chapter eight;

Every Time You Go




When she woke up, he was gone.


She got out of bed, cleaning a little here and there before heading to work. She had wanted to talk to Luhan, just talk, and nothing about the incident last night. The day dragged on, she wrote, placed books back on shelves, and helped out some people. She just wanted to be home, and if Luhan was there that would be a bonus.


“Hey, Miyoung!” She turned to see Baekhyun, Kris, and Sehun come inside. They were wearing school uniforms.


“Hello.” She said trying to keep the noise level down. “How did you know I work here?” She tilted her head curiously.


“Luhan told us, he said it would be a good idea to see how you were doing.” Kris leaned on the counter.


She looked towards the door, hoping Luhan would walk in. “He’s not coming?”


“He said that it would be best if he stayed at the set.” Sehun said, he noticed she looked a little upset now.


“Why are you all dressed up anyway?”


“We have a part in the new drama SM is producing, you know? To the Beautiful You, the set isn’t that far from here, you might even see us in here.” Baekhyun explained she shrugged; she didn’t really stay that up to date with all of SM’s news.”


They talked for a while, them leaving quickly having to shoot another scene. Sehun promised he would be back, maybe even bringing Luhan along. It wasn’t until it was her lunch break did Sehun come along, without Luhan. They decided to eat in the back together.


“I read some more, it’s really good.” Sehun commented, eating some more of his sandwich after.


“Thanks, I guess it is.”


“But the way you wrote it. There is something about it, like people could relate to some of the feelings you have. Maybe you could even publish it.” She almost spit out her soda.


“Publish it? Really, Sehun, that’s too much.” She touched his shoulder. “I just wrote it to vent, nothing more.”


“Maybe you could do it anonymously!” He insisted.


“Sehun, please, it may be anonymous but people will figure it out. Plus it has something to do with an idol; I don’t want to risk it…”


“This is the perfect way to tell Luhan how you feel, at least think it over.”


“Okay, I will, but I won’t take it seriously.” She continued to eat. “How long are you shooting for?”


“We only have a few shots every few episodes so we might leave soon.”


They actually had a good time; they ate and talked a little more. Sehun was probably the only EXO-K member that she could actually have a conversation that could last for hours than a few sentences.


“If you ever turn this into a book, just think about it! You could turn it into like a book for each notebook, so like thirteen books!” Sehun said amazed. He had come by to pick up six through ten. Luhan hadn’t come home so it just left the two of them there; they had decided to eat dinner without him, assuming he was going to eat with the others.  


“Nothing is final.” She scolded Sehun as she set up the table, “Plus it would cost money for an agent and everything. I don’t have that kind of money lying around.”


“I could lend you some!” He smiled widely.


“Please, don’t smile like that, it’s kind of creepy. And no, that’s your hard earned money.” She got the food and set it on the table, sitting down next to Sehun. “When I first met you, to be honest, I thought we would hate each other.” She nodded.


“Really? I liked you since I met you.” He looked down, “Like in a friend way.” He revised what he said.


“I know, you meant it like that, idiot.” She joked.


‘But I’m not completely sure…’ He thought. But he really wasn’t sure. He couldn’t tell if he really did like her or he just liked being able to be around a girl who wasn’t interested in him because he was Sehun of EXO.




i know what you are thinking, but wait!

i want the ending to tell what happens really. :] 

:3 thanks for the comments~ 

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Chapter 15: Very well written, thank you for sharing
reneeee #2
awwwww love it~!!!so sweet!
jesstxt #5
If I were to do a sequel, it will definitely be about how Sehun would manage his time with Miyoung and the boys, especially trying to get over the awkwardness that is still there with Luhan despite the year he stayed away from her.
Ahh! It's over! Great story. It was amazing.
ParkSeungRin #7
Aww too bad I wanted Luhan. SEQUEL! :D
exirtasle #8
waah! I love your story author!;( I pity both luhan and miyoung. And I kinda love sehun here:D can you do a sequel? Like when luhan realized that he really love miyoung and would snatch her away from sehun. Ahaha. Just thinking:D