chapter one;

Every Time You Go



Miyoung laid in bed, it was close to midnight and she couldn't sleep. She was thinking of Luhan, wanting to talk to him, even a little text would soothe her. Having the left side of her bed empty she felt uncomforted. She would have a good friend sleepover; maybe even some random guy who would leave in the morning. She needed that comfort, in more ways than one. She had always felt like telling him when he came back, but his kisses were so forgiving she couldn't bring herself to tell him.


She got up from her bed, going to her desk to get her laptop, she came back tucking herself back in bed. She opened her writing program but she also opened tumblr.


'They update stuff on EXO-M pretty quickly on tumblr. Whenever you feel alone, go on there.' He had said a while back. She searched EXO-M in the tags, seeing many gifs and fancams of them in the airport, being touched and grabbed. She closed tumblr and began to write.


"Many people who have not tried a long distance relationship must think it's easy. But it's not. It's filled with a helpless feeling, loneliness, and them still being so far away. Being in this long distance relationship, it makes me feel like there will never be hope. It is worthless."  


Miyoung stared at it, for some reason, she knew this could just be the beginning.




Luhan woke up, the right side of his bed occupied with a random girl he had just met the night before.


She was nothing compared to Miyoung.


Miyoung was everything, pretty, smart, pure, and the number one thing, honest. Luhan definitely wasn't the last one. He felt guilty, for what she saw in him, the honest guy who turned her life around. Made her believe again. What would she think if she had found out he was sleeping around? Knowing the fact that she wasn't getting calls from him every night wasn't only because he was busy, not only with promotions and other group related things but getting his daily hunger relieved from some random girl?


He thought of her face, drenched with tears. Even more than the tears she shedded when he left. He looked at the girl, getting out of the bed, and began to get dressed. He simply left the hotel room, and whatever he felt that night with her in there as well.  





Miyoung looked around, despite living here her whole life, she felt lost. Lost without him of course. She tightly closed her eyes, sitting at a bus stop. "Every time you go... I end up a huge wreck." She sighed opening her eyes, seeing a group of boys glancing at her. Of course they would. She probably looked like a complete nutcase talking to herself. She had always wondered if Luhan acted the same way, the feeling lost. He probably didn't. Luhan was the strong one. He had always been. Four years, this "relationship", if you can call it that when they only see each other for maybe a total amount of three or months in a year, though she had felt that when they parted it was like a little break. In that break do whatever they wanted. She tried though, having a relationship with someone, she was so close to breaking up with Luhan, but he came back suddenly making her realize what they had was special.


Only he could give her that feeling, she was sure of it.


She took out her cellphone and the paper Luhan had given her. "I choose you, Kai..." She dailed his number and he quickly answered.


"Hello, Miyoung!" So much happiness was in his voice, she would never think that coming from him. She always thought him as the calm, cool, and collected type.


"H-how do you know my name?"


"Luhan..." She stopped breathing for a second. Even someone saying his name was proven too hard for her to deal with. "Would you like to come over? We've never met you, and we would like it a lot." Kai said suddenly.


"Sure. Text me the address."  He had hung up and sent it to her.  She found herself wandering around, finding the building nearly an hour later. What can she do? She had always been a wanderer, especially since Luhan. But she didn't know he was too. 



updated~ ^^

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Chapter 15: Very well written, thank you for sharing
reneeee #2
awwwww love it~!!!so sweet!
jesstxt #5
If I were to do a sequel, it will definitely be about how Sehun would manage his time with Miyoung and the boys, especially trying to get over the awkwardness that is still there with Luhan despite the year he stayed away from her.
Ahh! It's over! Great story. It was amazing.
ParkSeungRin #7
Aww too bad I wanted Luhan. SEQUEL! :D
exirtasle #8
waah! I love your story author!;( I pity both luhan and miyoung. And I kinda love sehun here:D can you do a sequel? Like when luhan realized that he really love miyoung and would snatch her away from sehun. Ahaha. Just thinking:D