelings for...?"

"Do you like Sehun?" He clarifies, his expression grows cloudy again. "Do you like him?"

I pull my hand out of his.

"What are you talking about, Kai?" Something in me snapps. "Ofcourse not, he's a jerk! Did you see what he was doing just now? He left me alone in the house to go and probably party with that of a-"

I trail off. I didn't know where this was coming from. I didn't know I could sound so ugly. I sounded.... angry and something else.

The angry, hurt expression in Kai's eyes gives it away.

We stand there in silence as the realization sinks into me and something else drowns him.

He turns away and walks off without another word.

I am left there, standing still and silent. But I did not move.

Why was I feeling this way towards a boy who was so stupid? He was an unbelivably retarded guy that was soooo arrogant and sooooo rude.

WHAT THE HELL. I wanted to scream. IT'S IMPOSSIBLE.

I wanted to chase Kai, I wanted to tell him I was sorry. I wanted to hold his hand again and make him smile.

But then I realized that it had always been there. Always hiding. Unspoken truths and blurry memories.

I cared for Sehun. I don't know if it was just in a friendly way, or if it was something else entirely.

But I was worried for him when he left the house and didn't tell me where he was going and I was, am, infuritated at him for choosing to spend time with a lowly .

But what throws me off is that I knew this was in me all along. It started before but I don't remember when.

And how or why.


Kai's POV

I couldn't bare it. She remembers.

I don't know how but even though it might not be much, she was able to save some of the things that should've been lost after what had happened.

And here I was, almost spilling it all out to her.

The moonlight spills into my room and the wind is blowing strongly inside. All the lights are off and I'm still in my outside clothes, staring at the ground. Staring into space.

I have waited. I have waited for so long. And at that moment when she had gazed into my eyes in her living room as we lay side by side, I knew that I loved her.

I realized that I have loved her for a long time now. Probably since the day we met.

Maybe it was the way she smiled, or the way she laughed, or maybe it was just because something had clicked the moment I handed her my handkerchief when we were eight. Or maybe it was because of how strong she was. How she doesn't easily give up and how she stands strong and is always determined to help people and pick them up.

And even though she was a bit different now, I realize that maybe it was during Middle School when I fell in love with her after all.

I suddenly regret leaving her behind earlier, but I couldn't help it. I was so mad. I close my eyes and sag against the wall I was leaning on, spreading my legs across the floor with a sigh, in my head promising to her that I would make it up when I saw her tomorrow.

Because I wouldn't give up. I would fight for her. I don't think she remembers her past feelings for Sehun. But even she did, I would still fight.

I know it is selfish of me, but I didn't want my heart to break a second time.

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Chapter 25: thanks for the update ! now updatesoon....again xD
ILoveKDramas1 #2
Chapter 25: Wats gonna hapened
ILoveKDramas1 #3
Chapter 18: Wat happened in. The past
Chapter 24: update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
_HUiLiN #5
Chapter 24: Pls update soon~ hehe,i really like this story!:)
v-kookiee #6
Chapter 24: Tnx 4 updating! Please update soon, i mean it.
rohanasandy #7
Chapter 22: I love kai so much.....
Authornim update please :3