chapter five;

Every Time You Go



“Did you come to see just to fight with me?” Miyoung was annoyed, trying to get some stuff done around her apartment but Luhan was putting up a fight.


“No, but Sehun shouldn’t know everything.” He retorted.


“Just stop, please.” She dropped the plate she was scrubbing back in the sink.


“I’m here, you want to talk to someone about our relationship, well only talk about it with me.” Luhan lifted his hands up, she rolled her eyes.


“So you want to talk after you don’t contact me when you come back to Korea? So should I reveal more to maybe buy some more time?” She said in disbelief. “I’m not going to talk just because you’re here. In fact, if you didn’t find out about my conversation with Sehun you wouldn’t be here right now.”  She walked out of the kitchen and into the living room.


“Miyoung, let’s just sit down and talk.”


“No. I won’t, I have to go to work. Just because you come to visit me doesn’t mean my world stops, I will always keep going.” She got her bag from the sofa, “You’re welcome to stay, but I won’t be home till later.” She shut the door in his face.


Luhan walked into her bedroom, she was right, who was he trying to kid? He remembered the days she would drop everything for him. What happened to that Miyoung? He laid on her bed, taking in her sweet strawberry scent, but when he went on his side of the bed he smelt something else, like a man’s cologne. It definitely wasn’t his cologne; he got the pillow and sniffed it again. He didn’t like this, he hated it. He took all the pillows and comforter off, stuffing it in the washer. Whoever that belonged to, he didn’t want her to get used to that scent.


‘Sehun, get the guys, call Miyoung; let’s arrange a dinner party tonight.’


‘Why don’t you call her?’ He replied curiously.


‘She’s mad at me right now. She’s pretty pissed.’


‘I won’t. You contact her if you want to hang out with her so badly.’


‘I’m worried. I think she’s cheating on me, I was on her bed, and I smelt some other guy’s cologne.’


Sehun’s eyes widened, not because of him stressing, but the fact that it was Sehun’s smell. Of course nothing happened between them, he just was resting on her bed while she made lunch for the guys. If he told Luhan that he was on her bed he would freak. He didn’t reply, mostly knowing whatever he wrote would bother him out either way.




She sat there at the counter writing, it was a slow day at the library, mostly because it was Friday; people usually didn’t come on Fridays.


‘I wonder what would happen if I broke it off with him. He wouldn’t mind right? He could get any girl he wanted. Maybe everything would be fine after, I just need time, once again. I must be stupid. People tell me there is nothing wrong with it; my unnie said she takes some time away from her husband, and they have been married for almost eight years. I wonder if I will end up like her at times.’


She heard her phone beep, seeing it was a text from Luhan.  


‘Come to dinner with us, I promise not to talk about it.’ She sighed; she couldn’t leave Luhan out in the dark.


‘Sure, after dinner we could talk.’ She turned off her phone after getting info about the time and restaurant.


When she arrived there she could see the guys kidding around, the restaurant had been closed down for just them. She greeted everyone, seeing looks get exchanged between Kris and Luhan; she tried to brush it off. She sat down in between Sehun and Luhan, quickly ordering some oi naengguk. The guys ordered huge sides of bindaetteok, bulgogi, and tons of alcohol.


“Luhan, are you going back to Miyoung’s apartment afterwards?” Lay winked.


Luhan looked at her, getting her approval once again. “Yeah, we’ll take a taxi, I’ll tell Sunghwan to pick me up in the morning and give Miyoung a ride here to pick up her car.” 


They all ate; taking their sweet time, no one was in a rush. It was the perfect balance Luhan thought, placing his hand on Miyoung’s thigh; whispering sweet nothings in her ear. Sehun looked over at them, noticing the cute interaction. But he didn’t find it cute, unlike his group mates; who were cooing at the couple. They pulled away as soon as the whole group was paying attention to them.




When they arrived in her apartment, they swiftly kicked off their shoes and jackets and sat on the sofa. They just sat there holding each other’s hands, unsure of what the other was thinking.


“Kiss me.” Miyoung abruptly said. He did as told, kissing her, slowly wrapping his arms around her, making sure this moment would be imprinted in her mind forever. He was on top of her, her hands running through his hair. They were so close, but she stopped. “Luhan, wait. Let’s not get into this too fast. Let’s not skip to the makeup .” She got out from underneath him.


She sat there, hands on her knees. “Do you want to be with me? Tell me honestly.”


“Of course, I do!” He defended himself. “I love you.”


“Luhan, why do you avoid me? Do you think I’m smothering you? Or is it the fact we are in two different countries?”


“Miyoung, I want to always be with you. There is something about you, no. There is everything about you that draws me to you. I want to come home to you, and only you.” She smiled.


“Luhan, but you never call or text me…”


“Because I want you to need me, not me needing you; it’s the truth, I feel if I cling onto you, you’ll walk away.” He lied. He had to; he could straight out say that they are in a relationship what more do you want?


She kissed him, she needed him. Now, she was sure he needed her as well. 




oi naengguk is cold cucumber soup, which is perfect for the summer~

double update ^~^ hope you enjoy it~ 

ill try and update soon~

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Chapter 15: Very well written, thank you for sharing
reneeee #2
awwwww love it~!!!so sweet!
jesstxt #5
If I were to do a sequel, it will definitely be about how Sehun would manage his time with Miyoung and the boys, especially trying to get over the awkwardness that is still there with Luhan despite the year he stayed away from her.
Ahh! It's over! Great story. It was amazing.
ParkSeungRin #7
Aww too bad I wanted Luhan. SEQUEL! :D
exirtasle #8
waah! I love your story author!;( I pity both luhan and miyoung. And I kinda love sehun here:D can you do a sequel? Like when luhan realized that he really love miyoung and would snatch her away from sehun. Ahaha. Just thinking:D