chapter thirteen;

Every Time You Go



“The ending, it’s quite plain… don’t you think?” Sehun read over it again and again.



“I personally like it,” She cleared , “What would it be like if I were the idol and you were the one waiting, waiting for the calls, waiting for the touches, waiting for the kisses. What if I just get tired of waiting? But so far it doesn’t feel like I will.” She recited the end to her story. This was the ending Luhan would read, she promised herself that as soon as it was released she would give him all the books, have him read it all. And most of all decide if this relationship was going somewhere or it was the end of the road.



“I haven’t seen you since you got sick…” He said hopeful, maybe she would remember the kiss?



“That’s right,” She nodded, “Thank you for taking care of me that night, I was a mess.” She admitted.



“No problem, I mean that’s what friends are for.” He looked away. “How are you and Luhan?”



“Well after you left he came,” She sounded so happy, “But he left soon after.” She scoffed. “I must have done something wrong.” She shook her head. He grabbed a hold of her hand, grasping onto it tightly.



“The only thing he did wrong was leave you, I better get going. You need to submit that to your publisher soon.” He squeezed her hand before letting go and leaving her apartment.



She sat there, touching the hand Sehun grabbed a hold of, the way he held it, it felt comforting. Just what she needed, she took out a piece of paper and began to write.  





“What is that?” Luhan asked they had been sitting in the car for nearly twenty minutes near the Han River; she had pulled out a bag from the back sit, with all five volumes of her story.



“I’ve been writing in a diary, for the past few years, like you would actually know.” She placed them on his lap. “They were published; I need you to read them. You need to know how I felt during our time together, some may make you feel happy, but some parts will just show how I’m a horrible person and it might break your heart.” Tears were beginning to form in her eyes. “Read it all, and then come by the apartment, we’ll talk then.” She zipped up her jacket before opening the car door, leaving the keys so Luhan could drive himself back to the dorms.



“But it’s freezing cold!” He protested.



“I’ll get home safely, don’t worry.” She left blending in with the crowd of people who were there to see the river’s light show despite the weather.




She knew the new ending would be the turning point. She didn’t want it to be, but she just had to. She didn’t leave the house, hoping he would come soon, if he wasn’t pissed off at her. But why would he? She had to vent somehow, right?




Sehun re-read the ending over and over, this definitely wasn’t the ending she showed him.



‘Won Ha, I’m sorry. Even though this book is dedicated to you my feelings are changing. I don’t know what to say, to say ‘I’m sorry.’ Or ‘You should have seen this coming.’ But I’m beginning to have feelings for him; I think you know who I’m talking about. The one who comforted me when I was sick, the one I cried to about you. I don’t want to cry anymore about you, but have good times with him. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.’  




“Are we done for? Are we really throwing four years down the drain because of Sehun?” He spat out his name in disgust.



“Four years? Four years of me waiting around for a call or a text from you, this wasn’t a relationship. It was just me waiting for you, waiting for you to realize you want to stay with me. And only be with me. But it’s not going to be like that, ever, is it?” She got up, going into her, getting a luggage filled with all the things Luhan owned and ever gave her. “Please leave.” She passed it to him. He took it, leaving the apartment, and Miyoung’s heart. Now she had to settle things with Sehun.



“Don’t you think, if we had met under other circumstances we could’ve had a chance?” Sehun’s feet played with the snow. “A chance to be together.”



“Yes.” She croaked. “Sehun, you read the end right? I need to know, do you feel the same?”



“I feel the same, I definitely feel the same.” He nodded. “But now isn’t a good time, I mean I’m going to start promoting soon and Luhan…”



“Luhan…” She echoed, looking down.



“Miyoung, my feelings won’t change, as long as yours don’t.” She looked up to see him looking at her; she leaned in, their lips gently touching, and their cold noses slightly touching, just like the night they kissed unbeknownst to her. He pulled away, his hand resting on her neck; he rubbed it slightly before getting up. “I’ll call you.” He said leaving her there on the bench. 



updated~ hope you enjoyed~

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Chapter 15: Very well written, thank you for sharing
reneeee #2
awwwww love it~!!!so sweet!
jesstxt #5
If I were to do a sequel, it will definitely be about how Sehun would manage his time with Miyoung and the boys, especially trying to get over the awkwardness that is still there with Luhan despite the year he stayed away from her.
Ahh! It's over! Great story. It was amazing.
ParkSeungRin #7
Aww too bad I wanted Luhan. SEQUEL! :D
exirtasle #8
waah! I love your story author!;( I pity both luhan and miyoung. And I kinda love sehun here:D can you do a sequel? Like when luhan realized that he really love miyoung and would snatch her away from sehun. Ahaha. Just thinking:D