Smell and Fire ants!

Twilight saga NEW WORLD


Recap:" Let's go!" I said " Where?" I started pulling her the the boys locker room. " Why are we here?" I smile and i walked backward " I want to.." I bumped into someone and it's.....




It’s..... “ Minho sunbae!” Corra said I couldn’t think straight because of his smell..... He was all sweaty and it’s smell good..... I’m a vampire even i don’t eat human i can’t control my sense. “So why are girls doing here. Oh i get it. Are you girl trying to put gift in the locker? Do it! I wouldn’t tell anyone!” I can’t stand his smell any longer so i took out my strawberry perfume and spay it on his twice “ Am i smell that much? Well i have been practice and i don’t eat lunch. Wow you like strawberry?” I nodded as i grabbed Corra’s hand and run “ Sorry Minho sunbae!” “What’s your name? “he tried to speak English “ _____!” He smile and walk off.


“ That was a close one! What wrong with you? I don’t even smell anything!” I sigh “I have a really strong sense of smell that why. Enough with that! Where is Ricky and L.joe’s Locker?” she look at me “ Are you trying...” I nodded “Oh i get it! I’ll help you!” she said and started look at the locker and Point “Here! This is Ricky and L.joe!” she told me.


I started putting the ants in and i realize “Hey is Chun Ji a player?” She nodded I saw his name on a pink locker so i put some that too.


-the bell rang-

I started running and Corra was behind me.


*Ricky’s POV*


I haven’t told L.joe hyun that ____ mess with me again because Taemin begged me not too. So i agree with him. Well Chun Ji hyun L.joe hyun Niel Hyun and i are having the same gym period. “Hyuns! I think i’m going to faith English! Ottoke!” I said “ I don’t worry i’ll help you out!” L.joe said while putting his gym uniform i put mine as well. Suddenly my body started to itch really badly. I scratch myself and my hyuns did the same thing. I took off my shirt and i saw..... FIRE ANT all over my body as well as others but to Niel hyun  “Who did this?” L.joe said with anger “We’ll find out. Now let get this things off!” Chun Ji said as I put them out really fast.


-10 minutes later-


“ Sorry teacher i think i’ll need to see that nurse.” he nodded “ Sure! Now go” We bow and run out the gym class .


-Out side-

“I’m calling Minho Hyun! He might know because He was there before so he must something.” L.joe said while calling Minho hyun.

Minho: Hello? ( Loud speaker)

L.joe: Hey Minho hyun. Can we asked you a question?

Minho: Okay! Hurry i’m in History class right now.

L.joe: Did you see anyone in the locker room at Lunch time?
Minho: Oh yes! So do you guys like that gift?

Chun Ji : What gift? You mean Fire ants? ( Yelling)

Minho: What? Those girls did what?
Chun Ji explain.....

Minho: Oh kekekeke!

Ricky: Not funny! So explain what are they look like?

Minho: I know one of their name.

L.joe: Really who?
Minho: _____.

L.joe: Okay! Bye


He hung up “ Let’s go guys! Let’s show her not to mess with us!” L.joe said while slap an ant on his face. We nodded and went to find her.....

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Mrs_Chang_Hyun #1
Uppppdaaaaaateee D: GOOD STORY BTW
I'll reply to you all next time neh?
kevinloves #3
are you still gonna update your story? i've been waiting for very long. :( i like your story. thanks. :)
aww poor L.Joe excited about the date.....but I'm leaving since I'm a vampy!
yoshido #5
omg.. noooo............ poor L.joe... probly so excited for the date.. and i will like be leaving =[
why niel be lover
aww L.Joe loves me!<br />
even though he doesnt know im a monster xD<br />
annie is such a worrywaart for me lol
yoshido #8
awwwwwwwwww.... three couples..already.. wow... <br />
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i feel like i should play that game with my friends too. kekekeke LOL.. <br />
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OMG.. Ljoe is so chessy... " i dont like her..i love her".. kekeke so cheesy and romantic.. LOL.. <br />
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Please update soon. =]
man...... when will i tell L.Joe that I'm not like him?! xD<br />
well atleast we r together! lol<br />
3 couples at one night!!!!!! WOW!!!!!