chapter four;

Every Time You Go




They agreed not to tell Luhan. But Miyoung was still stuck in her room, no matter what the boys said.


“Miyoung, we’re sorry. Please come out.” Baekhyun knocked lightly on the door. He tried to open the door, hoping his message had gone through, but it didn’t. She was lying on her bed; listening to her iPod.


‘If you don’t let me in, I will call Luhan right now, and tell him.’ It was from Sehun, she wanted to dismiss the message but Sehun and Luhan were too close, she knew if he called Luhan would immediately answer. One time, they were on a date he got calls from Kris and Lay but he ignored them, but one call from Sehun and he answered it straight away.


‘Meet me by the door.’ She replied, taking of her earphones and going up to the door.


“Open the door, it’s me.” She opened the door letting him in quickly, not giving a chance for any of the other boys to come in.


They sat there awkwardly, not knowing what to say. Sehun noticed the number on her nightstand, wondering if it was that guy’s number. He picked it up.


“Shinwoo.” He muttered.


“He’s the guy that left earlier…”


Sehun looked it over once more before ripping it, ripping it until the number wasn’t comprehensible. “Did you put his number on your phone?”


“No.” She shook her head. But he still asked for his name, looking for Shinwoo.  


“I’m not going to scold you, to be honest; your bed proves that nothing happened.” He noted when he first walked in the comforter just looks slept in. The two sat there awkwardly, trying to figure out what to say.


“He loves you, you know?” Sehun broke the silence. But he couldn’t help but think about all the women Luhan has been with while he has been with Miyoung.


“I know. I love him, too. But sometimes, I think otherwise. He doesn’t call me as much as he used to; he used to send me good morning texts all the time, but those are non-existent now.” She scoffed, trying to act like it didn’t bother her, but he could see right through that. “I forget that I’m dating him sometimes.” She blinked away some tears.


He looked down, right now was the perfect time to reveal it, Luhan has been cheating on you, he sleeps with so many girls in one week; you don’t deserve him. “If you need someone to vent to, we will always be here for you.” He put an arm around her.


“Shinwoo, he isn’t the only one.” She admitted, “There have been others, but only when I was drunk, otherwise I wouldn’t have looked at them twice.” She continued. “I dated someone last year, for a few months; I don’t think you would know but I didn’t contact Luhan at that time at all. I needed to think.” Sehun nodded his head, he actually remembered a time when Luhan was stressing over Miyoung; she hadn’t been texting or calling him. He became a zombie without her contact.


“You know, during that time he obsessed over your calls and texts that didn’t come.” Sehun butted in. He saw her expression drop; he rubbed her back trying to comfort her. “But its okay, you see, without that time apart you wouldn’t have realized your love for him.” He tried to fix the situation.


“I know, but I can’t help but feel I made a mistake sometimes. What if I had stayed with Yonghwa? What if we got married? What if we had kids? What if I could have a relationship based on skinship than texts and calls that won’t or will come? So many what ifs…”


“Stop thinking like that,” Sehun said a little irritated. “You’re with Luhan, be happy. I’m going to hate you if you keep acting like this!”


“So you somewhat hate me?” She choked out a laugh, lightening the mood.


He smiled, “Well, honestly, no. But if you act like such a Debbie Downer I won’t. You’re lucky you are my best friend’s girlfriend.”


“Fine, let’s go out, I’ll make you all dinner. That’s what we all need after a moment like this.” She got up, leaving the room. He watched her, taking her time; that’s when he wondered how many people actually pitied her. 





‘You need to stop seeing other people. Do it for Miyoung.’ Luhan read Sehun’s text over and over. What did this mean? Had Miyoung found out something she shouldn’t have?


‘What do you mean? Did you tell her anything?’ He replied quickly, his heart racing.


‘Of course I didn’t, you’re lucky I didn’t. She was upset, she told us you didn’t set up to meet her when you were here last week.’


Luhan would be lying if he said he wanted to see her but was too busy. He just didn’t, he was busy with other people he’d much rather see actually. He knew that it was wrong but he somewhat thought of her schedule. She probably had worked and hung out with her friends. But honestly, he was making excuses at this point.


‘We know you weren’t busy, seriously? She’s your girlfriend, treat her like it. There are more guys interested in her than you might think.’ Sehun continued. ‘Do it for me at least, I stayed with her for two hours while she talked about your relationship with her.’


Luhan questioned it, he hadn’t noticed that the two were that close, but he couldn’t help but be mad; she revealed things that should stay between them. 



updated~ bufjidsb. i hope you all like it~

ubdsio, my creys. thanks for the comments ;o; 

i got a poster too~ it's really nice right? 

it's by scarecrowscreams @scarecrowscreams poster shop ^^

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Chapter 15: Very well written, thank you for sharing
reneeee #2
awwwww love it~!!!so sweet!
jesstxt #5
If I were to do a sequel, it will definitely be about how Sehun would manage his time with Miyoung and the boys, especially trying to get over the awkwardness that is still there with Luhan despite the year he stayed away from her.
Ahh! It's over! Great story. It was amazing.
ParkSeungRin #7
Aww too bad I wanted Luhan. SEQUEL! :D
exirtasle #8
waah! I love your story author!;( I pity both luhan and miyoung. And I kinda love sehun here:D can you do a sequel? Like when luhan realized that he really love miyoung and would snatch her away from sehun. Ahaha. Just thinking:D